Our server, Rawcraft is in need of top- builders who pay attention to detail. Please post a few pictures of your work and your IGN so we can add you to the whitelist.
If you want to PM your email i can send some pic's but you can't just post pic's on here. I'd love to help and i have ALOT of xp in builidng severs, I've been apart of buxville,super-eartth,and VillageCraft all as builders and adminsand i need IP btdubbss
If you want to PM your email i can send some pic's but you can't just post pic's on here. I'd love to help and i have ALOT of xp in builidng severs, I've been apart of buxville,super-eartth,and VillageCraft all as builders and adminsand i need IP btdubbss