Age: 15
How active you are: Very common
Minecraft name: Fujistaffa Timezone: Central Standard Time (Canada) About yourself: I like working together with others and using red stone Why you want to join this server: I want to find a server with a tight community like you described
Age: 23
How active you are: About one hour a day mabybe 2
Minecraft name: Owss0 About yourself: Im a student in communication. I'm new in minecraft and in pc gaming. I'm respectful and i love team work!
Age: 15
How active are you: about an hour on weekdays and even more on weekends
Minecraft name: WhitEnderman
About yourself: I'm a high school student, I love minecraft, I tend to play more actively on PvP/faction but I also love working together with others.
How active you are: Now that school's near over, I plan on being too active for my own good (Hours and hours)
Minecraft name: FizzyFuzz
Timezone: CST/ GMT-0600
About yourself: I'm a Junior in High School with a boundless capacity for creativity and innovation. I currently live in Texas and plan on going to college and graduating with a degree in software engineering. Minecraft helps me think creatively. I enjoy humor as much as I enjoy creating.
Why you want to join this server: I literally searched for "Mature players". This is exactly what I'm looking for. People can be stupid, and it's annoying when people choose to be irrational .
Age: 17
How active you are: At least an hour each day
Minecraft name: rdk1207 Timezone: New York (GMT -5)
About yourself: I love vanilla minecraft, and am fond of various types of builds. I usually delight in towers, castles, modern homes, pixel art, and buildings using unconventional items. Why you want to join this server: I have been looking for a server with mature players. Lately, it seems the servers I have been on have been filled with 13-year-olds questioning each other's sexualities.
How Active You Are: I play whenever I have free time to waste, which is occasionally and more often on days where I am off of school.
Minecraft Name: P3NGUIN2741
Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About Yourself: My name is Philip, I was born and currently live in Canada although my family comes from Poland. I enjoy playing soccer, or football depending on what you prefer naming the sport, and cannot wait for the EURO 2012 this year. Also, I enjoy playing video games such as Minecraft, the FIFA games and also the Call of Duty games. I believe that is all for now.
Why You Want To Join This Server: I want to join this server because I am looking for a nice server to play on and seeing as this is a close community with a fresh map I believe I would be able to make some friends and enjoy myself with the new land and maybe join that community.
How active you are: Almost every day, but I sometimes won't play for about a week, depending on school.
Minecraft name: Kayration
Timezone: pacific standard
About yourself: I love playing Minecraft so I can build things for and/or with people. That is why I love the game. Also, I actually like spending a majority of my time mining underground, so I can be employed for that. I used to be a co-owner on another server because I am so mature (that, and there were only, like 6 people on our server, so there wasn't much to choose from). You can ask for confirmation about this from the user Nbriggs97, as he owned that server.
Why you want to join this server: I want to join this server because I no longer have a server that I am able to use.
Please pm me so that I can find out if you ever whitelist me!
Again, I would like to apologize about all of this inconvenience. I am inclined to believe that I have fixed everything, but please tell me if you notice anything different or wrong.
How Active You Are: I play whenever I have free time to waste, which is occasionally and more often on days where I am off of school.
Minecraft Name: P3NGUIN2741
Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About Yourself: My name is Philip, I was born and currently live in Canada although my family comes from Poland. I enjoy playing soccer, or football depending on what you prefer naming the sport, and cannot wait for the EURO 2012 this year. Also, I enjoy playing video games such as Minecraft, the FIFA games and also the Call of Duty games. I believe that is all for now.
Why You Want To Join This Server: I want to join this server because I am looking for a nice server to play on and seeing as this is a close community with a fresh map I believe I would be able to make some friends and enjoy myself with the new land and maybe join that community.
This is a good application. I like to see that you have other interests, so that when you get bored of Minecraft you have something else to do besides griefing, like half of the Minecraft community. Added. Enjoy the server!
About yourself: I'm a very hardcore Minecraft player. I love meeting cool people in servers and hanging out all day long. I'm a very skilled builder, especially with large designs, like castles or big strong pirate ships.
Why you want to join this server: I've been looking for a good sit back community Minecraft server, and this looks like a good one to join.
Age: 15
How acteve you are: Very active. Very very active.
Minecraft name: The_Obliviator Timezone: +8:00 GMT
About yourself: Hi. I currently own and host a server of my own. I love to build and love to socialise with others. My life is the internet. I literally live my life around Minecraft. Wow those sentences sound awkward.. uhh.. I'm not up-tight or anything, I just feel weird applying to a server. Aaanyway Why you want to join this server: Mature, well built servers are a rare find. Other than my own server, I haven't got a regular server that I actually play on, rather than control. Strangely, I miss dying and building. I miss the difficulty of surviving on my own.
Age: 15
How active you are: Very common
Minecraft name: Fujistaffa Timezone: Central Standard Time (Canada) About yourself: I like working together with others and using red stone Why you want to join this server: I want to find a server with a tight community like you described
Age: 23
How active you are: About one hour a day mabybe 2
Minecraft name: Owss0 About yourself: Im a student in communication. I'm new in minecraft and in pc gaming. I'm respectful and i love team work!
Age: 15
How active are you: about an hour on weekdays and even more on weekends
Minecraft name: WhitEnderman
About yourself: I'm a high school student, I love minecraft, I tend to play more actively on PvP/faction but I also love working together with others.
How active you are: Now that school's near over, I plan on being too active for my own good (Hours and hours)
Minecraft name: FizzyFuzz
Timezone: CST/ GMT-0600
About yourself: I'm a Junior in High School with a boundless capacity for creativity and innovation. I currently live in Texas and plan on going to college and graduating with a degree in software engineering. Minecraft helps me think creatively. I enjoy humor as much as I enjoy creating.
Why you want to join this server: I literally searched for "Mature players". This is exactly what I'm looking for. People can be stupid, and it's annoying when people choose to be irrational .
Age: 17
How active you are: At least an hour each day
Minecraft name: rdk1207 Timezone: New York (GMT -5)
About yourself: I love vanilla minecraft, and am fond of various types of builds. I usually delight in towers, castles, modern homes, pixel art, and buildings using unconventional items. Why you want to join this server: I have been looking for a server with mature players. Lately, it seems the servers I have been on have been filled with 13-year-olds questioning each other's sexualities.
How active you are: Almost every day, but I sometimes won't play for about a week, depending on school.
Minecraft name: Kayration
Timezone: pacific standard
About yourself: I love playing Minecraft so I can build things for and/or with people. That is why I love the game. Also, I actually like spending a majority of my time mining underground, so I can be employed for that. I used to be a co-owner on another server because I am so mature (that, and there were only, like 6 people on our server, so there wasn't much to choose from). You can ask for confirmation about this from the user Nbriggs97, as he owned that server.
Why you want to join this server: I want to join this server because I no longer have a server that I am able to use.
Please pm me so that I can find out if you ever whitelist me!
I would love to add all of you guys, as we do need the players, but all of your applications are simply too short and/or not detailed enough.
Hey Crazydrummer, there are still the two applications at the top of the page that you may or may not have missed (or just forgot to respond/chose not to respond to/insert more possibilities here? ;p).
Also, might I ask how many people on average are on the your server?
Age: 16 How active you are: I usually play an hour per day during the week, and 3-4 hours per day on the weekend. Minecraft name: karlfranz90 Timezone: EST About yourself: I have been playing since Beta was first released, and have been on 30+ servers. I was the moderator of roughly 6 of them, and even the Head Admin of Terracraft for 3 months (the entirety of its life), before its untimely demise.
My building experience is mainly in making rpg villages, but I can work with most structure designs relatively easily. Why you want to join this server: I'm looking for something I can dediacate myself to. Figured a vanilla server with a tight community would be the perfect fit.
Crazydrummer, I would like to propose a new map. There are many junk errors which ruin current buildings, and it would be more meaningful to start on a fresh new map.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Don't argue with idiots. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
How active you are: Few hours on the week days and quite a bit on the weekends. But, summer is coming up so that means I can be more active on the weekdays.
Minecraft name: PaperbagBk
Timezone: EST
About yourself: My real life name is Kevin. I live on a horse ranch in south Florida. I am a middle school student averaging at least a B in every class. I like to play games like Minecraft and Call of Duty. SMP is somewhat of a new thing to me because I mostly play singleplayer. When it comes to Minecraft, I am very OCD like. I have to have everything perfect. My grammar is relatively good, but every once in awhile I mess up.
Why you want to join this server: Because I want to experience what it is like playing on a server with a strong community. Also, I feel as if Minecraft is running out of vanilla servers, so, I want to have the experience of playing on one before they all turn in to PVP/faction servers.
Age: 16
How active you are: A few hours everyday, depending on what I have to do that day.
Minecraft name: alkaro Timezone: Eastern Standard Time.
About yourself: I'm just your average gamer and I also have a PS3. I particularly enjoy coding; learning some Java right now. I really enjoy the Assassin's Creed series a lot out of a list of other games, of course Minecraft is amazing too but in its own way. Well on Minecraft my favorite thing to do is to mess around with redstone in the game. I'm a friendly guy and I try to be as helpful as possible whenever I'm not doing something else.
Why you want to join this server: Well lately it's been hard to find an actual server like this with a friendly community, without having a lot of tension between players causing some unwanted drama; something that I really hate. I really enjoy SSP but in my opinion it gets boring sometimes having no one to talk to so here I am! Oh, I forgot to mention I really enjoy vanilla servers as some with way too many plugins, in my opinion, can make the game way too complicated.
- Third page. Sup. Had to do it.
Both are good applications. Added. I apologize for missing you guys, I had a lot on my plate. You can forgive me by hopping on the server and getting started! I hope you enjoy it.
Crazydrummer, I would like to propose a new map. There are many junk errors which ruin current buildings, and it would be more meaningful to start on a fresh new map.
I would like to try and keep the map that we currently have. If the chunk errors get really bad, then let me know and I will consider it. I haven't really been getting a lot of chunk errors though.
I am going to reset the server map. If anyone has any strong objections to this or wants a backup of the map for themselves, please ask me asap. If there are no objections, I will reset the map tomorrow.
How active are you: Im am on everyday for quite a while most of the time
Minecraft Name: Jacobs94
Time Zone: Central
About Self: I am a new highschool grad and i have enjoyed minecraft and are looking for some people to play with
Why i want to join the server: Have got bored of playing by myself on single player looking for some good and fun people to hang out with and maybe make some cool structures with
Age: 16
How active you are: I play almost everyday. I will be playing more now that school just ended.
Minecraft name: Fullerx13 Timezone: USA Central
About yourself: I have been playing minecraft since before Beta. I play baseball and tennis for my school and I am involved in the Honor programs here. I know just about everything there is to know about minecraft. I am easy going and I have a sense of humor. I get along well and wouldn't be a bother to anyone on the server. Why you want to join this server: I am always looking for a server with a some what small community, so I can know all the people who play. I love survival servers where I wouldn't have to worry about people griefing.
About yourself: I'm a 17-year-old female living in New York, New York. As for Minecraft, I have been playing for well over a year now (since before the 1.8 pre-release). I enjoy building towers, castles, modern houses, small homes, and pixel art-based buildings (ex. cake house). I'm not really much of a mob fighter; I like crafting the most! Outside of Minecraft, I'm a junior in high school. I delight in other games on both Xbox and PC, such as Left 4 Dead. Outside of gaming, I'm a huge nerd and am a three-year veteran of New York ComicCon, cosplaying each time (most recently, a Mudkip). I'm a sweet, funny girl (if I do say so myself~!) who likes to talk to and meet new people from all over the world.
Why you want to join this server: I have been looking for a small, close-knit server with mature players. On the last few servers I have been on, the players have often been immature and rude, creating a very negative environment to play Minecraft. In addition, a fresh map is great to play on as not too many people have made huge builds yet, and allows opportunity for later joiners (such as myself) to create great projects close to spawn.
How active you are: Very common
Minecraft name: Fujistaffa
Timezone: Central Standard Time (Canada)
About yourself: I like working together with others and using red stone
Why you want to join this server: I want to find a server with a tight community like you described
How active you are: About one hour a day mabybe 2
Minecraft name: Owss0
About yourself: Im a student in communication. I'm new in minecraft and in pc gaming. I'm respectful and i love team work!
How active are you: about an hour on weekdays and even more on weekends
Minecraft name: WhitEnderman
About yourself: I'm a high school student, I love minecraft, I tend to play more actively on PvP/faction but I also love working together with others.
How active you are: Now that school's near over, I plan on being too active for my own good (Hours and hours)
Minecraft name: FizzyFuzz
Timezone: CST/ GMT-0600
About yourself: I'm a Junior in High School with a boundless capacity for creativity and innovation. I currently live in Texas and plan on going to college and graduating with a degree in software engineering. Minecraft helps me think creatively. I enjoy humor as much as I enjoy creating.
Why you want to join this server: I literally searched for "Mature players". This is exactly what I'm looking for. People can be stupid, and it's annoying when people choose to be irrational
How active you are: At least an hour each day
Minecraft name: rdk1207
Timezone: New York (GMT -5)
About yourself: I love vanilla minecraft, and am fond of various types of builds. I usually delight in towers, castles, modern homes, pixel art, and buildings using unconventional items.
Why you want to join this server: I have been looking for a server with mature players. Lately, it seems the servers I have been on have been filled with 13-year-olds questioning each other's sexualities.
How active you are: Almost every day, but I sometimes won't play for about a week, depending on school.
Minecraft name: Kayration
Timezone: pacific standard
About yourself: I love playing Minecraft so I can build things for and/or with people. That is why I love the game. Also, I actually like spending a majority of my time mining underground, so I can be employed for that. I used to be a co-owner on another server because I am so mature (that, and there were only, like 6 people on our server, so there wasn't much to choose from). You can ask for confirmation about this from the user Nbriggs97, as he owned that server.
Why you want to join this server: I want to join this server because I no longer have a server that I am able to use.
Please pm me so that I can find out if you ever whitelist me!
Thank you for your patience,
- Crazydrummer
Again, thank you,
- Crazydrummer
This is a good application. I like to see that you have other interests, so that when you get bored of Minecraft you have something else to do besides griefing, like half of the Minecraft community. Added. Enjoy the server!
Thank you,
- Crazydrummer
I would love to add all of you guys, as we do need the players, but all of your applications are simply too short and/or not detailed enough.
Thank you for applying,
- Crazydrummer
Also, might I ask how many people on average are on the your server?
Thank you for applying,
- Crazydrummer
Both are good applications. Added. I apologize for missing you guys, I had a lot on my plate. You can forgive me by hopping on the server and getting started! I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you,
- Crazydrummer I would like to try and keep the map that we currently have. If the chunk errors get really bad, then let me know and I will consider it. I haven't really been getting a lot of chunk errors though.
- Crazydrummer
Thank you,
- Crazydrummer
How active are you: Im am on everyday for quite a while most of the time
Minecraft Name: Jacobs94
Time Zone: Central
About Self: I am a new highschool grad and i have enjoyed minecraft and are looking for some people to play with
Why i want to join the server: Have got bored of playing by myself on single player looking for some good and fun people to hang out with and maybe make some cool structures with
How active you are: I play almost everyday. I will be playing more now that school just ended.
Minecraft name: Fullerx13
Timezone: USA Central
About yourself: I have been playing minecraft since before Beta. I play baseball and tennis for my school and I am involved in the Honor programs here. I know just about everything there is to know about minecraft. I am easy going and I have a sense of humor. I get along well and wouldn't be a bother to anyone on the server.
Why you want to join this server: I am always looking for a server with a some what small community, so I can know all the people who play. I love survival servers where I wouldn't have to worry about people griefing.
Thank you for your consideration.
How active you are: At least an hour each day
Minecraft name: rdk1207
Timezone: New York (GMT -5)
About yourself: I'm a 17-year-old female living in New York, New York. As for Minecraft, I have been playing for well over a year now (since before the 1.8 pre-release). I enjoy building towers, castles, modern houses, small homes, and pixel art-based buildings (ex. cake house). I'm not really much of a mob fighter; I like crafting the most! Outside of Minecraft, I'm a junior in high school. I delight in other games on both Xbox and PC, such as Left 4 Dead. Outside of gaming, I'm a huge nerd and am a three-year veteran of New York ComicCon, cosplaying each time (most recently, a Mudkip). I'm a sweet, funny girl (if I do say so myself~!) who likes to talk to and meet new people from all over the world.
Why you want to join this server: I have been looking for a small, close-knit server with mature players. On the last few servers I have been on, the players have often been immature and rude, creating a very negative environment to play Minecraft. In addition, a fresh map is great to play on as not too many people have made huge builds yet, and allows opportunity for later joiners (such as myself) to create great projects close to spawn.