Apologies for the delay, we were recoding much of our server's setup and addons in prep for future plans. Still not completely finished, but the server is working and we are getting back to work.
excuse me, i'm back home now, but unfortunately sounds like i'm not whitelisted anymore to do that visit we spoke about. Could you whitelist me once again so i can have a peak? i'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Why you want to be whitelisted: I have been playing Minecraft SMP for quite a while, and i love the game. I've read the books, saw the films and read alot more around the LOTR story. I basically love the universe, and would really be interested in joining in on the server ready to contribute.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I've made a rather huge fortress, a gigantic mine, a town, and a approx 240x120block football stadium together with my brother on another SMP server.
What would you bring to the server: Another pickaxe in the workforce. A will to contribute towards a fellow goal, and dedication to do what it requires to get buildings done. Can also contribute with planning\sketching of certain areas if needed.
IGN: unrealrob
Age: 25
Why you want to be whitelisted: well, because I'd like to play with some mature, focused builders/players. I'd just like to build/assist in building some awesome LoTR stuff and have fun doing it with like-minded players. I am also a huge fan of the LoTR lore and mythos.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Well, I've never been on any other server, just single player. For single player I created a subterranean biosphere that was pretty cool. Very big too.
What would you bring to the server: funny that you mentioned individuals with knowledge of cartography, GIS, geography, as I have a degree in geography - focused mostly on urban environments, but I have a fair share of experience with natural environments as well. I have also done a great deal of areal photography interpretation and remote sensing, so I may be of some help in that department as well. Just ask and I'll do what I can. I might have to break out my old university text books, but I'm up for it haha.
Why you want to be whitelisted: I love Tolkienian works, I've recently been listening to the Tolkien Prof online, and Ive learned even more about Tolkien's works than I realized he had put into them. I'd like to take part in this edition of Minecraft, Tolkien, and the community
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Ive built a great many things in Minecraft, my most proud achievement was a lighthouse that scaled from sea level to the top of the map and every third layer was made of lightstone. that took forever to make, Ive also build huge walls the span Islands with highways on top, various other towers of sorts, and one time I even converted a massive cavern into an even bigger mansion.
What would you bring to the server: An extensive knowledge to Tolkienian works, a good work ethic, and a Can-Do attitude, willing to help out with whatever needs to be done.
IGN: omegadeth94
Age: 17
Why you want to be whitelisted: im a lotr finatic, ive read the trilogy 5 times over and and all of tolkiens works, ive also played lord of the rings online since release and so im well familiarized with a visual represntation of the books and thisserver just looks awsome
Any notable achievements in Minecraft:just some houses and structures, normal minecraft stuff :tongue.gif:
What would you bring to the server: i would enthusiastically help to create your awsome vision
Why you want to be whitelisted: The Lord of the Rings are my favorite movies ever. I have all of the extended edition versions of the movies. I also have the cartoon movie, The Hobbit. I have watched them over and over and over again and they never get old. (I've watched them over 20 times) I am currently reading the books right now and I am loving them. I play The Lord of the Rings video games, too. I know all there is to know about LOTR.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I have built a Mini-City that included a enormous castle, a cool fountain, a library, a big lodge, many houses, and more. I loved to build/survive on that server until EVERYTHING got griefed. People filled the castle in with stone and burnt down everything. =(
What would you bring to the server: I would build anything you guys would ask me too. I would particularly like to dig out the Mines of Moria, build the Hobbiton, or perhaps Minas Tirith. (If these haven't already been done)
Questions from me: I registered on your guys' forums if that was what you meant. I couldn't find a register button on the home page of the website. Did I do this right?
You said I need Ventrilo but no mic. Isn't Ventrilo a communication software? How does this make sense? Am I aloud to go without it just this time?
Conclusion: So I hope these things are good enough to have the honor of being on this server. Please post on here ASAP if I can be whitelisted. It would also be helpful if you answered the questions above.
Why you want to be whitelisted:I'm a fan of lotr. I have been looking for a server about lotr since I started playing multiplayer and the concept of recreating the lands of the middle earth really appeals me.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Creating an automated minecart system is an notable achievement, right? I have also built and windmill and a flying castle on a multiplayer server
What would you bring to the server: I'm a really fast builder and someone that loves perfection.
Why you would like to be whitelisted: Looking for a group of team oriented, mature players that share a mutual interest in the incredible world Tolkien formed.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I am a skilled explorer, and survivalist (at least among those I play with). I can harvest efficiently, and I enjoy supplying others with the materials they need to construct their current project without interruption (as well as providing cover during the night hours, as needed). I have constructed (On SMP survival) a replica of Orthanc completely out of stone. I have created Menegroth, Nargothrond, and have the scaffolding laid for Minas Tirith. I am currently building Gondolin. I understand most of the game mechanics quite well, can use explosives with precision, and utilize redstone discretely but to great effect.
What would you bring to the server: A supporting cast member ready to scout out, harvest, and deliver goods as well as maintain security for those engaged in building and other matters. (Assuming /give command is used in lieu of mining resources, I am certainly trustworthy in this regard. I have an extensive knowledge of Tolkiens works, with a specific interest in The First Age of The Sun, and with architecture and geography specifically. I would prefer to be a surveyor, but will fill in whichever role is needed.
IGN: Grievstar
Age: 19
Why you want to be whitelisted: Major Tolkein fan, found this while on a LoTR extended edition marathon.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Nothing major so far. Before discovering this, I was considering creating a full scale Minas Tirith in single player. (I know it'd take forever).
What would you bring to the server: An ambitious builder seeking experience on large projects.
IGN: FallenSanity
Age: 25
Why you want to be whitelisted: Well, Lord of the rings was the first series of anything I ever enjoyed fully. I have the entire Special Edition Movie set, and all of Tolkeins books, including the Silmarillion, and I am an avid player of the Lord of the Rings hobby game, in which a person can buy models of character and create an army.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Building a small house in a mountain, which eventually grew to become an enormous city spanning half an island.
What would you bring to the server: I would do whatever it takes to build the fabled lands of Middle Earth, from the calm and easy going Hobbit Holes, to the enormous and glorious Minas Tirith, to the monstrous and menacing Barad Dur itself.
I was whitelisted to server a while back, but as I suspected my name was spelled wrong, my IG name is wolfsongas, while my community name is wolfsongass, thus, confusion was probally inevitable.
If need be, I can send the message of my being whitelisted for proof.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Let me innnnn, We just wanna playyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...
IGN: war101
Age: 20
Why you want to be whitelisted: I love everything LotR and would love to help see this vision realised.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: None yet
What would you bring to the server: A helpful hand
IGN: underblu2
Age: 21
Why you want to be whitelisted: A big lotr fan (found this while searching randomly) and want to work on something that has a great plan like this, adds to the fun when you aren't just building whatever.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Built a small scale city of chicago as my first endeavour
What would you bring to the server: Im an engineer for the navy and am extremely precise and particulate about details
IGN: Lastrogyiant
Age: 12, 13 in 3 months
Why you want to be whitelisted: I know I might seem a little young, but I've read LOTR about 4-5 times, along with his other works excluding The Silmarillion and The Lost Tales. I have a deep gratitude for the way Lord of the Rings is written, and it's a fresh new way to look at things every time I read it.
Any Notable Achievements: No, Sorry.
What would you bring to the server: Just one more helping hand who wants to see LOTR recreated.
Why you want to be whitelisted: i have loved LoTR since the books ad i love palying any game with a lotr twist to it. i love mining and suchand if theres a "dwarf" area like moria ill fit right in :wink.gif:
Any notable achievements in Minecraft:been on for a month and never been banned lol
What would you bring to the server: i have a mic and im fun and yet mature and i follow server rules and if there is anything special for donting i will donate. i cant wait to battle for middle earth :wink.gif:
The server is going to be down for an unknown amount of time, since all our mods have been broken by the update and hMod is no longer being developed. We will notify you guys when it is back online!
Apologies for the delay, we were recoding much of our server's setup and addons in prep for future plans. Still not completely finished, but the server is working and we are getting back to work.
Age: 21
Why you want to be whitelisted: I have been playing Minecraft SMP for quite a while, and i love the game. I've read the books, saw the films and read alot more around the LOTR story. I basically love the universe, and would really be interested in joining in on the server ready to contribute.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I've made a rather huge fortress, a gigantic mine, a town, and a approx 240x120block football stadium together with my brother on another SMP server.
What would you bring to the server: Another pickaxe in the workforce. A will to contribute towards a fellow goal, and dedication to do what it requires to get buildings done. Can also contribute with planning\sketching of certain areas if needed.
Age: 25
Why you want to be whitelisted: well, because I'd like to play with some mature, focused builders/players. I'd just like to build/assist in building some awesome LoTR stuff and have fun doing it with like-minded players. I am also a huge fan of the LoTR lore and mythos.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Well, I've never been on any other server, just single player. For single player I created a subterranean biosphere that was pretty cool. Very big too.
What would you bring to the server: funny that you mentioned individuals with knowledge of cartography, GIS, geography, as I have a degree in geography - focused mostly on urban environments, but I have a fair share of experience with natural environments as well. I have also done a great deal of areal photography interpretation and remote sensing, so I may be of some help in that department as well. Just ask and I'll do what I can. I might have to break out my old university text books, but I'm up for it haha.
Age: 18, 19 in a month
Why you want to be whitelisted: I love Tolkienian works, I've recently been listening to the Tolkien Prof online, and Ive learned even more about Tolkien's works than I realized he had put into them. I'd like to take part in this edition of Minecraft, Tolkien, and the community
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Ive built a great many things in Minecraft, my most proud achievement was a lighthouse that scaled from sea level to the top of the map and every third layer was made of lightstone. that took forever to make, Ive also build huge walls the span Islands with highways on top, various other towers of sorts, and one time I even converted a massive cavern into an even bigger mansion.
What would you bring to the server: An extensive knowledge to Tolkienian works, a good work ethic, and a Can-Do attitude, willing to help out with whatever needs to be done.
Come experience Tolkien's world and help to make it.
Age: 17
Why you want to be whitelisted: im a lotr finatic, ive read the trilogy 5 times over and and all of tolkiens works, ive also played lord of the rings online since release and so im well familiarized with a visual represntation of the books and thisserver just looks awsome
Any notable achievements in Minecraft:just some houses and structures, normal minecraft stuff :tongue.gif:
What would you bring to the server: i would enthusiastically help to create your awsome vision
Age: 14 (I know, I'm young =) )
Why you want to be whitelisted: The Lord of the Rings are my favorite movies ever. I have all of the extended edition versions of the movies. I also have the cartoon movie, The Hobbit. I have watched them over and over and over again and they never get old. (I've watched them over 20 times) I am currently reading the books right now and I am loving them. I play The Lord of the Rings video games, too. I know all there is to know about LOTR.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I have built a Mini-City that included a enormous castle, a cool fountain, a library, a big lodge, many houses, and more. I loved to build/survive on that server until EVERYTHING got griefed. People filled the castle in with stone and burnt down everything. =(
What would you bring to the server: I would build anything you guys would ask me too. I would particularly like to dig out the Mines of Moria, build the Hobbiton, or perhaps Minas Tirith. (If these haven't already been done)
Questions from me: I registered on your guys' forums if that was what you meant. I couldn't find a register button on the home page of the website. Did I do this right?
You said I need Ventrilo but no mic. Isn't Ventrilo a communication software? How does this make sense? Am I aloud to go without it just this time?
Conclusion: So I hope these things are good enough to have the honor of being on this server. Please post on here ASAP if I can be whitelisted. It would also be helpful if you answered the questions above.
- This has been
=D jk
Why you want to be whitelisted:I'm a fan of lotr. I have been looking for a server about lotr since I started playing multiplayer and the concept of recreating the lands of the middle earth really appeals me.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Creating an automated minecart system is an notable achievement, right? I have also built and windmill and a flying castle on a multiplayer server
What would you bring to the server: I'm a really fast builder and someone that loves perfection.
Why you would like to be whitelisted: Looking for a group of team oriented, mature players that share a mutual interest in the incredible world Tolkien formed.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I am a skilled explorer, and survivalist (at least among those I play with). I can harvest efficiently, and I enjoy supplying others with the materials they need to construct their current project without interruption (as well as providing cover during the night hours, as needed). I have constructed (On SMP survival) a replica of Orthanc completely out of stone. I have created Menegroth, Nargothrond, and have the scaffolding laid for Minas Tirith. I am currently building Gondolin. I understand most of the game mechanics quite well, can use explosives with precision, and utilize redstone discretely but to great effect.
What would you bring to the server: A supporting cast member ready to scout out, harvest, and deliver goods as well as maintain security for those engaged in building and other matters. (Assuming /give command is used in lieu of mining resources, I am certainly trustworthy in this regard. I have an extensive knowledge of Tolkiens works, with a specific interest in The First Age of The Sun, and with architecture and geography specifically. I would prefer to be a surveyor, but will fill in whichever role is needed.
Age: 19
Why you want to be whitelisted: Major Tolkein fan, found this while on a LoTR extended edition marathon.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Nothing major so far. Before discovering this, I was considering creating a full scale Minas Tirith in single player. (I know it'd take forever).
What would you bring to the server: An ambitious builder seeking experience on large projects.
Age: 25
Why you want to be whitelisted: Well, Lord of the rings was the first series of anything I ever enjoyed fully. I have the entire Special Edition Movie set, and all of Tolkeins books, including the Silmarillion, and I am an avid player of the Lord of the Rings hobby game, in which a person can buy models of character and create an army.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Building a small house in a mountain, which eventually grew to become an enormous city spanning half an island.
What would you bring to the server: I would do whatever it takes to build the fabled lands of Middle Earth, from the calm and easy going Hobbit Holes, to the enormous and glorious Minas Tirith, to the monstrous and menacing Barad Dur itself.
Bit rushed atm.
If need be, I can send the message of my being whitelisted for proof.
With love-
Totally Not The Creepers.
Age: 20
Why you want to be whitelisted: I love everything LotR and would love to help see this vision realised.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: None yet
What would you bring to the server: A helpful hand
Age: 21
Why you want to be whitelisted: A big lotr fan (found this while searching randomly) and want to work on something that has a great plan like this, adds to the fun when you aren't just building whatever.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Built a small scale city of chicago as my first endeavour
What would you bring to the server: Im an engineer for the navy and am extremely precise and particulate about details
Age: 12, 13 in 3 months
Why you want to be whitelisted: I know I might seem a little young, but I've read LOTR about 4-5 times, along with his other works excluding The Silmarillion and The Lost Tales. I have a deep gratitude for the way Lord of the Rings is written, and it's a fresh new way to look at things every time I read it.
Any Notable Achievements: No, Sorry.
What would you bring to the server: Just one more helping hand who wants to see LOTR recreated.
Why you want to be whitelisted: i have loved LoTR since the books ad i love palying any game with a lotr twist to it. i love mining and suchand if theres a "dwarf" area like moria ill fit right in :wink.gif:
Any notable achievements in Minecraft:been on for a month and never been banned lol
What would you bring to the server: i have a mic and im fun and yet mature and i follow server rules and if there is anything special for donting i will donate. i cant wait to battle for middle earth :wink.gif: