Location + Timezone:Central United States
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?:Yes, I do.
What is the difference between IC and OOC?:IC stands for "In character". When you Roleplay, you are in IC. If you need to ask a question or speak "Out of Character" you are then in OOC.
What does MG stand for?:MG stands for "Metagaming", or taking information you gained in a OOC experiance and applying it to your IC playing.
What does PG stand for?PG stands for "Powergaming", or forcing actions upon others IC or doing something unrealistic. Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: No, that is not allowed.
What era are we roleplaying?In the 1500's.
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I'm in search of a good, solid server with a small and decent community. I'm sick of all the backstabbing and underground base building in the PVP faction servers, and just need a place I can come and play minecraft. I also enjoy RPing, which is evident in this server. I'm expecting a respectful community, that knows how to RP. Also a respectful moderator/admin to govern over the players. IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name:Jacob, or commonly reffered to as "Jake".
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?:I enjoy farming and fishing in Minecraft, so I'll have to go with a farmer or fisherman. I could also be a lumberman or explorer. Basicly anything to do with exploration or outdoors. If needed, I could be a builder, nothing fancy though. I detest mining in large scale situations, but can manage spelunking mines. My job would basicly being an "Outdoorsman".
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IGN: cerialkiller911
Age: 16
Timezone: Central USA.
Rules: yes i read and accept the rules.
Difference between IC and OOC?: IC is in Character, OOC is out of Character.
What does MG stand for?: Taking out of Character content and bringing them in Character.
What does PG stand for?: Doing this that are impossible in real life.
No it is not allowed to build it.
Era: 1564
Why would do i want tojoin this server?: I want a good RP server with a good community with no griefing and no lag. I have been looking for a server with a good staff and fair admins
RP:Miner because i am a very good miner a nd i have way to much time on my hands so i can mine alot and i hvae very good mining Strategys
IGN: cerialkiller911
Age: 16
Timezone: Central USA.
Rules: yes i read and accept the rules.
Difference between IC and OOC?: IC is in Character, OOC is out of Character.
What does MG stand for?: Taking out of Character content and bringing them in Character.
What does PG stand for?: Doing this that are impossible in real life.
No it is not allowed to build it.
Era: 1564
Why would do i want tojoin this server?: I want a good RP server with a good community with no griefing and no lag. I have been looking for a server with a good staff and fair admins
RP:Miner because i am a very good miner a nd i have way to much time on my hands so i can mine alot and i hvae very good mining Strategys
If your application looks this effortless,
I don't even dare to look at your In-Game behaviour.
IGN: 1joey12
Age: 16
Location + Timezone: England. +00 GMT I think.
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?: Yep.
What is the difference between IC and OOC?: In character, is roleplaying. Out of Character, is you talking as yourself.
What does MG stand for? Explain: Meta-Gaming is acting in accordance to knowing something out of character, and then using it to your advantage In character. (I.e someone says OOC they've stolen from someone. You confront them, without even being present.)
What does PG stand for? Explain: Being a general ass prehaps, but Powergaming in essence is forcing your own will upon the character and not acting how the character should, in prehaps the same way of maximizing potential in an uncharacteristic manner.
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: Um. No.
What era are we roleplaying? 1564.
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I expect to have a FUN time, while being able to be capable to roleplay with others and have an effective impact on the outcomes of the server.
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name: Josef
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: Phrases? Gah. I'm two things, a capable farmer and a bloody excellent thief. I was heading my way through a cruise ship on my way from government officials. Now I'm stuck here... on a bloody island! Now the very people who I despise I have to live with.
IGN: skittle25
Age: 15
Location + Timezone: Usa, OH. Est.
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?: Yes.
What is the difference between IC and OOC?: In character is Roleplaying, Out of Character is you talking normaly
What does MG stand for? Explain: MetaGaming. its knowing something out of character and then using it in character.
What does PG stand for? Explain: Being a person like cerialkiller. but Powergaming is a foceful act on a character
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: no. Why would you want to?
What era are we roleplaying? 16th Century.
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I love how this is 8 slots so its like you said, your not a server. It seems fun.
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name: Nick
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?:Im a great Hunter, or a Risk-taking Miner.
IGN: skittle25
Age: 15
Location + Timezone: Usa, OH. Est.
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?: Yes.
What is the difference between IC and OOC?: In character is Roleplaying, Out of Character is you talking normaly
What does MG stand for? Explain: MetaGaming. its knowing something out of character and then using it in character.
What does PG stand for? Explain: Being a person like cerialkiller. but Powergaming is a foceful act on a character
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: no. Why would you want to?
What era are we roleplaying? 16th Century.
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I love how this is 8 slots so its like you said, your not a server. It seems fun.
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name: Nick
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?:Im a great Hunter, or a Risk-taking Miner.
Pogo take him off the whitelist, his application needs improvement.
I also started the server back up, be happy I can't sleep and have wifi on my phone xd
Pogo take him off the whitelist, his application needs improvement.
I also started the server back up, be happy I can't sleep and have wifi on my phone xd
Age:13 (im mature enough)
Location + Timezone:Queensland, Australia +10 EST i think?
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?:yes
What is the difference between IC and OOC?:ic means in character and is used for roleplaying only. OOC is out of character and you can talk about things not involving roleplay.
What does MG stand for? Explain:metagaming:this means you learn information in occ and apply it to roleplaying ic. this means you know stuff about other characters that you don't know in ic. (example-another character is a girl but she has the skin of a guy irl but when your talking to her ic you address them as her or she, when infact judging on the skin all you should know that she is a guy.
What does PG stand for? Explain:powergaming:forcing another in to a roleplaying situation
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?:no, and why would you?
What era are we roleplaying?16th century
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?:I want to help out this server. i would like having a small community so we could get to know eachother, like a real rp server should be like. im intrested in history.i would love to build in a 16th century theme.I also wanna have alot of fun!
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name:ethan drake
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: i want to be an explorer.or maybe a woodcutter.As a explorer i would find secrets of the island and find ways for us to sail back to europe.or if i was a woodcutter i could build a small shack. during day i would collect wood from the trees. But at Night i would turn all the logs into wood and other items and give them to fellow villagers for them to use. as Woodcutter i could really contribute to the village
Location + Timezone:Centraol
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?: Yes I do
What is the difference between IC and OOC?: Ic or in character would be the actual aspect of roleplaying another person in a fantasy world. OOC or out of character is speaking as yourself not as the character you are trying to portray.
What does MG stand for? Explain: Mg stands for metagaming. Metagaming would be using knowledge your character would never naturally know for personal gain for your character.
What does PG stand for? Explain: Pg is power gaming. Power gaming would be not allowing other people to role play a situation without you forcing an outcome. Or claiming your character can do things that they in really could not do.
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: They had those in medieval time periods... no lol
What era are we roleplaying? Tudor period
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I expect a a close nit role playing atmosphere. I expect people that actually know how to role play. I expect people that are mature and prepared to think on the fly. I expect people to follow the rules. Most of all I expect to have fun.
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name: Onella Ravenloft
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I would like to role play as a survivalist. I guess more of a hunter gatherer type that survives off the land. With enough knowledge to build a home of her own and able to learn how to perfect other skills she could obtain from other people. I would be able to read and write and keep records of things the town would need. She would be able to fit in odd ball jobs into her back ground and help most people with things they would need.
Age:13 (im mature enough)
Location + Timezone:Queensland, Australia +10 EST i think?
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?:yes
What is the difference between IC and OOC?:ic means in character and is used for roleplaying only. OOC is out of character and you can talk about things not involving roleplay.
What does MG stand for? Explain:metagaming:this means you learn information in occ and apply it to roleplaying ic. this means you know stuff about other characters that you don't know in ic. (example-another character is a girl but she has the skin of a guy irl but when your talking to her ic you address them as her or she, when infact judging on the skin all you should know that she is a guy.
What does PG stand for? Explain:powergaming:forcing another in to a roleplaying situation
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?:no, and why would you?
What era are we roleplaying?16th century
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?:I want to help out this server. i would like having a small community so we could get to know eachother, like a real rp server should be like. im intrested in history.i would love to build in a 16th century theme.I also wanna have alot of fun!
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name:ethan drake
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: i want to be an explorer.or maybe a woodcutter.As a explorer i would find secrets of the island and find ways for us to sail back to europe.or if i was a woodcutter i could build a small shack. during day i would collect wood from the trees. But at Night i would turn all the logs into wood and other items and give them to fellow villagers for them to use. as Woodcutter i could really contribute to the village
Location + Timezone:Centraol
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?: Yes I do
What is the difference between IC and OOC?: Ic or in character would be the actual aspect of roleplaying another person in a fantasy world. OOC or out of character is speaking as yourself not as the character you are trying to portray.
What does MG stand for? Explain: Mg stands for metagaming. Metagaming would be using knowledge your character would never naturally know for personal gain for your character.
What does PG stand for? Explain: Pg is power gaming. Power gaming would be not allowing other people to role play a situation without you forcing an outcome. Or claiming your character can do things that they in really could not do.
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: They had those in medieval time periods... no lol
What era are we roleplaying? Tudor period
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I expect a a close nit role playing atmosphere. I expect people that actually know how to role play. I expect people that are mature and prepared to think on the fly. I expect people to follow the rules. Most of all I expect to have fun.
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name: Onella Ravenloft
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I would like to role play as a survivalist. I guess more of a hunter gatherer type that survives off the land. With enough knowledge to build a home of her own and able to learn how to perfect other skills she could obtain from other people. I would be able to read and write and keep records of things the town would need. She would be able to fit in odd ball jobs into her back ground and help most people with things they would need.
Both accepted, not whitelisted yet.
We're experiencing some trouble with the server.
The map looks greatly f*cked up, luckily I made a backup last night.
Minecraft.net is slow as hell, and so is our host, so it's hard for me to find a solution straight away. I'll try to get the server back up in a few hours.
EDIT: I think I fixed the server by replacing each file manually
Last two appliquee's have been added to the whitelist. Please read the welcome message :wink.gif:
okay i am very disapointed in the fact that some grifed most of my farm in addition to this they also killed my livestock destroyed my fences and my trees and destroyed most of my floor to get to my chest,now i thought the server was suppost to have community i never did anything bad to anyone and they do this to my farm therefore i am relocating my farm on the island i hope who ever did this is banned from the server :angry.gif:
We could not find any suspect. Are you sure it has not been Creeped?
People are allowed to steal.
The further damage has probably been done by Creepers.
I personally am not liking the whole 'stealing' thing. You say the goal is 'a friendly community,' but I don't think a friendly community would steal from each other. Plus, I had most of my alchemy set stolen from me. I know you're going to tell me to hide it, but what purpose does that serve? We're supposed to exemplify our roles/occupations, but with the possibility of being stolen from, you're basically telling me to practice my job in the corner of my basement and hide my chest in some unlit cavern. We should AT LEAST have Lockette and have a set amount of locks, maybe 2 or so? Maybe act as two combination locks in RP terms?
I just find it unfair that we can be openly stolen from in 'a friendly community.'
P.S. I hope to be reimbursed for some other's incompetence of decency.
I personally am not liking the whole 'stealing' thing. You say the goal is 'a friendly community,' but I don't think a friendly community would steal from each other. Plus, I had most of my alchemy set stolen from me. I know you're going to tell me to hide it, but what purpose does that serve? We're supposed to exemplify our roles/occupations, but with the possibility of being stolen from, you're basically telling me to practice my job in the corner of my basement and hide my chest in some unlit cavern. We should AT LEAST have Lockette and have a set amount of locks, maybe 2 or so? Maybe act as two combination locks in RP terms?
I just find it unfair that we can be openly stolen from in 'a friendly community.'
P.S. I hope to be reimbursed for some other's incompetence of decency.
I'm considering Lockette, but yes, hiding your chest in an unlit cavern wouldn't be a bad idea. Do I need to state we are a Roleplay server? With "friendly community", I mean OOC. There's always some people that can ROLEPLAY to be some **** and steal from you. That's the point of Roleplay. We can't all be happy farmers.
IGN: Ministryofgamess
Age: 15
Location + Timezone:
GMT +1
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?: Yes
What is the difference between IC and OOC?: IC is making decisions as your character would do, act and speak like your character, whilst ooc is you in real life.
What does MG stand for? Explain: Metagame, using ooc information ic
What does PG stand for? Explain: powergame, giving your character superior power to others
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: No
What era are we roleplaying? 16th century
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?:
I love roleplaying in Minecraft, and I've been looking for a good rp server for months. I think I found one. I love roleplaying in smaller groups, so that everybody knows each other. And since it's on a deserted island we can't lose each other :smile.gif: I don't really like the large scaled rp cities and such because it takes too long to find your way there. This one however seems smaller and more cosy.
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name: Milo Goold
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?:
I want to rp as a thief, I want to start a thieves guild living in the sewers of the village, or in a cave or whatever. I am an experienced thief in rp so I know what and what not to take.
I'm not sure.. we already have "thieving problems" at our server.
Explain the last phrase you wrote.
Ohh I didn't know. In that case I'll be a farmer on large scale. Maybe start my own company and get employers etc.
We already have 2 or 3 farms starting out, and we rather keep it on a low scale.
However, I will add you to the whitelist so you can find out for yourself.
May I just remind you about the starting house rule; 7*7max
Age: 16
Timezone: Central USA.
Rules: yes i read and accept the rules.
Difference between IC and OOC?: IC is in Character, OOC is out of Character.
What does MG stand for?: Taking out of Character content and bringing them in Character.
What does PG stand for?: Doing this that are impossible in real life.
No it is not allowed to build it.
Era: 1564
Why would do i want tojoin this server?: I want a good RP server with a good community with no griefing and no lag. I have been looking for a server with a good staff and fair admins
RP:Miner because i am a very good miner a nd i have way to much time on my hands so i can mine alot and i hvae very good mining Strategys
If your application looks this effortless,
I don't even dare to look at your In-Game behaviour.
Age: 15
Location + Timezone: Usa, OH. Est.
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?: Yes.
What is the difference between IC and OOC?: In character is Roleplaying, Out of Character is you talking normaly
What does MG stand for? Explain: MetaGaming. its knowing something out of character and then using it in character.
What does PG stand for? Explain: Being a person like cerialkiller. but Powergaming is a foceful act on a character
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: no. Why would you want to?
What era are we roleplaying? 16th Century.
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I love how this is 8 slots so its like you said, your not a server. It seems fun.
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name: Nick
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?:Im a great Hunter, or a Risk-taking Miner.
Needs a bit more work
I also started the server back up, be happy I can't sleep and have wifi on my phone xd
Yes, but it just crashed.
Anyway, I'm gonna get off.
Age:13 (im mature enough)
Location + Timezone:Queensland, Australia +10 EST i think?
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?:yes
What is the difference between IC and OOC?:ic means in character and is used for roleplaying only. OOC is out of character and you can talk about things not involving roleplay.
What does MG stand for? Explain:metagaming:this means you learn information in occ and apply it to roleplaying ic. this means you know stuff about other characters that you don't know in ic. (example-another character is a girl but she has the skin of a guy irl but when your talking to her ic you address them as her or she, when infact judging on the skin all you should know that she is a guy.
What does PG stand for? Explain:powergaming:forcing another in to a roleplaying situation
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?:no, and why would you?
What era are we roleplaying?16th century
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?:I want to help out this server. i would like having a small community so we could get to know eachother, like a real rp server should be like. im intrested in history.i would love to build in a 16th century theme.I also wanna have alot of fun!
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name:ethan drake
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: i want to be an explorer.or maybe a woodcutter.As a explorer i would find secrets of the island and find ways for us to sail back to europe.or if i was a woodcutter i could build a small shack. during day i would collect wood from the trees. But at Night i would turn all the logs into wood and other items and give them to fellow villagers for them to use. as Woodcutter i could really contribute to the village
Location + Timezone:Centraol
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?: Yes I do
What is the difference between IC and OOC?: Ic or in character would be the actual aspect of roleplaying another person in a fantasy world. OOC or out of character is speaking as yourself not as the character you are trying to portray.
What does MG stand for? Explain: Mg stands for metagaming. Metagaming would be using knowledge your character would never naturally know for personal gain for your character.
What does PG stand for? Explain: Pg is power gaming. Power gaming would be not allowing other people to role play a situation without you forcing an outcome. Or claiming your character can do things that they in really could not do.
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: They had those in medieval time periods... no lol
What era are we roleplaying? Tudor period
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I expect a a close nit role playing atmosphere. I expect people that actually know how to role play. I expect people that are mature and prepared to think on the fly. I expect people to follow the rules. Most of all I expect to have fun.
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name: Onella Ravenloft
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: I would like to role play as a survivalist. I guess more of a hunter gatherer type that survives off the land. With enough knowledge to build a home of her own and able to learn how to perfect other skills she could obtain from other people. I would be able to read and write and keep records of things the town would need. She would be able to fit in odd ball jobs into her back ground and help most people with things they would need.
Both accepted, not whitelisted yet.
We're experiencing some trouble with the server.
The map looks greatly f*cked up, luckily I made a backup last night.
Minecraft.net is slow as hell, and so is our host, so it's hard for me to find a solution straight away. I'll try to get the server back up in a few hours.
EDIT: I think I fixed the server by replacing each file manually
Last two appliquee's have been added to the whitelist. Please read the welcome message :wink.gif:
We could not find any suspect. Are you sure it has not been Creeped?
People are allowed to steal.
The further damage has probably been done by Creepers.
I personally am not liking the whole 'stealing' thing. You say the goal is 'a friendly community,' but I don't think a friendly community would steal from each other. Plus, I had most of my alchemy set stolen from me. I know you're going to tell me to hide it, but what purpose does that serve? We're supposed to exemplify our roles/occupations, but with the possibility of being stolen from, you're basically telling me to practice my job in the corner of my basement and hide my chest in some unlit cavern. We should AT LEAST have Lockette and have a set amount of locks, maybe 2 or so? Maybe act as two combination locks in RP terms?
I just find it unfair that we can be openly stolen from in 'a friendly community.'
P.S. I hope to be reimbursed for some other's incompetence of decency.
I'm considering Lockette, but yes, hiding your chest in an unlit cavern wouldn't be a bad idea. Do I need to state we are a Roleplay server? With "friendly community", I mean OOC. There's always some people that can ROLEPLAY to be some **** and steal from you. That's the point of Roleplay. We can't all be happy farmers.
I'm not sure.. we already have "thieving problems" at our server.
Explain the last phrase you wrote.
We already have 2 or 3 farms starting out, and we rather keep it on a low scale.
However, I will add you to the whitelist so you can find out for yourself.
May I just remind you about the starting house rule; 7*7max