I don't know what "Race For Wool" Is, but it seems like a good time and I've been looking for a cool server that isn't the typical survival server with the ranks and stuff.
My IGN: JakeHeiberger
Team: Anything works, if possible
TimeZone: I'm in Minnesota, so Central I think
Please don't reply ^-^
Team: RED
Timezone: EST
team Red
Time zone eastern
Time Zone: EST
team: either one but preferably red
timezone: EST
Team: IDC
Timezone: Central
Team:Doesn't Matter
Timezone:Eastern Time
Team -Blue :3
Timezone - EST!
IGN -t1324567
Team -Blue
Timezone -PST
team either
timezone +12gmt
Team any
Timezone Eastern USA
Time:DOesnt Matter
My Other Friends
Team - Doesn't matter
Timezone - EST
My IGN: JakeHeiberger
Team: Anything works, if possible
TimeZone: I'm in Minnesota, so Central I think
Team - RED
Timezone - EST
my friends wants to be in but his forum account is suspended so il include his post on here aswell
IGN- orgymother****er
Team- RED
Timezone- EST
Team - Red
Timezone - Eastern
Hey! I would really like to play race for wool :biggrin.gif:
Please reply to me if you recive this at [email protected]... Thanks!
Team - Blue
Timezone - EST
If you could message me via skype that would be great! skypename: tpardee3
Team -RED
Timezone -Pacific
and i also watched alot of ethoslab's race for wool videos