Please log on to the server with the hostname and submit a ticket requesting to be promoted with "/modreq Please accept my application!." Please note that it may take some time before an admin is able to promote you, and that barring chests, basic building and faction permissions are allocated to you as a Guest. Some useful links:
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Real Name: thial moore In game Name: moore12 Your age: 13 Country/Timezone: usa/idk Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: The server looks awsome! The server has everything i want. The people have sense too! What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: Everything in single player but LOTS more! What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: Builder. mabye raider if i join a hardcore clan/party i never grief because there is no point in it. How did you hear about us?: the guys name being dark blue on the forums. We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: if you need me to then YES! What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? it is 9987 if i can but i never used a mike on the compurer before. Do we allow griefing?: yes! Do we use LWC here?: nope Did you vote for us on minestatus?: yup! How many votes do we have now?: 989 almost to 1000!!!! Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: sure! Do we use Factions here?: yes Do you accept that you will die a lot?: a man about it! Do you whine or get revenge?: revenge or just avoid Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: yup Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: yup... Do you have friends here?: nope....i should get some in the future!
Please log on to the server with the hostname and submit a ticket requesting to be promoted with "/modreq Please accept my application!." Please note that it may take some time before an admin is able to promote you, and that barring chests, basic building and faction permissions are allocated to you as a Guest. Some useful links:
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Real Name: george batarde In game Name: nashuawatso Your age:14 Country/Timezone: -5 gmt --- eastern Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: nice plugins and community What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: stable server - nice community - awesome pvping What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: raider and pvper How did you hear about us?: my friend perfectBOB We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: once in a while What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? dunno and wont be on Do we allow griefing?:yes Do we use LWC here?:idk Did you vote for us on minestatus?: yes How many votes do we have now?: i dont know Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: yes every time i can Do we use Factions here?: yes Do you accept that you will die a lot?: yes Do you whine or get revenge?: revenge Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: yes Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: yes Do you have friends here?: perfectBOB
Real Name: Daniel TIndall In game Name: Tino_the_Ninja Your age: 14 Country/Timezone: Perth/ western australia Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: I want to play here to have fun and entertain myself. Finally I have found a PVP server! What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: I expect this to be a fun and thrilling adventurous server, with alot of frustration and killing. What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: I more of a raider. I nearly never grief usually and im a good builder. How did you hear about us?: Browsing the Minecraft Forums We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: I am always active so yes. What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? and i will probably chillax on this server. Do we allow griefing?: Yes, but I probably wont. Do we use LWC here?: no Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yes i did and intend to. How many votes do we have now?: 992 + Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: Yes I will! Do we use Factions here?: no Do you accept that you will die a lot?: yep Do you whine or get revenge?: I will try to get revenge :wink.gif: Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: I do. Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Yes. Do you have friends here?: No, but I might recruit some if this server is good.
In game, type "/modreq Page #" where the page number is the page on minecraftforums your application is on.
Please log on to the server with the hostname and submit a ticket requesting to be promoted with "/modreq Please accept my application!." Please note that it may take some time before an admin is able to promote you, and that barring chests, basic building and faction permissions are allocated to you as a Guest. Some useful links:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
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Real Name: William In game Name: iAttackNoobs Your age: 16 Country/Timezone: CST Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: I want to find a fun pvp server, and this server looks nice. What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: A lag-free, pvp server. What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: Builder, and Killer. :3 How did you hear about us?: Minecraft Forums We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: Nope, I can only play once a week. What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? Do we allow griefing?: Yup Do we use LWC here?: Didn't see anything about LWC in description... Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yup How many votes do we have now?: 992 Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: Can't... Do we use Factions here?: Yes Do you accept that you will die a lot?: Nope... master of hiding. Do you whine or get revenge?: Get revenge. Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: Yup... Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Yup. Do you have friends here?: Nope.
In game, type "/modreq Page #" where the page number is the page on minecraftforums your application is on.
Real Name: Judah In game Name: kwickgamer Your age: 14 Country/Timezone: Canada, Easter Standered Time (GMT -5) Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: Well, I've been looking around for a nice server, and every single good server i've found eventually gets destroyed. I've joined four good servers, two were shut down, one added all sorts of crappy mods that absolutely noone wanted, and one became a hardcore rp server. This server looks liek a fu ntime, and static. What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: I expect a fun yet challenging survival adventure, where i hopefully meet some cool people. What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: To be honest, I absolutely love raiding, i don't like griefing, and i enjoy building, but i really am a thief at heart. How did you hear about us?: I was just browsing the forums. We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: If i like this server, then yes, i will probably be active. What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? It is, with a defualt port. I'm not sure if i'll chat on it, I would prefer mumble, but if I really od liek this server I guess i'll download teamspeak. Do we allow griefing?: Why yes, yes you do. Do we use LWC here?: Nope. Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yup ^^ How many votes do we have now?: 933, and you are rank 4, and have a score of 1,872. Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: Sure, I'll try as hard as i can. Do we use Factions here?: Yes. Do you accept that you will die a lot?: Well, i accept that it extremly easy for me to die, but wheather or not i die is kind of up to how skilled fighters you all are. :wink.gif: Do you whine or get revenge?: Get revenge. Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: Yes i do Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Yes. Do you have friends here?: Not that i know of.
Real Name:Ryan In game Name:rbello95 Your age: 15 Country/Timezone: Eastern Standard Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: Basically me and a few friends have been looking for a good populated pvp server where we can base up and have fun. This server seems to be perfect, For example the last server we tried required VIP to /home so getting to our base would always be a trouble. This server also has alot of great opportunities to try out using the economy like buying from shops unlike other servers that require Donations to get a good feel for the server. What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.:I expect to be able to work together with my current IRL friends to build a small community and Kick ass excuse my "french". What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.:Love to Build hate griefing creations but still love to steal and raid. How did you hear about us?:Minecraftforums We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?:Absolutely, Wouldn't mind being a productive member of the community What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it?:ts3server://, and it depends on me growing a relationship with players but i most likely will. Do we allow griefing?: Yes Do we use LWC here?: No Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yes How many votes do we have now?:Alot lol, 997 + Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: Lol I will before i join every afternoon Do we use Factions here?:Yes Do you accept that you will die a lot?:NO, Im amazing "Just playing I understand" Do you whine or get revenge?:No I'm pretty chill Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?:YES Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?:100% Do you have friends here?:I will
In game, type "/modreq Page #" where the page number is the page on minecraftforums your application is on.
Please log on to the server with the hostname and submit a ticket requesting to be promoted with "/modreq Please accept my application!." Please note that it may take some time before an admin is able to promote you, and that barring chests, basic building and faction permissions are allocated to you as a Guest. Some useful links:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
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[b][b]Real Name[/b]:Mark curtis
[b]In game Name[/b]:mark12321
[b]Your age[/b]: [b]Country/Timezone[/b]:england GMT
[b]Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.[/b]: i would like to play here because im sick of servers who are strict...your server doesnt seem strict :smile.gif:
[b]What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.[/b]: i expect full pvp fighting, raiding peoples homes, burning peoples house down and everyone is happy :biggrin.gif:
[b]What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.[/b]: i consider myself to be a raider because i love to steal things from peoples chests :smile.gif: beware of me lol...
[b]How did you hear about us?[/b]: through the minecraft forum
[b]We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?[/b]: yes i will
[b]What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it?[/b]
[b]Do we allow griefing?[/b]:yes you do :smile.gif:
[b]Do we use LWC here?[/b]:i don't know
[b]Did you vote for us on minestatus?[/b]:yes of course i did
[b]How many votes do we have now?[/b]: 997 and still growing
[b]Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm![/b]:yes i will because its simple
[b]Do we use Factions here?[/b]:yes
[b]Do you accept that you will die a lot?[/b]:yes of couse
[b]Do you whine or get revenge?[/b]:revenge is key
[b]Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?[/b]:yes i do
[b]Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?[/b]:i can mine the things myself so i dont mind
[b]Do you have friends here?[/b]:no
In game, type "/modreq Page #" where the page number is the page on minecraftforums your application is on.
Your application was denied for the following reasons:
Please log on to the server with the hostname and submit a ticket requesting to be promoted with "/modreq Please accept my application!." Please note that it may take some time before an admin is able to promote you, and that barring chests, basic building and faction permissions are allocated to you as a Guest. Some useful links:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
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Name: Matthew.
Country: Canada.
Why do I want to play: My friends played on it and said it was really fun, so I wish to do the same.
What do I expect: Amazing staff and Tons of fun.
What Player am I:I The Builder and Viking with no mercy.
How I Heard about you: Friends.
Will I be active on forums: Try my best.
Teamspeak Server address + will I be in:, Possibly.
Do you allow griefing: Yes.
Do you guys use LWC: No.
Did I vote: Yes.
How many votes you have: 999.
Will I help by voting every 24 hours: I will try my best to.
Do you use factions: Yes.
Do I accept I will die alot: Yes.
Do I wine or get revenge: Definitely do not wine but I may get revenge.
Do I understand that you need subscribers and some donations (funders): Yes
Do I understand I will have to kill myself if I get stuck and will not be teleported if I ask: Yes
Do I have friends here: Yes
Real Name:Brendal In game Name:brendal100 Your age:19 Country/Timezone:America Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.:A few people on another server joined so I wish to join also. What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.:I expect maturaty on a decent level What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.:Raider, pvp'er, and builder How did you hear about us? We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?:Yes I will be What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it?I dont use teamspeak... sorry Do we allow griefing?:Yes Do we use LWC here?:No Did you vote for us on minestatus?:Yes How many votes do we have now?:1,000 exactly... Wow Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!:Lol yeah sure Do we use Factions here?:Yes Do you accept that you will die a lot?:Thats what makes it fun Do you whine or get revenge?:Revenge :smile.gif: Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?:Yes Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?:Yes I understand completely Do you have friends here?:Yes I do
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Screw this, I'm going to bed. lol jk I never sleep.
Real Name: Arrow In game Name: Nothappen Your age: 17 Country/Timezone: gmt -5 Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: I like to Pvp and Greif who dose not! What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: To kill and be killed same with greifing What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: A pvper that will break into your building and raid you How did you hear about us?: Mr.noodles told me We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: Yes What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? yes I will try, Do we allow griefing?: Of course Do we use LWC here?: No Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yes How many votes do we have now?: 1,001 Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: Yeh of course Do we use Factions here?: Yes Do you accept that you will die a lot?: No I will kill a lot Do you whine or get revenge?: nope Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: yes and I may donate in the future Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Sure thing I under stand now Do you have friends here?: Yes
Please log on to the server with the hostname and submit a ticket requesting to be promoted with "/modreq Please accept my application!." Please note that it may take some time before an admin is able to promote you, and that barring chests, basic building and faction permissions are allocated to you as a Guest. Some useful links:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
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Real Name: I'd rather not say, out of privacy concerns. In game Name: Silty Your age: 21 Country/Timezone: USA EST Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: I've mostly played on private servers with friends up till now. PvPing sounds like an exciting change. What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: I haven't experienced enough Minecraft PvP to answer this as verbosely as one may like, but I'm just expecting some exciting PvP. Defensive building and offensive raids seem like they would be fun. What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: If it's fighting, I enjoy the kind where the opponent is a challenge more than simply griefing a helpless individual. If it's building, I like to combine practicality with an attempt at aesthetics. I'm comfortable with redstone and various other complex Minecraft mechanics. How did you hear about us?: ConflagratedCanine advertised it on forums I frequent. We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: Yeah. What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? port 9987 Sorry, I don't have a mic. I'll be on IRC, though. Do we allow griefing?: Yes Do we use LWC here?: I don't think so. Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yes How many votes do we have now?: 994 when I voted (edit: looks like 1002 now?) Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: I'll try to. Do we use Factions here?: Yes. Do you accept that you will die a lot?: Yeah, sounds fun, as long as my opponents also die once in a while. :smile.gif: Do you whine or get revenge?: I try not to be loud and annoying, but I also won't let people simply pick on me for whatever reason. Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: Yeah, I completely understand that it's necessary to give paying users an advantage, since Minecraft servers are expensive to run. It's nice to see you allow people to play for free, since some people only start paying after they've been playing for a while, assuming they have disposable income. Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Yeah, that's fine. Lately, I've mostly been playing games with permanent death (no loading saves once you die), so I see these kinds of things as a challenge to be overcome, rather than something negative. I wouldn't go as far as deleting my character every time I die, but if it's already part of the game, then it's cool. :smile.gif: Do you have friends here?: Yeah, I know a bunch of people from the Minerant crew, since I'm "Spleen" in the Doom community. I used to play with them back when they had their own server.
Real Name: Han Sirotin In game Name: Pure_Season Your age:14 Country/Timezone: Eastern Time Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: I want to play here because i really like this server and i want to enjoy even more by applying. What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: What i ecpect of this sever is that it will be very successful and continue on. What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: Griefer How did you hear about us?: We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: Of course i will be What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? Do we allow griefing?: Yes Do we use LWC here?: No Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yes How many votes do we have now?: 1003 Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: YES! Do we use Factions here?: Yes Do you accept that you will die a lot?: Yes Do you whine or get revenge?: Yes i get revenge Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: Yes Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Yeah i already used the command sadly :sad.gif: Do you have friends here?: In a while i will have :smile.gif:
In game, type "/modreq Page #" where the page number is the page on minecraftforums your application is on.
Real Name: John
In game Name: John3423
Your age: 17
Country/Timezone: USA/PST
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: Its the only server I found that allows griefing and REAL pvp.
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: I expect to make good friends and have fun.
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: Builder/Griefer
How did you hear about us?: I came across it looking for a good server.
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: no
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? and if i get a mic
Do we allow griefing?: yes
Do we use LWC here?: no
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: yes
How many votes do we have now?: 1000
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: If I remember
Do we use Factions here?: yes
Do you accept that you will die a lot?: yes
Do you whine or get revenge?: REVENGE
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: yes
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: yes
Do you have friends here?: no
In game Name: xiiaokev
Age: 17
Country/Timezone: United States - PA Philadelphia
Why you want to play here: I want to see how the sever work plus Pvp and no rules :)please apply
What you expect of this server: Gonna Kill everyone :tongue.gif:
How did you hear about us?: Minecraft forums.ll
Some useful links:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
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In game Name: moore12
Your age: 13
Country/Timezone: usa/idk
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: The server looks awsome! The server has everything i want. The people have sense too!
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: Everything in single player but LOTS more!
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: Builder. mabye raider if i join a hardcore clan/party i never grief because there is no point in it.
How did you hear about us?: the guys name being dark blue on the forums.
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: if you need me to then YES!
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? it is 9987 if i can but i never used a mike on the compurer before.
Do we allow griefing?: yes!
Do we use LWC here?: nope
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: yup!
How many votes do we have now?: 989 almost to 1000!!!!
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: sure!
Do we use Factions here?: yes
Do you accept that you will die a lot?: a man about it!
Do you whine or get revenge?: revenge or just avoid
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: yup
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: yup...
Do you have friends here?: nope....i should get some in the future!
Some useful links:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
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In game Name: nashuawatso
Your age:14
Country/Timezone: -5 gmt --- eastern
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: nice plugins and community
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: stable server - nice community - awesome pvping
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: raider and pvper
How did you hear about us?: my friend perfectBOB
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: once in a while
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? dunno and wont be on
Do we allow griefing?:yes
Do we use LWC here?:idk
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: yes
How many votes do we have now?: i dont know
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: yes every time i can
Do we use Factions here?: yes
Do you accept that you will die a lot?: yes
Do you whine or get revenge?: revenge
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: yes
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: yes
Do you have friends here?: perfectBOB
In game Name: Tino_the_Ninja
Your age: 14
Country/Timezone: Perth/ western australia
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: I want to play here to have fun and entertain myself. Finally I have found a PVP server!
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: I expect this to be a fun and thrilling adventurous server, with alot of frustration and killing.
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: I more of a raider. I nearly never grief usually and im a good builder.
How did you hear about us?: Browsing the Minecraft Forums
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: I am always active so yes.
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? and i will probably chillax on this server.
Do we allow griefing?: Yes, but I probably wont.
Do we use LWC here?: no
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yes i did and intend to.
How many votes do we have now?: 992 +
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: Yes I will!
Do we use Factions here?: no
Do you accept that you will die a lot?: yep
Do you whine or get revenge?: I will try to get revenge :wink.gif:
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: I do.
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Yes.
Do you have friends here?: No, but I might recruit some if this server is good.
In game, type "/modreq Page #" where the page number is the page on minecraftforums your application is on.
Some useful links:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
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In game Name: iAttackNoobs
Your age: 16
Country/Timezone: CST
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: I want to find a fun pvp server, and this server looks nice.
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: A lag-free, pvp server.
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: Builder, and Killer. :3
How did you hear about us?: Minecraft Forums
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: Nope, I can only play once a week.
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it?
Do we allow griefing?: Yup
Do we use LWC here?: Didn't see anything about LWC in description...
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yup
How many votes do we have now?: 992
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: Can't...
Do we use Factions here?: Yes
Do you accept that you will die a lot?: Nope... master of hiding.
Do you whine or get revenge?: Get revenge.
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: Yup...
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Yup.
Do you have friends here?: Nope.
In game, type "/modreq Page #" where the page number is the page on minecraftforums your application is on.
In game Name: kwickgamer
Your age: 14
Country/Timezone: Canada, Easter Standered Time (GMT -5)
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: Well, I've been looking around for a nice server, and every single good server i've found eventually gets destroyed. I've joined four good servers, two were shut down, one added all sorts of crappy mods that absolutely noone wanted, and one became a hardcore rp server. This server looks liek a fu ntime, and static.
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: I expect a fun yet challenging survival adventure, where i hopefully meet some cool people.
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: To be honest, I absolutely love raiding, i don't like griefing, and i enjoy building, but i really am a thief at heart.
How did you hear about us?: I was just browsing the forums.
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: If i like this server, then yes, i will probably be active.
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? It is, with a defualt port. I'm not sure if i'll chat on it, I would prefer mumble, but if I really od liek this server I guess i'll download teamspeak.
Do we allow griefing?: Why yes, yes you do.
Do we use LWC here?: Nope.
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yup ^^
How many votes do we have now?: 933, and you are rank 4, and have a score of 1,872.
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: Sure, I'll try as hard as i can.
Do we use Factions here?: Yes.
Do you accept that you will die a lot?: Well, i accept that it extremly easy for me to die, but wheather or not i die is kind of up to how skilled fighters you all are. :wink.gif:
Do you whine or get revenge?: Get revenge.
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: Yes i do
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Yes.
Do you have friends here?: Not that i know of.
Well, thats was hard :tongue.gif:
In game Name:rbello95
Your age: 15
Country/Timezone: Eastern Standard
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: Basically me and a few friends have been looking for a good populated pvp server where we can base up and have fun. This server seems to be perfect, For example the last server we tried required VIP to /home so getting to our base would always be a trouble. This server also has alot of great opportunities to try out using the economy like buying from shops unlike other servers that require Donations to get a good feel for the server.
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.:I expect to be able to work together with my current IRL friends to build a small community and Kick ass excuse my "french".
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.:Love to Build hate griefing creations but still love to steal and raid.
How did you hear about us?:Minecraftforums
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?:Absolutely, Wouldn't mind being a productive member of the community
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it?:ts3server://, and it depends on me growing a relationship with players but i most likely will.
Do we allow griefing?: Yes
Do we use LWC here?: No
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yes
How many votes do we have now?:Alot lol, 997 +
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: Lol I will before i join every afternoon
Do we use Factions here?:Yes
Do you accept that you will die a lot?:NO, Im amazing "Just playing I understand"
Do you whine or get revenge?:No I'm pretty chill
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?:YES
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?:100%
Do you have friends here?:I will
In game, type "/modreq Page #" where the page number is the page on minecraftforums your application is on.
Some useful links:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
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Your application was denied for the following reasons:
[*:36627ofd]Not disclosing your age.
[b]Some useful links:[/b]Website:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
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Some useful links:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
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Country: Canada.
Why do I want to play: My friends played on it and said it was really fun, so I wish to do the same.
What do I expect: Amazing staff and Tons of fun.
What Player am I:I The Builder and Viking with no mercy.
How I Heard about you: Friends.
Will I be active on forums: Try my best.
Teamspeak Server address + will I be in:, Possibly.
Do you allow griefing: Yes.
Do you guys use LWC: No.
Did I vote: Yes.
How many votes you have: 999.
Will I help by voting every 24 hours: I will try my best to.
Do you use factions: Yes.
Do I accept I will die alot: Yes.
Do I wine or get revenge: Definitely do not wine but I may get revenge.
Do I understand that you need subscribers and some donations (funders): Yes
Do I understand I will have to kill myself if I get stuck and will not be teleported if I ask: Yes
Do I have friends here: Yes
In game Name:brendal100
Your age:19
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.:A few people on another server joined so I wish to join also.
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.:I expect maturaty on a decent level
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.:Raider, pvp'er, and builder
How did you hear about us?
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?:Yes I will be
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it?I dont use teamspeak... sorry
Do we allow griefing?:Yes
Do we use LWC here?:No
Did you vote for us on minestatus?:Yes
How many votes do we have now?:1,000 exactly... Wow
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!:Lol yeah sure
Do we use Factions here?:Yes
Do you accept that you will die a lot?:Thats what makes it fun
Do you whine or get revenge?:Revenge :smile.gif:
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?:Yes
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?:Yes I understand completely
Do you have friends here?:Yes I do
In game Name: Nothappen
Your age: 17
Country/Timezone: gmt -5
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: I like to Pvp and Greif who dose not!
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: To kill and be killed same with greifing
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: A pvper that will break into your building and raid you
How did you hear about us?: Mr.noodles told me
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: Yes
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? yes I will try,
Do we allow griefing?: Of course
Do we use LWC here?: No
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yes
How many votes do we have now?: 1,001
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: Yeh of course
Do we use Factions here?: Yes
Do you accept that you will die a lot?: No I will kill a lot
Do you whine or get revenge?: nope
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: yes and I may donate in the future
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Sure thing I under stand now
Do you have friends here?: Yes
Some useful links:
Teamspeak: port 9987 [Download TeamSpeak here]
Friend us on facebook:
Follow us on Twitter:
In game Name: Silty
Your age: 21
Country/Timezone: USA EST
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: I've mostly played on private servers with friends up till now. PvPing sounds like an exciting change.
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: I haven't experienced enough Minecraft PvP to answer this as verbosely as one may like, but I'm just expecting some exciting PvP. Defensive building and offensive raids seem like they would be fun.
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: If it's fighting, I enjoy the kind where the opponent is a challenge more than simply griefing a helpless individual. If it's building, I like to combine practicality with an attempt at aesthetics. I'm comfortable with redstone and various other complex Minecraft mechanics.
How did you hear about us?: ConflagratedCanine advertised it on forums I frequent.
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: Yeah.
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? port 9987 Sorry, I don't have a mic. I'll be on IRC, though.
Do we allow griefing?: Yes
Do we use LWC here?: I don't think so.
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yes
How many votes do we have now?: 994 when I voted (edit: looks like 1002 now?)
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: I'll try to.
Do we use Factions here?: Yes.
Do you accept that you will die a lot?: Yeah, sounds fun, as long as my opponents also die once in a while. :smile.gif:
Do you whine or get revenge?: I try not to be loud and annoying, but I also won't let people simply pick on me for whatever reason.
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: Yeah, I completely understand that it's necessary to give paying users an advantage, since Minecraft servers are expensive to run. It's nice to see you allow people to play for free, since some people only start paying after they've been playing for a while, assuming they have disposable income.
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Yeah, that's fine. Lately, I've mostly been playing games with permanent death (no loading saves once you die), so I see these kinds of things as a challenge to be overcome, rather than something negative. I wouldn't go as far as deleting my character every time I die, but if it's already part of the game, then it's cool. :smile.gif:
Do you have friends here?: Yeah, I know a bunch of people from the Minerant crew, since I'm "Spleen" in the Doom community. I used to play with them back when they had their own server.
In game Name: Pure_Season
Your age:14
Country/Timezone: Eastern Time
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: I want to play here because i really like this server and i want to enjoy even more by applying.
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: What i ecpect of this sever is that it will be very successful and continue on.
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: Griefer
How did you hear about us?:
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: Of course i will be
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it?
Do we allow griefing?: Yes
Do we use LWC here?: No
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: Yes
How many votes do we have now?: 1003
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: YES!
Do we use Factions here?: Yes
Do you accept that you will die a lot?: Yes
Do you whine or get revenge?: Yes i get revenge
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: Yes
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: Yeah i already used the command sadly :sad.gif:
Do you have friends here?: In a while i will have :smile.gif:
In game, type "/modreq Page #" where the page number is the page on minecraftforums your application is on.
In game Name: John3423
Your age: 17
Country/Timezone: USA/PST
Why do you want to play here? Sentences please.: Its the only server I found that allows griefing and REAL pvp.
What do you expect of this server? Again, be verbose.: I expect to make good friends and have fun.
What kind of player are you? A builder? Raider? Griefer? There are no wrong answers.: Builder/Griefer
How did you hear about us?: I came across it looking for a good server.
We value community here. Will you be active on our forums?: no
What is our TeamSpeak server address, and will you chill with us on it? and if i get a mic
Do we allow griefing?: yes
Do we use LWC here?: no
Did you vote for us on minestatus?: yes
How many votes do we have now?: 1000
Will you help the server by voting every 24 hours? Set an alarm!: If I remember
Do we use Factions here?: yes
Do you accept that you will die a lot?: yes
Do you whine or get revenge?: REVENGE
Do you understand this server is 100% funded by players (like you), and needs subcribers?: yes
Do you understand that we will not give you anything, we won't teleport you, we won't teleport your friends, and you will have to /kill if you get stuck somewhere?: yes
Do you have friends here?: no
Age: 17
Country/Timezone: United States - PA Philadelphia
Why you want to play here: I want to see how the sever work plus Pvp and no rules :)please apply
What you expect of this server: Gonna Kill everyone :tongue.gif:
How did you hear about us?: Minecraft forums.ll