Come join us at Crafting Nations! We are featuring a variety of plugins, including multieverse, Voxel Sniper, world guard, and much, much more! You can check out our map here.
Our Spawn-
• No hacking clients or any cheating mods (X-ray or Fly mod).
• Do not whine on this server, please. It takes away from other's experience.
• Please don't ask for ranks. It get's very annoying to our Admins. All that asking for ranks is going to do is make it harder for you to get a higher rank.
• Please respect Admins. They put a lot of effort into the server and deserve to get something back.
• If you are given any power, please don't abuse it. It will be taken away.
• Do not ask for Items.
• If something gets stolen an Admin will not give it back. You need to lock your chest by right clicking on it with a sign.
• You are not aloud allowed to grief. So please don't do it. If you're caught, you will be globally banned on MCBans, and then your damage will be rolled back.
We have 2 public worlds-
The first is Survival, this is where you spawn, and spend your first days on the server. This world is considered our 'main' world.
The second is Creative. You have to earn the right to enter this world, by gaining the rank of "Member".
If you know about servers and specs matter to you, here are ours!
Intel Core i7 2600k Liquid Cooled @ 4.8Ghz
16 Gb DDR3 Ram
Intel 250 Gig SSD
50/50 MBPS Fibre internet
We have may plugins installed to enhance the experience of the server.
This includes:
AutoMessage, CleanroomGenerator, CreeperHeal, EnderCrystalizer, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, iConomy, JSONAPI, Lockette, mcbans, Minequery, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Portals, mxImgImport, PermissionsEx, SuperLog, TimTheEnchanter, VoxelSniper, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, BioMed, ChestShop, dynmap, and Jail
1. No hacking clients or any hacks (X-ray or Fly mod) This will get you banned.
2. Do not whine on this server if you do you will be kicked and jailed for ten minutes.
3. Do not ask for ranks. YOU WILL BE BANNED
4. Respect the Admins if you don't we will kick you and jail for five minutes
5. Do not date on this server this isn't a dating website
6. Do not ask for Items
7. If your stuff gets stolen don't complain to the admins it is your fault for not having it locked
8. You are aloud to grief if it's no where near spawn or the Dock
9. If you see someone hacking or cheating tell an Admin or if you see an Admin abusing powers tell another Admin
10. Do not use any Racial slurs or do anything raciest
That's it! Hope to see you on the server!
you are allowed to grief? so whats the point in playing on the server then? to watch your work destroyed? pssh.
and you say THATS IT! as if the list is small.. tho i do agree with many of the rules. however you expect the playerbase to govern itself. or rather, you expect all the kids to tattle on each other? seriously?
the only people who stay on this server will be the donators /admin the rest of the player base will be dynamic, as each individual leaves after being griefed, then telling someone about it, then leaving as soon as they are 'jailed for whining'
and with such few admin, whos gonna be on at night to stop all this from happening? no one.
no thanks. perhaps if your userbase was all above the age of 20, sure, but..
never mind, just.. no thanks.
The spawn and all decent builds are protected with World Guard and if you build something worthy enough to be protected then we will guard it for you. If it is a small dirt house shaped like a penis that you built for one night then left the server then its in the hands of who ever made it not ours(Admins). We have many safe zones and shops for people to manage there selves in what ever way they please. We will sometimes butt in if someone destroyed your house and took your items but that is what lockette is for to protect your stuff. Oh and we apologize for the forum writer not updating the griefing part of the rules. It should be more detailed like:(We only allow stealing if it is your fault for not putting a sign down, we even give signs out). When you join the server you have enough Money on the server to buy a full suit of armor and a decent weapon to get you started.
Please if you are going to post something that points out something you don't like, punctuate correctly so it makes sense when reading. :smile.gif: Have a nice Minecrafty day!
you are allowed to grief? so whats the point in playing on the server then? to watch your work destroyed? pssh.
and you say THATS IT! as if the list is small.. tho i do agree with many of the rules. however you expect the playerbase to govern itself. or rather, you expect all the kids to tattle on each other? seriously?
the only people who stay on this server will be the donators /admin the rest of the player base will be dynamic, as each individual leaves after being griefed, then telling someone about it, then leaving as soon as they are 'jailed for whining'
and with such few admin, whos gonna be on at night to stop all this from happening? no one.
no thanks. perhaps if your userbase was all above the age of 20, sure, but..
never mind, just.. no thanks.
There are a ton of successful servers that have absolutely no protection against griefing. We do. Plus, we aren't going to take jailing player lightly. It will only be used when necessary. Our user base is also mature, so I don't think that'll be a problem.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
-No trees were killed in the sending of this message. however, several million electrons were greatly inconvenienced.
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone! We're starting to develop a great community. But, you can help improve that community by voting for us! You can vote here once a day. Thanks!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
-No trees were killed in the sending of this message. however, several million electrons were greatly inconvenienced.
• Do not whine on this server, please. It takes away from other's experience.
• Please don't ask for ranks. It get's very annoying to our Admins. All that asking for ranks is going to do is make it harder for you to get a higher rank.
• Please respect Admins. They put a lot of effort into the server and deserve to get something back.
• If you are given any power, please don't abuse it. It will be taken away.
• Do not ask for Items.
• If something gets stolen an Admin will not give it back. You need to lock your chest by right clicking on it with a sign.
• You are not aloud allowed to grief. So please don't do it. If you're caught, you will be globally banned on MCBans, and then your damage will be rolled back.
The second is Creative. You have to earn the right to enter this world, by gaining the rank of "Member".
Intel Core i7 2600k Liquid Cooled @ 4.8Ghz
16 Gb DDR3 Ram
Intel 250 Gig SSD
50/50 MBPS Fibre internet
This includes:
AutoMessage, CleanroomGenerator, CreeperHeal, EnderCrystalizer, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, iConomy, JSONAPI, Lockette, mcbans, Minequery, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Portals, mxImgImport, PermissionsEx, SuperLog, TimTheEnchanter, VoxelSniper, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, BioMed, ChestShop, dynmap, and Jail
Want a higher rank? Apply here.
Please don't go rot to death. You have an airport to build!
you are allowed to grief? so whats the point in playing on the server then? to watch your work destroyed? pssh.
and you say THATS IT! as if the list is small.. tho i do agree with many of the rules. however you expect the playerbase to govern itself. or rather, you expect all the kids to tattle on each other? seriously?
the only people who stay on this server will be the donators /admin the rest of the player base will be dynamic, as each individual leaves after being griefed, then telling someone about it, then leaving as soon as they are 'jailed for whining'
and with such few admin, whos gonna be on at night to stop all this from happening? no one.
no thanks. perhaps if your userbase was all above the age of 20, sure, but..
never mind, just.. no thanks.
Please if you are going to post something that points out something you don't like, punctuate correctly so it makes sense when reading. :smile.gif: Have a nice Minecrafty day!
There are a ton of successful servers that have absolutely no protection against griefing. We do. Plus, we aren't going to take jailing player lightly. It will only be used when necessary. Our user base is also mature, so I don't think that'll be a problem.
Crafting Nations