Character Description: I am most likely going to be a lone wolf until i find a kingdom that suits my taste. I'm not even sure what my own tastes are, but I'll know it when I find it. I also am generally peaceful and don't fight when necessary. If someone tries to kill me and fails, I will most likely give them anything I found from their body and try to make friends. Some call me naive or foolish, but I think its best to try and make friends in whatever way possible. I believe that items can be found easily, but a good friend is hard to come by. I did.
Character description: a lonely guard that wants nothing more then to be apart of something amazing and beautiful. I did.
IGN: rhino600
Age: 19
Character Description: My character is Rhino. He is a generally friendly person to everyone he knows, and civil to those he doesn't. Rhino is still trying to find his purpose in the world, and as such, has a wide variety of skills for a variety of tasks and is always ready to learn something new. Rhino will likely find himself touring Kingdom's to find a place to call his own because he seeks both the company of others and a king to inspire him and to give him goals in the world. Rhino will seek out tasks to accomplish and in doing so he hopes to find that which he can be passionate about, through that he hopes he will better the kingdom that has given him something to work for. Current skills: Resource gathering (a simple yet needed task), basic building (small to mid-range structures, will attempt to make large one if given guidance), planning (such as planning a buildings layout in order to prevent conflicts), rudimentary combat (currently only has basic combat needed to survive but with training can become more), flexibility (from mining to building to stealing for a good cause from his enemies, Rhino shall try all) and, finally, loyalty (Rhino will serve his chosen king without a thought a betrayal and shall defend his kingdom from those who would seek to threaten his home). Rhino is essentially a loyal, well-rounded yet-unspecialized person with a potential for many things who seeks a home, a leader, and a purpose.
Character Description: My hero in search of the Kingdom which protects him from evil monsters: D
In Dalny want to become a mighty warrior .. and the best in the Kingdom
Character Description: My character is a young man. Recently his parents died in a house fire, and all he is left with is memories. He now wanders the world looking for a place to call hope. He is skilled with the blade, and possess decent crafting abilities. He is not sky, and very cocky. He will do what it takes to live, from killing another man, to stealing, but his nature is normally good, and will only commit such crimes if he must.
Character Description: I love creating symmetric buildings and structures which helps a lot in creating awesome walls and tower structures. I am great at constructing kingdoms from the ground up and would love to help.
IGN: nickeman2
In Character Name: "ante"
Age: 13-15
In Character Age: 19
Character Description: a homeless 19 year old guy who dosent master eny thing but is good at most thing but not at cleaning, may share eny thing but money,do also like clime on roofs, dont steal valioval stuff just becuz he wants to make them, you may finde some coal, stick, planks and cobbelstone missing!
faction: kingdom
I did.
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"as long thers man it will be war."
"in war, we win or lose, live or die, the difrens is just an eyalash"
gen. duglas McArthur
sometime what i type soundes better when im typing it!!
and also i support:
Character Description: A lowly, extremely emotional kid wandered into the country after a fight with a zombie horde. He was carrying just a sword and a half a raw pork chop that he had to eat just to stay alive. He had fallen in the middle of the plaza from exhaustion, a wound in his back seeping blood. This could be his end.
Character: Coming from his small farming town in a faraway land, He hopes to make something of himself and attain glory in his name and for his kingdom.
Character Description: i love to use my hands and loves to serve the king and any queens if any. Im very kind and friendly but when you make me mad you will feel my wrath. im just saying :tongue.gif:
Age: 19
Character Description: I am most likely going to be a lone wolf until i find a kingdom that suits my taste. I'm not even sure what my own tastes are, but I'll know it when I find it. I also am generally peaceful and don't fight when necessary. If someone tries to kill me and fails, I will most likely give them anything I found from their body and try to make friends. Some call me naive or foolish, but I think its best to try and make friends in whatever way possible. I believe that items can be found easily, but a good friend is hard to come by. I did.
Character Description: A shy,humble quiet guy from a poor background who rarely speechs, but very loyal and great to have in a tight spot.
Character Description: I'd like to try to be a scout for a kingdom maybe, but definitely a frontiersmen scraping by to survive. I did.
Character Description:Lone Wanderer, Mercenary pretty much good karma for rogue :biggrin.gif:
Character description: a lonely guard that wants nothing more then to be apart of something amazing and beautiful. I did.
Age: 19
Character Description: My character is Rhino. He is a generally friendly person to everyone he knows, and civil to those he doesn't. Rhino is still trying to find his purpose in the world, and as such, has a wide variety of skills for a variety of tasks and is always ready to learn something new. Rhino will likely find himself touring Kingdom's to find a place to call his own because he seeks both the company of others and a king to inspire him and to give him goals in the world. Rhino will seek out tasks to accomplish and in doing so he hopes to find that which he can be passionate about, through that he hopes he will better the kingdom that has given him something to work for. Current skills: Resource gathering (a simple yet needed task), basic building (small to mid-range structures, will attempt to make large one if given guidance), planning (such as planning a buildings layout in order to prevent conflicts), rudimentary combat (currently only has basic combat needed to survive but with training can become more), flexibility (from mining to building to stealing for a good cause from his enemies, Rhino shall try all) and, finally, loyalty (Rhino will serve his chosen king without a thought a betrayal and shall defend his kingdom from those who would seek to threaten his home). Rhino is essentially a loyal, well-rounded yet-unspecialized person with a potential for many things who seeks a home, a leader, and a purpose.
I did
Character Description:I'm an easy going guy, except when it comes to war. Generally very nice and helpful towards other people.
Age: 15 year
Character Description: My hero in search of the Kingdom which protects him from evil monsters: D
In Dalny want to become a mighty warrior .. and the best in the Kingdom
Age: 12 (Yes, it is a bit young)
Character Description: My character is a young man. Recently his parents died in a house fire, and all he is left with is memories. He now wanders the world looking for a place to call hope. He is skilled with the blade, and possess decent crafting abilities. He is not sky, and very cocky. He will do what it takes to live, from killing another man, to stealing, but his nature is normally good, and will only commit such crimes if he must.
I did.
kingdom, guard, soldier
Character Description: I love creating symmetric buildings and structures which helps a lot in creating awesome walls and tower structures. I am great at constructing kingdoms from the ground up and would love to help.
"in war, we win or lose, live or die, the difrens is just an eyalash"
gen. duglas McArthur
sometime what i type soundes better when im typing it!!
and also i support:
Age : 15
Description : Nomad
Age: 17
Character Description: A lowly, extremely emotional kid wandered into the country after a fight with a zombie horde. He was carrying just a sword and a half a raw pork chop that he had to eat just to stay alive. He had fallen in the middle of the plaza from exhaustion, a wound in his back seeping blood. This could be his end.
I did
Age: 20
Character: Coming from his small farming town in a faraway land, He hopes to make something of himself and attain glory in his name and for his kingdom.
I did
age: 19
character: i will be a lonly farmer who has no family and likes his alone time
Age: 19
Character Description: i love to use my hands and loves to serve the king and any queens if any. Im very kind and friendly but when you make me mad you will feel my wrath. im just saying :tongue.gif:
Somehow I doubt it.