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Quote from Thaffy »me and a friend mined yesterday and found tons of shiny metal :biggrin.gif:
Quote from Freek314 »"Full PvP" server with /home. Nuff Said.
lol yea you and ur friend were going craazzyy yesterday
But yea, im trying to get on right now and I think its still down?
It was showing as online in the console, so we never were warned it went down. Some new bug with notch's server software..
Anyhow, get back in and play!
chaosminionx - Troll Lord of Dumbassia
You are not banned just the servers are down.. when you are banned it says "Banned by *name here*"
or something along those lines..
The error your are getting is because the server is down...
I guess il go play CoD. :tongue.gif:
get back on and rock!
Nuff Said.
Full *****.
Nuff Said