IGN: masonhales
Job: banker
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: i think this post-griefer apocalyptic idea sound pretty fun. also, sign me up as a banker. im already planning the layout of my bank as we speak
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): cuz. (lol)
Considering I've been checking out these forums for at least a week, it's probably best I finally registered. Hello everyone. :smile.gif:
Back on topic,
IGN: BloodySharpie
Job: Miner
Small description of myself: I'm a 19-year-old girl in New York who is currently going to college. I've had Minecraft for at least a month. I'm usually very quiet and keep to myself, but I have a tendency to say odd things (sometimes just for fun and to get people to laugh).
Why I want to be accepted: I'm very good at finding things. The most ore I've found in one cave is 88 iron ore and 13 gold ore in a couple hours. Also I'm starting to get a little lonely (and bored) in singleplayer and am looking for an interesting multiplayer server to join.
If I get whitelisted, I look forward to meeting you all. :smile.gif:
IGN: KrisEike
Job: Not really sure yet. Gotta see how the server is running first.
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I just need a server to play on..
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): Because, i need a server to play on, or i'll go crazy.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Uhm I submitted a correct app but I wasn't whitelisted.. Sorry if I'm annoying you
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm a fun loving person who enjoys to roleplay with other people and enjoy myself. I also enjoy making new friends even though I'm rather shy... I've also had rather bad memories with griefers because I was a fur.
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): WEll I've been trying to find a decent RP server and the rest just seem a bit meh
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:Occasional RPer and hoping to learn more on the in's and outs of Building, from a watcher's viewpoint. Also have a large hankering to punch skeletons.
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): Hoping to have a whole lot of fun with people and making friends. Also to help be apart of something great.
I am a good builder have seen many youtube videos i like and im good at fighting monsters if give right tools bow and sword.i wish to join because this server looks like one id like. thank you very much.
IGN: Kooliobeast
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am friendly. I am helpful and can help out building
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): i have been looking for a server like this
IGN: Rchicken31
Job: Messenger
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I have been playing Minecraft since early August although I only started playing Mulitplayer sometime around October. I do love this game and find myself immersed in building large structures and although I do prefer to make my buildings a little ways away from towns I still try to participate in any nearby communities.
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): I would like to join because I to have been a victim of griefing many times and am hoping that this will be a server where I don't have to be in fear of my buildings being filled with lava and TNT.
Me and some server members have been thinking of using Obsidian as currency. 3 Diamond = 1 Obsidian, because it takes 3 Diamond to make a Diamond Pickaxe, which you use to mine Obsidian.
What do you think?
Sorry, unless you got a decent point on changing the currency to that besides the one you listed and have the server's majority (Around 20 people) who approve of your idea, I'm not going to change it. It's not very necessary. I listed the basic currency and what each equals to, you can just assign the price, that's all.
Description: I've had some experience with minecraft online and I love roleplay. I hope this server doesn't get griefed as the previous ones I've been been a part of has.
Why: I feel I would greatly contribute to this server. It sounds like a lot of fun and I would like to be part of this community. Being a part of this community would be awesome and I would like to contribute as much as I can.
Everybody since my last Whitelist Acception reply is added. Enjoy The Server, also...recently lotsa people aren't even reading through the thread fully, let alone the "Rules" section. So read the rules, so you're not asking me the silliest questions when you're in.
IGN: mortalhell
Job: Miner
small 2-3 sentence description of myself: 18 out of school enjoying freedom before college looking for an architectule degree I enjoy the game it stimulates my mind.
I want to be accepted: because i want to play with people who like to build
and have fun.
IGN:AMiTRAVIS Job:Survivor (for now) Description of Myself:My name is kevin, I'm 19 and I fancy building medieval style structures Why you want to be accepted:I like the idea of towns and jobs, and because I want to play minecraft :tongue.gif:
Job: toolsmith
Description of Myself: My name is chris, I'm 24 and have just found minecraft. I like building above ground and selling things to players in need.
Why you want to be accepted:I like the idea of towns, jobs, and combining role playing with minecraft.
IGN: pjk99
Job: Survivor i'm not sure what i want...
Description of Myself: Friendly funny creative guy
Why you want to be accepted: it sounds like a great rping server looking forward too the working communities
-No PvPing in the Spawn area, only in unpopulated, town-less areas. If you fail to understand the point of this rule, you're probably banned.
-No Shouting, you can only do it when it really seems important. -You Can Occasionally Rob People, if it seems constant, you will be banned.
-New Life Rule (Yes it was taken straight out of DarkRP in Gmod) that means New Life Rule, when you're spawned you ignore whoever killed you, you can still go back and see if your stuff is lying around etc etc.
-Have Common Sense
-No Griefing -No Stealing
-No Effing Around With people's shiii
-Please don't walk onto people's property without permission.
Job: Handyman or Guard
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: im 15 tears old i act my age and i nice to eveyone
Job: banker
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: i think this post-griefer apocalyptic idea sound pretty fun. also, sign me up as a banker. im already planning the layout of my bank as we speak
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): cuz. (lol)
Back on topic,
IGN: BloodySharpie
Job: Miner
Small description of myself: I'm a 19-year-old girl in New York who is currently going to college. I've had Minecraft for at least a month. I'm usually very quiet and keep to myself, but I have a tendency to say odd things (sometimes just for fun and to get people to laugh).
Why I want to be accepted: I'm very good at finding things. The most ore I've found in one cave is 88 iron ore and 13 gold ore in a couple hours. Also I'm starting to get a little lonely (and bored) in singleplayer and am looking for an interesting multiplayer server to join.
If I get whitelisted, I look forward to meeting you all. :smile.gif:
Job: Not really sure yet. Gotta see how the server is running first.
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I just need a server to play on..
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): Because, i need a server to play on, or i'll go crazy.
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm a fun loving person who enjoys to roleplay with other people and enjoy myself. I also enjoy making new friends even though I'm rather shy... I've also had rather bad memories with griefers because I was a fur.
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): WEll I've been trying to find a decent RP server and the rest just seem a bit meh
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:Occasional RPer and hoping to learn more on the in's and outs of Building, from a watcher's viewpoint. Also have a large hankering to punch skeletons.
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): Hoping to have a whole lot of fun with people and making friends. Also to help be apart of something great.
I am a good builder have seen many youtube videos i like and im good at fighting monsters if give right tools bow and sword.i wish to join because this server looks like one id like. thank you very much.
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am friendly. I am helpful and can help out building
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): i have been looking for a server like this
Just felt like re-posting this. Again.
Sorry, unless you got a decent point on changing the currency to that besides the one you listed and have the server's majority (Around 20 people) who approve of your idea, I'm not going to change it. It's not very necessary. I listed the basic currency and what each equals to, you can just assign the price, that's all.
IGN: MikeBuddy
Job: Farmer
Description: I've had some experience with minecraft online and I love roleplay. I hope this server doesn't get griefed as the previous ones I've been been a part of has.
Why: I feel I would greatly contribute to this server. It sounds like a lot of fun and I would like to be part of this community. Being a part of this community would be awesome and I would like to contribute as much as I can.
Job: Miner
small 2-3 sentence description of myself: 18 out of school enjoying freedom before college looking for an architectule degree I enjoy the game it stimulates my mind.
I want to be accepted: because i want to play with people who like to build
and have fun.
put your hands in the air and scream **** THE WORLD!!!
Job:Survivor (for now)
Description of Myself:My name is kevin, I'm 19 and I fancy building medieval style structures
Why you want to be accepted:I like the idea of towns and jobs, and because I want to play minecraft :tongue.gif:
Job: toolsmith
Description of Myself: My name is chris, I'm 24 and have just found minecraft. I like building above ground and selling things to players in need.
Why you want to be accepted:I like the idea of towns, jobs, and combining role playing with minecraft.
Job: Survivor
Description of Myself: Friendly funny creative guy
Why you want to be accepted: it sounds like a great rping server looking forward too the working communities