IGN: DonDlor
Clan association: Sempur Novum
How long have you been playing Minecraft: since Beta 1.1.2
Time zone: EST
Age: 20
Time spent on Minecraft daily: 2-3 hours weekdays, 5 hours weekends
As of now, spawn city (Eramus I believe it was called?) and the PvP fort objectives are the only points anyone with a self sufficient base would need to travel to. We want to encourage travel to increase the chance of enemy players running into each other in the wild. Expect more world objectives in the future.
The shops were originally thought of as an emergency get-back-on-your-feet system for clans that are entirely decimated
Though my thoughts are valued I'm not on the dev team and do not know their future plans for the shop but I do know the land is based on clan size and will never become based on currency. We grinded an unspeakable amount of clay to sell at the spawn market on another server, we all hated it and would never impose this on others
There are supposed to be frequent arena matches, sadly few people show interest. Unlike gamer screwing around that day the 'real' matches will be scheduled in advance and teleports will not be provided. Expect bandits to crowd outside the walls
Clan association (If applicable):The Purged
How long have you been playing Minecraft:since alpha
Time zone:eastern u.s.
Time spent on Minecraft daily:Few hours
As of now, spawn city (Eramus I believe it was called?) and the PvP fort objectives are the only points anyone with a self sufficient base would need to travel to. We want to encourage travel to increase the chance of enemy players running into each other in the wild. Expect more world objectives in the future.
The shops were originally thought of as an emergency get-back-on-your-feet system for clans that are entirely decimated
Though my thoughts are valued I'm not on the dev team and do not know their future plans for the shop but I do know the land is based on clan size and will never become based on currency. We grinded an unspeakable amount of clay to sell at the spawn market on another server, we all hated it and would never impose this on others
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
Team Leaders IGN:ninjaandham
1v1 or 4v4 tournament:1v1
Clan/Faction association (Leave blank if you are independent):PR PhoenixReborn
Clan association (If applicable): SDK
How long have you been playing Minecraft: About a year
Time zone: PST
Age: 16
Time spent on Minecraft daily: One hour
CLAN association (If applicable):Don't have one
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Inf-Dev
Time zone:Central Usa
Time spent on Minecraft daily:probably 5+ hours ima no life :tongue.gif:
Team Leaders IGN:TheNobleAldo
1v1 or 4v4 tournament:1v1
Clan/Faction association (Leave blank if you are independent):PR Phoenix Reborn
IGN: Ryuukan
How long have you been playing Minecraft: A handful of hours
Time zone: Central U.S.
Age: 17
Time spent on Minecraft daily: will vary on weekdays(college), min 3 hours weekends
IGN: forgegorge
Clan association (If applicable): SDK
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Early Beta
Time zone: EST
Age: 16
Time spent on Minecraft daily: 1-2 h
Clan association (If applicable):wat is this :blink.gif:
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 1 year
Time zone:cretral
Time spent on Minecraft daily:about 6 hours a day more on weekeds
Clan association (If applicable):Protectorate
How long have you been playing Minecraft:ever since i've heard of it... 2 years ago
Time zone:eastern u.s.
Time spent on Minecraft daily:Few hours
Clan association: Sempur Novum
How long have you been playing Minecraft: since Beta 1.1.2
Time zone: EST
Age: 20
Time spent on Minecraft daily: 2-3 hours weekdays, 5 hours weekends
Great success. :laugh.gif:
Had me worried there for awhile.
As of now, spawn city (Eramus I believe it was called?) and the PvP fort objectives are the only points anyone with a self sufficient base would need to travel to. We want to encourage travel to increase the chance of enemy players running into each other in the wild. Expect more world objectives in the future.
The shops were originally thought of as an emergency get-back-on-your-feet system for clans that are entirely decimated
Though my thoughts are valued I'm not on the dev team and do not know their future plans for the shop but I do know the land is based on clan size and will never become based on currency. We grinded an unspeakable amount of clay to sell at the spawn market on another server, we all hated it and would never impose this on others
to this day we do not speak of clay... ever
Clan association (If applicable):The Purged
How long have you been playing Minecraft:since alpha
Time zone:eastern u.s.
Time spent on Minecraft daily:Few hours
Lol, good times.
Team Leaders IGN: Beanboy112 (me)
1v1 or 4v4 tournament: 1v1
Clan/Faction association (Leave blank if you are independent): PR
Team Leaders IGN:ninjaandham
1v1 or 4v4 tournament:1v1
Clan/Faction association (Leave blank if you are independent):PR PhoenixReborn
Team leaders IGN:gleasonboyz
1v1 or 4v4 tournament:1v1
clan/faction association (leave if you're independent):PR PhoenixReborn :biggrin.gif:
Clan association (If applicable): SDK
How long have you been playing Minecraft: About a year
Time zone: PST
Age: 16
Time spent on Minecraft daily: One hour
CLAN association (If applicable):Don't have one
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Inf-Dev
Time zone:Central Usa
Time spent on Minecraft daily:probably 5+ hours ima no life :tongue.gif:
Team Leaders IGN:TheNobleAldo
1v1 or 4v4 tournament:1v1
Clan/Faction association (Leave blank if you are independent):PR Phoenix Reborn
How long have you been playing Minecraft: A handful of hours
Time zone: Central U.S.
Age: 17
Time spent on Minecraft daily: will vary on weekdays(college), min 3 hours weekends
IGN: forgegorge
Clan association (If applicable): SDK
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Early Beta
Time zone: EST
Age: 16
Time spent on Minecraft daily: 1-2 h
Clan association (If applicable):wat is this :blink.gif:
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 1 year
Time zone:cretral
Time spent on Minecraft daily:about 6 hours a day more on weekeds
Team leaders IGN:Mandratar
1v1 or 4v4 tournament:1v1
clan/faction association (leave if you're independent):PR PhoenixReborn
Clan association (If applicable):Protectorate
How long have you been playing Minecraft:ever since i've heard of it... 2 years ago
Time zone:eastern u.s.
Time spent on Minecraft daily:Few hours