It shames me to see no one posting, I believe this can become a well community.
IGN: kingkitty20
Age: 15
What will you do on the server?: Help around, Build, Redstone (not very good, but not bad).
Additional Info: It shames me to see no one posting, I believe this can become a well community, So I want to help this server.
IGN: wolflcaw2727
Age: 14
What will you do on the server?: Construct buildings and redstone work
Additional Info: I think this server will be great and hope it becomes big:)
IGN: Darklighter2099
Age: 22
What will you do on the server?: Help around, build, share ideas and suggestions, have a good time :smile.gif:
Additional Info: Sounds like a good server to me, i wouldn't mind helping out
What will you do on the server?: I would help people if they're new to Minecraft, be friendly, and be "That guy"(That guy who will take your unwanted rotten flesh, that guy who will eat spider eyes, etc.),
Additional Info: I know I probably won't be accepted due to my age, and I know you're probably tired of seeing these "I'm 12 but really mature/I'm 12 but act like I'm 16" type applications all over the forums, but, as has been posted before many times on these forums, "Age doesn't matter. Maturity does." And I assure you, I can be pretty mature.
IGN: kingkitty20
Age: 15
What will you do on the server?: Help around, Build, Redstone (not very good, but not bad).
Additional Info: It shames me to see no one posting, I believe this can become a well community, So I want to help this server.
Age: 14
What will you do on the server?: Construct buildings and redstone work
Additional Info: I think this server will be great and hope it becomes big:)
Age: 22
What will you do on the server?: Help around, build, share ideas and suggestions, have a good time :smile.gif:
Additional Info: Sounds like a good server to me, i wouldn't mind helping out
I'm sending the information now :biggrin.gif:
Age: 12
What will you do on the server?: I would help people if they're new to Minecraft, be friendly, and be "That guy"(That guy who will take your unwanted rotten flesh, that guy who will eat spider eyes, etc.),
Additional Info: I know I probably won't be accepted due to my age, and I know you're probably tired of seeing these "I'm 12 but really mature/I'm 12 but act like I'm 16" type applications all over the forums, but, as has been posted before many times on these forums, "Age doesn't matter. Maturity does." And I assure you, I can be pretty mature.