IGN - apple1100
Age - 13
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - everyday after 6
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - sure i dont know what it is though so youll have to teach me
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information
Why do you want to join our server? - I love skyrim and all this awesome!!
Name - Commander Elf
Race - Dark Elf
Age - 23
Gender - Male
RP example - Citizen " No more arrows!"
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Coming all from Riften comes a dark elf. We have no idea of what he can do in this world but we hope it is useful. This elf is very strange and we dont know and where he was born in riften. He seems to be able to handle him self but who knows what he can do...
Seriously, put more effort into your app and more detail!
IGN -arcues10000 (wish i could change it. D:)
Age - 13
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Unknown- estimating 6-15 hours.
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - No, and mabye.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account info.
Why do you want to join our server? - Because this sounds fun, and i'm looking for a good RP Server.
Name - Arconix Otero
Race - Kajit
Age - 23
Gender - Male
RP example -
Citizen: Can you help me, Fair kajit?
Arconix: Yes, what do you need citizen?
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Arconix, a young kajit, (Age 5 at the time.) watched his parents get slaughtered by a band of thieves when they refused to give them their belongings. He was terrified and ran away to the nearest cave he could find. In there, he learned to make armor, Weapons, Arrows, and many others. Arconix was also becoming more catlike than being a human.
when he turned 19, he decided to head out into the world. While he was in the cave, he learned to mine and Got quite a few gold coins. he decided to head to the nearest town- and stay there for a few years. the nords of the town did not respect him, as he was not a nord like themselves, and eventually learned to respect him as he could do things they could not, as he could react alot quicker, and he had a higher mobility. A couple day after he turned 23, he decided to set out as a adventurer.
I hope I get into the server, and I feel like this server will accept me if I do!
arcues10000, your RP example is too short, but I'll let that slip since you're bio is good.
Trevinom, please make proper sentences, your bio and RP example are both hard to read.
8Doogie, IC means In Character, so in bio you should put your character's biography, not your own. Also Fox McCloud is not a Khajiit name.
EddieBeaSt8, That's not an RP example, and if it were it would be too short. An RP example is an example of roleplay, something like a dialogue. Your bio is too short and quite bad too.
Blazekyre, that's not an RP example. You say in the first part of your app that you're a Nord, and in your bio you're a mudkip, color me confused. Also there are no Pokémon in Skyrim (herp derp).
Sickeningbrey13, RP example is too short and you don't make proper sentences.
Recofused, If you make your bio a bit longer and put more roleplay in your RP example, you're good. But I'm sorry to say that i can't accept your app as it is. Almost there :wink.gif:
Apple1100, your bio and RP example are both too short.
IGN - Irondeath79
Age - 12.... Im mature and friendly and wont Rage. And i'll anything i can to help the server.
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - as much as possible! (times may vary)
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - No and No, really sorry :sad.gif:
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing account information
Why do you want to join our server? - I am a HUGE elder scrolls nerd/fan and I know alot about it. This server looks and sounds AMAZING! I would absolutely LOVE to join it.
Name - Raenvin
Race - Imperial
Age - 24
Gender - male
RP example - Sir! The dragons have breached the main wall! Fall back!
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Raenvin Was an ordinary imperial man. He was born 24 years ago to parents he never knew. His Father died before he was born and his mother died at birth. When he was 18 years old, he joined the imperial legion to "protect and serve Skyrim". He was a natural-born fighter and was swift and smart when it came to battle. He is a friendly and cheery man who is willing to help in any way he can.
However, when the dragon crisis returned, he instanly took off to the imperial legion headquarters in Cyrodiil. There he suited up, ready to return to skyrim and finish this war once and for all.
IGN - trevinom
Age - 15
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Maybe 3 to 4 days
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I honestly don't know what teamspeak is im soy if this hurts my chance to be whitelisted
What is the fifth server Law? - No sharing of Account Information
Why do you want to join our server? - You have brought my two favorites games together why wouldn't i want to be on your server?
Name - Kalimare Dragon-Blaze
Race - High Elf
Age - 23
Gender - Male
RP example - "Don't come any closer!"-Bandit "You have but a dagger and a hide shield my good man."-Kalimare "It is still possible to mount your head on my wall however!"-Bandit "As, you wish."-Kalimare *bash clang bash ching bash* "ughh"-Bandit *Kalimare washs the blood of his Daedric Sword*
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Kalimare grew up in a small hut in the east reachs of Summerset Isle. He had a fair life with plenty food and water. He had a crush on a girl on the other side of the lake he lived near. She was pretty with a small rounded golden face with a half round half pointy nose and green eyes. Kalimare is tall and skinny with short dirty blond hair. He liked to put war paint from his dads little supply down his face from his eyes and curve it a little out from his lips. His face was long and pointy with sphereical nose and dark orange eyes. His love's name was Dalphinia he lost everything when they were raided.
The raid happened on a clear cloudless day everything was nice and peaceful and everyone was going about there're buisness. When suddenly a branch broke and a highpitched war cry peirced the air like needle throught thread. At first Kalimare was hypnotized at the sea of men racing towards him. His father picked him up just in time and thrown him inside. He saw his dad through the key hole with his eleven armour and his dual eleven swords. At first he was sliceing and dicing through all the maruaders. Kailmare was horrified to see a single arrow zip through the air and plant itself directly in Mr. Dragon-Blazes long thin face. Kalimare screamed and ran only looking back to see his family being slaughtered and his love being dragged away by the bandits dead as anything. Kalimare sank to his knees in dispair and broke out in tears as he vowed to kill every bandit in his sight. It started to rain.
It's been 13 years later and Kailmare still adventures and hopes to find a new home and a new love.
(ps. is it alright if i use optimine even though its a mod it helps my pc run minecraft)
This is a repost as i was denied for no proper sentences i never really care to make everything and anything a sentence i no this is a bad habit and i apologize but ichanged them all to actual sentences and im sorry if u can't understand the example it tried to make it better when it says -Bandit or -Kalimare that means they're the ones who said the sentence
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unfortunatley my first dragon died as a hatchling so please give this one all the support you can i would be very apprecative
IGN - Akamaru11
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Between 5 and 10 hours.
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I do.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - I am a big fan of Skyrim, and I'm just kind of bored.
Name - Niruim Thrynn
Race - Wood Elf
Age - 20
Gender - Male
RP example - "You smell of death, my friend. I salute you." Nazir said calmly, as if this was a very normal thing to say. Niruim, tired of Nazir using the same phrases over and over again, calmly pulled out his bow. He pulled back the string, and let it fly into Nazir's throat. Nazir didn't die, though. He just collapsed onto the ground in a panting mess."Damn it," Niruim thought,"that's only the fifth time that's happened."At that same moment, Cicero came out from his chambers and said,"Hehehehehehehehe! Looks like Cicero isn't the only one who goes crazy from time to time!"
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] -
Niruim, at the age of 11, lived a normal life in a tree-city of Valenwood. It was normal, that is, until his city was burned to the ground by bandits. At that moment, he swore revenge and vowed to kill any bandit he saw from then on. He is a very skilled archer, thief, and killer. He wishes to join the Thieves Guild someday, although he isn't exactly getting his hopes up. He is a wanderer, travelling from province to province killing any and all bandits he can get his hands on.
Comes back after a day-
Finds out that i was accepted due to my bio.
Finds out that rp example shouldve been longer.
Just says ok, guess i should work harder on that. :sleep.gif:
Photos of any creations you have made (MAXIMUM OF 5, links are acceptable):
1. Description:
Small Little Park I decided to create, nothing huge... Really didn't have time to create anything.
2. Description:
One of the shops I created on one of my spawns on on my one server.. alot of ones in that description, also nothing huge... [It was a small town that I created all alone though!
3. Description:
Part of the dock I created,in the same town, it's nothing huge, but I did complete that town, never took a good picture of it.
4. Description:
Valentines Day Area, used it on valentines as an event, with many rides and such that we decided to create. It is just a piece of the town I was mentioning earlier.
5. Description:
This is a very indescript picture, but it is part of this huge nexus that was created, we decided to create this Nexus, it was huge, had alot of room, this wall was repeated and there was a sweet roof put on top, that was kind of repeated... but we used it to allow players to have telepads to teleport to wherever they wanted to, much room in this place.
Are you trained with using World Edit/Voxel Sniper?: (Yes or no. If yes, tell which or if you know both.)
Yes, I know both, run a server with World Edit, Voxel Sniper = Can go VERY wrong if you don't know what you're doing.
Whitelist App
IGN - Blazekyre
Age - 15
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Depends how dedicated I can be
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - Yes, I have it
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information
Why do you want to join our server? - Friends on it, want to roleplay with them. This also looks like a fun whitelisted server!
Name - Blaze Phyrian
Race - Nord
Age - 15
Gender - Male
RP example - Imagine you're in a mine, you are scavenging for rare ores, you find a diamond [Yay!]. Out of nowhere- You start hearing footsteps creeping eerily behind you, you begin to run... you run as fast as you can, until you can't stop running anymore. You have reached the entrance of your mine, and have begun the trip to your home. *BAM* Suddenly you are being attacked by zombies who have ravaged the lands, you reach home and are safe.. the end? :biggrin.gif:.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] -
I am a Nord that was left alone on the side of the road to die, I was found by a redguard and taken to safety, they put me in an orphanage due to the times of crisis. I grew into a strong young man despite my living conditions, I learned the ways of the sword, learned how to string a bow, and kill with devastating silence. I was considered an assassin, even though I only wanted to help people attain food and such. Many people considered me a nice person, being an orphan was not the worst of things, good thing.
Hope you enjoyed reading this, I didn't enjoy typing it!
IGN - badfurday67
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Depending on how much time I enjoy the server will determine that. If it is as well planned out and amazing as it looks, I will probably put in 5-8 hours a week.
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - No I dont right now. But I will gladly get it.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - After leaving from my last RP server, I am looking for a new one. My friend sent me this server and I cant wait to take part and contribute to this community here. It looks like the lore is very well thought out and has a stable fundation, but can also be determined by the players.
Name - Thalfrun
Race - Orc
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - (Takes place as Thalfrun encounters a trading Caravan)
Pathetic Pale skinned Umie crosses my path, yet again on this day? It must have fine loot!" - (Thalfrun)
Greenskin, I have seen too much of your kind around Skyrim. We do not care for your filth, Clear my path, or I shall slay you like the filth that you are!" (Trader)
The Umie is quick with words... But I do not expect him to be as quick with a blade... My fine axe will easily penetrate that armor... You best pay, Traveler, I mean no harm. (Thalfrun)
I will not pay, Filthy Orc! Let me pass, or I will move you myself?
*Chuckle* A pale skin, move Thalfrun the mighty Orc... It does jest me... Now, Since it will not pay, The Pale skin will pay in its blood.
*Then they probably would engage in PVP if this were a IG role play scenario, me wining, and getting some nice loot, :3 *
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Thalfrun was raised in a blood thirsty tribe of Orcs, known to hate Humans especially. He had been living near a large human settlement, and his Tribe of Orcs was preparing to assault the village. When the attack commenced everything turned into chaos. The Orcs fought very well, but do to a large number factor could not win the battle. In Thalfruns tribe of Orcs, just like in most others, dieing in battle is an honor. He fought till his last breath untill he was rendered unconcious. When he a-woke into a work camp. He was chained to massive steel posts and was forced to shovel gravel to aqquire flint. He put many hours into this back breaking laybor untill one day, a band of Bandits entered the work camp late at night. They spoke with the force silently asking for help. They freed Thalfrun from his cages, un known of what he was capable of. As morning came the Bandits were taking there spots ready to confront the camp, and demand money in ex change for the Imperials lives. The Imperials would not pay the ammount, as they had demanding taxes. So a battle broke out. The Imperials no longer had the advantage in numbers, and were soon over whelmed due to the bandits freeing the Prisoners. The bandits saw Thalfruns skill with his axe, as he had killed many of the enemies due to his sheer hate for them. They thought he would make a very fine accomplice. As soon as the Bandits had cleared and looted the camp, they spoke with him. And soon he formed a relation with them. And on that day, Thalfruns name appeared on bounty boards all over Skyrim, wanted for not only petty thievery. But massive crimes such as murder. He is planning on being one of the most well known Bandits in Skyrim... But he must start out small, for now. Let him and his brothers and friends grow, then he will forge an Empire, out of his Bandits and Co-leaders, and will Conquer all of Skyrim.
Gotta love typing long bio's to get accepted. I really hope this server is as good as it looks! I put quite a bit of effort into the app. Hopeing to get accepted.
Ossendar, I am sorry but I raged and griefed Fratz a little, but not enough in my opinion.
My last words are to not ban zero, he didn't do anything wrong, he just wanted his fireball tome back, so I gave it to him, anything past that that could get Zero into trouble is all my doing, if it says he broke a block, he did it because I said he could and it was not against the rules, (Since it wasn't, it was only semi-griefing).
I will be logging on tomorrow to see what has happened, At the moment I am probably guaranteed a ban, but fratz should be banned, and I don't care if I am banned with him. He is a total idiot.
FFs all of u shut the hell up and act mature plz swiss if u needed to male a statement pm it to ossy there is no need to drag this to forums and the guys With nemesis grow up plz we are a friendly community so stop poking fun where it can be misinteputed and cause more problemsOn another note I will be back in 9hrs I will start accepting ppl for legion as well as any wl lode dosnt finish as wwwell as finish up dragonreach inside
Seriously, put more effort into your app and more detail!
IGN -arcues10000 (wish i could change it. D:)
Age - 13
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Unknown- estimating 6-15 hours.
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - No, and mabye.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account info.
Why do you want to join our server? - Because this sounds fun, and i'm looking for a good RP Server.
Name - Arconix Otero
Race - Kajit
Age - 23
Gender - Male
RP example -
Citizen: Can you help me, Fair kajit?
Arconix: Yes, what do you need citizen?
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Arconix, a young kajit, (Age 5 at the time.) watched his parents get slaughtered by a band of thieves when they refused to give them their belongings. He was terrified and ran away to the nearest cave he could find. In there, he learned to make armor, Weapons, Arrows, and many others. Arconix was also becoming more catlike than being a human.
when he turned 19, he decided to head out into the world. While he was in the cave, he learned to mine and Got quite a few gold coins. he decided to head to the nearest town- and stay there for a few years. the nords of the town did not respect him, as he was not a nord like themselves, and eventually learned to respect him as he could do things they could not, as he could react alot quicker, and he had a higher mobility. A couple day after he turned 23, he decided to set out as a adventurer.
I hope I get into the server, and I feel like this server will accept me if I do!
arcues10000, your RP example is too short, but I'll let that slip since you're bio is good.
Trevinom, please make proper sentences, your bio and RP example are both hard to read.
8Doogie, IC means In Character, so in bio you should put your character's biography, not your own. Also Fox McCloud is not a Khajiit name.
EddieBeaSt8, That's not an RP example, and if it were it would be too short. An RP example is an example of roleplay, something like a dialogue. Your bio is too short and quite bad too.
Blazekyre, that's not an RP example. You say in the first part of your app that you're a Nord, and in your bio you're a mudkip, color me confused. Also there are no Pokémon in Skyrim (herp derp).
Sickeningbrey13, RP example is too short and you don't make proper sentences.
Recofused, If you make your bio a bit longer and put more roleplay in your RP example, you're good. But I'm sorry to say that i can't accept your app as it is. Almost there :wink.gif:
Apple1100, your bio and RP example are both too short.
IGN - Irondeath79
Age - 12.... Im mature and friendly and wont Rage. And i'll anything i can to help the server.
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - as much as possible! (times may vary)
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - No and No, really sorry :sad.gif:
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing account information
Why do you want to join our server? - I am a HUGE elder scrolls nerd/fan and I know alot about it. This server looks and sounds AMAZING! I would absolutely LOVE to join it.
Name - Raenvin
Race - Imperial
Age - 24
Gender - male
RP example - Sir! The dragons have breached the main wall! Fall back!
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Raenvin Was an ordinary imperial man. He was born 24 years ago to parents he never knew. His Father died before he was born and his mother died at birth. When he was 18 years old, he joined the imperial legion to "protect and serve Skyrim". He was a natural-born fighter and was swift and smart when it came to battle. He is a friendly and cheery man who is willing to help in any way he can.
However, when the dragon crisis returned, he instanly took off to the imperial legion headquarters in Cyrodiil. There he suited up, ready to return to skyrim and finish this war once and for all.
IGN - trevinom
Age - 15
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Maybe 3 to 4 days
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I honestly don't know what teamspeak is im soy if this hurts my chance to be whitelisted
What is the fifth server Law? - No sharing of Account Information
Why do you want to join our server? - You have brought my two favorites games together why wouldn't i want to be on your server?
Name - Kalimare Dragon-Blaze
Race - High Elf
Age - 23
Gender - Male
RP example - "Don't come any closer!"-Bandit "You have but a dagger and a hide shield my good man."-Kalimare "It is still possible to mount your head on my wall however!"-Bandit "As, you wish."-Kalimare *bash clang bash ching bash* "ughh"-Bandit *Kalimare washs the blood of his Daedric Sword*
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Kalimare grew up in a small hut in the east reachs of Summerset Isle. He had a fair life with plenty food and water. He had a crush on a girl on the other side of the lake he lived near. She was pretty with a small rounded golden face with a half round half pointy nose and green eyes. Kalimare is tall and skinny with short dirty blond hair. He liked to put war paint from his dads little supply down his face from his eyes and curve it a little out from his lips. His face was long and pointy with sphereical nose and dark orange eyes. His love's name was Dalphinia he lost everything when they were raided.
The raid happened on a clear cloudless day everything was nice and peaceful and everyone was going about there're buisness. When suddenly a branch broke and a highpitched war cry peirced the air like needle throught thread. At first Kalimare was hypnotized at the sea of men racing towards him. His father picked him up just in time and thrown him inside. He saw his dad through the key hole with his eleven armour and his dual eleven swords. At first he was sliceing and dicing through all the maruaders. Kailmare was horrified to see a single arrow zip through the air and plant itself directly in Mr. Dragon-Blazes long thin face. Kalimare screamed and ran only looking back to see his family being slaughtered and his love being dragged away by the bandits dead as anything. Kalimare sank to his knees in dispair and broke out in tears as he vowed to kill every bandit in his sight. It started to rain.
It's been 13 years later and Kailmare still adventures and hopes to find a new home and a new love.
(ps. is it alright if i use optimine even though its a mod it helps my pc run minecraft)
This is a repost as i was denied for no proper sentences i never really care to make everything and anything a sentence i no this is a bad habit and i apologize but ichanged them all to actual sentences and im sorry if u can't understand the example it tried to make it better when it says -Bandit or -Kalimare that means they're the ones who said the sentence
IGN - Akamaru11
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Between 5 and 10 hours.
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - I do.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - I am a big fan of Skyrim, and I'm just kind of bored.
Name - Niruim Thrynn
Race - Wood Elf
Age - 20
Gender - Male
RP example - "You smell of death, my friend. I salute you." Nazir said calmly, as if this was a very normal thing to say. Niruim, tired of Nazir using the same phrases over and over again, calmly pulled out his bow. He pulled back the string, and let it fly into Nazir's throat. Nazir didn't die, though. He just collapsed onto the ground in a panting mess."Damn it," Niruim thought,"that's only the fifth time that's happened."At that same moment, Cicero came out from his chambers and said,"Hehehehehehehehe! Looks like Cicero isn't the only one who goes crazy from time to time!"
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] -
Niruim, at the age of 11, lived a normal life in a tree-city of Valenwood. It was normal, that is, until his city was burned to the ground by bandits. At that moment, he swore revenge and vowed to kill any bandit he saw from then on. He is a very skilled archer, thief, and killer. He wishes to join the Thieves Guild someday, although he isn't exactly getting his hopes up. He is a wanderer, travelling from province to province killing any and all bandits he can get his hands on.
I just added a little more to the bio
Welcome (Sorry I can't post the names, it's because I accepted you on the server and thought I posted it up here.)
It says im not whitelisted
Finds out that i was accepted due to my bio.
Finds out that rp example shouldve been longer.
Just says ok, guess i should work harder on that. :sleep.gif:
Oh, and can you whitelist me?
Builder App
Name: Adam Rey
Age: 15
Photos of any creations you have made (MAXIMUM OF 5, links are acceptable):
1. Description:
Small Little Park I decided to create, nothing huge... Really didn't have time to create anything.
2. Description:
One of the shops I created on one of my spawns on on my one server.. alot of ones in that description, also nothing huge... [It was a small town that I created all alone though!
3. Description:
Part of the dock I created,in the same town, it's nothing huge, but I did complete that town, never took a good picture of it.
4. Description:
Valentines Day Area, used it on valentines as an event, with many rides and such that we decided to create. It is just a piece of the town I was mentioning earlier.
5. Description:
This is a very indescript picture, but it is part of this huge nexus that was created, we decided to create this Nexus, it was huge, had alot of room, this wall was repeated and there was a sweet roof put on top, that was kind of repeated... but we used it to allow players to have telepads to teleport to wherever they wanted to, much room in this place.
Are you trained with using World Edit/Voxel Sniper?: (Yes or no. If yes, tell which or if you know both.)
Yes, I know both, run a server with World Edit, Voxel Sniper = Can go VERY wrong if you don't know what you're doing.
Whitelist App
IGN - Blazekyre
Age - 15
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Depends how dedicated I can be
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - Yes, I have it
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information
Why do you want to join our server? - Friends on it, want to roleplay with them. This also looks like a fun whitelisted server!
Name - Blaze Phyrian
Race - Nord
Age - 15
Gender - Male
RP example - Imagine you're in a mine, you are scavenging for rare ores, you find a diamond [Yay!]. Out of nowhere- You start hearing footsteps creeping eerily behind you, you begin to run... you run as fast as you can, until you can't stop running anymore. You have reached the entrance of your mine, and have begun the trip to your home. *BAM* Suddenly you are being attacked by zombies who have ravaged the lands, you reach home and are safe.. the end? :biggrin.gif:.
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] -
I am a Nord that was left alone on the side of the road to die, I was found by a redguard and taken to safety, they put me in an orphanage due to the times of crisis. I grew into a strong young man despite my living conditions, I learned the ways of the sword, learned how to string a bow, and kill with devastating silence. I was considered an assassin, even though I only wanted to help people attain food and such. Many people considered me a nice person, being an orphan was not the worst of things, good thing.
Hope you enjoyed reading this, I didn't enjoy typing it!
IGN - badfurday67
Age - 14
Time you can dedicate to server weekly - Depending on how much time I enjoy the server will determine that. If it is as well planned out and amazing as it looks, I will probably put in 5-8 hours a week.
Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - No I dont right now. But I will gladly get it.
What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing account information.
Why do you want to join our server? - After leaving from my last RP server, I am looking for a new one. My friend sent me this server and I cant wait to take part and contribute to this community here. It looks like the lore is very well thought out and has a stable fundation, but can also be determined by the players.
Name - Thalfrun
Race - Orc
Age - 24
Gender - Male
RP example - (Takes place as Thalfrun encounters a trading Caravan)
Pathetic Pale skinned Umie crosses my path, yet again on this day? It must have fine loot!" - (Thalfrun)
Greenskin, I have seen too much of your kind around Skyrim. We do not care for your filth, Clear my path, or I shall slay you like the filth that you are!" (Trader)
The Umie is quick with words... But I do not expect him to be as quick with a blade... My fine axe will easily penetrate that armor... You best pay, Traveler, I mean no harm. (Thalfrun)
I will not pay, Filthy Orc! Let me pass, or I will move you myself?
*Chuckle* A pale skin, move Thalfrun the mighty Orc... It does jest me... Now, Since it will not pay, The Pale skin will pay in its blood.
*Then they probably would engage in PVP if this were a IG role play scenario, me wining, and getting some nice loot, :3 *
Biography [About a paragraph or 2] - Thalfrun was raised in a blood thirsty tribe of Orcs, known to hate Humans especially. He had been living near a large human settlement, and his Tribe of Orcs was preparing to assault the village. When the attack commenced everything turned into chaos. The Orcs fought very well, but do to a large number factor could not win the battle. In Thalfruns tribe of Orcs, just like in most others, dieing in battle is an honor. He fought till his last breath untill he was rendered unconcious. When he a-woke into a work camp. He was chained to massive steel posts and was forced to shovel gravel to aqquire flint. He put many hours into this back breaking laybor untill one day, a band of Bandits entered the work camp late at night. They spoke with the force silently asking for help. They freed Thalfrun from his cages, un known of what he was capable of. As morning came the Bandits were taking there spots ready to confront the camp, and demand money in ex change for the Imperials lives. The Imperials would not pay the ammount, as they had demanding taxes. So a battle broke out. The Imperials no longer had the advantage in numbers, and were soon over whelmed due to the bandits freeing the Prisoners. The bandits saw Thalfruns skill with his axe, as he had killed many of the enemies due to his sheer hate for them. They thought he would make a very fine accomplice. As soon as the Bandits had cleared and looted the camp, they spoke with him. And soon he formed a relation with them. And on that day, Thalfruns name appeared on bounty boards all over Skyrim, wanted for not only petty thievery. But massive crimes such as murder. He is planning on being one of the most well known Bandits in Skyrim... But he must start out small, for now. Let him and his brothers and friends grow, then he will forge an Empire, out of his Bandits and Co-leaders, and will Conquer all of Skyrim.
Gotta love typing long bio's to get accepted. I really hope this server is as good as it looks! I put quite a bit of effort into the app. Hopeing to get accepted.
My last words are to not ban zero, he didn't do anything wrong, he just wanted his fireball tome back, so I gave it to him, anything past that that could get Zero into trouble is all my doing, if it says he broke a block, he did it because I said he could and it was not against the rules, (Since it wasn't, it was only semi-griefing).
I will be logging on tomorrow to see what has happened, At the moment I am probably guaranteed a ban, but fratz should be banned, and I don't care if I am banned with him. He is a total idiot.
That sir, is the wrong font.