flaming, in other words correcting what doesnt need to be corrected, or simply being a smartass.
Well from what you said you sounded like you really wanted it corrected and possibly deeply offended by that extra * so I decided I would correct it for you and end your troubles.
WHY US:Because Assassins creed is epic, and i have been looking for a RP based MC server for awhile
Name:Amatore Marino
Occupation:None/No job
Organisation (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter):I want to be a thief(but if not then i will be apart of the creed
(If bounty hunter specify what group you want to be in)
Appearance: Thief, with black hood, and scarf, with raggedy clothes
Fears:Death, not being able to beat a opponent, fire
Personality:A nice guy when you get know him, Settle, Calm
Skills: Stealthy,Short dagger combat, Free running
RP Example (Add dialogue):"Sir, may I please have that apple, I am hungry", say Amatore. "No! Be gone peasant!", said the merchant. "....Whats that?!", The merchant looks but sees nothing, when he looks back Amatore is gone and so is the apple,"Get back here you!!". Amatore just keeps running until he gets to a safe distance.Amatore laughs as he eats the apple and walks away.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):Amatore had grown up in the slums Italia, He parents were poor and they barley had the money to keep them alive. His father worked as dish washer for a small cafe, his mother didn't have a job, she was just a normal housewife. Amatore didn't like to see his parents like this, he wanted to help. He had thought of getting a job as a bus boy, but no one would take him. He wasn't good at much, there was nothing he could do until one day he was walking home from playing with his friends he had seen a man steal from a woman and had not been caught, instead of rating out the man he thought of doing the same, steal. He was nervous at first but he got better by the day, he was soon becoming a great thief. At the age of 17 he was coming home when he heard a scream, he rushed over to where he heard it, but to he disappointment it was coming from his house. He looked thought his window to see his father on the ground bleeding, maybe dead and his mother being held down by some thugs. There was about three of them, and that's when he remembered there faces, he had robbed from them. "They must of found out it was me", Amatore thought, but what was he going to do? He couldn't take on three thugs bigger then him. Only thing he had thought of was call the guards, when the he got the guards to come back to his house the thugs were gone and so were his parents, the guards almost put him in jail because they thought he was just being stupid. So now Amatore is alone and scared, so what he does now is roam the streets of Italia, maybe hope to find his parents but until then he must steal to live.
WHY US:Because Assassins creed is epic, and i have been looking for a RP based MC server for awhile
Name:Amatore Marino
Occupation:None/No job
Organisation (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter):I want to be a thief(but if not then i will be apart of the creed
(If bounty hunter specify what group you want to be in)
Appearance: Thief, with black hood, and scarf, with raggedy clothes
Fears:Death, not being able to beat a opponent, fire
Personality:A nice guy when you get know him, Settle, Calm
Skills: Stealthy,Short dagger combat, Free running
RP Example (Add dialogue):"Sir, may I please have that apple, I am hungry", say Amatore. "No! Be gone peasant!", said the merchant. "....Whats that?!", The merchant looks but sees nothing, when he looks back Amatore is gone and so is the apple,"Get back here you!!". Amatore just keeps running until he gets to a safe distance.Amatore laughs as he eats the apple and walks away.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):Amatore had grown up in the slums Italia, He parents were poor and they barley had the money to keep them alive. His father worked as dish washer for a small cafe, his mother didn't have a job, she was just a normal housewife. Amatore didn't like to see his parents like this, he wanted to help. He had thought of getting a job as a bus boy, but no one would take him. He wasn't good at much, there was nothing he could do until one day he was walking home from playing with his friends he had seen a man steal from a woman and had not been caught, instead of rating out the man he thought of doing the same, steal. He was nervous at first but he got better by the day, he was soon becoming a great thief. At the age of 17 he was coming home when he heard a scream, he rushed over to where he heard it, but to he disappointment it was coming from his house. He looked thought his window to see his father on the ground bleeding, maybe dead and his mother being held down by some thugs. There was about three of them, and that's when he remembered there faces, he had robbed from them. "They must of found out it was me", Amatore thought, but what was he going to do? He couldn't take on three thugs bigger then him. Only thing he had thought of was call the guards, when the he got the guards to come back to his house the thugs were gone and so were his parents, the guards almost put him in jail because they thought he was just being stupid. So now Amatore is alone and scared, so what he does now is roam the streets of Italia, maybe hope to find his parents but until then he must steal to live.
You can't be a Creed Thief, Creeds the good guys. Be a templar, neutral or bounty hunter.
IGN: Tlm7
AGE: 15
WHY US: I know this will sound cliche, but this looks like a good server that I could have fun on.
PREVIOUS BANS: I hope you believe me when I say none. I have never been banned.
Name: Retsaro Venevile (No middle name.) (Pronounced RET-SAROW VENEH-VILIE)
Age: 22
Occupation: None.
Organisation (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter): None currently, will possibly to be a Bounty Hunter/Leader of Bounty Hunters. Not sure which group. Also possibly The Creed.
(If bounty hunter specify what group you want to be in)
Appearance: Wears dark robes, with gold patterns of flames that look like they are moving.
Fears: Terrified of losing those he loves.
Personality: Introvertic, tends to stay away from people. Is afraid of letting people get close to him. Very wary.
Skills: Doesn't like to brag about himself, or give away his skills.
RP Example (Add dialogue): I see a woman walking up to me, in my eyes with malicious intent, but I am probably just worrying over nothing. She offers me a drink saying, "You look like you could use some relaxation... And a little bit of love." My mind is filled wariness, and all of my senses are telling me I should leave. I say in a slightly nervous voice, "I am afraid I have business to take care of, farewell." I turned around and started to walk away, but just a moment later I hear someone shout, "Lookout!" and feel cold steel against my bare neck. The 'woman' whispers in my ear, "Now... Come with me and I will spare your pathetic life..." I play along, and allow her to lead me away. Almost as soon as we leave, she relinquishes her disguise, proving to be a French Assassin. I have no idea what he wanted from me, but I quickly threw a smoke bomb down, and went to the rooftops. I saw him running, trying to clear his lungs of the foul odor. Reacting naturally, I leaped from the building drawing my blade as I did so. My blade guides itself directly through his jugular vein. I flee the scene of the crime, seeing the blood everywhere. This is why I trust nobody.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Retsaro Venevile grew up in a lower class neighborhood in Italy. His father was a blacksmith, not making much money. He taught Retsaro everything he knew of the trade in hopes of their income increasing. He was disappointed though, when he realized another person wouldn't make more people come. Retsaro sought to make his family happy. They had always had the rough side of things, and he was tired of it. He learned to thieve from some local thugs. He was surprised to find that he was exceptionally good at it. He could pick a pocket while still having a conversation with you, and you wouldn't even notice. He stole from anyone who deserved it. He stole from people he didn't like. But never did he steal from anyone that needed their money. He helped those in poverty, only after making sure his family was well fed. His father questioned where he got the money, yet Retsaro always managed to avoid the question. He met the love of his life, and nervously asked her for a date. She said yes, and they grew to love each other very much, more than life itself. When he turned 18, he was going to propose to her. On his way, enemy soldiers attacked, killing everyone. He survived by hiding under some of the wreckage. He searched all over, only to find everyone dead, and the woman.... Ravaged by the soldiers. He wept for days, but then sought out somebody to teach him. He found two teachers. One to teach him about history, math, theory, languages, everything he had missed out on as a child. This teacher's name was Adelena Hanarine. The other teacher taught him the way of the Assassin, named Lenardie Granatio. He grew to love them, just as he had loved his own mother and father. It seemed history was to repeat itself though, as the day the two pronounced him complete in his training of their respective teachings, they were both killed by a man named Leonardo Decapialle. He swore revenge on that man, and vowed to never let anybody get close to him again.
Occupation:Assassin In Training
Organisation:The Creed
Appearance:Purple Eyes White/blue Armour Black Helmet
Fears:Heavy Guards/Spiders
Personality:Very adventurerus,Attracted to suspicios charcters.
Skills:Climbing,Swordsmanship,Decoding Encrypted messages
RP Example:Cant Catch me! Hahah!
Backstory: EonPhantom was abandoned by his parents as a child.He was taken into the creed at age 3 and was trained from then on in the ways of the assassin. His hatred of the templars is what keeps him going through the tough times. When the templars killed his brother he was filled with extreme rage and slaughtred all the templars that killed his brother with their own swords.
IGN: AgentMac
WHY US: I love ac I have preodered acr and and can't wait till x-mas to get it. This server sounds like what i have always wanted I like RP and AC so this is the perfect combo.
PREVIOUS BANS: ON Sublimity Gaming mc server i was banned because on the forums I made a useless post it was titled q and the word t in it. I have no idea how that was posted.
Name: Mac Solun (SO-LONE) (Born in England)
Age: 25
Occupation: Wanting to lead a group of bounty hunters.
Organisation (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter): Bounty Hunter Frost Age (Andymo I sent you a leader app)
(If bounty hunter specify what group you want to be in)
Appearance: http://www.minecraftskins.com/page/2/ its the 11th one
Fears: The ocean always nervous when sailing.
Personality: Stays away doesn't like crowds.
Skills: With blades and the shadows.
RP Example (Add dialogue): Mac walks onto the bridge passes a Templar. The Templar passes him a note. Mac takes it to the shadows to read it.
He has a group of 5 buffs following everywhere they are taken care of on the 12th he will leave his home to go get more buffs strike then make sure there are no wittiness
REWARD: 20,000 florins
Then a man says "There you are you killed my friend prepare for death."
* man charges with a broadsword
* mac doges and jabs his knife into the mans side
"ARHGGGGG," screams the man.
* mac grabs him by the neck and throws him in the river
* the current sweeps him away
Mac starts running towards Sevia's home.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs) Mac was born in London to a rich family. His best friend Drake loved the world but was pore and had no money. Mac was kind and bought him food the have been friends for years. Mac was 13 and Drake 13 the went to the market when Drakes father was beaning accused of stealing an apple. A Templar guard took an apple and yelled "You want an apple hers one," and thew it at Drake's father. It hit him in the face . Drake ran and tackled the guard. The other guard pulled him off him the guard had a bloody nose and what looked like a broken jaw. They held Drake tight with iron grips. "You peasant I suppose you only want some sliver pieces let me give you a sliver sword," he thrust the sword deep into Drake's chest. Then the turned and walked away. Mac called over a doctor and said "help him you fool." "There is nothing I can do his heart isn't beating his dead," said the doctor. Mac felt only pain. Drake's father had ran. He never liked Drake but Drake loved him. Mac paid for a funeral for Drake. They throw his coffin in the ocean so even in d death he could travel the world. Mac swore to avenge him.
2 years later he got his chance. It was a carnival and a Templar was going to be there the one that had killed Drake. Mac took his sword and went to the carnival he went inside and found the target. He pulled his sword then attacked the sword slide across the man's gut then Mac stabbed him in the chest. Mac turn and ran and ran and ran. Till he reached the port. Where he was cornered. Then a group made up of thieves and bulks came and rescued him. They were know as the Frost Age. Mac joined them and over 10 years has worked long and hard. He expects to become the leader or he will fail. If he fails at the election he will be a trooper but he doesn't look forward to that.
WHY US:I wanted a good roleplay server and whats better than Assassins Creed
PREVIOUS BANS:I was accused of griefing on a server when clearly someone else griefed a town.
Name:Mateo cel Tradat
Organization (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter):The Creed
(If bounty hunter specify what group you want to be in)
Appearance:The Sentinel from Assassins Creed Revelations (But I'm not really him so I'm like his son following his footsteps.)
Fears:Losing thoses he loves
Personality:Very clam and difficult to anger. Will stop at nothing to get vengeance. Also wise and stubborn at some points.
Skills:Swordplay, Archery, and Architecture
RP Example (Add dialogue):Mateo wakes up and gathers his supplies to go into the city to stop any Templar trouble. He climbs to the rooftops and scouts for Templars causing trouble. He sees two Templar guards harassing shop owners on the streets. "Its always the same type of trouble." Mateo says. He jumps down and hides in a crowd of people to avoid attracting attention. Slow walks to the guards from behind and stabs them both in the back of the head. "Gracie Assassino, they were trying to close me down." said the shop owner. "All in the days works." says Mateo and walks away.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):After the betrayal of the Templars to his father, (Vali cel Tradat) he has rejoin the Assassin Order to seek vengeance on the Templars. He kills all recognized Templars on sight and never looks back. Even though hes with the Assassin Order, he has his own base hidden in a Mountain far away so no one bothers him. He still stands by his Father's last words, "Never let them reach their goal." Mateo also has his father's same Assassin clothes as a reminder to Templars that hes out for vengeance. Mateo usually doesn't like talking about his mother because his mother left him and his father when he was 5 so its a sore subject for him.
Can't wait for my app to be accepted :biggrin.gif: Its back there under Andymo's rejection post, and a couple posts above the one where he accepted the one he rejected.
WHY US:I wanted a good roleplay server and whats better than Assassins Creed
PREVIOUS BANS:I was accused of griefing on a server when clearly someone else griefed a town.
Name:Mateo cel Tradat
Organization (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter):The Creed
(If bounty hunter specify what group you want to be in)
Appearance:The Sentinel from Assassins Creed Revelations (But I'm not really him so I'm like his son following his footsteps.)
Fears:Losing thoses he loves
Personality:Very clam and difficult to anger. Will stop at nothing to get vengeance. Also wise and stubborn at some points.
Skills:Swordplay, Archery, and Architecture
RP Example (Add dialogue):Mateo wakes up and gathers his supplies to go into the city to stop any Templar trouble. He climbs to the rooftops and scouts for Templars causing trouble. He sees two Templar guards harassing shop owners on the streets. "Its always the same type of trouble." Mateo says. He jumps down and hides in a crowd of people to avoid attracting attention. Slow walks to the guards from behind and stabs them both in the back of the head. "Gracie Assassino, they were trying to close me down." said the shop owner. "All in the days works." says Mateo and walks away.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):After the betrayal of the Templars to his father, (Vali cel Tradat) he has rejoin the Assassin Order to seek vengeance on the Templars. He kills all recognized Templars on sight and never looks back. Even though hes with the Assassin Order, he has his own base hidden in a Mountain far away so no one bothers him. He still stands by his Father's last words, "Never let them reach their goal." Mateo also has his father's same Assassin clothes as a reminder to Templars that hes out for vengeance. Mateo usually doesn't like talking about his mother because his mother left him and his father when he was 5 so its a sore subject for him.
The assassins class is full. Add more to backstory and try not to make it about dying parents.
AGE:11 in january
WHY US:I love minecraft and I love assassins creed, even if I can't play it, I watch my family play EVERY single bit that doesn't have swearing or serious blood. But, I really want a chance at one of these servers, and I just adore both video games!
PREVIOUS BANS: I got banned by a griefer on my own server for digging a hole in my house.
Name: Adalberto Baldonivo
Age: 24
Occupation: Assassin
Organisation (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter): The Creed
Appearance: Greenish and greyish eyes, very dark blonde hair. Dark blonde beard, same style as Ezio's. Usually seen in a red cloak. Kind of like a combination between brotherhood trailer cloak and the assassins creed 2 trailer cloak. Striped sleeves and trousers. ( cloak covers most though )
Fears: Scorpions, arrows. ( that he isn't using )
Personality: Clever, kind most of the time. However, he can get set off easily by his friends getting hurt.
Skills: Blending in with the crowd, riding horses.
RP Example (Add dialogue): Adalberto looked around him suddenly, he still had no idea what that noise was coming from. " What is that sound? " he muttered, " It almost sounds like armour clanking... " Suddenly, a whole swarm of guards unleashed an arrange of weapons against him! Swords, warhammers, anything deadly. Adalberto ran into an alleyway, but was tricked, and got punched in the face leaving him stunned. " No where to run now, Adalberto Baldonivo... " chuckled the man who appeared to be the leader of the group.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs) Adalberto thought he was living a normal life in the days of a templar rebel, hiding in his fathers shop who pretended to be a templar supporter. He's had a hard time dealing with it, every time his father couldn't provide the info the templars thought he had, they left him beaten and crippled, with only Adalberto's mother to help him. Now, by the time Adalberto had became 13, his father was eventually killed by the templars, and now had to steal money from templars as they walked by. He got caught at times, and had to run for his life. This led up to his ability at free running. Within another 3 years, he had gotten so used to climbing up buildings to hide from Templar guards, he could probably climb up a hole building while only breaking the slightest sweat! One day, Adalberto started to wonder, they had a rather large roof, but no attic. So he climbed up to the top of the building, and found a trapdoor.
Adalberto jumped in the trapdoor, and found his attic. Only it had a single chest. With a note carefully placed on top. He read it, and saw that it was a note from his uncle, saying directly to Adalberto that Adalberto's uncle was an assassin, and that his dad wasn't killed by the templar guards, but rather publicly executed after being caught training. His uncle had given up being an Assassin and left this chest and note here for Adalberto, to become an assassin. Adalberto opened up the contents, and found a fully equipped set of assassin clothing. He took off in secret, never telling his Mum a single word.
You can't be an assassin, no "death to parents" and also too much like ACII
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Then once by men and angels to be seen,
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.
WHY US:I saw it on the forums and it looked ice and i lie the sound of it
PREVIOUS BANS:I was banned from a server because allright long story coming up. Becuseit was a factions server and someone told me in my faction/group to leave join a different one and steal and do something major to it so what i did was stole all of their SPAWNED tnt and diamonds and blew up ONE house which was minewhile harming some of their trees.But their was an Admin in htat faction and he got mad banned me.
Appearance:A light skinned-muscled toned warrior Cloaked but with armour under neath it
Personality:Terrible slits peoples throats for not saying Hello!
Skills:Great with an axe or a sword
RP Example (Add dialogue):
Assassin:Halt! what is it you want in the city
Me:*trembles* I- jus-...
Assassin:Get on with it.
Me: I just want to live here*trembling countines*
Assassin:theres a tax for anyone who comes in here
Me:Okay here take all my money.
Assassin:He he he. Thank you move along. NOW!
Assassin: *Thomas walks away* Idiot
Backstory: I was born into a crusading family. My father a Knight Templar Lived to kill the Assassins my father awarded lands for his good work ruled over them wisely.but one day an Assassin group came and murderd his father mother and burned his fathers lands. Hence his fear of Assassins. So he took his father's sword and live as a sell sword.Doing various jobs for whomever he could whether it be that Assassins or the templars to bandits to whom ever. SO now he is making his way to the city triend to make some more gold.
Role-Play Exp.: Much. I have been on many RP servers and love it.
Why Us: I love AC and everything about it. I also love minecraft and everything about it. With these two things together on this server I just have to be on it.
Time You Can Dedicate: A few hours a day
Name: Giovanni Benedeti
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Fears: Spiders
Personality: Brave, kind, intelligent, and resourceful
Skills: Tracking, climbing, and thievery.
Nickname (Optional): Giovanni
RP Example (Add Dialogue): me-red other person-blue.
"So I heard you had a job for me."
"Yes, yes I do."
"So then what will it be this time?"
"I need some files retrieved from Jacque Vesques."
"Where will I find him?"
"Around mid-day he leaves his office by the old church for a walk. Get the files then"
"Consider it done."
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Growing up Giovanni had it tough. His parents hated him and he hated them. When he was about 10 he started getting to trouble for thievery and vandalism. His parents would punish him for this resulting in like long scars. When he had first started to steal he would only do small robberies such as pick pocketing some money from a passerby or snagging a loaf of bread from the food merchant. But as he got older he would start stealing more. He would steal from the merchant shop down across form his home Sometimes taking up to 100. When he turned 16 he started selling himself out to people if they needed something stolen. After a short while he was one of the most well known thieves on his side of town. And because him being so well known he got more business and was able to buy a lock picking kit. From the smith. With this he could do so much more. Unfortunately one night when he was trying to break into a merchants shop a guard was walking by and caught him. He was thrown in jail for 8 years. He is now 25 and being released from jail. He swore to the guards that he would never steal again, but unfortunately for them he lied and continued with thievery and rebuilt his reputation*.
flaming, in other words correcting what doesnt need to be corrected, or simply being a smartass.
That's what I ment.
Well from what you said you sounded like you really wanted it corrected and possibly deeply offended by that extra * so I decided I would correct it for you and end your troubles.
Yeah I guess your right. Anyways I'm gonna do what Cooper is and end this conversation...
WHY US:Because Assassins creed is epic, and i have been looking for a RP based MC server for awhile
Name:Amatore Marino
Occupation:None/No job
Organisation (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter):I want to be a thief(but if not then i will be apart of the creed
(If bounty hunter specify what group you want to be in)
Appearance: Thief, with black hood, and scarf, with raggedy clothes
Fears:Death, not being able to beat a opponent, fire
Personality:A nice guy when you get know him, Settle, Calm
Skills: Stealthy,Short dagger combat, Free running
RP Example (Add dialogue):"Sir, may I please have that apple, I am hungry", say Amatore. "No! Be gone peasant!", said the merchant. "....Whats that?!", The merchant looks but sees nothing, when he looks back Amatore is gone and so is the apple,"Get back here you!!". Amatore just keeps running until he gets to a safe distance.Amatore laughs as he eats the apple and walks away.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):Amatore had grown up in the slums Italia, He parents were poor and they barley had the money to keep them alive. His father worked as dish washer for a small cafe, his mother didn't have a job, she was just a normal housewife. Amatore didn't like to see his parents like this, he wanted to help. He had thought of getting a job as a bus boy, but no one would take him. He wasn't good at much, there was nothing he could do until one day he was walking home from playing with his friends he had seen a man steal from a woman and had not been caught, instead of rating out the man he thought of doing the same, steal. He was nervous at first but he got better by the day, he was soon becoming a great thief. At the age of 17 he was coming home when he heard a scream, he rushed over to where he heard it, but to he disappointment it was coming from his house. He looked thought his window to see his father on the ground bleeding, maybe dead and his mother being held down by some thugs. There was about three of them, and that's when he remembered there faces, he had robbed from them. "They must of found out it was me", Amatore thought, but what was he going to do? He couldn't take on three thugs bigger then him. Only thing he had thought of was call the guards, when the he got the guards to come back to his house the thugs were gone and so were his parents, the guards almost put him in jail because they thought he was just being stupid. So now Amatore is alone and scared, so what he does now is roam the streets of Italia, maybe hope to find his parents but until then he must steal to live.
You can't be a Creed Thief, Creeds the good guys. Be a templar, neutral or bounty hunter.
IGN: Tlm7
AGE: 15
WHY US: I know this will sound cliche, but this looks like a good server that I could have fun on.
PREVIOUS BANS: I hope you believe me when I say none. I have never been banned.
Name: Retsaro Venevile (No middle name.) (Pronounced RET-SAROW VENEH-VILIE)
Age: 22
Occupation: None.
Organisation (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter): None currently, will possibly to be a Bounty Hunter/Leader of Bounty Hunters. Not sure which group. Also possibly The Creed.
(If bounty hunter specify what group you want to be in)
Appearance: Wears dark robes, with gold patterns of flames that look like they are moving.
Fears: Terrified of losing those he loves.
Personality: Introvertic, tends to stay away from people. Is afraid of letting people get close to him. Very wary.
Skills: Doesn't like to brag about himself, or give away his skills.
RP Example (Add dialogue): I see a woman walking up to me, in my eyes with malicious intent, but I am probably just worrying over nothing. She offers me a drink saying, "You look like you could use some relaxation... And a little bit of love." My mind is filled wariness, and all of my senses are telling me I should leave. I say in a slightly nervous voice, "I am afraid I have business to take care of, farewell." I turned around and started to walk away, but just a moment later I hear someone shout, "Lookout!" and feel cold steel against my bare neck. The 'woman' whispers in my ear, "Now... Come with me and I will spare your pathetic life..." I play along, and allow her to lead me away. Almost as soon as we leave, she relinquishes her disguise, proving to be a French Assassin. I have no idea what he wanted from me, but I quickly threw a smoke bomb down, and went to the rooftops. I saw him running, trying to clear his lungs of the foul odor. Reacting naturally, I leaped from the building drawing my blade as I did so. My blade guides itself directly through his jugular vein. I flee the scene of the crime, seeing the blood everywhere. This is why I trust nobody.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Retsaro Venevile grew up in a lower class neighborhood in Italy. His father was a blacksmith, not making much money. He taught Retsaro everything he knew of the trade in hopes of their income increasing. He was disappointed though, when he realized another person wouldn't make more people come. Retsaro sought to make his family happy. They had always had the rough side of things, and he was tired of it. He learned to thieve from some local thugs. He was surprised to find that he was exceptionally good at it. He could pick a pocket while still having a conversation with you, and you wouldn't even notice. He stole from anyone who deserved it. He stole from people he didn't like. But never did he steal from anyone that needed their money. He helped those in poverty, only after making sure his family was well fed. His father questioned where he got the money, yet Retsaro always managed to avoid the question. He met the love of his life, and nervously asked her for a date. She said yes, and they grew to love each other very much, more than life itself. When he turned 18, he was going to propose to her. On his way, enemy soldiers attacked, killing everyone. He survived by hiding under some of the wreckage. He searched all over, only to find everyone dead, and the woman.... Ravaged by the soldiers. He wept for days, but then sought out somebody to teach him. He found two teachers. One to teach him about history, math, theory, languages, everything he had missed out on as a child. This teacher's name was Adelena Hanarine. The other teacher taught him the way of the Assassin, named Lenardie Granatio. He grew to love them, just as he had loved his own mother and father. It seemed history was to repeat itself though, as the day the two pronounced him complete in his training of their respective teachings, they were both killed by a man named Leonardo Decapialle. He swore revenge on that man, and vowed to never let anybody get close to him again.
Pwease cwick me!
I want to be Thief, not a creed thief, just a normal thief
not Grammer.
And since when did you care about grammar.Oh and from now on all arguing is in PMs.
Sorry I read it wrong, then accepted!
Since when did you care about spelling?
Ahem, i said all further arguing is in PM's.
And i cared about spelling since i was 7.
Occupation:Assassin In Training
Organisation:The Creed
Appearance:Purple Eyes White/blue Armour Black Helmet
Fears:Heavy Guards/Spiders
Personality:Very adventurerus,Attracted to suspicios charcters.
Skills:Climbing,Swordsmanship,Decoding Encrypted messages
RP Example:Cant Catch me! Hahah!
Backstory: EonPhantom was abandoned by his parents as a child.He was taken into the creed at age 3 and was trained from then on in the ways of the assassin. His hatred of the templars is what keeps him going through the tough times. When the templars killed his brother he was filled with extreme rage and slaughtred all the templars that killed his brother with their own swords.
IGN: AgentMac
WHY US: I love ac I have preodered acr and and can't wait till x-mas to get it. This server sounds like what i have always wanted I like RP and AC so this is the perfect combo.
PREVIOUS BANS: ON Sublimity Gaming mc server i was banned because on the forums I made a useless post it was titled q and the word t in it. I have no idea how that was posted.
Name: Mac Solun (SO-LONE) (Born in England)
Age: 25
Occupation: Wanting to lead a group of bounty hunters.
Organisation (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter): Bounty Hunter Frost Age (Andymo I sent you a leader app)
(If bounty hunter specify what group you want to be in)
Appearance: http://www.minecraftskins.com/page/2/ its the 11th one
Fears: The ocean always nervous when sailing.
Personality: Stays away doesn't like crowds.
Skills: With blades and the shadows.
RP Example (Add dialogue): Mac walks onto the bridge passes a Templar. The Templar passes him a note. Mac takes it to the shadows to read it.
He has a group of 5 buffs following everywhere they are taken care of on the 12th he will leave his home to go get more buffs strike then make sure there are no wittiness
REWARD: 20,000 florins
Then a man says "There you are you killed my friend prepare for death."
* man charges with a broadsword
* mac doges and jabs his knife into the mans side
"ARHGGGGG," screams the man.
* mac grabs him by the neck and throws him in the river
* the current sweeps him away
Mac starts running towards Sevia's home.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs) Mac was born in London to a rich family. His best friend Drake loved the world but was pore and had no money. Mac was kind and bought him food the have been friends for years. Mac was 13 and Drake 13 the went to the market when Drakes father was beaning accused of stealing an apple. A Templar guard took an apple and yelled "You want an apple hers one," and thew it at Drake's father. It hit him in the face . Drake ran and tackled the guard. The other guard pulled him off him the guard had a bloody nose and what looked like a broken jaw. They held Drake tight with iron grips. "You peasant I suppose you only want some sliver pieces let me give you a sliver sword," he thrust the sword deep into Drake's chest. Then the turned and walked away. Mac called over a doctor and said "help him you fool." "There is nothing I can do his heart isn't beating his dead," said the doctor. Mac felt only pain. Drake's father had ran. He never liked Drake but Drake loved him. Mac paid for a funeral for Drake. They throw his coffin in the ocean so even in d death he could travel the world. Mac swore to avenge him.
2 years later he got his chance. It was a carnival and a Templar was going to be there the one that had killed Drake. Mac took his sword and went to the carnival he went inside and found the target. He pulled his sword then attacked the sword slide across the man's gut then Mac stabbed him in the chest. Mac turn and ran and ran and ran. Till he reached the port. Where he was cornered. Then a group made up of thieves and bulks came and rescued him. They were know as the Frost Age. Mac joined them and over 10 years has worked long and hard. He expects to become the leader or he will fail. If he fails at the election he will be a trooper but he doesn't look forward to that.
WHY US:I wanted a good roleplay server and whats better than Assassins Creed
PREVIOUS BANS:I was accused of griefing on a server when clearly someone else griefed a town.
Name:Mateo cel Tradat
Organization (The Creed, Templar, Neutral or Bounty Hunter):The Creed
(If bounty hunter specify what group you want to be in)
Appearance:The Sentinel from Assassins Creed Revelations (But I'm not really him so I'm like his son following his footsteps.)
Fears:Losing thoses he loves
Personality:Very clam and difficult to anger. Will stop at nothing to get vengeance. Also wise and stubborn at some points.
Skills:Swordplay, Archery, and Architecture
RP Example (Add dialogue):Mateo wakes up and gathers his supplies to go into the city to stop any Templar trouble. He climbs to the rooftops and scouts for Templars causing trouble. He sees two Templar guards harassing shop owners on the streets. "Its always the same type of trouble." Mateo says. He jumps down and hides in a crowd of people to avoid attracting attention. Slow walks to the guards from behind and stabs them both in the back of the head. "Gracie Assassino, they were trying to close me down." said the shop owner. "All in the days works." says Mateo and walks away.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):After the betrayal of the Templars to his father, (Vali cel Tradat) he has rejoin the Assassin Order to seek vengeance on the Templars. He kills all recognized Templars on sight and never looks back. Even though hes with the Assassin Order, he has his own base hidden in a Mountain far away so no one bothers him. He still stands by his Father's last words, "Never let them reach their goal." Mateo also has his father's same Assassin clothes as a reminder to Templars that hes out for vengeance. Mateo usually doesn't like talking about his mother because his mother left him and his father when he was 5 so its a sore subject for him.
Seems like I have some...
Pwease cwick me!
The assassins class is full. Add more to backstory and try not to make it about dying parents.
You can't be an assassin, no "death to parents" and also too much like ACII
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.
WHY US:I saw it on the forums and it looked ice and i lie the sound of it
PREVIOUS BANS:I was banned from a server because allright long story coming up. Becuseit was a factions server and someone told me in my faction/group to leave join a different one and steal and do something major to it so what i did was stole all of their SPAWNED tnt and diamonds and blew up ONE house which was minewhile harming some of their trees.But their was an Admin in htat faction and he got mad banned me.
Appearance:A light skinned-muscled toned warrior Cloaked but with armour under neath it
Personality:Terrible slits peoples throats for not saying Hello!
Skills:Great with an axe or a sword
RP Example (Add dialogue):
Assassin:Halt! what is it you want in the city
Me:*trembles* I- jus-...
Assassin:Get on with it.
Me: I just want to live here*trembling countines*
Assassin:theres a tax for anyone who comes in here
Me:Okay here take all my money.
Assassin:He he he. Thank you move along. NOW!
Assassin: *Thomas walks away* Idiot
Backstory: I was born into a crusading family. My father a Knight Templar Lived to kill the Assassins my father awarded lands for his good work ruled over them wisely.but one day an Assassin group came and murderd his father mother and burned his fathers lands. Hence his fear of Assassins. So he took his father's sword and live as a sell sword.Doing various jobs for whomever he could whether it be that Assassins or the templars to bandits to whom ever. SO now he is making his way to the city triend to make some more gold.
IGN: xXMapleGloryXx
Age: 14
Role-Play Exp.: Much. I have been on many RP servers and love it.
Why Us: I love AC and everything about it. I also love minecraft and everything about it. With these two things together on this server I just have to be on it.
Time You Can Dedicate: A few hours a day
Name: Giovanni Benedeti
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Fears: Spiders
Personality: Brave, kind, intelligent, and resourceful
Skills: Tracking, climbing, and thievery.
Nickname (Optional): Giovanni
RP Example (Add Dialogue): me-red other person-blue.
"So I heard you had a job for me."
"Yes, yes I do."
"So then what will it be this time?"
"I need some files retrieved from Jacque Vesques."
"Where will I find him?"
"Around mid-day he leaves his office by the old church for a walk. Get the files then"
"Consider it done."
Skin (Link, picture, description): My skin
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Growing up Giovanni had it tough. His parents hated him and he hated them. When he was about 10 he started getting to trouble for thievery and vandalism. His parents would punish him for this resulting in like long scars. When he had first started to steal he would only do small robberies such as pick pocketing some money from a passerby or snagging a loaf of bread from the food merchant. But as he got older he would start stealing more. He would steal from the merchant shop down across form his home Sometimes taking up to 100. When he turned 16 he started selling himself out to people if they needed something stolen. After a short while he was one of the most well known thieves on his side of town. And because him being so well known he got more business and was able to buy a lock picking kit. From the smith. With this he could do so much more. Unfortunately one night when he was trying to break into a merchants shop a guard was walking by and caught him. He was thrown in jail for 8 years. He is now 25 and being released from jail. He swore to the guards that he would never steal again, but unfortunately for them he lied and continued with thievery and rebuilt his reputation*.