No Xray
No Pranking with lava, tnt fire. Cant destroy part of their structure.
Must speak english in chat.
If you can record, you have a higher chance of being accepted.
Must be at least 13
APPLICATION (Copy & Paste)
Minecraft name: probjob69
Age: 14
How long have you had minecraft: from the beginning!
Any other things you need to know: im a very nice person when it comes to this game!
And i dont have any recording things but i want some, please accept me.
Minecraft name: All_of_the_Above
Age: 13 nearly 14
Country: United Stated of America
How long have you had Minecraft: Since the 1.8 adventure update
Any other things I need to know: I'm very friendly and work well with others. I don't mind doing the grunt work for some big project. I am good at builds but I have never attempted anything with redstone. I guess my Mindcrack alter-ego would be Adlingtont.
Youtube link: I have a channel with no videos posted and I can't record what's going on my computer screen. My Youtube name is Aota98
Any other things I need to know?:my mom works shes got breast cancer so she works from home from this computer so i gotta let her work so i can play minecraft
Minecraft name:
KingHaavard Age:
13 Country:
Norway How long have you had minecraft?:
Since beta 1.4 Any other things I need to know?:
Can't record but i like to build stuff and prank guys
can record when i get a mic Youtube link:
Any other things I need to know?: I was on a server that is not on anymore, been looking for a server like such for awhile now though. I record in 720p with FRAPS but I am starting to use Dxtory.
How long Have you owned minecraft? Since about the Beta 1.2.5 update
Any other things you might need to know? - I'm on Minecraft Everyday for almost all day
- I Skype, Cowdog221
- I am an amazing builder, Also good at redstone
- Just Very friendly, Nice person to be around and talk too.
I have made a few Videos But they are very laggy. It wouldn't be a good series to record if it were laggy. So therefor I wouldn't be recording my sessions during this server.
Any other things I need to know?: Nothing, just that i might not be active for the first 4 weeks but after that il be on almost 24/7.
Youtube link: ( I don't have videos because im hoping to get into this server and start filming, but i do have all the essential programs that will be needed to make videos including a mic of course
Hello everyone, I am changing the idea of the mindcrack server. Instead of every one joining with nothing, I will hold a "Company" Meeting with everyone invited. It will be Me and Minerwolf99 on a team with teams of 2. Every team will have a team name and will be competing for something special. At random points we will have more Company Meetings. Depending on which Company you are on, you will have to mass-produce special types of items or blocks. Mr. Bossman will see how you are doing every meeting. Depending how good you are doing on your're mass-producing, you will be given items to help you do your job easier. The meeting will be held soon. SEE YOU SOON!Me and minerwolf99 are working on redstone so that is taken!
No Xray
No Pranking with lava, tnt fire. Cant destroy part of their structure.
Must speak english in chat.
If you can record, you have a higher chance of being accepted.
Must be at least 13
APPLICATION (Copy & Paste)
Minecraft name:
How long have you had minecraft?:
Any other things I need to know?:
Youtube link:
Only 35 slots! Join NOW!
How long have you had minecraft?:since 1.8
Any other things I need to know?:i have ADHD so lol
Youtube link:
i hope i get in
How long have you had minecraft?:since 1.2.3
Any other things I need to know?:i can record
Youtube link: p.s i just started recording minecraft though\
How long have you had minecraft?:since 1.2.5
Any other things I need to know?:when your on,should i film on my youtube,am girl and i can recorde sound.
Youtube link:
Age: 14
How long have you had minecraft: from the beginning!
Any other things you need to know: im a very nice person when it comes to this game!
And i dont have any recording things but i want some, please accept me.
Age: 13 nearly 14
Country: United Stated of America
How long have you had Minecraft: Since the 1.8 adventure update
Any other things I need to know: I'm very friendly and work well with others. I don't mind doing the grunt work for some big project. I am good at builds but I have never attempted anything with redstone. I guess my Mindcrack alter-ego would be Adlingtont.
Youtube link: I have a channel with no videos posted and I can't record what's going on my computer screen. My Youtube name is Aota98
Age: 15.
Country: United States.
How long have you had minecraft?: Since 1.8.1
Any other things I need to know?: I'm a good builder, good with redstone. I'm also very mature.
Youtube link: Will start recording as soon as I get my Mic.
How long have you had minecraft?:2 years
Any other things I need to know?:my mom works shes got breast cancer so she works from home from this computer so i gotta let her work so i can play minecraft
How long have you had minecraft?:
Since beta 1.4
Any other things I need to know?:
Can't record
can record when i get a mic
Youtube link:
Age: 14
Country: US
How long have you had minecraft?: Since 1.7.3
Any other things I need to know?: I was on a server that is not on anymore, been looking for a server like such for awhile now though. I record in 720p with FRAPS but I am starting to use Dxtory.
Youtube link:
Age: 14
Country: United States
How long have you had minecraft?: Since Alpha 1.2
Any other things I need to know?: I like to build large structures that are very detailed.
Youtube link: I haven't uploaded in a while but I plan to start uploading soon.
Age: 13 (but very Mature)
Country: United States
How long Have you owned minecraft? Since about the Beta 1.2.5 update
Any other things you might need to know? - I'm on Minecraft Everyday for almost all day
- I Skype, Cowdog221
- I am an amazing builder, Also good at redstone
- Just Very friendly, Nice person to be around and talk too.
I have made a few Videos But they are very laggy. It wouldn't be a good series to record if it were laggy. So therefor I wouldn't be recording my sessions during this server.
I hope you do Except this application
Age: 13
Country: U.S
How long have you had minecraft?: Since the Halloween Update
Any other things I need to know?:No not really
Youtube link: (No videos yet :P, But I have a mic and a recording program as well as an editing one)
Age: 14
Country: Namibia. (Currently Russia)
How long have you had minecraft?: 2 years
Any other things I need to know?: Nothing, just that i might not be active for the first 4 weeks but after that il be on almost 24/7.
Youtube link: ( I don't have videos because im hoping to get into this server and start filming, but i do have all the essential programs that will be needed to make videos including a mic of course