IGN: Skivenski
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: Mining and crafting.
Tell us what you expect from here: A fun, playable server with no moronic admins that decide to **** around half the time.
Additional info: None.
My IGN is MaxxOverdrive
I'm a guy
20 years old
My hobbies in minecraft usually involve redstone tinkering.
Battlescape looks like a fun escape from the carebear cancer ruining most Minecraft Servers.
Mod edit: Warned for flaming. Remember, folks, if you want to leave feedback, try to do it without resorting to name-calling. Typing all in caps is probably not considered friendly either.
Beautiful post Ezrider, beautiful. Now everyone that dosen't want to be my **** puppet will join. Expect more members!
Welcome our new members:
Zeaga - Yellow
Exortan - Green
KillSpammer - Red
Skivenski - Yellow
Detonator14 - Yellow
StarWars07 - Yellow
Lot of yellow members today eh? CoolPrizes is going to be happy.
MaxxOverdrive, your application is missing something. Maybe look at some others? Plus, be more specific about your hobbies. That was a short post.
In other news, the server is not 24/7 YET, it will be as soon as I can find a way to prevent people from hacking overnight, like moderators, but we need more people to get more moderators, so thats our new goal.
Also, the INTERNAL SERVER DISCONNECT is my whitelist. Like it?
PS: Your server OP can warp you to your base, around 1000 blocks from spawn.
PSS: Check out /party to prevent hitting teammates!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Cry a river. Punch a tree. Craft and build a wooden bridge over the river. Use your bridge to GET OVER IT.
IGN: Yoggy
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: Building, Collecting resources, Fighting other players, and killing some creepers ;D
Tell us what you expect from here: I expect to have a fun and challenging server where i could slay some monsters and make a small group/clan.
Additional info: Im a pretty easygoing guy. Im quite when im at work on making something, But i could be loud at some points xD
IGN: CakeCraft
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: Building fortifications/Hidden bases. Also raiding, that's fun
Additional info: Easygoing guy, not much else to say here.
IGN: shakyb
Gender: male
Age: 20
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: No real hobbies i just play the game to have fun and not to ruin anyones day
Tell us what you expect from here: Good times some awsome fights with a number of factions involved
Additional info: Nothing special
IGN: CommissarKrieg
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: Building large aesthetically pleasing structures and devising clever ways to protect them. Also exploring and landscaping. Prefer to build above ground but happy to build below ground when the need arises.
Tell us what you expect from here: A no holds barred (within the rules of the server) and as vanilla as possible pvp server where my creations could be destroyed in the blink of an eye; a non-carebear server.
Additional info: :smile.gif:
we need more people to get more moderators, so thats our new goal.
If you need more moderators, I'd be more than happy to be one once you trust me enough. :happy.gif:
Also, could you try color coding the member list or something so that I know who is on my team?
Yellow for yellow, red for red, etc.
Mods could be purple or something..
IGN: Jazzo
Gender: yes please, oh wait... (male)
Age: 16
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: i kinda hate collecting recources, so killing other ppl's things for recources sounds bloody great, but then again, the only reason i want recources is so i can build things, practical things of course, pretty things would only get greifed imo, i like to make hidden entryways into huge hidden fortress's, an idea that would accually serve a practical application other than somthing to have a giggle over.
Tell us what you expect from here: at first i think the server may be a tad dull, being not many people on, and since i live in new zealand, time difference will separate me from other people somewhat, but i soppose when there are not too many people around, it will give teams an opportunity to ready themselves, and fortify in preparation for the more people to come, more people wont be nessisary though, the server would still be fun with a handful of people :]
Additional info: in my opinion, teams shouldnt be divided the way the currently are, i think every team should have a balanced amount of different types of people. a team should have pillagers, builders, and what ever else there is. because red team would just dominate all, because they like to kill stuff lol. possibly people could be assigned titles, like 'jazzo the stone stealer' or 'jazzo the pillage king' somthing like ranks could be fun :]
IGN: LightNDark
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: Mining and Killing, Teaming up and building
Tell us what you expect from here: Awesome team raids, and rule following players
Additional info: I'm American :smile.gif:
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
The Answer to Life, the universe and everything is 42.........
But only I know the question to it
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: PvP is my life in minecraft. And, mining of course :tongue.gif:
Tell us what you expect from here: I hope to live the real SMP experience with PvP and looting :smile.gif:
Additional info:I am an OK builder, and im great at pvp.
Hello. I got on the server but I'm having major major lag issues. not sure if its your server or my internet (usually my internet doersn't lag but i t has had its moment.s
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: Mining and crafting.
Tell us what you expect from here: A fun, playable server with no moronic admins that decide to **** around half the time.
Additional info: None.
I'm a guy
20 years old
My hobbies in minecraft usually involve redstone tinkering.
Battlescape looks like a fun escape from the carebear cancer ruining most Minecraft Servers.
Mod edit: Warned for flaming. Remember, folks, if you want to leave feedback, try to do it without resorting to name-calling. Typing all in caps is probably not considered friendly either.
Azrooh's server is completely different, a**hat.
Read above.
Welcome our new members:
Zeaga - Yellow
Exortan - Green
KillSpammer - Red
Skivenski - Yellow
Detonator14 - Yellow
StarWars07 - Yellow
Lot of yellow members today eh? CoolPrizes is going to be happy.
MaxxOverdrive, your application is missing something. Maybe look at some others? Plus, be more specific about your hobbies. That was a short post.
In other news, the server is not 24/7 YET, it will be as soon as I can find a way to prevent people from hacking overnight, like moderators, but we need more people to get more moderators, so thats our new goal.
Also, the INTERNAL SERVER DISCONNECT is my whitelist. Like it?
PS: Your server OP can warp you to your base, around 1000 blocks from spawn.
PSS: Check out /party to prevent hitting teammates!
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: Building, Collecting resources, Fighting other players, and killing some creepers ;D
Tell us what you expect from here: I expect to have a fun and challenging server where i could slay some monsters and make a small group/clan.
Additional info: Im a pretty easygoing guy. Im quite when im at work on making something, But i could be loud at some points xD
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: Building fortifications/Hidden bases. Also raiding, that's fun
Additional info: Easygoing guy, not much else to say here.
Gender: male
Age: 20
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: No real hobbies i just play the game to have fun and not to ruin anyones day
Tell us what you expect from here: Good times some awsome fights with a number of factions involved
Additional info: Nothing special
IGN: CommissarKrieg
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: Building large aesthetically pleasing structures and devising clever ways to protect them. Also exploring and landscaping. Prefer to build above ground but happy to build below ground when the need arises.
Tell us what you expect from here: A no holds barred (within the rules of the server) and as vanilla as possible pvp server where my creations could be destroyed in the blink of an eye; a non-carebear server.
Additional info: :smile.gif:
If you need more moderators, I'd be more than happy to be one once you trust me enough. :happy.gif:
Also, could you try color coding the member list or something so that I know who is on my team?
Yellow for yellow, red for red, etc.
Mods could be purple or something..
Gender: yes please, oh wait... (male)
Age: 16
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: i kinda hate collecting recources, so killing other ppl's things for recources sounds bloody great, but then again, the only reason i want recources is so i can build things, practical things of course, pretty things would only get greifed imo, i like to make hidden entryways into huge hidden fortress's, an idea that would accually serve a practical application other than somthing to have a giggle over.
Tell us what you expect from here: at first i think the server may be a tad dull, being not many people on, and since i live in new zealand, time difference will separate me from other people somewhat, but i soppose when there are not too many people around, it will give teams an opportunity to ready themselves, and fortify in preparation for the more people to come, more people wont be nessisary though, the server would still be fun with a handful of people :]
Additional info: in my opinion, teams shouldnt be divided the way the currently are, i think every team should have a balanced amount of different types of people. a team should have pillagers, builders, and what ever else there is. because red team would just dominate all, because they like to kill stuff lol. possibly people could be assigned titles, like 'jazzo the stone stealer' or 'jazzo the pillage king' somthing like ranks could be fun :]
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: Mining and Killing, Teaming up and building
Tell us what you expect from here: Awesome team raids, and rule following players
Additional info: I'm American :smile.gif:
But only I know the question to it
Describe your hobbies in Minecraft: PvP is my life in minecraft. And, mining of course :tongue.gif:
Tell us what you expect from here: I hope to live the real SMP experience with PvP and looting :smile.gif:
Additional info:I am an OK builder, and im great at pvp.
w00t! More reddies.
Server is back up. I won't be here for a while (1-3 hours), so be careful reddies! Gather some resources for building base.
Yeah keeps saying internal error the second i login D: