IGN - apple1100
Age - 13
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - everyday after 6 pm Eastern Standern time
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - sure i dont know what it is though so youll have to teach me!
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information
Why do you want to join our server? - I love skyrim and all this awesome and would love to donate to get all the shouts!!
Name - Shimppy
Race - Dark Elf
Age - 23
Gender - Male
RP example - Citizen " No more arrows!"
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Coming all from Riften comes a dark elf. We have no idea of what he can do in this world but we hope it is useful. This elf is very strange and we dont know and where he was born in riften. He seems to be able to handle him self but who knows what he can do. Shimppy is really into dragons and killing all of them and is disappointed at the gods for giving him no family and being another person but something in Shimmys live is about to change....
We've been recently maxing out our RAM usage. Upgrade is TOP-PRIORITY right now. Probably going to get another gig of RAM later tonight, depends on if I have time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
So will the server be up soon? I miss it already :sad.gif:
IGN - retributionarie
Age -16
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 4/7 days
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I Currently Don't Have Teamspeak, And i'm not planning on installing it, if its what I HAVE to do, I will.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No Sharing of Account Information
Why do you want to join our server? - First of all, I love Roleplay. Second, In my opinion, Skyrim is the best roleplay game ever. I chose this server cause it seems the closest to roleplay and a fun server in general.
Name -Xaan Arcanescape
Race - Breton
Age - 28
Gender - male
RP example - There was a windy and stormy night in Skyrim. Xaan, A Breton, was watching Glodia sing her beautiful Skyrim melodies. Xaan said "Hey, You are pretty good at your singing, maybe you can play a song for me?" *Xaan Tosses 4 Coins to Gloadia* Glodia sang as good as she can, until she couldn't sing anymore. Glodia wanted to show off to Xaan, for being such a gentlemen. Xaan was pleased and new he would bring this girl home with him, Into the darkness, and the creaking, of Xaan's House.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Xaan Lives in Solitude (if he can) and works as a miner in the caves. Xaan Lives in a cheap place, and makes minimum wage. He likes exploring caves and wonderous planes. He also has a thing for Magic.
IGN - retributionarie
Age -16
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 4/7 days
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I Currently Don't Have Teamspeak, And i'm not planning on installing it, if its what I HAVE to do, I will.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No Sharing of Account Information
Why do you want to join our server? - First of all, I love Roleplay. Second, In my opinion, Skyrim is the best roleplay game ever. I chose this server cause it seems the closest to roleplay and a fun server in general.
Name -Xaan Arcanescape
Race - Breton
Age - 28
Gender - male
RP example - There was a windy and stormy night in Skyrim. Xaan, A Breton, was watching Glodia sing her beautiful Skyrim melodies. Xaan said "Hey, You are pretty good at your singing, maybe you can play a song for me?" *Xaan Tosses 4 Coins to Gloadia* Glodia sang as good as she can, until she couldn't sing anymore. Glodia wanted to show off to Xaan, for being such a gentlemen. Xaan was pleased and new he would bring this girl home with him, Into the darkness, and the creaking, of Xaan's House.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Xaan Lives in Solitude (if he can) and works as a miner in the caves. Xaan Lives in a cheap place, and makes minimum wage. He likes exploring caves and wonderous planes. He also has a thing for Magic.
IGN -ReDMisT__4
Age -17
Time you can dedicate to server weekly -at least 3 hours a day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? -sure
What is the fifth Server Law? -No sharing of account information
Why do you want to join our server? -I love skyrim and minecraft so why not do both?
Name -Will
Race -Nord
Age -25
Gender -Make
RP example -*lydia standing at door*
*ydia just stands thare*
will...FUS RO DAH
Biogrphy [About a paragraph or 2] -His father died before he was born and his mother died during his burth.He lived his childhood as a blacksmiths apprentice in riverwood.at the age of 19 will decided to travel tamriel but on his way back from cyrodiil he was captured along with some stormcloaks just for being thare.highly agile and intellagent he is one of the most skilled archers in all of skyrim and a great swordsman aswell.
IGN - Mooer
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Weekdays: 4-9 Weekends: 9AM - 9PM
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I have it
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information
Why do you want to join our server? - I like RP games/servers and I especially love the Elder Scrolls series.
Name - Chanzin
Race - Dark Elf (Dunmer!)
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - [OOC] Do you mean 3rd person or 1st? Assuming 1st[/OOC] You have drawn your breath, beast of foulness! Now taste my Mage-Flame!
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Raised in relative safety of his home-town, Morrowind. He learned Archery and Magic, as is to be expected of all Dunmer children. At a relatively young age, he was sent to a hermit mage, to learn the finer points and practice of Magic. At the age of 18 he completed his apprentice-ship, all the more knowledgeable for it.
After his recent apprentice-ship, he resumed his physical training, as he had weakened during his learning. He became known as a minor celebrity in his town as an excellent warrior, incorporating Magic into his Archer and Melee fighting styles. At the age of 24, he left his hometown, having learned everything he could learn from there. He has now arrived in the northern lands of Skyrim, ready for an adventure.
IGN -dazonkey
Age -16
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 6-24 hours
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? -No, but if it's important I'll get it.
What is the fifth Server Law? --No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? -Skyrim+me=fun, Minecraft+me=fun Skyrim+Minecraft+me= HOLY ****
Name -Skeeme Zonky
Race -Breton
Age -25
Gender -Male
RP example -
Guard:"Stop your shouting, it's scaring the citizens."
Guard:"Do that again, and you're going to prison."
Guard:"Grab him!"
Me:"*conjures 2-Handed war-axe and kills all guards*"
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - I was born in Whiterun, perhaps the most annoying city in Skyrim. Ever since I was a lad, I loved to practice magic. Nobody seemed to like it, not even my parents. My dad said that only "intelligent wimps" use magic to fight, and the guards would always tell me to go use my fancy magic somewhere else. My dad forced me to learn how to use all kinds of weapons; swords, war-axes, bows, and everything in-between. He would always tell me about how great I was with weapons, but even my neighbor's chickens could easily defeat me without my magic.
One day the court wizard saw me out practicing my swordsmanship. He came over and said, "You don't like weapons do you?" I told him, "Wow, how did you know? You must be some sort of wizard!" He said, " Well, yes, I'm the court wizard of Whiterun! Would you like to learn magic with me?" "Yes," I replied, " but my father does not wish for me to learn magic." He said, " That's okay, I'll help you practice at night. I'll come knock on your window two hours after nightfall, and we shall practice. Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Farengar." "I'm Skeeme," said I. And from that day forth, my magic grew stronger until I was good enough to become an adventurer.
Name: aadvar
age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Nord
Aadvar" good morning gaurd"
Gaurd" I'll have to ask you to stop that shouting"
Gaurd "No lollygaging"
Aadvar "Okay then...."
Done...... Gaurd "FUS RO DAH"
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - I can play almost everyday for 5-6 hours.
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I don't have it, but i'll get it.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - Well, it's Skyrim, duh. I mean, who wouldn't want to RP in Skyrim?
Name - Wauric Tathval Race - Nord Age - 19 Gender - Male
RP example - Wauric swiftly jumped to his feet. He heard a roar and quickly drew his bow and two arrows from his back. He mounted the arrows on his bow and sent them flying into the forest. It was silent, then a big thump on the ground. He slowly walked towards the beast, seeing it was a bear. "Phew," he sighed in relief. He quickly took out his knife and dug it into the bear. He skinned it, cleaned the pelt and his knife, and put it in his bag. "To Whiterun!"
Biography - Wauric was no ordinary child. He was raised far from civilization, by his father. His father was a huntsman, and taught Wauric everything he knew. Every two weeks, they would gather up their unwanted game and pelts, and headed for the nearby towns. Wauric's father was very bad at bargaining, and they seldom got any coin. Wauric watched other merchants all the time, and slowly learned how to get a good deal. From then on he handled all the merchandise and became a very good trader.
After dealing with all sorts of people, they were gaining a lot of coin. One afternoon, while heading home, they were followed. Six bandits had followed them for a few hours, and they managed to ambush Wauric and his father. They quickly put down four bandits, but one of the remaining two managed to get a throwing knife into Waurics fathers left shoulder. The knife penetrated his heart, and Waurics father bled out. Wauric ran, and for days he ran. He took all forms of travel, and ended up in Skyrim.
IGN - Mooer
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Weekdays: 4-9 Weekends: 9AM - 9PM
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I have it
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information
Why do you want to join our server? - I like RP games/servers and I especially love the Elder Scrolls series.
Name - Chanzin
Race - Dark Elf (Dunmer!)
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - [OOC] Do you mean 3rd person or 1st? Assuming 1st[/OOC] You have drawn your breath, beast of foulness! Now taste my Mage-Flame!
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Raised in relative safety of his home-town, Morrowind. He learned Archery and Magic, as is to be expected of all Dunmer children. At a relatively young age, he was sent to a hermit mage, to learn the finer points and practice of Magic. At the age of 18 he completed his apprentice-ship, all the more knowledgeable for it.
After his recent apprentice-ship, he resumed his physical training, as he had weakened during his learning. He became known as a minor celebrity in his town as an excellent warrior, incorporating Magic into his Archer and Melee fighting styles. At the age of 24, he left his hometown, having learned everything he could learn from there. He has now arrived in the northern lands of Skyrim, ready for an adventure.
IGN - xXTruxaXx
Age - 16
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - depends but 10hour+
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - i dont have teamspeak and dont plan to get it
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - Because i think it sounds fun and i whould like to try it out
IGN -dazonkey
Age -16
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 6-24 hours
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? -No, but if it's important I'll get it.
What is the fifth Server Law? --No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? -Skyrim+me=fun, Minecraft+me=fun Skyrim+Minecraft+me= HOLY ****
Name -Skeeme Zonky
Race -Breton
Age -25
Gender -Male
RP example -
Guard:"Stop your shouting, it's scaring the citizens."
Guard:"Do that again, and you're going to prison."
Guard:"Grab him!"
Me:"*conjures 2-Handed war-axe and kills all guards*"
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - I was born in Whiterun, perhaps the most annoying city in Skyrim. Ever since I was a lad, I loved to practice magic. Nobody seemed to like it, not even my parents. My dad said that only "intelligent wimps" use magic to fight, and the guards would always tell me to go use my fancy magic somewhere else. My dad forced me to learn how to use all kinds of weapons; swords, war-axes, bows, and everything in-between. He would always tell me about how great I was with weapons, but even my neighbor's chickens could easily defeat me without my magic.
One day the court wizard saw me out practicing my swordsmanship. He came over and said, "You don't like weapons do you?" I told him, "Wow, how did you know? You must be some sort of wizard!" He said, " Well, yes, I'm the court wizard of Whiterun! Would you like to learn magic with me?" "Yes," I replied, " but my father does not wish for me to learn magic." He said, " That's okay, I'll help you practice at night. I'll come knock on your window two hours after nightfall, and we shall practice. Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Farengar." "I'm Skeeme," said I. And from that day forth, my magic grew stronger until I was good enough to become an adventurer.
Alright, your rp example makes you look like a badass, so ill let that go, I just need you to change your rp example? kk?
Name: aadvar
age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Nord
Aadvar" good morning gaurd"
Gaurd" I'll have to ask you to stop that shouting"
Gaurd "No lollygaging"
Aadvar "Okay then...."
Done...... Gaurd "FUS RO DAH"
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - I can play almost everyday for 5-6 hours.
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I don't have it, but i'll get it.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - Well, it's Skyrim, duh. I mean, who wouldn't want to RP in Skyrim?
Name - Wauric Tathval Race - Nord Age - 19 Gender - Male
RP example - Wauric swiftly jumped to his feet. He heard a roar and quickly drew his bow and two arrows from his back. He mounted the arrows on his bow and sent them flying into the forest. It was silent, then a big thump on the ground. He slowly walked towards the beast, seeing it was a bear. "Phew," he sighed in relief. He quickly took out his knife and dug it into the bear. He skinned it, cleaned the pelt and his knife, and put it in his bag. "To Whiterun!"
Biography - Wauric was no ordinary child. He was raised far from civilization, by his father. His father was a huntsman, and taught Wauric everything he knew. Every two weeks, they would gather up their unwanted game and pelts, and headed for the nearby towns. Wauric's father was very bad at bargaining, and they seldom got any coin. Wauric watched other merchants all the time, and slowly learned how to get a good deal. From then on he handled all the merchandise and became a very good trader.
After dealing with all sorts of people, they were gaining a lot of coin. One afternoon, while heading home, they were followed. Six bandits had followed them for a few hours, and they managed to ambush Wauric and his father. They quickly put down four bandits, but one of the remaining two managed to get a throwing knife into Waurics fathers left shoulder. The knife penetrated his heart, and Waurics father bled out. Wauric ran, and for days he ran. He took all forms of travel, and ended up in Skyrim.
IGN: weegee_spagetti ( Notice: it is spelled like that )
Age: 14
Time you can decidicate to server: around a hour on weekdays and serveral hours on weekends
Do i have teamspeak: No i do not
Whats the 5th server law: No sharing of acount information
Why do i want to join the server: Because i like skyrim and i like to roleplay so i would enjoy this server. Plus my friend emac said this was a good server
Name - Pediono
Race - Khajit
age - 40
Gender - male
Rp example -
As pediono walks into riverwood the people of the town are shocked. They have hear rumors about him. One of the guards pulls his sword out and points it at him. Pediono takes a throwing knife and it hits his neck. 2 more guards go after Pediono. Pediono uses his claws and slashes one in the neck. The other in the arm. The towns people get scared on run off. Pediono walks into the general store and tells the owner to give him a steel sword. The owner hands it over. Pediono runs off into whiterun to get some more stuff
Bio -
Pediono was hated as a child. His parents and his siblings hated him. So when he was little he robbed his parents and ran away. He wanted to get revenge. He went along the most of his childhood robbing shops and getting revenge on people. He now terrorizes towns in skyrim
IGN - Echo4Sierra
Age - old man
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - I work from home and I'm pretty much playin Minecraft or Skyrim all day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - Yes
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - I love Minecraft and I love TES, is there anything more awesome then the marriage of the two?
Name - Allwan Oxhind
Race - Breton
Age - 36
Gender - Male
RP example -
- Allwan: GUARD! Help!
- Guard: Calm down! What is it citizen?
- Allwan: My father was killed by a bandit!
- Guard: And what did this bandit look like?
- Allwan: He was a Khajiit. He smelt like a wet dog, and had a really nasty scar on his right leg..... oh and he coughed up this furball.
- ***hands the furball to the guard***
- Guard: Where did this happen?
- Allwan: at our farm just outside the west gate.
- Guard: Okay citizen, I'll have a look.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - My family is from the small coastal village of Anvil in the south west of Cyrodiil. When the Oblivion outbreak happened we moved to Skyrim seeking protection. We started a small farm just outside of Whiterun and began selling our breads and pastries to traveling merchants and Whiterun. We were getting by just fine until one day a massive black beast came down from the sky and burn'd our crops. My parents ran to the fields to try and save them but quickly got surrounded by fire. They were both killed. About two days later the fires finally died out and I was able to recover the bodies of my parents. I buried what was left of them behind our farm house.
Weeks later my grief still hadn't subsided. I just couldn't stand being at our family farm. Everything reminded me of my parents. So I left and headed for Solitude. I and herd that there was work at the docks there. I found an old shipmaster that was willing to give me a shot as a cargoship hand. He was transporting goods between Skyrim and Hammerfell. I did this for about five years but I never really got my sea legs. Im a farmer at heart and prefer to be working soil then being in the middle of the sea. So I decided to move back to my family farm and see if I could put things back together. And thats where I find myself today.
IGN: weegee_spagetti ( Notice: it is spelled like that )
Age: 14
Time you can decidicate to server: around a hour on weekdays and serveral hours on weekends
Do i have teamspeak: No i do not
Whats the 5th server law: No sharing of acount information
Why do i want to join the server: Because i like skyrim and i like to roleplay so i would enjoy this server. Plus my friend emac said this was a good server
Name - Pediono
Race - Khajit
age - 40
Gender - male
Rp example -
As pediono walks into riverwood the people of the town are shocked. They have hear rumors about him. One of the guards pulls his sword out and points it at him. Pediono takes a throwing knife and it hits his neck. 2 more guards go after Pediono. Pediono uses his claws and slashes one in the neck. The other in the arm. The towns people get scared on run off. Pediono walks into the general store and tells the owner to give him a steel sword. The owner hands it over. Pediono runs off into whiterun to get some more stuff
Bio -
Pediono was hated as a child. His parents and his siblings hated him. So when he was little he robbed his parents and ran away. He wanted to get revenge. He went along the most of his childhood robbing shops and getting revenge on people. He now terrorizes towns in skyrim
Please redo your bio, your rp example is longer than your bio :tongue.gif:
IGN - Echo4Sierra
Age - old man
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - I work from home and I'm pretty much playin Minecraft or Skyrim all day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - Yes
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - I love Minecraft and I love TES, is there anything more awesome then the marriage of the two?
Name - Allwan Oxhind
Race - Breton
Age - 36
Gender - Male
RP example -
- Allwan: GUARD! Help!
- Guard: Calm down! What is it citizen?
- Allwan: My father was killed by a bandit!
- Guard: And what did this bandit look like?
- Allwan: He was a Khajiit. He smelt like a wet dog, and had a really nasty scar on his right leg..... oh and he coughed up this furball.
- ***hands the furball to the guard***
- Guard: Where did this happen?
- Allwan: at our farm just outside the west gate.
- Guard: Okay citizen, I'll have a look.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - My family is from the small coastal village of Anvil in the south west of Cyrodiil. When the Oblivion outbreak happened we moved to Skyrim seeking protection. We started a small farm just outside of Whiterun and began selling our breads and pastries to traveling merchants and Whiterun. We were getting by just fine until one day a massive black beast came down from the sky and burn'd our crops. My parents ran to the fields to try and save them but quickly got surrounded by fire. They were both killed. About two days later the fires finally died out and I was able to recover the bodies of my parents. I buried what was left of them behind our farm house.
Weeks later my grief still hadn't subsided. I just couldn't stand being at our family farm. Everything reminded me of my parents. So I left and headed for Solitude. I and herd that there was work at the docks there. I found an old shipmaster that was willing to give me a shot as a cargoship hand. He was transporting goods between Skyrim and Hammerfell. I did this for about five years but I never really got my sea legs. Im a farmer at heart and prefer to be working soil then being in the middle of the sea. So I decided to move back to my family farm and see if I could put things back together. And thats where I find myself today.
IGN - apple1100
Age - 13
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - everyday after 6 pm Eastern Standern time
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - sure i dont know what it is though so youll have to teach me!
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information
Why do you want to join our server? - I love skyrim and all this awesome and would love to donate to get all the shouts!!
Name - Shimppy
Race - Dark Elf
Age - 23
Gender - Male
RP example - Citizen " No more arrows!"
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Coming all from Riften comes a dark elf. We have no idea of what he can do in this world but we hope it is useful. This elf is very strange and we dont know and where he was born in riften. He seems to be able to handle him self but who knows what he can do. Shimppy is really into dragons and killing all of them and is disappointed at the gods for giving him no family and being another person but something in Shimmys live is about to change....
So will the server be up soon? I miss it already :sad.gif:
IGN - retributionarie
Age -16
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 4/7 days
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I Currently Don't Have Teamspeak, And i'm not planning on installing it, if its what I HAVE to do, I will.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No Sharing of Account Information
Why do you want to join our server? - First of all, I love Roleplay. Second, In my opinion, Skyrim is the best roleplay game ever. I chose this server cause it seems the closest to roleplay and a fun server in general.
Name -Xaan Arcanescape
Race - Breton
Age - 28
Gender - male
RP example - There was a windy and stormy night in Skyrim. Xaan, A Breton, was watching Glodia sing her beautiful Skyrim melodies. Xaan said "Hey, You are pretty good at your singing, maybe you can play a song for me?" *Xaan Tosses 4 Coins to Gloadia* Glodia sang as good as she can, until she couldn't sing anymore. Glodia wanted to show off to Xaan, for being such a gentlemen. Xaan was pleased and new he would bring this girl home with him, Into the darkness, and the creaking, of Xaan's House.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Xaan Lives in Solitude (if he can) and works as a miner in the caves. Xaan Lives in a cheap place, and makes minimum wage. He likes exploring caves and wonderous planes. He also has a thing for Magic.
I was accepted about 3-4 days ago... Why hasn't a whitelister whitelisted me?
I think I have, I looked back and whitelisted you.
Try to get on. If you cant, tell me your ign again
Please make your biography longer, denied
And you, when were you accepted
Age -17
Time you can dedicate to server weekly -at least 3 hours a day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? -sure
What is the fifth Server Law? -No sharing of account information
Why do you want to join our server? -I love skyrim and minecraft so why not do both?
Name -Will
Race -Nord
Age -25
Gender -Make
RP example -*lydia standing at door*
*ydia just stands thare*
will...FUS RO DAH
Biogrphy [About a paragraph or 2] -His father died before he was born and his mother died during his burth.He lived his childhood as a blacksmiths apprentice in riverwood.at the age of 19 will decided to travel tamriel but on his way back from cyrodiil he was captured along with some stormcloaks just for being thare.highly agile and intellagent he is one of the most skilled archers in all of skyrim and a great swordsman aswell.
IGN - Mooer
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Weekdays: 4-9 Weekends: 9AM - 9PM
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I have it
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information
Why do you want to join our server? - I like RP games/servers and I especially love the Elder Scrolls series.
Name - Chanzin
Race - Dark Elf (Dunmer!)
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - [OOC] Do you mean 3rd person or 1st? Assuming 1st[/OOC] You have drawn your breath, beast of foulness! Now taste my Mage-Flame!
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Raised in relative safety of his home-town, Morrowind. He learned Archery and Magic, as is to be expected of all Dunmer children. At a relatively young age, he was sent to a hermit mage, to learn the finer points and practice of Magic. At the age of 18 he completed his apprentice-ship, all the more knowledgeable for it.
After his recent apprentice-ship, he resumed his physical training, as he had weakened during his learning. He became known as a minor celebrity in his town as an excellent warrior, incorporating Magic into his Archer and Melee fighting styles. At the age of 24, he left his hometown, having learned everything he could learn from there. He has now arrived in the northern lands of Skyrim, ready for an adventure.
Can you please check out my post? its on page 18 and hasnt been replied to yet. Thanks!
IGN -dazonkey
Age -16
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 6-24 hours
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? -No, but if it's important I'll get it.
What is the fifth Server Law? --No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? -Skyrim+me=fun, Minecraft+me=fun Skyrim+Minecraft+me= HOLY ****
Name -Skeeme Zonky
Race -Breton
Age -25
Gender -Male
RP example -
Guard:"Stop your shouting, it's scaring the citizens."
Guard:"Do that again, and you're going to prison."
Guard:"Grab him!"
Me:"*conjures 2-Handed war-axe and kills all guards*"
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - I was born in Whiterun, perhaps the most annoying city in Skyrim. Ever since I was a lad, I loved to practice magic. Nobody seemed to like it, not even my parents. My dad said that only "intelligent wimps" use magic to fight, and the guards would always tell me to go use my fancy magic somewhere else. My dad forced me to learn how to use all kinds of weapons; swords, war-axes, bows, and everything in-between. He would always tell me about how great I was with weapons, but even my neighbor's chickens could easily defeat me without my magic.
One day the court wizard saw me out practicing my swordsmanship. He came over and said, "You don't like weapons do you?" I told him, "Wow, how did you know? You must be some sort of wizard!" He said, " Well, yes, I'm the court wizard of Whiterun! Would you like to learn magic with me?" "Yes," I replied, " but my father does not wish for me to learn magic." He said, " That's okay, I'll help you practice at night. I'll come knock on your window two hours after nightfall, and we shall practice. Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Farengar." "I'm Skeeme," said I. And from that day forth, my magic grew stronger until I was good enough to become an adventurer.
Name: aadvar
age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Nord
Aadvar" good morning gaurd"
Gaurd" I'll have to ask you to stop that shouting"
Gaurd "No lollygaging"
Aadvar "Okay then...."
Done...... Gaurd "FUS RO DAH"
IGN - Aycardus
Age - 15
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - I can play almost everyday for 5-6 hours.
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I don't have it, but i'll get it.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - Well, it's Skyrim, duh. I mean, who wouldn't want to RP in Skyrim?
Name - Wauric Tathval
Race - Nord
Age - 19
Gender - Male
RP example - Wauric swiftly jumped to his feet. He heard a roar and quickly drew his bow and two arrows from his back. He mounted the arrows on his bow and sent them flying into the forest. It was silent, then a big thump on the ground. He slowly walked towards the beast, seeing it was a bear. "Phew," he sighed in relief. He quickly took out his knife and dug it into the bear. He skinned it, cleaned the pelt and his knife, and put it in his bag. "To Whiterun!"
Biography - Wauric was no ordinary child. He was raised far from civilization, by his father. His father was a huntsman, and taught Wauric everything he knew. Every two weeks, they would gather up their unwanted game and pelts, and headed for the nearby towns. Wauric's father was very bad at bargaining, and they seldom got any coin. Wauric watched other merchants all the time, and slowly learned how to get a good deal. From then on he handled all the merchandise and became a very good trader.
After dealing with all sorts of people, they were gaining a lot of coin. One afternoon, while heading home, they were followed. Six bandits had followed them for a few hours, and they managed to ambush Wauric and his father. They quickly put down four bandits, but one of the remaining two managed to get a throwing knife into Waurics fathers left shoulder. The knife penetrated his heart, and Waurics father bled out. Wauric ran, and for days he ran. He took all forms of travel, and ended up in Skyrim.
Denied, please use the actual app.
Alright, your rp example makes you look like a badass, so ill let that go, I just need you to change your rp example? kk?
Denied, please use the acutal app, thank you
IGN: weegee_spagetti ( Notice: it is spelled like that )
Age: 14
Time you can decidicate to server: around a hour on weekdays and serveral hours on weekends
Do i have teamspeak: No i do not
Whats the 5th server law: No sharing of acount information
Why do i want to join the server: Because i like skyrim and i like to roleplay so i would enjoy this server. Plus my friend emac said this was a good server
Name - Pediono
Race - Khajit
age - 40
Gender - male
Rp example -
As pediono walks into riverwood the people of the town are shocked. They have hear rumors about him. One of the guards pulls his sword out and points it at him. Pediono takes a throwing knife and it hits his neck. 2 more guards go after Pediono. Pediono uses his claws and slashes one in the neck. The other in the arm. The towns people get scared on run off. Pediono walks into the general store and tells the owner to give him a steel sword. The owner hands it over. Pediono runs off into whiterun to get some more stuff
Bio -
Pediono was hated as a child. His parents and his siblings hated him. So when he was little he robbed his parents and ran away. He wanted to get revenge. He went along the most of his childhood robbing shops and getting revenge on people. He now terrorizes towns in skyrim
IGN - Echo4Sierra
Age - old man
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - I work from home and I'm pretty much playin Minecraft or Skyrim all day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - Yes
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - I love Minecraft and I love TES, is there anything more awesome then the marriage of the two?
Name - Allwan Oxhind
Race - Breton
Age - 36
Gender - Male
RP example -
- Allwan: GUARD! Help!
- Guard: Calm down! What is it citizen?
- Allwan: My father was killed by a bandit!
- Guard: And what did this bandit look like?
- Allwan: He was a Khajiit. He smelt like a wet dog, and had a really nasty scar on his right leg..... oh and he coughed up this furball.
- ***hands the furball to the guard***
- Guard: Where did this happen?
- Allwan: at our farm just outside the west gate.
- Guard: Okay citizen, I'll have a look.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - My family is from the small coastal village of Anvil in the south west of Cyrodiil. When the Oblivion outbreak happened we moved to Skyrim seeking protection. We started a small farm just outside of Whiterun and began selling our breads and pastries to traveling merchants and Whiterun. We were getting by just fine until one day a massive black beast came down from the sky and burn'd our crops. My parents ran to the fields to try and save them but quickly got surrounded by fire. They were both killed. About two days later the fires finally died out and I was able to recover the bodies of my parents. I buried what was left of them behind our farm house.
Weeks later my grief still hadn't subsided. I just couldn't stand being at our family farm. Everything reminded me of my parents. So I left and headed for Solitude. I and herd that there was work at the docks there. I found an old shipmaster that was willing to give me a shot as a cargoship hand. He was transporting goods between Skyrim and Hammerfell. I did this for about five years but I never really got my sea legs. Im a farmer at heart and prefer to be working soil then being in the middle of the sea. So I decided to move back to my family farm and see if I could put things back together. And thats where I find myself today.
Please redo your bio, your rp example is longer than your bio :tongue.gif: