IGN: DarklingSalmon
Age: 15
Location: Colorado
Have you read the rules? Yes
Anything else you would like to tell us?
Not really. I think I am just going to ramble a little bit though. Wouldn't it be great if the trees were made of waffles? Survival in the wilderness would be much easier.
IGN: TheFiendish Age: 15 Location: Australia Have you read the rules? Sure have Anything else you would like to tell us? My favorite survival games are ones where your enemies are waffle-trees...
EDIT: Apologies just found the post saying apps closed. You might want to put that on the first post for the sake of not getting another 50 apps. :smile.gif: Once again, sorry bout that.
IGN: xxxlocdog92xxx
Age: 19
Location: Serbia
Have you read the rules? Yes i have read the rules of the survival server while watering my waffle tree
Anything else you would like to tell us? um nice sssssserver u have there,would be a shame if something happend to it ssssssssssss
IGN: Eclipse__ (two '_')
Age: 16
Location: Australia
Have you read the rules? Yup.
Anything else you would like to tell us? im mature and just looking to getting into multiplayer.
IGN: saucecode
Age: 14
Location: New Zealand
Have you read the rules?
Anything else you would like to tell us?
I was walking around a survival server, and saw a player called "Wafflezorz" in a tree. Funiest thing ever.
IGN: Lantharis
Age: 20
Location: Eastern USA
Have you read the rules? Yes
Anything else you would like to tell us? I like Waffles that hang from Trees in Survival maps
IGN: Blue_Raven
Age: 13
Location: U.S.A.
Have you read the rules? Do trees in survival grow waffles? Yes.
Anything else you would like to tell us? THERE'D BETTER BE WAFFLES ON THE SERVER! *posts manditory image of an engie in tf2 eating a waffle* Yeah. Your server looks cool, and I've been trying to find a good whitelist server because the others without one are too greifed.
IGN: dracorid3r
Age: 17
Location: Charleston S.C.
Have you read the rules? yes I have.
Anything else you would like to tell us?
I survive in tree's, eating chocolate waffles and they taste very good.
IGN: PJonathan
Age: 15
Location: Toronto, Canada
Have you read the rules? Yes! :3
Anything else you would like to tell us? Yes, i fairly enjoy having sex with waffles, survival mode and trees!
IGN: greyfox485
Age: 26
Location: USA
Have you read the rules? Yes
Anything else you would like to tell us? For survival, I prefer to eat waffles, but it's too bad they don't grow on trees. :sad.gif:
IGN: Kraise
Age: 17
Location: Alabama, US
Have you read the rules? Yes
Anything else you would like to tell us? I like to play minecraft with waffles while I punch trees in survival mode. Oh yea :smile.gif:
IGN: Kooldude123
Age: 20
Location: NY, USA
Have you read the rules? yes
Anything else you would like to tell us? Do ya like waffles? yeah we like waffles! do ya like survival? yeah we like survival! do ya like trees? yeah... though it doesn't rhyme at all :tongue.gif:
IGN: Spooznik Age: 28 Location: Quebec, Canada Have you read the rules? Yes. Anything else you would like to tell us?
Trees are highly valuable to survival but waffles are essential to life. :smile.gif:
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Molotov Panda
Member Details
IGN: bob2ball
Age: 18
Location: usa
Have you read the rules? if i hadn't read the rules i wouldn't know that the trees in survival mode look like waffles.
p.s. yes
Anything else you would like to tell us: i will build a orchard of waffle trees
IGN: Folset
Age: 18
Location: USA
Have you read the rules? Yessir~
Anything else you would like to tell us?
I'm a big fan of survival, but I don't really like the first few minutes of cutting down trees. Sometimes I eat chocolate chip waffles while I wait for nighttime to be over >;
IGN: EvilSquid72
Age: i am 15.
Location: USA
Have you read the rules? yes i have. i found them very.... interesting *evil grin*
Anything else you would like to tell us? I built a waffle tree in survival single player. it had waffles. and trees.
Also, they should add waffles to minecraft in 1.9. Because i love waffles. and trees.
IGN: Quiet_Person
Age: 18
Location: United States
Have you read the rules? Yes
Anything else you would like to tell us? There's nothing like punching trees in survival while eating waffles.
Age: 15
Location: Colorado
Have you read the rules? Yes
Anything else you would like to tell us?
Not really. I think I am just going to ramble a little bit though. Wouldn't it be great if the trees were made of waffles? Survival in the wilderness would be much easier.
Age: 15
Location: Australia
Have you read the rules? Sure have
Anything else you would like to tell us? My favorite survival games are ones where your enemies are waffle-trees...
EDIT: Apologies just found the post saying apps closed. You might want to put that on the first post for the sake of not getting another 50 apps. :smile.gif: Once again, sorry bout that.
Age: 19
Location: Serbia
Have you read the rules? Yes i have read the rules of the survival server while watering my waffle tree
Anything else you would like to tell us? um nice sssssserver u have there,would be a shame if something happend to it ssssssssssss
Age: 16
Location: Australia
Have you read the rules? Yup.
Anything else you would like to tell us? im mature and just looking to getting into multiplayer.
Age: 14
Location: New Zealand
Have you read the rules?
Anything else you would like to tell us?
I was walking around a survival server, and saw a player called "Wafflezorz" in a tree. Funiest thing ever.
Age: 13, almost 14
Location: Iowa
Have you read the rules? Yes.
Anything else you would like to tell us? Nope.
Age: 20
Location: Eastern USA
Have you read the rules? Yes
Anything else you would like to tell us? I like Waffles that hang from Trees in Survival maps
Age: 17
Location: England
Have you read the rules? Indeed.
Anything else you would like to tell us? Nope.
Age: 13
Location: U.S.A.
Have you read the rules? Do trees in survival grow waffles? Yes.
Anything else you would like to tell us? THERE'D BETTER BE WAFFLES ON THE SERVER! *posts manditory image of an engie in tf2 eating a waffle* Yeah. Your server looks cool, and I've been trying to find a good whitelist server because the others without one are too greifed.
Age: 17
Location: Charleston S.C.
Have you read the rules? yes I have.
Anything else you would like to tell us?
I survive in tree's, eating chocolate waffles and they taste very good.
Age: 15
Location: Toronto, Canada
Have you read the rules? Yes! :3
Anything else you would like to tell us? Yes, i fairly enjoy having sex with waffles, survival mode and trees!
Age: 26
Location: USA
Have you read the rules? Yes
Anything else you would like to tell us? For survival, I prefer to eat waffles, but it's too bad they don't grow on trees. :sad.gif:
Age: 17
Location: Alabama, US
Have you read the rules? Yes
Anything else you would like to tell us? I like to play minecraft with waffles while I punch trees in survival mode. Oh yea :smile.gif:
Age: 20
Location: NY, USA
Have you read the rules? yes
Anything else you would like to tell us? Do ya like waffles? yeah we like waffles! do ya like survival? yeah we like survival! do ya like trees? yeah... though it doesn't rhyme at all :tongue.gif:
Age: 28
Location: Quebec, Canada
Have you read the rules? Yes.
Anything else you would like to tell us?
Trees are highly valuable to survival but waffles are essential to life. :smile.gif:
Age: 18
Location: usa
Have you read the rules? if i hadn't read the rules i wouldn't know that the trees in survival mode look like waffles.
p.s. yes
Anything else you would like to tell us: i will build a orchard of waffle trees
IGN: Folset
Age: 18
Location: USA
Have you read the rules? Yessir~
Anything else you would like to tell us?
I'm a big fan of survival, but I don't really like the first few minutes of cutting down trees. Sometimes I eat chocolate chip waffles while I wait for nighttime to be over >;
Age: i am 15.
Location: USA
Have you read the rules? yes i have. i found them very.... interesting *evil grin*
Anything else you would like to tell us? I built a waffle tree in survival single player. it had waffles. and trees.
Also, they should add waffles to minecraft in 1.9. Because i love waffles. and trees.
Age: 18
Location: United States
Have you read the rules? Yes
Anything else you would like to tell us? There's nothing like punching trees in survival while eating waffles.