VANILLA-CRAFT A completely vanilla minecraft server!
IP (We're DEDICATED now!): SLOTS: 18
Vanilla-Craft is a totally Vanilla minecraft server where you create the cities and you create the rules. Anything is possible on Vanilla-Craft! Join now!
Note: If you get 'server responded with invalid server key' error, restart minecraft and try to reconnect again. This is an error that sometimes happens.
I was playing on the server yesterday night and clicked on a jukebox that someone placed. When I clicked the jukebox, a purple pickaxe (probably Obsidian Pickaxe from a mod installed on my client) popped out and I was disconnected from the server. Now when I try to log on to the server I get this error:
Internal Exception: Not in GZIP format
I read that if you delete everyone's player.dat in the server, it will fix it. Ah well :sad.gif:
A completely vanilla minecraft server!
IP (We're DEDICATED now!):
Vanilla-Craft is a totally Vanilla minecraft server where you create the cities and you create the rules. Anything is possible on Vanilla-Craft! Join now!
Note: If you get 'server responded with invalid server key' error, restart minecraft and try to reconnect again. This is an error that sometimes happens.
Go to my website for updates and forums!
default 25565
Yeah I got on now :smile.gif:
good. :biggrin.gif:
thanks man!
Looking for opssssss? i may be able to help you poor felowsssssss
the server is always up!
I read that if you delete everyone's player.dat in the server, it will fix it. Ah well :sad.gif:
Follow @jqchacon
I got a website for that!
Well that's convenient.