Shattercraft is a server that has gone under the radar for quite some time. It started last year around Christmas and was a complete disaster! The two Owners hornetsnest and Garret_Pp have never owned a server before and had no idea what to do. It was a life saver when they met a school friend who was very skilled at minecraft. hi name was Royal11. he helped them get on their feet but soon got board and turned Evil!!! Royal Griefed the server and tore up the plugins, it was in ruins. But From the ashes came a new hero, Hornetsnest, with no one there to guide him he had to learn fast and train hard! Soon he was more experienced than Royal and ran the server smoothly. From then there has been a few Admins to betray the server but hornet has always come though.
Our current staff are listed below please respect them and and ask then if you have any questions or concerns.
These Ranks are ordered form lowest to highest they are followed buy how you obtain the rank and if there are openings.
Always Open
one slot open
We Run the plugin Muiltiverse which we use to have multiple world for your enjoyment. to get to these worlds you will need to get to the portals room by typing /warp Portals or by typing /Spawn, turn around and go though the portal named Portal Room. Everyone can enter and look at these worlds but donators have more access. Each world has spawn built with hard work and lots of time for you to better enjoy your stay at shattercraft!
Faction Wars
This is the world that you spawn in when you type /spawn. It is the main world and is open to everyone. This world is the only world they you can grief in and have faction related events, Wars, Raids, Grief, ect.
Creative World
This world is a free build world that anyone can use. Here as soon as you spawn in you will be switched to gamemode 1 (Creative mode). Guest have access to every item in the creative mode, as for spawned items like mob spawners, still water/lave, fire, etc, only donators and up can do that.
Donator World
this world was made specially for our wonderful donators. though anyone can come here and look around only donators can build and set their home here. this world is special not just because its donators only but because it generates its world by Nordic standards. Also there are huge plots for donators to build on and do whatever they want on them. If that isn't enough in donator world the ore count is now at 300%!!! The donators also get to change the mob-spawning in the world, the world difficulty, the time and weather all at no extra cost to them!
/help [page] a list of helpful commands
/helpop [complaint] sends a mob/admin a complaint
/spawn teleports you to spawn
/warp [warp name] teleports you to the warp point
/motd Message of the day
/tpa [player] sends a teleport req. to a player
/tpahere [player] sends a teleport req to a player to your position
/tpaccept accepts the teleport req.
/tpdeny denys the teleport req.
/home goes to your set home
/sethome sets your home at your current point
/kit noob gives you a wooden pick, axe, and shovel
/balance gives your current balance
/rules [page] gives a list of the server rules
/pay [player] pays a player from your account
/hat makes the block in your hand on your head
All The Guest commands are also Gold commands.
/compass shows what direction you are pointing
/back tp back tp the last placed you TP/warped from
/depth shows your depth
/getpos gets your current X Y Z position
/suicide when **** hits the fan
/list shows a list of the online players
/msg [player] [msg] you can private message a player
/kit Gold gives you a stone pick, axe, and shovel
All The Guest and Gold commands are also Diamond commands.
/Clear Inventory clear your inv
/me [msg] sends yourself a private message
/mail send [player] [msg] sends a msg even if the player is offline
/kit diamond gives you
/ping Pong!
/seen [player] shows the last login time of a player