IGN - iceangel313
Preferred Faction: Outlaws
Why you want to join this Faction: I'm more of a loner and I like the idea of mugging, and stealing from just about everyone around me, just as long as it helps me in some way.
Why you want to join the server: Well I've never experienced a Minecraft RP and this seems to be the place to start, it wouldn't be my first time Rping in general though =D
I thought I remembered seeing Tiget as a knight and Ivan as a barbarian. Did they change to Outlaw just for this? I remember Ivan constantly just coming back after death to start punching me with his hands. Over and over.
opening up for town creation (with town protection) will solve all this ,imo
looting and killing still possible, but you need to be a good thief to get into the towns!
I think what needs to happen to get this server to where it needs to go, is to remove the Outlaw faction, and make Barbarians work together like knights by saying they can't kill each other as well. We're not really seeing any faction battles which I what I think this is really about. When both Barbarians and Knights are going strong and have their own towns, bases/etc, then we can start incorporating Outlaws for newer players.
IGN : Turikar
Preferred Faction: Knights
Why you want to join this Faction: Well i like a team to work with and they have a leader (next choice is barbarians if there is not enough)
Why you want to join the server: Giant faction wars and looting, I think that's good enough for most people.
I kill one (Metroid says it was him) and he has lightstone... How does one get lightstone with no nether and iconomy not functioning properly...
Now they are insulting me (attempting at least)
And an outlaw joined our chat then logs out and back in and is in our faction...
So anyway is this the kind of stuff you are letting go on?
Metroid and firefly both /home in battle and unless he is pillaring firefly used a fly mod to get into our castle and kill me. Then they begin to spawn kill our guys. You can no longer play this off as minor griefing. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to screen the place covered in water, I logged in after its clean up. So they are allowed to burn our town down twice, spawn kill, fly and cause major griefing, at what point does this end. I am beginning to get fed up with this. Force the outlaws to leave knights alone for now and stop this crap. There is a limit and they have crossed it in ways I thought noone would cross.
Edit: Metroid said he got the lightstone from redstone!? and he gets coal from clay!?
EDIT: We also got leaves from their corpses and they 1x1 tower
Preferred Faction: outlaws
Why you want to join this Faction: I have been in a faction like the knight before, and to me, its not as exciting as i thought it would be. Also, i would only like together with a few other outlaws to raid places secretly, and kill if needed.
Why you want to join the server: I have been on two servers that were RP so far, and they have been great. One server was too laggy, and the mods were kinda corrupt. The other one was down too much. I hope that this server redeems my hope in RP servers, because i believe that these servers have lot of potential. I think this would be a good server to continue my search to find the perfect RP server.
*** ***
Rules? I accept!
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Quote from sashko138 »
Describing Minecraft is like describing orgasms...
Even Science cant do it
Quote from Chowder »
Sorry man, all minecraftforum has got is rapists and a couple of puppy kickers.
Some of us only rape a little, though, if that helps.
ING: Ryanh34
Preferred Faction: Outlaws
Why you want to join this Faction: sounds like the best fit for me.
Why you want to join the server: Looks like a good server
Dude, Lots of other people got clay from coal and glowstone from redstone. Plus, it is allowed to destroy and pillage another factions town. Its not against the rules to make it so that you can't get out from spawn, atleast from what i've seen. And also, I forgot about the whole no homing in battle thing, I'll try not to do it again. I wasn't pillaring, either, I was making stairs around the castle by destroying and building. i didn't burn it down, nor did I spawn kill. And I most CERTAINLY did not fly. Also, Griefing is allowed, complaining about it is not.
Dude, Lots of other people got clay from coal and glowstone from redstone. Plus, it is allowed to destroy and pillage another factions town. Its not against the rules to make it so that you can't get out from spawn, atleast from what i've seen. And also, I forgot about the whole no homing in battle thing, I'll try not to do it again. I wasn't pillaring, either, I was making stairs around the castle by destroying and building. i didn't burn it down, nor did I spawn kill. And I most CERTAINLY did not fly. Also, Griefing is allowed, complaining about it is not.
Preferred Faction: Outlaws
Why you want to join this Faction: PVP servers need an assassins guild
Why you want to join the server: Love the mod list, very unique. Looking for a populated server to grow with
U mad, really though, i admit i may have set my home outside your base for easy access, the rules state using home to run away from battle is disallowed, not getting to it. And i use neither 1x1 towers (else you would see them) nor a fly mod, sneaking means you can't see anyone through walls, i snuck up your tower and killed you from behind, btw you and I seem to have a different opinion on griefing, or maybe I missed the big fuss you seem to be making, when Metroid and I got there, no penises, yes there were half destroyed buildings but nothing major, not the end of the world.
Overall, grow some thicker skin, if all you want to do is frolick in a flower field where nothing bad ever happens ever, a server like this isn't for you, if there are 2 opposite factions, there is naturally hostility, anything vs anything encourages people to be the biggest **** towards the other thing, learn to deal with it.
As for spawn killing, what do you expect? If anyone attacks anywhere that is a spawn for one faction, they will spawn camp, if the Knights stormed our globalspawn, you're saying you would leave straight after that? No, you wouldn't.
The last 2 paragraphs in particular can apply to the other people in this pthread complaining, perhaps if anyone actually reads this you might realise instead of wasting time complaining, you could be playing the game and thinking of a way to stop all the things you hate without spamming this place, crying for bans and telling the whole world how mean the Outlaws are.
I heard you digging and went towards the sound and killed you
Its not mindless complaining we are tired of you taking down our houses with fire, flooding our place, spawn killing our people, pillaring, /home in battle and leaving offensive signs and images in our base. I'd only kill someone at their spawn if they went to attack me while I was there. There is no way to stop you guys because you come back constantly. You destroy the town, start a forest fire and nothing happens. How'd you like it if we constantly flooded your homes with water or burnt them to the ground, leaving cobblestone penises and signs telling you to eat them in our wake?
Preferred Faction: outlaws
Why you want to join this Faction: freely building my own house, etc.
Why you want to join the server: looks interesting. i might change factions after i have explored.
Once again I'll say it, when Metroid and I went there, there were no penises, pillars, offensive signs and only moderate damage, it was a raid to loot the place, not us trying to grief you, and raiding the place is something we are allowed to do. Hell all we did in the end was kill you a couple times with nothing to show for it, also when were all these other griefing cases, since i got here last night, i've seen one succesful raid, and then the most recent attempt made by Metroid and myself. Might I add that all the complaining is coming from the Knights, if 2 factions can live with each other, surely one more can, I understand all the Knights are bound by chivalry and such but if this is that important to you, do something about instead of spending your nights on here.
Oh yes and I figured out how you found me, although I'm not sure why you'd bring it up, this wasn't about that.
Well then either way I died once, if I remember correctly it was the knights that won that battle.
So I log on today to find a whole bunch of people whining about griefing. Honestly, to an extent I understand. You guys have worked really hard on the Knight base and it looks awesome so I can see why your frustrated. On the other side of things you must understand this is a PVP server so some amount of griefing will happen and I hope that it doesn't cause you to leave the sever permanently. I wish I could have setup towny sooner but i've been quite busy (and honestly feel like I've kept up with the server pretty amazingly considering how busy I've been).
Either way Towny is now implemented in the Knight town and is protected with Jero as the leader. Jero will have to add you as a member, some of the assistant may be able to add you as well. PVP is still enabled in the area they just cant destroy your buildings. Mission accomplished!
Nations can also now create their own towns depending and the size depends on the number of additional members.
As far as the griefers go spawn camping will not be tolerated and I've updated this on the rules list. If I found out spawn camping continues to happen players will be banned.
because it always says "kicked by admin"
Preferred Faction: Outlaws
Why you want to join this Faction: I'm more of a loner and I like the idea of mugging, and stealing from just about everyone around me, just as long as it helps me in some way.
Why you want to join the server: Well I've never experienced a Minecraft RP and this seems to be the place to start, it wouldn't be my first time Rping in general though =D
Rules? I accept!
thanks man :wink.gif:
looting and killing still possible, but you need to be a good thief to get into the towns!
Preferred Faction: Knights
Why you want to join this Faction: Well i like a team to work with and they have a leader (next choice is barbarians if there is not enough)
Why you want to join the server: Giant faction wars and looting, I think that's good enough for most people.
Rules? I Accept!
The correct spelling is renovation
Then they come back and start attacking:
I kill one (Metroid says it was him) and he has lightstone... How does one get lightstone with no nether and iconomy not functioning properly...
Now they are insulting me (attempting at least)
And an outlaw joined our chat then logs out and back in and is in our faction...
So anyway is this the kind of stuff you are letting go on?
Metroid and firefly both /home in battle and unless he is pillaring firefly used a fly mod to get into our castle and kill me. Then they begin to spawn kill our guys. You can no longer play this off as minor griefing. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to screen the place covered in water, I logged in after its clean up. So they are allowed to burn our town down twice, spawn kill, fly and cause major griefing, at what point does this end. I am beginning to get fed up with this. Force the outlaws to leave knights alone for now and stop this crap. There is a limit and they have crossed it in ways I thought noone would cross.
Edit: Metroid said he got the lightstone from redstone!? and he gets coal from clay!?
EDIT: We also got leaves from their corpses and they 1x1 tower
Why you want to join this Faction: I have been in a faction like the knight before, and to me, its not as exciting as i thought it would be. Also, i would only like together with a few other outlaws to raid places secretly, and kill if needed.
Why you want to join the server: I have been on two servers that were RP so far, and they have been great. One server was too laggy, and the mods were kinda corrupt. The other one was down too much. I hope that this server redeems my hope in RP servers, because i believe that these servers have lot of potential. I think this would be a good server to continue my search to find the perfect RP server.
*** ***
Rules? I accept!
Preferred Faction: Outlaws
Why you want to join this Faction: sounds like the best fit for me.
Why you want to join the server: Looks like a good server
"Rules? I accept!"
Never said you flew
Why you want to join this Faction: PVP servers need an assassins guild
Why you want to join the server: Love the mod list, very unique. Looking for a populated server to grow with
Rules? I accept!
Perfered Fraction: TheBrotherhood -note: I dont know how to get in it, if not them then barbarians
Why i want to join the fraction? I want to join a nice small clan that can easily raid and have fun
Why i want to join the server? It sounds amazing pvp, raids, clans just fun i guess and it seems like a nice community
I accept the rules!!
I heard you digging and went towards the sound and killed you
Its not mindless complaining we are tired of you taking down our houses with fire, flooding our place, spawn killing our people, pillaring, /home in battle and leaving offensive signs and images in our base. I'd only kill someone at their spawn if they went to attack me while I was there. There is no way to stop you guys because you come back constantly. You destroy the town, start a forest fire and nothing happens. How'd you like it if we constantly flooded your homes with water or burnt them to the ground, leaving cobblestone penises and signs telling you to eat them in our wake?
Preferred Faction: outlaws
Why you want to join this Faction: freely building my own house, etc.
Why you want to join the server: looks interesting.
i might change factions after i have explored.
Well then either way I died once, if I remember correctly it was the knights that won that battle.
Either way Towny is now implemented in the Knight town and is protected with Jero as the leader. Jero will have to add you as a member, some of the assistant may be able to add you as well. PVP is still enabled in the area they just cant destroy your buildings. Mission accomplished!
Nations can also now create their own towns depending and the size depends on the number of additional members.
As far as the griefers go spawn camping will not be tolerated and I've updated this on the rules list. If I found out spawn camping continues to happen players will be banned.