If anyone tries to log onto the server and it says you aren't whitelisted and you were before then put up your name on here and let me know. I'll whitelist you asap, I'm usually on all the time so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
How long have you been playing minecraft: since alpha
Other servers played on: UnicornIsland, Superearth, Aurora, Realmcraft
Credentials: (such as administrator of another server, in a civilization, or buildings created) I created a giant city called skycity, with ingenuity of stores and alternate trading methods, I use to administrate a private server.
Has anyone recommended you to the server:No
Why would you want to be on this server: Because my friends are on it plus it seems fun, and it seems like it will be a long lasting server, so i dont have to worry about my work just disappearing the next day.
I thought of doing something for immigrants like me:
X: 385
Y: 77
Z: 1000
It's a Guest House for new comers. With check in desk and so far, 2 rooms. There is 1 bed in each room, furnace, bench and a chest with basic supplies, tools and food.
There's a guest list "check in" sign at the front desk so more the guest can have some privacy
I thought this would help people new to the server (like me) get settled and hopefully stay for the long run.
I claim no posession of the estate. It belongs to Civ Craft. I volunteer to operate it when I'm online.
People are free to use supplies under the condition they resupply the chest after use.
Looking forward we could charge i.e. 1/4 of day production and the income could go towards a "development" fund store somewhere.
I hope you like the idea.
Let me know your thoughts
No one bothered to build something like that since it is a temporary map.
We do have a spawn area set up though, with bank vaults, shops, and fishing hole.
I was working on adding new plots and such when we switched providers. I was handing out food to those who needed it, but someone got greedy and kept breaking the public farm so I took it away. There was a food dispenser too, but again, someone got greedy and took it all without paying (it was only a cobble per bread, seriously?).
I was also giving out 'noob packs' which had some stone tools and two cooked pork to start a person off but no one was asking for any so I gave up.
But kudos to you ^^
I think the map we're currently on will still be there for at least a couple more days so we might as well get comfortable there right?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Yes. I have breasts, I was born with a uterus, I am female. Quit saying I'm a "dude".
Also I do have development funds stored away in the old map to go towards items for building spawn.
It was from charges for specific chest locking.
I was planning on just getting rid of the chest locks and making the bank a safe place for people to store their things. Each person would have their own individual locked chest =D
Anyways, I thought it was a good idea.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Yes. I have breasts, I was born with a uterus, I am female. Quit saying I'm a "dude".
you dont have to get rid of chest locks if you are going to make this bank, you can have it as everyone gets a free signle chest, and if they want more chests, or chests in different places, they have to pay diamonds.
Everyone who can't log in, CivCraft is having technical problems, be patient. Whitelist is all buggy. And BackDraft, i can help download Bukkit + Pluggins. Msg me.
pplz kyle fasterr Sorry if im sounding like an impaitient ***** but I WANT THE OLD MAP!
If anyone tries to log onto the server and it says you aren't whitelisted and you were before then put up your name on here and let me know. I'll whitelist you asap, I'm usually on all the time so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.[/quote]
hi my ig is vinzenz i tried to logg in but i only get the message that im not whitelistet the strange thing is on saturday i could logg in so whats happend?
I should be whitelisted.
Quit saying I'm a "dude".
And no I will not prove with 'pics'.
How long have you been playing minecraft: since alpha
Other servers played on: UnicornIsland, Superearth, Aurora, Realmcraft
Credentials: (such as administrator of another server, in a civilization, or buildings created) I created a giant city called skycity, with ingenuity of stores and alternate trading methods, I use to administrate a private server.
Has anyone recommended you to the server:No
Why would you want to be on this server: Because my friends are on it plus it seems fun, and it seems like it will be a long lasting server, so i dont have to worry about my work just disappearing the next day.
Please Donate: http://www.tinyurl.com/LoapCraft
I like mumble better, but mostly just because I know how to use it better I guess.
The IP is
I don't know why it wouldn't be on the first page but whatever.
I'll add a few people and put the names up here in an edit.
Quit saying I'm a "dude".
And no I will not prove with 'pics'.
With being rude, immature, or vulgar, it's three warnings, two one day bans, and then a perma ban.
You are all warned.
And I will not make any exceptions.
Quit saying I'm a "dude".
And no I will not prove with 'pics'.
I thought of doing something for immigrants like me:
X: 385
Y: 77
Z: 1000
It's a Guest House for new comers. With check in desk and so far, 2 rooms. There is 1 bed in each room, furnace, bench and a chest with basic supplies, tools and food.
There's a guest list "check in" sign at the front desk so more the guest can have some privacy
I thought this would help people new to the server (like me) get settled and hopefully stay for the long run.
I claim no posession of the estate. It belongs to Civ Craft. I volunteer to operate it when I'm online.
People are free to use supplies under the condition they resupply the chest after use.
Looking forward we could charge i.e. 1/4 of day production and the income could go towards a "development" fund store somewhere.
I hope you like the idea.
Let me know your thoughts
Edited coords, thx Jed
We do have a spawn area set up though, with bank vaults, shops, and fishing hole.
I was working on adding new plots and such when we switched providers. I was handing out food to those who needed it, but someone got greedy and kept breaking the public farm so I took it away. There was a food dispenser too, but again, someone got greedy and took it all without paying (it was only a cobble per bread, seriously?).
I was also giving out 'noob packs' which had some stone tools and two cooked pork to start a person off but no one was asking for any so I gave up.
But kudos to you ^^
I think the map we're currently on will still be there for at least a couple more days so we might as well get comfortable there right?
Quit saying I'm a "dude".
And no I will not prove with 'pics'.
It was from charges for specific chest locking.
I was planning on just getting rid of the chest locks and making the bank a safe place for people to store their things. Each person would have their own individual locked chest =D
Anyways, I thought it was a good idea.
Quit saying I'm a "dude".
And no I will not prove with 'pics'.
pplz kyle fasterr Sorry if im sounding like an impaitient ***** but I WANT THE OLD MAP!
My giant main base not close to being finished.
Sir, you are retarded. That is HUSKYMudkipz's world.
Quit saying I'm a "dude".
And no I will not prove with 'pics'.
Quit saying I'm a "dude".
And no I will not prove with 'pics'.
DarkLordAnt still need whitelisting :biggrin.gif:
Good morning. I tried logging in using the ip and it came up with an error saying "unknown host" on minecraft.
That's not the IP of the server, that's on the front page. That's the IP of the mumble server.
You forgot the port.
Maybe you aren't really whitelisted? Make an app.