This is a small 12 man server. Running craftbukkit & jail mod. It's used by my friends and I so, I'm looking for mature players to join and be a productive member of our small village. No fly mods, griefing or, stealing from houses/chests that are not yours.
If you're interested, reply here or pm me and I'll add you to the white list and teleport you to our village.
This is a small 12 man server. Running craftbukkit & jail mod. It's used by my friends and I so, I'm looking for mature players to join and be a productive member of our small village. No fly mods, griefing or, stealing from houses/chests that are not yours.
If you're interested, reply here or pm me and I'll add you to the white list and teleport you to our village.
This is a small 12 man server. Running craftbukkit & jail mod. It's used by my friends and I so, I'm looking for mature players to join and be a productive member of our small village. No fly mods, griefing or, stealing from houses/chests that are not yours.
If you're interested, reply here or pm me and I'll add you to the white list and teleport you to our village.
Our town
hello can i join this server it seems very fun and im a active buileder that lkes to make small communties in minecraft like a village as your please add me to this server becuase i am certain ill have fun here. my ign name is lamaserik23 but my freinds call me erik
I'd like to join.
I like to build massive structures sometimes and I'm pretty decent with redstone. I've been playing MC for over a year now so I know most of the things about the game, so if you need help with anything, I'm usually the one to come to.
IGN: dist234
I hope to see you soon! :smile.gif:
I'd like to join.
I like to build massive structures sometimes and I'm pretty decent with redstone. I've been playing MC for over a year now so I know most of the things about the game, so if you need help with anything, I'm usually the one to come to.
IGN: dist234
I hope to see you soon! :smile.gif:
If you're interested, reply here or pm me and I'll add you to the white list and teleport you to our village.
Our town
Hey i would love to join my ign: badclabo3
Added badclabo
hello can i join this server it seems very fun and im a active buileder that lkes to make small communties in minecraft like a village as your please add me to this server becuase i am certain ill have fun here. my ign name is lamaserik23 but my freinds call me erik
IGN: Ivellos
I like to build massive structures sometimes and I'm pretty decent with redstone. I've been playing MC for over a year now so I know most of the things about the game, so if you need help with anything, I'm usually the one to come to.
IGN: dist234
I hope to see you soon! :smile.gif:
my in game name is youneversee
Great! Joining now.
IGN: blondiezmbie