Hello everyone! We had some technical difficulties after launch yesterday which caused some unfortunate downtime as we optimized the coding of our plugins. All of our testing didn't fix it because we never had as many players enjoying the game as we did yesterday; it was that sheer amount of players that showed us the errors in our coding.
Fortunately, we believe all of those issues are resolved and have reopened the server as I'm typing this. I personally can't wait to see you all in the games again!
Age: 14
Age: 16
Country: Canada
You've all been added as members, and another game is starting right meow!
To anyone who experienced the issue with the last game, I do sincerely apologize again and assure you that it will not happen again.
thanks to everyone who came to the first game and grats to DoctorChop for winning the first game!
Age: 13
Country:United States
I will make you all members as soon as this game ends.
Well you are the Admin >.<
Hope to join soon!
Age: 17
Country: USA
Adding you as a member now teki9, welcome to Nentra Games!
Age: 14
Country: The United States of America
Age: 15
Country: Tanzania (Nationality: American)
Fortunately, we believe all of those issues are resolved and have reopened the server as I'm typing this. I personally can't wait to see you all in the games again!
Let the games begin! Again.