It must be your on delay. Others don't get such a delay, the only problem is the monsters and at sometimes PvP will get laggy, but fix itself in a bit.
I honestly dont see the point in making citys for protection anymore.. Walls can be climbed, making bridges can be used to get into roofs, people log out inside citys etc... Theres no way to really pvp either, as whenever I kill someone the lag makes it impossible to fight how it should be. Lag-teleporting 10 squares at a time.. Seriously?
I'm starting to think that this whole town tingy is getting pointless , no matter what you do someone abuses a glitch to get in. I think you need to expand the list of banable offenses.
-Making bridges to remove roof's should be a banable offense. People like Hawxile, frightend (with leet letters), xscottyx, and the rest of the Fate town are abusing this.
-Logging out inside others citys, then logging in later and starting to kill people should also be a banable offense. The Fate town is also doing this.
-Using the 1x1 lag towers to get onto walls should be a banable offense if screenied. Its just getting out of hand. It was fun in the start but now its just stupid.
This three rules would make this server so much more enjoyable. I cant feel safe in my own town, and we got high walls with a glass roof.... I know theres no real way to prevent this from happening, other than banning thoose who do it ofcourse.
As for my other suggestion - Raiders not being able to teleport out of protected citys that does not belong to them - I know this wont change untill bukkety or whatever it was called, but hey its a good suggestion.
If drastic changes to this server's ban policy isnt made, this server is almost unplayable. TBH, if nothing I say gets even noticed I will recommend people to NOT join this server. You can say I *****, you can say "If you dont like it leave" Well I will, and other people who agree with me should too. The server is awesome in itself, its just parts of the community that makes minecraft, of all games, annoying as hell on this particular server.|
PS. Can I contact you guys via live messages? Seems like you guys are ignoring my posts..
i think someone QQ. wow, there is actually a way which you can build so people cant use bridges to get in, im not going to tell you, you will have to find out like we did, lets just say, try experimenting with bridges yourself, and if you cant raid people, then whats the point of towny. let me give you 2 scenarios,1st one, 2 different towns decide to meet for a pvp war, a player from one town is low on health and teleports back to home or spawn, keeping his/her items, is that fair, i can see where your comming from with the teleporting suggestion (which i think is a good idea) but 2nd scenario, your outside someones castle like owner8000 or watever, and he gets killed :tongue.gif: then you teleport back to home and which is the same place where you died and then go in and hide in a castle that is flawless to get in, tbh i think that you should rethink your defences and stop whining the whole time on how the rules should be changed to suit you, because to be honest raiding peoples towns is one of the best things in the game, from you it sounds like you just want it to be a antigriefable pvp server,.. which is pointless and boring, its not fallen's fault that when the server gets 3 quarters full, that i can just about manage to place blocks to climb up over walls, i found the bridge flawn and have raided many people... as it is NOT a bannable offence atm i will continue to do it so watch out other towns, i have also raided bastion's individual homes but their sky vault is flawless !
also if you really want to rage i suggest you find another server to play on like you said, i have searched many servers on the server list and have found none equally exciting as this server, maybe you and your townmembers shoulld pull your resources together and go out on a raid, its actually quite fun...
me, xscotty, hawxile, fr1ghtn1gh, deathstalker101 and newbies, shall be looking foward to seeing you again VERY SOON !
Well, you come to the server I play on and annoy the **** outa people and abuse every bug possible? Damn jerks. If im in my castle, which is flawless, there should be no way to get in. Making bridges to open up roofs are retarded. I say you guys go rethink your gerillja strategy. You can be jerks and abuse everything, or you can play fair and square. Obviously you wont play fair, because YOU GUYS are the one who ruin servers and the SMP community in general.
There is indeed some QQ happening, but let us all be honest here: Towny protection is rendered largely irrelevant by Craftbook bridges and lifts.
Yes you can protect chests by covering them (which we all do, or should) but logging in to find 6-7 people in your base hopping around with lifts and placing bridges to gain access, flood your base, kill your crops, etc, is more than a little frustrating. I wish that sign placing on a protected block was disallowed. There are enough people who do not /claim correctly to go around. (I know because these people are Legion's prime raiding targets).
On another note, two things have made PvP increasingly difficult: two teleport points, and lag. The latter will improve over time with the implementation of bukkit (i hope) and the maturation of minecraft itself.
The former is a bit of an issue, as even with spawn healing off (or broken) it ensures that actually killing someone is extremely unlikely given that they aren't afk... I almost wish we could implement a cooldown of some kind, or even disallow teleportation in combat altogether. I realize either of these would cause massive QQ and would be unpopular, but let's face it - every game that I can think of behaves this way (and for good reason). As it stands now the only real way to raid for gear is to lame bases using the techniques mentioned above. Traditional PK'ing is not a reliable way to acquire phat loots.
Any and all gripes aside, this server is still the best I've found, and I plan to stay (barring some massive controversy), though the recent lack of up-time does make me a bit uneasy. Markah's repeatedly shown that the is sympathetic to the community by banning confirmed hackers, making himself available (even on lunch breaks) :biggrin.gif:, and joining us in Skype for some enlightening discussions.
Yes, the world would be a hollowed-out ***** of a place if we turned off Towny. Furthermore, I could give a **** what other servers did because I have been on many others and they don't hold a candle.
Also, I love pvp, but I enjoy building as well. Having to rebuild my beautiful (completely obsessive-compulsive) bases over and over on a bi-daily basis would friggin' suck.
I DESTROYED the royals.
Edit: It is not Markah's fault for liking the non-retarded people on the server. I see a bunch of 12 year old losers creating some poser clan called the royals and abusing the nation bug. By crating a nation and attacking the ignorant Royals with LOTS of help from the FoE clan (Bastion). We DESTROYED the royals.
Shame that the server keeps going down =/ also does any want to sponsor the next arena event ? =D i would but im too poor 2500 marks about, also a suggestion, a bank ran by the admins (if not enough admins then people the admins trust) it would work by a drop box
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i may have messed it up but what ever its suppose to look like the slits on the counter you use to exchange money, cards, behind the glass, if some one has a better design let me know
Well, you come to the server I play on and annoy the **** outa people and abuse every bug possible? Damn jerks. If im in my castle, which is flawless, there should be no way to get in. Making bridges to open up roofs are retarded. I say you guys go rethink your gerillja strategy. You can be jerks and abuse everything, or you can play fair and square. Obviously you wont play fair, because YOU GUYS are the one who ruin servers and the SMP community in general.
This is a PvP server. End of discussion
However, the bugs you mentioned are known to us and we will fix sign placement in enemy towns when we are able to incorporate bukkit.
Yes you can protect chests by covering them (which we all do, or should) but logging in to find 6-7 people in your base hopping around with lifts and placing bridges to gain access, flood your base, kill your crops, etc, is more than a little frustrating. I wish that sign placing on a protected block was disallowed. There are enough people who do not /claim correctly to go around. (I know because these people are Legion's prime raiding targets).
On another note, two things have made PvP increasingly difficult: two teleport points, and lag. The latter will improve over time with the implementation of bukkit (i hope) and the maturation of minecraft itself.
The former is a bit of an issue, as even with spawn healing off (or broken) it ensures that actually killing someone is extremely unlikely given that they aren't afk... I almost wish we could implement a cooldown of some kind, or even disallow teleportation in combat altogether. I realize either of these would cause massive QQ and would be unpopular, but let's face it - every game that I can think of behaves this way (and for good reason). As it stands now the only real way to raid for gear is to lame bases using the techniques mentioned above. Traditional PK'ing is not a reliable way to acquire phat loots.
Any and all gripes aside, this server is still the best I've found, and I plan to stay (barring some massive controversy), though the recent lack of up-time does make me a bit uneasy. Markah's repeatedly shown that the is sympathetic to the community by banning confirmed hackers, making himself available (even on lunch breaks) :biggrin.gif:, and joining us in Skype for some enlightening discussions.
Also, I love pvp, but I enjoy building as well. Having to rebuild my beautiful (completely obsessive-compulsive) bases over and over on a bi-daily basis would friggin' suck.
Click the Sig and Join that AWESOME Site
And any estimate when server is gonna be back up?
I cant find any server that are actually fun to raid on XD
Click the Sig and Join that AWESOME Site
Dont flame SAMURA1, you hack so you cant say **** bro
fixed issue with towny over placement of signs in enemy towns.
Edit: It is not Markah's fault for liking the non-retarded people on the server. I see a bunch of 12 year old losers creating some poser clan called the royals and abusing the nation bug. By crating a nation and attacking the ignorant Royals with LOTS of help from the FoE clan (Bastion). We DESTROYED the royals.
Click the Sig and Join that AWESOME Site
Yea its down right now
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i may have messed it up but what ever its suppose to look like the slits on the counter you use to exchange money, cards, behind the glass, if some one has a better design let me know