1) IGN: gunner613
2) Forum's Name:IEConnection
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: none
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A):any of them really.
5) Do you have Ventrilo: Don't call me noob but IDK what ventrilo is.
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes.
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes I do.
1 : IGN: lkenage
2 : Forum Name: lkenage
3 : Last 2 Previous servers if any: mc.magicaltoaster.com and my own server
4 : What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): If possible, I'd like to make the clan "Unicorns" with my friend who's also interested in joining (Akwon)
5 : Do you have Ventrilo: No (Can get one and know how to use)
6 : Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes
7 : Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes
1) IGN: Akwon
2) Forum's Name: Akwon1
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: mc.magicaltoaster.com
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): dont know yet
5) Do you have Ventrilo: will get it
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: yes
1) IGN: ComptonAssCarty
2) Forum's Name: ComptonAssCarty
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any:n/a
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A):RSB
5) Do you have Ventrilo:no, never heard of it but will look
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban:yes
1: IGN: blade7115
2: Forum's Name: None
3: Last 2 Previous servers if any: Deathmatchmania, and Lifecraft.
4: What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): D.P.E
5: Do you have Ventrilo: No i don't, but i can get it.
6: Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes.
7: Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes.
1) IGN: (In Game Name) : hijoseph
2) Forum's Name: hijoseph
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: Deathmatch Mod / THE ISLAND
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): n/a
5) Do you have Ventrilo: Yeah and mumble
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes
I think that one of my friend is going to establish a clan. His name is "whathype".
IGN: Whathype
2) Forum's Name: Whathype
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: Deathmatch Mania and The Island Server
4) What clan you are interest in joining: N/A
5) Do you have Ventrilo:Yes and Mumble
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes i Do have it fully installed.
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban:Yes I understand it clearly.
a) Clan Name:10DEEP
:cool.gif: City Name:Bay Area
c) Have atleast 5 Members and if so how many?:Yes I have 4 of my friends that are going to apply to this server soon. I think one of my friend Joseph has already applied. So i have 5 =D!
d) Names of Members: Whathype, Duck, Fizikz, HiJoseph, and Tweak.
1) IGN: (In Game Name) Stealez
2) Forum's Name: o_O Read this post..
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: My server and My PVP server :smile.gif:
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): Not truly sure, must meet the people.
5) Do you have Ventrilo:Yes
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes.
sorry guys. kain isn't on most of the time as he is very busy. i will ask codemask (server owner) and see if i can accept people and give them the ip. so sit tight and hopfully i can help.
Also. people who are interested in joining The Dark Pheonix Empire. Go to the link in my sig. or just go here... http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=170216
1) IGN: (In Game Name) stone2
2) Forum's Name:stone2
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any:none
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A):i want to see how they act
5) Do you have Ventrilo: no what is it
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: of corse
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: yes
(IF You put N/A on the Clan question answer this out)
1) IGN: sjorsdude2
2) Forum's Name: sjorsdude2
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: Deathmatch Mania and another one but i forget the name :S
4) What clan you are interest in joining: currently none
5) Do you have Ventrilo: WTF is ventrilo???
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: yes i understand
please accept me
IGN: (In Game Name) alarru
2) Forum's Name: Kind of redundant... (alarru)
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: Abyssima; Darkness Rising
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): D.P.E (Applied)
5) Do you have Ventrilo: Yes.
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: yes(1.6, can upgrade to 2.0)
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes.
2) Forum's Name:IEConnection
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: none
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A):any of them really.
5) Do you have Ventrilo: Don't call me noob but IDK what ventrilo is.
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes.
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes I do.
2 : Forum Name: lkenage
3 : Last 2 Previous servers if any: mc.magicaltoaster.com and my own server
4 : What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): If possible, I'd like to make the clan "Unicorns" with my friend who's also interested in joining (Akwon)
5 : Do you have Ventrilo: No (Can get one and know how to use)
6 : Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes
7 : Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes
2) Forum's Name: Akwon1
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: mc.magicaltoaster.com
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): dont know yet
5) Do you have Ventrilo: will get it
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: yes
2) Forum's Name: ComptonAssCarty
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any:n/a
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A):RSB
5) Do you have Ventrilo:no, never heard of it but will look
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban:yes
2: Forum's Name: None
3: Last 2 Previous servers if any: Deathmatchmania, and Lifecraft.
4: What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): D.P.E
5: Do you have Ventrilo: No i don't, but i can get it.
6: Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes.
7: Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes.
2) Forum's Name: hijoseph
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: Deathmatch Mod / THE ISLAND
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): n/a
5) Do you have Ventrilo: Yeah and mumble
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes
I think that one of my friend is going to establish a clan. His name is "whathype".
2) Forum's Name: Whathype
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: Deathmatch Mania and The Island Server
4) What clan you are interest in joining: N/A
5) Do you have Ventrilo:Yes and Mumble
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes i Do have it fully installed.
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban:Yes I understand it clearly.
a) Clan Name:10DEEP
:cool.gif: City Name:Bay Area
c) Have atleast 5 Members and if so how many?:Yes I have 4 of my friends that are going to apply to this server soon. I think one of my friend Joseph has already applied. So i have 5 =D!
d) Names of Members: Whathype, Duck, Fizikz, HiJoseph, and Tweak.
Will I ever be accepted?
Also. people who are interested in joining The Dark Pheonix Empire. Go to the link in my sig. or just go here...
When Things Can't get Any Worse. You Can Always Trust The Creeper
2) Forum's Name:stone2
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any:none
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A):i want to see how they act
5) Do you have Ventrilo: no what is it
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: of corse
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: yes
(IF You put N/A on the Clan question answer this out)
i love the idea of a server with sdk's gun mod
2) Forum's Name: sjorsdude2
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: Deathmatch Mania and another one but i forget the name :S
4) What clan you are interest in joining: currently none
5) Do you have Ventrilo: WTF is ventrilo???
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: yes i understand
please accept me
2) Forum's Name: Kind of redundant... (alarru)
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: Abyssima; Darkness Rising
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A): D.P.E (Applied)
5) Do you have Ventrilo: Yes.
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: yes(1.6, can upgrade to 2.0)
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes.
-Accepted in to D.P.E.
the server is currently down. it will be back up soon. (hopfully)
i know. its annoying. i havn't talked with codemask yet so i can't give the ips out to u. :sad.gif:
Edit: Servers Back Up! :biggrin.gif:
When Things Can't get Any Worse. You Can Always Trust The Creeper
i believe its 1.6 though you can install 2.0 and it will work.
When Things Can't get Any Worse. You Can Always Trust The Creeper