IGN: Ex_JayB
Why I'd like to join this server: I have played on a bukkit server for some time now and have become a moderator. But unfortunately im beginning to find it a bit boring. I have always found vanilla quite entertaining
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? Yes I do watch minecrack and I really enjoy them all for different reasons but entertainment wise id have to say pause and or beef
Are you a youtuber? Small time yes i would love to start a lets play on the server if i get the chance
Your Microphone Model: I use a logitech headset im not sure of the model as scratched the label of a while ago. But its one of the better cheap headsets
A bit about me: Firstly id like to say that Payt3n is a god. But anyways im a really fun guy that's just looking for a fun server. As i previously stated i was recently promoted to a Moderator on a previous server i played because of my ability to help people. I don't really know what to say about myself but i guess you really need to get to know me in a proper conversation.
My build style: Big. Honestly i like to build big things. For example I've built 1:1 scales of things such as Madison square gardens
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) I build allot as i stated but i also dabble in redstone
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? No im quite fine with skype or teamspeak
How long do you usually play for, in a day? It depends on if i have work or not but i usually get a couple of hours in a day even if its just to stop by and say hello
What can I call you? Feel free to call me Jay
How OLD are you:I am currently 19
Dont get why you guys are still taking the time, the server is already full.
Because I will still be reviewing applications, possibly expanding the server, or replacing people who don't turn out to be who they seem. I don't get why you still take the time to comment, as you've got absolutely no chance. -.-
Why I'd like to join this server: I've been looking for a nice server to be apart of and I think this would be the one for me, I like how all the guys on the mindcrack server are always having fun on there and I would love to be apart of that. I think that I would be an awesome addition to this server and be able to help in a lot of ways, and I can make chocolate chip cookies just saying.
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? I watch mindcrack, mostly PauseUnpause though. But I try to watch the other guys too. My favourite is Etho though.
Are you a youtuber? Unfortunately have an account but no videos, I would like to start a series though someday...
Your Microphone Model: I have a X12 Turtle Beach Headset.
A bit about me: First thing you need to know is i'm very OCD and have to have things perfect in minecraft, I truly believe that Payt3n is a God but that's just my personal opinion My favourite block is probably stone brick and redstone lamps. I enjoy playing minecraft most of the time and hope I can join this server
My build style: I like building large structures but I'm kind of random most of the time. I enjoy making cool designs for my houses and other structures.
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) I'm not known for redstone, I do have a clear understanding though, I do enjoy making underground structures and such things...
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? Not a problem at all.
How long do you usually play for, in a day? depends on the day and mood i'm in but normally 2-3 hours a day.
I'd just like to point out that, I myself are 15, if you followed the posts prior to this page. -.- and no, you're denied for the time being. If I'm unhappy with my current group of people, I'll consider you as a replacement. No promises. Sorry mate. Lmfao.
Well if you do accept me please tell me I would love to join the server.
Why I'd like to join this server: Because i like to play minecraft and to get new friends. Also, i hate non-nearly-vanilla servers, and i'm searching for a vanilla to do Buildings, Videos, and make new friends from around all the world!
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? Yep! Pause.
Are you a youtuber? A little bit. Not a LP series, but individual little videos.
Your Microphone Model: KLIP Extreme.
A bit about me: Well, i'm a brazilian "Mature¹", kid, that likes games, interested in Roleplaying, Building, Living the Real life, too. "Payten is a god"
My build style: Naturalist, principally. Vines, Woods, Logs, Sand. It's my principal building style.
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build))I like to do Castles and fortifications. Houses, interior design.. Some piston things, too. But redstone isn't my best side.
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? Nope! You could even gimme the Skype ;D
How long do you usually play for, in a day?1/2 of the day.
What can I call you?: Whatever you like! I'm Lucky, Lucio, Americo, Luc, Lulz, Anything! But i'd preferer Lulz or Luc.
How OLD are you: Twelve years old.
I'm brazilian, so i have some problems with the English language, but i'm not a imbecile. Hope you approve me!So i can learn more things about grammar and other things. Talking is the best way to learn english, as my teacher says... ¹Non Included in the Product
Why I'd like to join this server: I've wanted to join a server like this for a long time. I attempted to get on the mindcrack Fan Server but didn't make the cut
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? I do. Kurt is my favorite. INDEEED!
Are you a youtuber? Well. I have uploaded some videos in the past. Haven't uploaded in a long time but plan to get back to it soon.
Your Microphone Model: I don't know. But I have a mic!
A bit about me: Well, I'm 14 and live in the USA. California to be exact. Payten is God btw
My build style: Nice, small, cozy things if I'm building above ground. I like making large underground things though. Usually made of Nether blocks.
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) Redstone and mining.
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? I may or may not be able to always be in a skype call. But I will participate in some.
How long do you usually play for, in a day? A few hours.
What can I call you? Fox or Moo. I usually prefer Fox though.
How OLD are you: 14
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Check out my channel for awesome redstone tutorials!
Why I'd like to join this server: I would like to play on a server that will not have people that are cruel to me and be able to play with amazing people like Etho and Guude.
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? I have watched most of Etho's mindcrack videos,and i am an Etho follower all the way.
Are you a youtuber? I do have an account but I do not post videos because i do not have a good recording software.
Your Microphone Model: Realtek High Definition Audio
A bit about me: I am Canadian and I have been playing Minecraft for about 2 years now i love playing it with people who know what they are doing and would like to play with some people i hope to meet in person someday(one of my biggest dreams) and i truly believe that Payten is god.
My build style: I like building good looking well planed out creations like epic castles underground dungeons and amazing feats of creativity.
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) I would like to think that i have two specialties because I am very good at PvP and good at collecting materials(I loop building with that).
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? No it is not a problem because I have a Skype profile and if given the chance would skype with you.
How long do you usually play for, in a day? I play about 4 hours a day and would play more if i got on the server.
What can I call you? You may call me Alex or Nem
How OLD are you? I am 15 and I am very mature and responsible for my age.
Why I'd like to join this server: I like the idea of this and it sounds like a fun time
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? I watch ALOT of mindcrack, My favorite is either Pause, Etho, or Beef
Are you a youtuber? nope :\ (but i was contemplating it)
Your Microphone Model: Conexant SmartAudio HD
A bit about me: I've been playing minecraft for a long time and was even thinking about starting a server like this myself, but i found this article. I bought the game in Beta 1.4 just around the Halloween Update and it seemed like the perfect game for spare time.
My build style: Modern, Cavelike, or Castle like structures
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) I am good at a combination of redstone and building to know how they flow together and work to make a nice house.
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? ehh not soo much
How long do you usually play for, in a day? 2 hrs
What can I call you? Bruffle, Bruff, any abbreviation of that or nickname derived from that
Why I'd like to join this server: I like the idea of this and it sounds like a fun time
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? I watch ALOT of mindcrack, My favorite is either Pause, Etho, or Beef
Are you a youtuber? nope :\ (but i was contemplating it)
Your Microphone Model: Conexant SmartAudio HD
A bit about me: I've been playing minecraft for a long time and was even thinking about starting a server like this myself, but i found this article. I bought the game in Beta 1.4 just around the Halloween Update and it seemed like the perfect game for spare time.
My build style: Modern, Cavelike, or Castle like structures
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) I am good at a combination of redstone and building to know how they flow together and work to make a nice house.
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? ehh not soo much
How long do you usually play for, in a day? 2 hrs
What can I call you? Bruffle, Bruff, any abbreviation of that or nickname derived from that
Why I'd like to join this server:i have been looking for a good server and I like playing with other people
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person?vintagebeef
Are you a youtuber?unfortunatly no
Your Microphone Model: none
A bit about me:I like building pretty much anything. I also like exploring to find cool land scapes and good caves
My build style:anything i can think of.
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) i am pretty good at building anything i come up with and i am kind of good with redstone
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? yes because i dont have a skype or a mic.
How long do you usually play for, in a day? it would depend on how busy i am but probaly 30min.-2hrs. every other day.
What can I call you? spark
How OLD are you: 13
Well, as much as I want to get on the server, I want to see how the server is gonna be like. I hope you (guys) post videos!
NOTE(Yes, I like putting notes): Don't hate me for following you guys. I hope to see UHC too! C:
It's all good. I'll DEFINITELY be posting videos of the server, as soon as it's up. I'm not toooo sure about the others, but they're more than welcome to! And UHC is a very large possibility.
It's all good. I'll DEFINITELY be posting videos of the server, as soon as it's up. I'm not toooo sure about the others, but they're more than welcome to! And UHC is a very large possibility.
Just remember that I'll never hate you guys, and will be the best FAN ever.
NOTE: Are you gonna make up a name for the server? If so, can't wait.
Why I'd like to join this server: because i would really like to get on a freindly whitelist server and meet other people who love to play minecraft like i do. and you sayed its modled after the Mindcrack server and i would love to play on a server like that!!!!!!!
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? i watch every mindcrack members videos but my favourite would have to be alex (PauseUnpause)
Are you a youtuber? i have a youtube acount but i havnt made any video's yet i would really like to start when i buy a beater computer.
Your Microphone Model: my curent microphone is built into Lap top i play on
A bit about me: i am dyslexic and misspell alout but i dont mind people corecting me i take it as a helpful sugestion
My build style: i havnt really thought about it i have been told im a good builder and i mostly free build to what feels right
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) ok builder, not too bad at redstone amazing mobtrap builder.
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? nope i love to skype with other players
How long do you usually play for, in a day? idk the amount but i know its alout
Why I'd like to join this server: because i would really like to get on a freindly whitelist server and meet other people who love to play minecraft like i do. and you sayed its modled after the Mindcrack server and i would love to play on a server like that!!!!!!!
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? i watch every mindcrack members videos but my favourite would have to be alex (PauseUnpause)
Are you a youtuber? i have a youtube acount but i havnt made any video's yet i would really like to start when i buy a beater computer.
Your Microphone Model: my curent microphone is built into Lap top i play on
A bit about me: i am dyslexic and misspell alout but i dont mind people corecting me i take it as a helpful sugestion
My build style: i havnt really thought about it i have been told im a good builder and i mostly free build to what feels right
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) ok builder, not too bad at redstone amazing mobtrap builder.
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? nope i love to skype with other players
How long do you usually play for, in a day? idk the amount but i know its alout
What can I call you? john
How OLD are you: 17
I am sorry to inform you that the whitelist is full for now, and this isn't exactly what I was looking for, for applications. :/ Denied
Why I'd like to join this server: I have played on a bukkit server for some time now and have become a moderator. But unfortunately im beginning to find it a bit boring. I have always found vanilla quite entertaining
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? Yes I do watch minecrack and I really enjoy them all for different reasons but entertainment wise id have to say pause and or beef
Are you a youtuber? Small time yes i would love to start a lets play on the server if i get the chance
Your Microphone Model: I use a logitech headset im not sure of the model as scratched the label of a while ago. But its one of the better cheap headsets
A bit about me: Firstly id like to say that Payt3n is a god. But anyways im a really fun guy that's just looking for a fun server. As i previously stated i was recently promoted to a Moderator on a previous server i played because of my ability to help people. I don't really know what to say about myself but i guess you really need to get to know me in a proper conversation.
My build style: Big. Honestly i like to build big things. For example I've built 1:1 scales of things such as Madison square gardens
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) I build allot as i stated but i also dabble in redstone
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? No im quite fine with skype or teamspeak
How long do you usually play for, in a day? It depends on if i have work or not but i usually get a couple of hours in a day even if its just to stop by and say hello
What can I call you? Feel free to call me Jay
How OLD are you:I am currently 19
Because I will still be reviewing applications, possibly expanding the server, or replacing people who don't turn out to be who they seem. I don't get why you still take the time to comment, as you've got absolutely no chance. -.-
P.S. I'm not a real witchcraft lover
Well if you do accept me please tell me I would love to join the server.
Zombie Pigmen are my beloved bitches.
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? Yep! Pause.
Are you a youtuber? A little bit. Not a LP series, but individual little videos.
Your Microphone Model: KLIP Extreme.
A bit about me: Well, i'm a brazilian "Mature¹", kid, that likes games, interested in Roleplaying, Building, Living the Real life, too. "Payten is a god"
My build style: Naturalist, principally. Vines, Woods, Logs, Sand. It's my principal building style.
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build))I like to do Castles and fortifications. Houses, interior design.. Some piston things, too. But redstone isn't my best side.
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? Nope! You could even gimme the Skype ;D
How long do you usually play for, in a day?1/2 of the day.
What can I call you?: Whatever you like! I'm Lucky, Lucio, Americo, Luc, Lulz, Anything! But i'd preferer Lulz or Luc.
How OLD are you: Twelve years old.
I'm brazilian, so i have some problems with the English language, but i'm not a imbecile. Hope you approve me! So i can learn more things about grammar and other things. Talking is the best way to learn english, as my teacher says...
¹Non Included in the Product
NOTE(Yes, I like putting notes): Don't hate me for following you guys. I hope to see UHC too! C:
Zombie Pigmen are my beloved bitches.
I forgot Iwatch Zisteau alot too
Why I'd like to join this server:i have been looking for a good server and I like playing with other people
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person?vintagebeef
Are you a youtuber?unfortunatly no
Your Microphone Model: none
A bit about me:I like building pretty much anything. I also like exploring to find cool land scapes and good caves
My build style:anything i can think of.
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) i am pretty good at building anything i come up with and i am kind of good with redstone
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? yes because i dont have a skype or a mic.
How long do you usually play for, in a day? it would depend on how busy i am but probaly 30min.-2hrs. every other day.
What can I call you? spark
How OLD are you: 13
It's all good. I'll DEFINITELY be posting videos of the server, as soon as it's up. I'm not toooo sure about the others, but they're more than welcome to! And UHC is a very large possibility.
Just remember that I'll never hate you guys, and will be the best FAN ever.
NOTE: Are you gonna make up a name for the server? If so, can't wait.
Zombie Pigmen are my beloved bitches.
Why I'd like to join this server: because i would really like to get on a freindly whitelist server and meet other people who love to play minecraft like i do. and you sayed its modled after the Mindcrack server and i would love to play on a server like that!!!!!!!
Do you watch mindcrack? If yes, who's your favourite person? i watch every mindcrack members videos but my favourite would have to be alex (PauseUnpause)
Are you a youtuber? i have a youtube acount but i havnt made any video's yet i would really like to start when i buy a beater computer.
Your Microphone Model: my curent microphone is built into Lap top i play on
A bit about me: i am dyslexic and misspell alout but i dont mind people corecting me i take it as a helpful sugestion
My build style: i havnt really thought about it i have been told im a good builder and i mostly free build to what feels right
My specialty (redstone, building, (certain type of build)) ok builder, not too bad at redstone amazing mobtrap builder.
We skype all the time, is this a problem for you? nope i love to skype with other players
How long do you usually play for, in a day? idk the amount but i know its alout
What can I call you? john
How OLD are you: 17
I am sorry to inform you that the whitelist is full for now, and this isn't exactly what I was looking for, for applications. :/ Denied
That was two different sentences . I meant he was denied.So, Guys! I NEED OPINIONS FOR THE NAME OF THE SERVER! I'm taking ideas, pm me.
This is going to be legendary.