This is a griefing, looting, PVP, factions server.
The only rules are:
No hacking;
Don't use mods or clients without my consent, I will see it as hacking;
No spawncamping;
No griefing the spawn;
Don't report someone to me for looting/griefing your stuff;
Don't disrespect my staff;
and don't **** me off... xD
Other than that, it's your world.
Fill in an application and post it to the forum to obtain citizenship. There is no whitelisting, so until you have obtained citizenship, you will be known as a guest.
In game name?
How long have you played on PassionCraft?
Do you have a history of hacking?
What are some other servers you have played on?
Will you follow my rules?
Do you realize that breaking my rules can result in an IP ban?
If you respect my staff and I, we'll respect you. Okay?
In game name?
How long have you played on PassionCraft? 0 hours 0 minutes and 0 seconds
Do you have a history of hacking? No
What are some other servers you have played on? I actually run my own, other then that World avalon, and James's server!
Will you follow my rules? Indeed
Do you realize that breaking my rules can result in an IP ban? Indeed
If you respect my staff and I, we'll respect you. Okay? IndeedJESUS KANO 1903 POSTS?!
In game name?
How long have you played on PassionCraft? pi over 6
Do you have a history of hacking? No
What are some other servers you have played on? Redcraft
Will you follow my rules? With both my hearts!
Do you realize that breaking my rules can result in an IP ban? I am aware of thy wrath
If you respect my staff and I, we'll respect you. Okay? To the utmost levels of respect possible for a homo sapienforgot in game name... Its The_Doctor_Whom.. but i will assume you were aware of that if not you have my upmost regards
For clarity, I banned RoxasChibi because he was telling people that "All gays deserve to burn and rot in hell," after three of my admins have repeatedly asked him to stop speaking that way about people. He called my admin rude names also, and has a history of hacking.
EpicHotSauce was banned for calling my staff and I "lying bitches," and admitting to using hacks. He also told an admin of mine that "people like him should be lined up against a wall and shot."
Our spawn is not water, he based that claim on the first hour the server began running. It now has a beautiful and enormous Hawaiian-island themed spawn.
I gave simple rules and they didn't follow them after several chances. If you want to post a review, I'd imagine you'd want to post an accurate one.
Peace and safety, comrades.
I came to the server today to see that it has been griefed and hacked. I will consult with the owner as to what measures will be taken.
Perhaps this is a motivation for Redcraft to return?
We will see, comrades.
I play Slave Hack, give it a try!
How long have you played on PassionCraft? 0 hours 0 minutes and 0 seconds
Do you have a history of hacking? No
What are some other servers you have played on? I actually run my own, other then that World avalon, and James's server!
Will you follow my rules? Indeed
Do you realize that breaking my rules can result in an IP ban? Indeed
If you respect my staff and I, we'll respect you. Okay? IndeedJESUS KANO 1903 POSTS?!
How long have you played on PassionCraft? pi over 6
Do you have a history of hacking? No
What are some other servers you have played on? Redcraft
Will you follow my rules? With both my hearts!
Do you realize that breaking my rules can result in an IP ban? I am aware of thy wrath
If you respect my staff and I, we'll respect you. Okay? To the utmost levels of respect possible for a homo sapienforgot in game name... Its The_Doctor_Whom.. but i will assume you were aware of that if not you have my upmost regards
My old members are reunited. It brings me great joy to see this, Kano, Warrior, and Doctor.
I came to the server today to see that it has been griefed and hacked. I will consult with the owner as to what measures will be taken.
Perhaps this is a motivation for Redcraft to return?
We will see, comrades.
How long have you played on PassionCraft?
Not at all yet, but I think an exception can be made. ;D
Do you have a history of hacking?
What are some other servers you have played on?
Redcraft, Tethyscraft, SINcraft
Will you follow my rules?
Do you realize that breaking my rules can result in an IP ban?
If you respect my staff and I, we'll respect you. Okay?
..... You copied Kanokarob's application.