IGN: LordOfBovines
Maturity Level: I am very mature, but will be quite a jokester when I get comfortable with the community
Time Zone: GMT -8 (PST)
What are you hoping for on the server?: Good RP and a fun time.
Character's Name: Orthlak the Firstborn
Character's Age: Was born when the tree fell. (Changed to 24 if you decide that I should be human.)
Character's Race: Godspawn (a creature created during the falling of the tree. They have black skin and one eye. His tribe wears strange clothing. If decided not good enough, will be changed to human and the app redone).
Character's Description/Picture of skin: A cyclops like creature with black skin wearing a suit (if someone would help me post a picture, I will post one)
Character's Background Story: Orthlak was born of pure power when the first fruit hit the ground. When the chaos had ended, he woke to find himself surrounded by his people. They walked to a slowly rotting city, where they found a library. Due to their strange nature, they immediately absorbed the information stored in the books. Not knowing what to do with the information, they traveled far from man's shelter. Orthlak, who was the first to wake and the first to be created, was their leader. One day, on a hunting trip, Orthlak got separated from the group. He had stepped on an old bear trap set by the humans, it took him weeks to get free. When he got back to the camp, his people had moved on. He aspires to find more of his kind and create a society. For now, he lives among humans, waiting.
Character's Strengths: He is very wise, and can absorb knowledge directly from books. he is also an adequate archer/hunter.
Character's Weaknesses: He has a bad leg from the bear trap, and he is not very handy with a sword or a pick
Town you are Interested in: Sanctum
Position in Town your interested in:Huntsman
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He gave birth to himself and then died. That is how he came to rule the bovinial species.
IGN: DaByrd
Maturity Level: I'm am very mature.
Time Zone: EST
What are you hoping for on the server?: I want to have a fun time and relax.
Character's Name: Byrd
Character's Age: 48
Character's Race: Human
Character's Description/Picture of skin: Guy Fawkes
Character's Background Story: A wanderer from a far off land, he comes from a past he'd like to forget. Scars from his previous life leave him to hide his face behind a mask. This mask has struck fear into other wanderers he passes, but if he takes the mask off, they would be beyond fear. He hopes to move along through this land but if he finds it to be suiting and accepting, he could stay for longer. He is growing old and cannot keep up the pace for many more years so it would be best for him to settle down.
Character's Strengths: Sleight of hand, his way with words
Character's Weaknesses: Brute strength, weapons,
Town you are Interested in: Mayfield
Position in Town your interested in: Shopkeeper
IGN: DaByrd
Maturity Level: I'm am very mature.
Time Zone: EST
What are you hoping for on the server?: I want to have a fun time and relax.
Character's Name: Byrd
Character's Age: 48
Character's Race: Human
Character's Description/Picture of skin: Guy Fawkes
Character's Background Story: A wanderer from a far off land, he comes from a past he'd like to forget. Scars from his previous life leave him to hide his face behind a mask. This mask has struck fear into other wanderers he passes, but if he takes the mask off, they would be beyond fear. He hopes to move along through this land but if he finds it to be suiting and accepting, he could stay for longer. He is growing old and cannot keep up the pace for many more years so it would be best for him to settle down.
Character's Strengths: Sleight of hand, his way with words
Character's Weaknesses: Brute strength, weapons,
Town you are Interested in: Mayfield
Position in Town your interested in: Shopkeeper
Not that I know much about how leniant this server is, but the backstory should be more in detail. You will be more likely to be accepted, and it will be easier to role play.
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He gave birth to himself and then died. That is how he came to rule the bovinial species.
IGN: Dankinator
Maturity Level: Fairly High to Extremely High
Time Zone: US CST
What are you hoping for on the server?: FUN; love towns and mining
Character's Name: Sir Dankinatorus
Character's Age: 29
Character's Race: Caucasian
Character's Description/Picture of skin: Green and Yellow, and blocky
Character's Background Story: I am a dank fan of Minecraft and I found a new server
Character's Strengths: AWESOMENESS
Character's Weaknesses: Perfectionist
Town you are Interested in: All of them and then some!
Position in Town your interested in: God.
IGN: AMarinesRifle
Maturity Level: 8/10
Time Zone: PST
What are you hoping for on the server?: I'm looking to meet new people, game, and enjoy my time on the server.
Character's Name: Captain Matthew J. Iron
Character's Age: 31
Character's Race: Imperial
Character's Description/Picture of skin: Chain mail armor, Blue cloth(To represent his town) and a helmet
Character's Background Story: Matthew J. Iron was born into royal blood, he was the son, of the son, of the king. His dad was General John K. Iron(1451-1485), he led an army of 10,000. He died in 1485, during the Great Wars. Matthew was only 4 years old at the time, and his mother kept this away from Matthew. She told him we he was the age of 14. Matthew soon became a private in the Royal Guard. After two years of battles, and wars, Matthew became the Captain of the Guard. He was now a leader of a force of 200 men. His force became famous during the Second Great Wars when the Legion was forced back by Matthew, he had only lost 16 men of his 200, the Legion had a force of 1,000 strong. At the age of 23, his mother died whilst giving birth to his little brother, John D. Iron, Jr. and his little sister, Mary P. Iron. They both had survived. Matthew took in them both and raised, but a Legion assassin killed Mary while trying to kill Matthew. Matthew vowed revenge. He went to the King of the Imperials, and told him, his force was leaving to the Kingdom of The Legion whether he liked it or not. The king had said "Matthew... Your sister was a waste of space. I'm glad she had died. But we can not lose you. I am jailing you until this little episode of yours is over". He was jailed for 7 years, at the age of 30 he got out. He went to the grave of Mary P. Iron, and said "I'm sorry... I loved you and i'll never forget you, I will get revenge, I'll never break a promise".
Character's Strengths: He never breaks a promise, hes a good leader, and a strong fighter.
Character's Weaknesses: He is heart-broken about his little sister, and he sometimes has flashbacks to the moment he saw her throat get slit.
Town you are Interested in: Any
Position in Town your interested in: Guard
Maturity Level: I am very mature, but will be quite a jokester when I get comfortable with the community
Time Zone: GMT -8 (PST)
What are you hoping for on the server?: Good RP and a fun time.
Character's Name: Orthlak the Firstborn
Character's Age: Was born when the tree fell. (Changed to 24 if you decide that I should be human.)
Character's Race: Godspawn (a creature created during the falling of the tree. They have black skin and one eye. His tribe wears strange clothing. If decided not good enough, will be changed to human and the app redone).
Character's Description/Picture of skin: A cyclops like creature with black skin wearing a suit (if someone would help me post a picture, I will post one)
Character's Background Story: Orthlak was born of pure power when the first fruit hit the ground. When the chaos had ended, he woke to find himself surrounded by his people. They walked to a slowly rotting city, where they found a library. Due to their strange nature, they immediately absorbed the information stored in the books. Not knowing what to do with the information, they traveled far from man's shelter. Orthlak, who was the first to wake and the first to be created, was their leader. One day, on a hunting trip, Orthlak got separated from the group. He had stepped on an old bear trap set by the humans, it took him weeks to get free. When he got back to the camp, his people had moved on. He aspires to find more of his kind and create a society. For now, he lives among humans, waiting.
Character's Strengths: He is very wise, and can absorb knowledge directly from books. he is also an adequate archer/hunter.
Character's Weaknesses: He has a bad leg from the bear trap, and he is not very handy with a sword or a pick
Town you are Interested in: Sanctum
Position in Town your interested in:Huntsman
Maturity Level: I'm am very mature.
Time Zone: EST
What are you hoping for on the server?: I want to have a fun time and relax.
Character's Name: Byrd
Character's Age: 48
Character's Race: Human
Character's Description/Picture of skin: Guy Fawkes
Character's Background Story: A wanderer from a far off land, he comes from a past he'd like to forget. Scars from his previous life leave him to hide his face behind a mask. This mask has struck fear into other wanderers he passes, but if he takes the mask off, they would be beyond fear. He hopes to move along through this land but if he finds it to be suiting and accepting, he could stay for longer. He is growing old and cannot keep up the pace for many more years so it would be best for him to settle down.
Character's Strengths: Sleight of hand, his way with words
Character's Weaknesses: Brute strength, weapons,
Town you are Interested in: Mayfield
Position in Town your interested in: Shopkeeper
Not that I know much about how leniant this server is, but the backstory should be more in detail. You will be more likely to be accepted, and it will be easier to role play.
Maturity Level: Fairly High to Extremely High
Time Zone: US CST
What are you hoping for on the server?: FUN; love towns and mining
Character's Name: Sir Dankinatorus
Character's Age: 29
Character's Race: Caucasian
Character's Description/Picture of skin: Green and Yellow, and blocky
Character's Background Story: I am a dank fan of Minecraft and I found a new server
Character's Strengths: AWESOMENESS
Character's Weaknesses: Perfectionist
Town you are Interested in: All of them and then some!
Position in Town your interested in: God.
Maturity Level: 8/10
Time Zone: PST
What are you hoping for on the server?: I'm looking to meet new people, game, and enjoy my time on the server.
Character's Name: Captain Matthew J. Iron
Character's Age: 31
Character's Race: Imperial
Character's Description/Picture of skin: Chain mail armor, Blue cloth(To represent his town) and a helmet
Character's Background Story: Matthew J. Iron was born into royal blood, he was the son, of the son, of the king. His dad was General John K. Iron(1451-1485), he led an army of 10,000. He died in 1485, during the Great Wars. Matthew was only 4 years old at the time, and his mother kept this away from Matthew. She told him we he was the age of 14. Matthew soon became a private in the Royal Guard. After two years of battles, and wars, Matthew became the Captain of the Guard. He was now a leader of a force of 200 men. His force became famous during the Second Great Wars when the Legion was forced back by Matthew, he had only lost 16 men of his 200, the Legion had a force of 1,000 strong. At the age of 23, his mother died whilst giving birth to his little brother, John D. Iron, Jr. and his little sister, Mary P. Iron. They both had survived. Matthew took in them both and raised, but a Legion assassin killed Mary while trying to kill Matthew. Matthew vowed revenge. He went to the King of the Imperials, and told him, his force was leaving to the Kingdom of The Legion whether he liked it or not. The king had said "Matthew... Your sister was a waste of space. I'm glad she had died. But we can not lose you. I am jailing you until this little episode of yours is over". He was jailed for 7 years, at the age of 30 he got out. He went to the grave of Mary P. Iron, and said "I'm sorry... I loved you and i'll never forget you, I will get revenge, I'll never break a promise".
Character's Strengths: He never breaks a promise, hes a good leader, and a strong fighter.
Character's Weaknesses: He is heart-broken about his little sister, and he sometimes has flashbacks to the moment he saw her throat get slit.
Town you are Interested in: Any
Position in Town your interested in: Guard