Character Description: A Semi Nomadic vagabond with no particular strengths, or weaknesses.
Is typically honest, but will cheat and steal if nessacary. Usually thinks logically, rarely on impulse.
: Charcter discription: I would love to be in kingdom 2 (witch is The_Fallen_Empire on the kingdoms.) and guard or be a shop merchant.. i love LOVE to help people. the community allways come's before i do, so i am saying i would build community things first instead of being picky and making a house.
Character Description: Doesn't have much experience but motivated and willing to learn. I mainly want to be apart of a group that raids and pillages and destroys!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
IGN: Stephen595
Age: 15
Character Description: A miner who spends most of his time underground searching for rare minerals/ore. Limited contact with the above world, but he does occasionally join a war party/raid.
Character Description: For an age, his people lived the nomad life, looting and pillaging small villages and living off the land, but his father wished an end to that and Kampfpanzer has begun to build.
Settling among the mountains and trees, Kampfpanzer constructed his house. Over time, more and more of his people began to settle, the house turned into a village, into a town, into a city and into a nation respected through the lands, though they never gave up on their viking heritage, looting and pillaging has grown to wars and battle, although raids are a rare thing, the townspeople give no quarter on the field of battle.
The town itself looks like a standard viking style town on the top, however beneath the surface is a sprawling city of stone, built into the mountain.
Character Description: Um... I am a good engineer, learning to build cannons effectively, as well as traps, and mob Drowners. My Character would most likely be an honorable raider/thief stealing only from the rich, but also engineering defensive and offensive weapons in my home.
IGN: ScentTreeDown
Age: 16
Character Description: I like to help guard miners or cities so they don't get surprise attacked by raiders and bandits. I can build large farms and mine well, but I'm paranoid of raiders with diamond swords sneaking behind me.
Character Description: A Traveler from a far off land who has come to explore new worlds here and make his home, running from the armies of his former home.
Posted applications on the forams but heres a copy.
IGN: Drogean
Age: 24
Character Description: Drogean is a noble dwarf warrior king that is the last of his clan. He has traversed the lands for years searching for a place to build an empire.
Character description: A clumbsy soldier from a small but respected town named tyler has earned himself the name tyguygoof on the battlefield. Humilated on the battlefield he was eventually forced from his home town. Through his travels he has become exhausted from crossing the Sea of Hellgar and being attacked many times. A very weary traveler is look for a suitable place to rest his head. He eventually stumbles upon a glorious nation called NATIONCRAFT!!!
Character Description: I'd like to hopefully join the nation that raids and pillages, but is quite strict. In that nation, i'd be an engineer, a sort of builder/warrior. I'd build an outpost for that nation, and since I have a firm grasp on how to keep a community growing, it'll hopefully grow into a town, then city.
Age: 22
Character Description: A Semi Nomadic vagabond with no particular strengths, or weaknesses.
Is typically honest, but will cheat and steal if nessacary. Usually thinks logically, rarely on impulse.
Age: 14 (Mature)
: Charcter discription: I would love to be in kingdom 2 (witch is The_Fallen_Empire on the kingdoms.) and guard or be a shop merchant.. i love LOVE to help people. the community allways come's before i do, so i am saying i would build community things first instead of being picky and making a house.
Hope I get in :biggrin.gif:
Age: 13
Character Description: A snow trooper that does good with ranged weaons. good crafting skills too.
Age: 21
Description: Explorer
Age: 13 (Mature)
Character Description: Doesn't have much experience but motivated and willing to learn. I mainly want to be apart of a group that raids and pillages and destroys!
Age: 15
Character Description: A miner who spends most of his time underground searching for rare minerals/ore. Limited contact with the above world, but he does occasionally join a war party/raid.
I did.
Age: 13
Character: I like to build stuff
Age: 13
Describe Yourself: i love servers with a goal/meaning and i also love playing with others C:
AGE: 23
Character Description: For an age, his people lived the nomad life, looting and pillaging small villages and living off the land, but his father wished an end to that and Kampfpanzer has begun to build.
Settling among the mountains and trees, Kampfpanzer constructed his house. Over time, more and more of his people began to settle, the house turned into a village, into a town, into a city and into a nation respected through the lands, though they never gave up on their viking heritage, looting and pillaging has grown to wars and battle, although raids are a rare thing, the townspeople give no quarter on the field of battle.
The town itself looks like a standard viking style town on the top, however beneath the surface is a sprawling city of stone, built into the mountain.
Age: 14
Character Description: Um... I am a good engineer, learning to build cannons effectively, as well as traps, and mob Drowners. My Character would most likely be an honorable raider/thief stealing only from the rich, but also engineering defensive and offensive weapons in my home.
I did
Age: 16
Character Description: I like to help guard miners or cities so they don't get surprise attacked by raiders and bandits. I can build large farms and mine well, but I'm paranoid of raiders with diamond swords sneaking behind me.
I did
Age: 18
Character Description: A Traveler from a far off land who has come to explore new worlds here and make his home, running from the armies of his former home.
Age: 19
Description: warcraft peasant. just left click on me and i will be at my lord's service
IGN: Drogean
Age: 24
Character Description: Drogean is a noble dwarf warrior king that is the last of his clan. He has traversed the lands for years searching for a place to build an empire.
Today, he stumbled upon.. the Kingdoms..
I did :biggrin.gif:
Character description: A clumbsy soldier from a small but respected town named tyler has earned himself the name tyguygoof on the battlefield. Humilated on the battlefield he was eventually forced from his home town. Through his travels he has become exhausted from crossing the Sea of Hellgar and being attacked many times. A very weary traveler is look for a suitable place to rest his head. He eventually stumbles upon a glorious nation called NATIONCRAFT!!!
I did
Character Description: I'd like to hopefully join the nation that raids and pillages, but is quite strict. In that nation, i'd be an engineer, a sort of builder/warrior. I'd build an outpost for that nation, and since I have a firm grasp on how to keep a community growing, it'll hopefully grow into a town, then city.
I Did.