Can I become a builder if you give me a building to build from Skyrim and I build it on the server from my own supply of items and perfect it piece by piece, because I'd like to build some stuff that's missing from the server and not get stolen from in Whiterun like i did today.
OOC IGN - Fillyy Age - 15.5 Time you can dedicate to server weekly - honestly like an hour or so just to hang out, maybe more if the server is awesome Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - yup What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information. Why do you want to join our server? - Just to hang out with my old friends from the vault and retrofuture.
IC Name - Titus Race - Nord Age - 27 Winters (or years I'm just trying to be cool and nord like lol) Gender - Male RP example -
*Titus walks into a shop on a nice day in Whiterun*
Titus: Hello sire, I am a traveler with 350 gold coins to spend and I need supplies for my trip to Markarth desperately. Is there anyway you could cut me a deal?
Shopkeep: I am quite sorry sir but I cannot help you, you see in times like these I have to sell things at a more expensive value than they are usually worth just to get by.
Titus: Ahh well I guess I can understand that, I will be on my way then.
*later that night, Titus walks up to the back door of the shop and picks his way through the lock, then he walks upstairs to where the shopkeep is sleeping alone*
*takes out dagger and puts poison of heavy-sleep on the tip of steel dagger, then proceeds to stab the dagger into the shopkeep's arm, then goes downstairs and begins to steal things*
*while pushing things into basket Titus whispers to himself, "Who am I? What am I doing? I am harming an innocent citizen of skyrim for my own gain."
"Screw it! That man couldn't even cut a deal with me so I am helping myself!"
*Titus runs out the backdoor in the night with a near empty basket because in his blind rage he forgot to finish packing supplies, this is where his story continues*
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] -
Titus is a humble man with humble beginnings. He was born some odd years ago in Whiterun and has lived there all of his life. One day he was walking through the market when he couldn't help but hear of the riches that the Jarl of Markarth is offering for the capture of a serial killer in Markarth. He approaches the women talking about it and learns that the man walks among the people of Markarth and kills people at night and then cuts off the hands of his victims and nails them to the city newsboard with a note that says, "You can thank your government for protecting the people." Titus's quest begins the next morning when he decides to travel to Markarth and hunt down the man.
IGN -mookmo
Age -13
Time you can dedicate to server weekly -21/7
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? -dont know wat it is
What is the fifth Server Law? -dont share account info
Why do you want to join our server? -it looks awesome
You Forget The IC part here
Name -
Race -
Age -
Gender -
RP example -
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] -
Photos of any creations you have made (MAXIMUM OF 5, links are acceptable):Okay I made this city with some help of a friend,of course.I did ask him not to include me in the making because it was his original idea.
Are you trained with using World Edit/Voxel Sniper?: (Yes or no. If yes, tell which or if you know both.)I am trained with world edit,i I used it for some lost single player creations,i also use it on some servers.
Whitelist App
IGN -Nick_Master333
Age -16
Time you can dedicate to server weekly -Most likely day to day basis
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - no and ill try to work up the money for a mic
What is the fifth Server Law? -No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? -I love the game of Oblivion and i want this to be a big sneak peak before i actually play skyrim.I want to help this server be everything it can be.
Name -Nick Druselham
Race - Wood Elf
Age - 19 (if not 21)
Gender - Male
RP example -
I shall do this by character names and actual minecraft roleplaying.
Nick Druselham:Have you heard?The Count wants us all for a meeting with the Jarl...
Henry Fest:Aye,it doesnt seem like a good one either.The Jarls been cruel to everyone he sees,and i jsut dont mean our regular Jarl mean.
Nick Druselham:It just doesnt seem right for a man liek him to treat people like us like that!
Henry Fest:Well its been like that for years.The rich hate the poor, the poor hate the rich.
Nick Druselham:*All drunk*Well lets join the Stormcloaks!
Henry Fest:Are you mad?We wont last a minute!
Nick Druselham:Who cares!?
Henry Fest:I better get you home your to drunk on ale now....
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] -Nick was born with a distasteful family.They hated children and always said right in his face he was a accident,yet they had 3 more kids!Their names you may ask?Well to Nicks parents they were:Trunt,Runt,Splunt,and Grunt!Nick was called Nick though.Their real names were:Terrance,Rosalinda,Spike,and Glameria.They also had a wolf/dog named Harris.Nick grew up lonely as his brother,Terrance,(who was the oldest)always was helping his dad in the shop.His Sisters were always prancing around like idiots.And Spike was the only one Nick really knew.He hung out with Spike every 3 days or so.Spike was always the big buff one of the family,he was the second oldest but was taller and stronger then Nick and Terrance.Nick always wished he was Spike,as he caught of attention of maidens when they were teenagers.Nick was always the lonely one sitting on the edge of the seat while Spike tried to make room for the girls.One time Spike even lifted Nick and threw him off the seat to get a final girl on!Nick was always the one to hide in the corner.His Sisters grew up to be Fine maidens just like the ones Spike likes.Terrance became a merchant and took over the shops his family owned,and Spike became a Second in command guard.Nick however never found his true calling and now wishes to find it in the lands of Skyrim.
Thanks for Reading!
P.S. sorry fro the picture size didnt think they would some out like that! oops!
IGN - LegendsReborn
Age - 15
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Whenever i'm not playing Skyrim :smile.gif:
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - No, I have no mic
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - I love Skyrim and Elder Scrolls, I've beat Skyrim 5 times and counting.
Name - Aaron
Race - Nord
Age - 17
Gender - Male
RP example - Aaron: "Hello There Friend! How are you?"
Guard: "Been out fighting dragons have you?"
Aaron: "Yes I have, I have been getting alot of Septims, Take a look *Opens Coin Purse"
Guard: "Wow, That pays alot more than my job, Only here because of the arrow in my knee.
Aaron: "It seriously takes you ONE ARROW IN THE KNEE TO RETIRE?"
*Aaron walks away Sighing*
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Aaron is a Nord, Focused on Smithing and One Handed techniques. He is a very adventuring one, loves to ride around on his Horses or fighting dragons all day. He has a decent knowledge on shouts, His best one being Unrelenting Force. His father was taught by the Greybeards and he passed on his knowlegde to Aaron when he was just a small Dovahkiin. He is destined to defeat a Blood Dragon and show to his father he can fight more than the weakling dragons. He has just moved to Whiterun to train by Jarl Balgruuf the Greater.
Whitelist App
(Please bear with me, I have never got this quite done. I have seen this thread since it had like 5 pages :tongue.gif:. I got lost multiple times on this forum. [This thread is like page 12 on the servers or so] My fourth time making this -.-)
IGN - admiralwaffles
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 1-2 hours a day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I have it downloaded but not an account . I can make one if needed though.
What is the fifth Server Law? -No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - It looks SO cool! I have a band of warriors that follow from server to server so I hope to win glory for my Faction!
Name - Storrs Olson
Race - Redguard
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - Tauros ripped his sword from his victims soft flesh enjoying its feel. He felt no regret as he seemed to vanish from the scene of death.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Eldwin closed his eyes and sighed. He did not enjoy killing like others in the guild. He was doing this for his family, They lived in the small town of Rorikstead. He notched his bow and pulled a arrow from his quiver. It would have to be done. His employers would kill him if he didn't finish this assassination and he would lose his reputation if this wasn't his last job. He planned on this last assassination as it payed enough for him and his family to eat well for the rest of their lives. His victim looked happy and content sitting with his sons. He would have to kill them too as any heirs would have to die.
Last kills. It sounded too good to be true.He nocked his arrow. 2 shots, that was it. *TWANG! TWANG!* 3 bodies hit the floor. His first arrow went through one of the young heirs chests continuing through to his fathers. The second shot went through the other son's heart breaking it into pieces. He almost laughed as he thought that the young son's heart was literally broken. He jumped onto another roof and soon disappeared into the night...
Whitelist App
(Please bear with me, I have never got this quite done. I have seen this thread since it had like 5 pages :tongue.gif:. I got lost multiple times on this forum. [This thread is like page 12 on the servers or so] My fourth time making this -.-)
IGN - admiralwaffles
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 1-2 hours a day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I have it downloaded but not an account . I can make one if needed though.
What is the fifth Server Law? -No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - It looks SO cool! I have a band of warriors that follow from server to server so I hope to win glory for my Faction!
Name - Storrs Olson
Race - Redguard
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - Tauros ripped his sword from his victims soft flesh enjoying its feel. He felt no regret as he seemed to vanish from the scene of death.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Eldwin closed his eyes and sighed. He did not enjoy killing like others in the guild. He was doing this for his family, They lived in the small town of Rorikstead. He notched his bow and pulled a arrow from his quiver. It would have to be done. His employers would kill him if he didn't finish this assassination and he would lose his reputation if this wasn't his last job. He planned on this last assassination as it payed enough for him and his family to eat well for the rest of their lives. His victim looked happy and content sitting with his sons. He would have to kill them too as any heirs would have to die.
Last kills. It sounded too good to be true.He nocked his arrow. 2 shots, that was it. *TWANG! TWANG!* 3 bodies hit the floor. His first arrow went through one of the young heirs chests continuing through to his fathers. The second shot went through the other son's heart breaking it into pieces. He almost laughed as he thought that the young son's heart was literally broken. He jumped onto another roof and soon disappeared into the night...
Haha! Lol derp. I made my bio my RP example xD.
Biography- Storrs is from Hammerfell. He moved to Skyrim for a new beginning. He is a natural warrior being Redguard and prefers to use the axe/sword. He is ambitious yet loyal. (I forgot my original bio ._.)
Whitelist App
(Please bear with me, I have never got this quite done. I have seen this thread since it had like 5 pages :tongue.gif:. I got lost multiple times on this forum. [This thread is like page 12 on the servers or so] My fourth time making this -.-)
IGN - admiralwaffles
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 1-2 hours a day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I have it downloaded but not an account . I can make one if needed though.
What is the fifth Server Law? -No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - It looks SO cool! I have a band of warriors that follow from server to server so I hope to win glory for my Faction!
Name - Storrs Olson
Race - Redguard
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - Tauros ripped his sword from his victims soft flesh enjoying its feel. He felt no regret as he seemed to vanish from the scene of death.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Eldwin closed his eyes and sighed. He did not enjoy killing like others in the guild. He was doing this for his family, They lived in the small town of Rorikstead. He notched his bow and pulled a arrow from his quiver. It would have to be done. His employers would kill him if he didn't finish this assassination and he would lose his reputation if this wasn't his last job. He planned on this last assassination as it payed enough for him and his family to eat well for the rest of their lives. His victim looked happy and content sitting with his sons. He would have to kill them too as any heirs would have to die.
Last kills. It sounded too good to be true.He nocked his arrow. 2 shots, that was it. *TWANG! TWANG!* 3 bodies hit the floor. His first arrow went through one of the young heirs chests continuing through to his fathers. The second shot went through the other son's heart breaking it into pieces. He almost laughed as he thought that the young son's heart was literally broken. He jumped onto another roof and soon disappeared into the night...
Haha! Lol derp. I made my bio my RP example xD.
Biography- Storrs is from Hammerfell. He moved to Skyrim for a new beginning. He is a natural warrior being Redguard and prefers to use the axe/sword. He is ambitious yet loyal. (I forgot my original bio ._.)
Whitelist App
(Please bear with me, I have never got this quite done. I have seen this thread since it had like 5 pages :tongue.gif:. I got lost multiple times on this forum. [This thread is like page 12 on the servers or so] My fourth time making this -.-)
IGN - admiralwaffles
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 1-2 hours a day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I have it downloaded but not an account . I can make one if needed though.
What is the fifth Server Law? -No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - It looks SO cool! I have a band of warriors that follow from server to server so I hope to win glory for my Faction!
Name - Storrs Olson
Race - Redguard
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - Tauros ripped his sword from his victims soft flesh enjoying its feel. He felt no regret as he seemed to vanish from the scene of death.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Eldwin closed his eyes and sighed. He did not enjoy killing like others in the guild. He was doing this for his family, They lived in the small town of Rorikstead. He notched his bow and pulled a arrow from his quiver. It would have to be done. His employers would kill him if he didn't finish this assassination and he would lose his reputation if this wasn't his last job. He planned on this last assassination as it payed enough for him and his family to eat well for the rest of their lives. His victim looked happy and content sitting with his sons. He would have to kill them too as any heirs would have to die.
Last kills. It sounded too good to be true.He nocked his arrow. 2 shots, that was it. *TWANG! TWANG!* 3 bodies hit the floor. His first arrow went through one of the young heirs chests continuing through to his fathers. The second shot went through the other son's heart breaking it into pieces. He almost laughed as he thought that the young son's heart was literally broken. He jumped onto another roof and soon disappeared into the night...
Haha! Lol derp. I made my bio my RP example xD.
Biography- Storrs is from Hammerfell. He moved to Skyrim for a new beginning. He is a natural warrior being Redguard and prefers to use the axe/sword. He is ambitious yet loyal. (I forgot my original bio ._.)
Whitelist App
(Please bear with me, I have never got this quite done. I have seen this thread since it had like 5 pages :tongue.gif:. I got lost multiple times on this forum. [This thread is like page 12 on the servers or so] My fourth time making this -.-)
IGN - admiralwaffles
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 1-2 hours a day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I have it downloaded but not an account . I can make one if needed though.
What is the fifth Server Law? -No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - It looks SO cool! I have a band of warriors that follow from server to server so I hope to win glory for my Faction!
Name - Storrs Olson
Race - Redguard
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - Tauros ripped his sword from his victims soft flesh enjoying its feel. He felt no regret as he seemed to vanish from the scene of death.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Eldwin closed his eyes and sighed. He did not enjoy killing like others in the guild. He was doing this for his family, They lived in the small town of Rorikstead. He notched his bow and pulled a arrow from his quiver. It would have to be done. His employers would kill him if he didn't finish this assassination and he would lose his reputation if this wasn't his last job. He planned on this last assassination as it payed enough for him and his family to eat well for the rest of their lives. His victim looked happy and content sitting with his sons. He would have to kill them too as any heirs would have to die.
Last kills. It sounded too good to be true.He nocked his arrow. 2 shots, that was it. *TWANG! TWANG!* 3 bodies hit the floor. His first arrow went through one of the young heirs chests continuing through to his fathers. The second shot went through the other son's heart breaking it into pieces. He almost laughed as he thought that the young son's heart was literally broken. He jumped onto another roof and soon disappeared into the night...
Haha! Lol derp. I made my bio my RP example xD.
Biography- Storrs is from Hammerfell. He moved to Skyrim for a new beginning. He is a natural warrior being Redguard and prefers to use the axe/sword. He is ambitious yet loyal. (I forgot my original bio ._.)Uh crap. 4 posts?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!? >_<
I did not get white listed >.>
I did not get white listed >.>
IGN - Fillyy
Age - 15.5
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - honestly like an hour or so just to hang out, maybe more if the server is awesome
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - yup
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - Just to hang out with my old friends from the vault and retrofuture.
Name - Titus
Race - Nord
Age - 27 Winters (or years I'm just trying to be cool and nord like lol)
Gender - Male
RP example -
*Titus walks into a shop on a nice day in Whiterun*
Titus: Hello sire, I am a traveler with 350 gold coins to spend and I need supplies for my trip to Markarth desperately. Is there anyway you could cut me a deal?
Shopkeep: I am quite sorry sir but I cannot help you, you see in times like these I have to sell things at a more expensive value than they are usually worth just to get by.
Titus: Ahh well I guess I can understand that, I will be on my way then.
*later that night, Titus walks up to the back door of the shop and picks his way through the lock, then he walks upstairs to where the shopkeep is sleeping alone*
*takes out dagger and puts poison of heavy-sleep on the tip of steel dagger, then proceeds to stab the dagger into the shopkeep's arm, then goes downstairs and begins to steal things*
*while pushing things into basket Titus whispers to himself, "Who am I? What am I doing? I am harming an innocent citizen of skyrim for my own gain."
"Screw it! That man couldn't even cut a deal with me so I am helping myself!"
*Titus runs out the backdoor in the night with a near empty basket because in his blind rage he forgot to finish packing supplies, this is where his story continues*
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] -
Titus is a humble man with humble beginnings. He was born some odd years ago in Whiterun and has lived there all of his life. One day he was walking through the market when he couldn't help but hear of the riches that the Jarl of Markarth is offering for the capture of a serial killer in Markarth. He approaches the women talking about it and learns that the man walks among the people of Markarth and kills people at night and then cuts off the hands of his victims and nails them to the city newsboard with a note that says, "You can thank your government for protecting the people." Titus's quest begins the next morning when he decides to travel to Markarth and hunt down the man.
Filly, good app.
iambobthebuilder, please make proper sentences, this is unacceptable.
mtsmall, Rp example is too short.
i know he went crazy
Btw Did Swiss Ban me? ,i cant connect
You Forget The IC part here
Name -
Race -
Age -
Gender -
RP example -
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] -
**** NIGS
Yeah it'll be back on soon
Name:Nick IGN:Nick_master333
Photos of any creations you have made (MAXIMUM OF 5, links are acceptable):Okay I made this city with some help of a friend,of course.I did ask him not to include me in the making because it was his original idea.
Are you trained with using World Edit/Voxel Sniper?: (Yes or no. If yes, tell which or if you know both.)I am trained with world edit,i I used it for some lost single player creations,i also use it on some servers.
Whitelist App
IGN -Nick_Master333
Age -16
Time you can dedicate to server weekly -Most likely day to day basis
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - no and ill try to work up the money for a mic
What is the fifth Server Law? -No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? -I love the game of Oblivion and i want this to be a big sneak peak before i actually play skyrim.I want to help this server be everything it can be.
Name -Nick Druselham
Race - Wood Elf
Age - 19 (if not 21)
Gender - Male
RP example -
I shall do this by character names and actual minecraft roleplaying.
Nick Druselham:Have you heard?The Count wants us all for a meeting with the Jarl...
Henry Fest:Aye,it doesnt seem like a good one either.The Jarls been cruel to everyone he sees,and i jsut dont mean our regular Jarl mean.
Nick Druselham:It just doesnt seem right for a man liek him to treat people like us like that!
Henry Fest:Well its been like that for years.The rich hate the poor, the poor hate the rich.
Nick Druselham:*All drunk*Well lets join the Stormcloaks!
Henry Fest:Are you mad?We wont last a minute!
Nick Druselham:Who cares!?
Henry Fest:I better get you home your to drunk on ale now....
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] -Nick was born with a distasteful family.They hated children and always said right in his face he was a accident,yet they had 3 more kids!Their names you may ask?Well to Nicks parents they were:Trunt,Runt,Splunt,and Grunt!Nick was called Nick though.Their real names were:Terrance,Rosalinda,Spike,and Glameria.They also had a wolf/dog named Harris.Nick grew up lonely as his brother,Terrance,(who was the oldest)always was helping his dad in the shop.His Sisters were always prancing around like idiots.And Spike was the only one Nick really knew.He hung out with Spike every 3 days or so.Spike was always the big buff one of the family,he was the second oldest but was taller and stronger then Nick and Terrance.Nick always wished he was Spike,as he caught of attention of maidens when they were teenagers.Nick was always the lonely one sitting on the edge of the seat while Spike tried to make room for the girls.One time Spike even lifted Nick and threw him off the seat to get a final girl on!Nick was always the one to hide in the corner.His Sisters grew up to be Fine maidens just like the ones Spike likes.Terrance became a merchant and took over the shops his family owned,and Spike became a Second in command guard.Nick however never found his true calling and now wishes to find it in the lands of Skyrim.
Thanks for Reading!
P.S. sorry fro the picture size didnt think they would some out like that! oops!
IGN - LegendsReborn
Age - 15
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Whenever i'm not playing Skyrim :smile.gif:
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - No, I have no mic
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - I love Skyrim and Elder Scrolls, I've beat Skyrim 5 times and counting.
Name - Aaron
Race - Nord
Age - 17
Gender - Male
RP example - Aaron: "Hello There Friend! How are you?"
Guard: "Been out fighting dragons have you?"
Aaron: "Yes I have, I have been getting alot of Septims, Take a look *Opens Coin Purse"
Guard: "Wow, That pays alot more than my job, Only here because of the arrow in my knee.
Aaron: "It seriously takes you ONE ARROW IN THE KNEE TO RETIRE?"
*Aaron walks away Sighing*
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Aaron is a Nord, Focused on Smithing and One Handed techniques. He is a very adventuring one, loves to ride around on his Horses or fighting dragons all day. He has a decent knowledge on shouts, His best one being Unrelenting Force. His father was taught by the Greybeards and he passed on his knowlegde to Aaron when he was just a small Dovahkiin. He is destined to defeat a Blood Dragon and show to his father he can fight more than the weakling dragons. He has just moved to Whiterun to train by Jarl Balgruuf the Greater.
it stills says im not whitelisted and i really want to join!!
did you make a builders app?
(Please bear with me, I have never got this quite done. I have seen this thread since it had like 5 pages :tongue.gif:. I got lost multiple times on this forum. [This thread is like page 12 on the servers or so] My fourth time making this -.-)
IGN - admiralwaffles
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 1-2 hours a day
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I have it downloaded but not an account . I can make one if needed though.
What is the fifth Server Law? -No sharing of account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - It looks SO cool! I have a band of warriors that follow from server to server so I hope to win glory for my Faction!
Name - Storrs Olson
Race - Redguard
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - Tauros ripped his sword from his victims soft flesh enjoying its feel. He felt no regret as he seemed to vanish from the scene of death.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Eldwin closed his eyes and sighed. He did not enjoy killing like others in the guild. He was doing this for his family, They lived in the small town of Rorikstead. He notched his bow and pulled a arrow from his quiver. It would have to be done. His employers would kill him if he didn't finish this assassination and he would lose his reputation if this wasn't his last job. He planned on this last assassination as it payed enough for him and his family to eat well for the rest of their lives. His victim looked happy and content sitting with his sons. He would have to kill them too as any heirs would have to die.
Last kills. It sounded too good to be true.He nocked his arrow. 2 shots, that was it. *TWANG! TWANG!* 3 bodies hit the floor. His first arrow went through one of the young heirs chests continuing through to his fathers. The second shot went through the other son's heart breaking it into pieces. He almost laughed as he thought that the young son's heart was literally broken. He jumped onto another roof and soon disappeared into the night...
Haha! Lol derp. I made my bio my RP example xD.
Biography- Storrs is from Hammerfell. He moved to Skyrim for a new beginning. He is a natural warrior being Redguard and prefers to use the axe/sword. He is ambitious yet loyal. (I forgot my original bio ._.)
Haha! Lol derp. I made my bio my RP example xD.
Biography- Storrs is from Hammerfell. He moved to Skyrim for a new beginning. He is a natural warrior being Redguard and prefers to use the axe/sword. He is ambitious yet loyal. (I forgot my original bio ._.)
Haha! Lol derp. I made my bio my RP example xD.
Biography- Storrs is from Hammerfell. He moved to Skyrim for a new beginning. He is a natural warrior being Redguard and prefers to use the axe/sword. He is ambitious yet loyal. (I forgot my original bio ._.)
Haha! Lol derp. I made my bio my RP example xD.
Biography- Storrs is from Hammerfell. He moved to Skyrim for a new beginning. He is a natural warrior being Redguard and prefers to use the axe/sword. He is ambitious yet loyal. (I forgot my original bio ._.)Uh crap. 4 posts?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!? >_<
Same here...
Really, Why aren't the whitelisters doing their job?
Here, was your guys apps accepted? Ill whitelist you.
Ill need proof though