Hello fellow Minecraftians! My name is rushone2009 and I am bringing to your attention a great new project!
First of let me begin by saying that I am very excited about this project. As you can see above it has a lot of potential and merit.
The idea started of with my introduction to MrShortee's texture pack and map called Bladecraft. I was immediately hooked, and a s a server administrator and operator began immediately to think of a server idea. But i have been running server since very early Alpha, and was growing exceedingly bored with the general server gameplay. Every server you join nowadays is either creative (Voxelbox) or survival (Legendarycraft, Minetown). This is great for a Vanilla experience of Minecraft, but I set out to create something bigger, something new and exciting. I didn't want a boring old server where people gather to play the game the same way over and over. No, I set out to revolutionize the server experience. Call me over my head but I am very committed to this project. yes, it is not just another server that has coll stuff to look at and a few awesome plugins. It's bigger, better and most of all, it's different.
The Mission.
The idea has become a plan, and I am prepared to explain it here in full detail. The first and most important thing a server owner and creator has to consider, is the experience the players undergo when they join the server. This is is achieved by presentation, such as using intricate buildings or plugins. Plugins are usually not visual at all, and thus create a sense of being a in a server with all of its guts spilled out. Most games today offer a very visual experience in multiplayer, and try to limit the amount of reading and typing that is necessary to play. Minecraft on the other hand is very robust and requires a lot of typing and knowledge of how the game and the server works. This sucks. Ever just wanted to join a server and there is a cut scene like in Team Fortress 2 that explains what the server and map is about? I do! How about a custom achievement screen? Heck yeah! Or a greeting sound, and I don't mean that plugins that places a custom noteblock under you that sounds like **** and lags the server to infinity and beyond. Indeed! And you may say, well that requires modding. Indeed it does. Than you conclude that modding is a pain in the ass and makes the game even more difficult to play. That's where you are wrong, and I'll explain as we go along. So the goal, as you can see, is to create a new experience for the player when you join. Confused yet? Keep reading if you are.
How will it be done.
First of, I want to address the general drawbacks of today's Minecraft Server's:
Commands, commands, commands. Isn't it annoying to be constantly bugged with typing commands? Don't you just want to push a button for a help screen, and every command is binded to your keyboard?
Lack of visual merit. Sure, you can build a fancy spawn, and put a thousand signs explaining everything on the server, including rules and all that fancy stuff. But that takes away from the experience due to the player being bombarded with info. Is there any way everything can just be visual, so that it is entertaining. Let's face it, most player don't care for the rules and the technicalities of the server. They just want to play, which is why the first thing they look for is how to join and play. But the general idea of what the server is about is put on a second plan, thus limiting the experience as whole. Players are more worried about the technicalities rather than the goal of the server.
Griefing protection. Griefing is fun, until someone griefs you. Then you get pissed and create ranks so that the player has to go through your website and than approved by a mod to just. start. building. Screw that, sounds like tons of work, and most players don't like to do that. Well, you say, how do you stop griefers. Well on a normal server, you can not. You have a couple of options, but they all require work and time. No, what you do is create a different purpose in gameplay, thus eliminating ranks or any griefing control. What do I mean? Players will fight to survive and take control of an area, trade and converse and engage in RPG, thus eliminating any use for building, due to a custom map set in place. Still confused? Server is for PvP, not building. Simple, eh? But immediately people will say, "Well isn't building si what Minecraft is all about?" Well yeah, but read what I said above. I want to create a new experience and type of gameplay. Kind of like adventure mode that Notch will never release. (And i am not talking about 1.8, I mean something like the Adventure Craft mod)
Lack of a visual interface for plugins. Some come close, others are buried in the system, but most plugins are using what the game offers, and tweaks it. Really, all plugins do is remix what the game already has. Sure, some add new features, but all of plugins today utilize the game in one way or another, i.e. hooking into the game in a particular way with additional code. And most of this is happening for the player with commands and unnatural. For example, most economy systems require the user the type a monotonous commands to view and work with their balance. Would it be nice if you pressed 'B" for balance and "M" for market place and everything popped up in front of you on a nice visual Graphical Interface table with icons and music? I think so. Or today, to buy stuff on the server, you have to punch a sign with a certain code on it. Can you imagine going to Walmart, and all you see is signs with code on them, and if you punch one you get pork, and the other gives you an xbox 360? Sounds odd doesn't it. Well how about a custom display ingame that shows the items you are buying. Oh yeah, it's possible,and it's actually already here.
Lack of customization. A lot of us use custom Texture Packs and mods. I know I do, but isn't it sometimes problematic to have to update constantly? yes, it is annoying. Well imagine you join a server, and all the mods (new items, physics, music, lighting and other fancy stuff that I haven;t com up with yet) are aromatically applied. And then you can go to a vanilla server and play just fine? To some this is already familiar, because this already exists ,and has been since hMod died and the mighty Bukkit became king of server software. But has anyone taken this to a larger scale?
Crap communication ingame. I simply see no way to fix this problem without opening a voice server for players to talk to one another. But I do see the chat becoming organized, bigger and better and no just multicolored, but multi interface. What do I mean? Well, simply put, not just text but images and popups (not he annoying ones) when, say, you get Private Massaged. (See what I did there)
I don't want to just host a server on an open world. As a matter of fact, there will be no building necessary for the general player. The mission is to build a dystopian city that resembles the cyber punk city of Los Angeles in the film. Bladecraft is going to be centered on the cult film classic Blade Runner (1982). The film is considered by many to depict the dystopian future of today's world. Have you ever seen that kind of theme in a server? No, probably not. So from now on, I copyright this idea for the time being, unofficially. The city is going to be locked down, so that the player can not leave the premises into the off world (if you get the reference, I salute you). Don't be alarmed, the city is going to be fairly large (If you ever played on the Project Zombie Server, think about three times the size of that city and its surroundings.) and there will be no reference of a general minecraft world anywhere, due to a custom texture pack. New sounds, a most importantly, a custom client required to play that changes everything about Minecraft, WITHOUT modifying necessary of your vanilla client. (Yes it's Spout, no need to ask that question).
What needs to done.
Well, we are at a blank. You like the ideas? Well all of this is going to take time and work. What, you thought I already have this on a silver platter hot a steamy? No, I am the organizer and I am overseeing this project. So far, I am working with two people. MrShortee, who is kindly using his artistic skills to create the texture pack, and Specops343 who will be helping with creating a custom PvP system (A very complicated, over-our-head system)
Do you want to be apart of this project?
Well I'll tell you what, you can help me. Get involved @ bladecraftmc.webs.com and contact me @ [email protected]
I am looking for experienced builders, web designers, Java and C# Programmers, Graphic Designer and Illustrators and sound FX and Video FX editors/designers.
Hit me up @ @Hacker_Notch
105 Views? That can't be all me. Please reply to this thread with ideas, questions and else. If you would like to at least help with the building, ask below! Love you long time :smile.gif:
Sorry. So busy with college that I almost have no time to work on this lol.
Shortee is also busy with his job, so this might take a while. Hopefully by Minecon we'll be up and running. :smile.gif:
For now just play with the pack. maybe build something and show me so that i can get some ideas or maybe even include your work (With all credit due where it's supposed to of course)
Hello fellow Minecraftians! My name is rushone2009 and I am bringing to your attention a great new project!
First of let me begin by saying that I am very excited about this project. As you can see above it has a lot of potential and merit.
The idea started of with my introduction to MrShortee's texture pack and map called Bladecraft. I was immediately hooked, and a s a server administrator and operator began immediately to think of a server idea. But i have been running server since very early Alpha, and was growing exceedingly bored with the general server gameplay. Every server you join nowadays is either creative (Voxelbox) or survival (Legendarycraft, Minetown). This is great for a Vanilla experience of Minecraft, but I set out to create something bigger, something new and exciting. I didn't want a boring old server where people gather to play the game the same way over and over. No, I set out to revolutionize the server experience. Call me over my head but I am very committed to this project. yes, it is not just another server that has coll stuff to look at and a few awesome plugins. It's bigger, better and most of all, it's different.
The Mission.
The idea has become a plan, and I am prepared to explain it here in full detail. The first and most important thing a server owner and creator has to consider, is the experience the players undergo when they join the server. This is is achieved by presentation, such as using intricate buildings or plugins. Plugins are usually not visual at all, and thus create a sense of being a in a server with all of its guts spilled out. Most games today offer a very visual experience in multiplayer, and try to limit the amount of reading and typing that is necessary to play. Minecraft on the other hand is very robust and requires a lot of typing and knowledge of how the game and the server works. This sucks. Ever just wanted to join a server and there is a cut scene like in Team Fortress 2 that explains what the server and map is about? I do! How about a custom achievement screen? Heck yeah! Or a greeting sound, and I don't mean that plugins that places a custom noteblock under you that sounds like **** and lags the server to infinity and beyond. Indeed! And you may say, well that requires modding. Indeed it does. Than you conclude that modding is a pain in the ass and makes the game even more difficult to play. That's where you are wrong, and I'll explain as we go along. So the goal, as you can see, is to create a new experience for the player when you join. Confused yet? Keep reading if you are.
How will it be done.
First of, I want to address the general drawbacks of today's Minecraft Server's:
Commands, commands, commands. Isn't it annoying to be constantly bugged with typing commands? Don't you just want to push a button for a help screen, and every command is binded to your keyboard?
Lack of visual merit. Sure, you can build a fancy spawn, and put a thousand signs explaining everything on the server, including rules and all that fancy stuff. But that takes away from the experience due to the player being bombarded with info. Is there any way everything can just be visual, so that it is entertaining. Let's face it, most player don't care for the rules and the technicalities of the server. They just want to play, which is why the first thing they look for is how to join and play. But the general idea of what the server is about is put on a second plan, thus limiting the experience as whole. Players are more worried about the technicalities rather than the goal of the server.
Griefing protection. Griefing is fun, until someone griefs you. Then you get pissed and create ranks so that the player has to go through your website and than approved by a mod to just. start. building. Screw that, sounds like tons of work, and most players don't like to do that. Well, you say, how do you stop griefers. Well on a normal server, you can not. You have a couple of options, but they all require work and time. No, what you do is create a different purpose in gameplay, thus eliminating ranks or any griefing control. What do I mean? Players will fight to survive and take control of an area, trade and converse and engage in RPG, thus eliminating any use for building, due to a custom map set in place. Still confused? Server is for PvP, not building. Simple, eh? But immediately people will say, "Well isn't building si what Minecraft is all about?" Well yeah, but read what I said above. I want to create a new experience and type of gameplay. Kind of like adventure mode that Notch will never release. (And i am not talking about 1.8, I mean something like the Adventure Craft mod)
Lack of a visual interface for plugins. Some come close, others are buried in the system, but most plugins are using what the game offers, and tweaks it. Really, all plugins do is remix what the game already has. Sure, some add new features, but all of plugins today utilize the game in one way or another, i.e. hooking into the game in a particular way with additional code. And most of this is happening for the player with commands and unnatural. For example, most economy systems require the user the type a monotonous commands to view and work with their balance. Would it be nice if you pressed 'B" for balance and "M" for market place and everything popped up in front of you on a nice visual Graphical Interface table with icons and music? I think so. Or today, to buy stuff on the server, you have to punch a sign with a certain code on it. Can you imagine going to Walmart, and all you see is signs with code on them, and if you punch one you get pork, and the other gives you an xbox 360? Sounds odd doesn't it. Well how about a custom display ingame that shows the items you are buying. Oh yeah, it's possible,and it's actually already here.
Lack of customization. A lot of us use custom Texture Packs and mods. I know I do, but isn't it sometimes problematic to have to update constantly? yes, it is annoying. Well imagine you join a server, and all the mods (new items, physics, music, lighting and other fancy stuff that I haven;t com up with yet) are aromatically applied. And then you can go to a vanilla server and play just fine? To some this is already familiar, because this already exists ,and has been since hMod died and the mighty Bukkit became king of server software. But has anyone taken this to a larger scale?
Crap communication ingame. I simply see no way to fix this problem without opening a voice server for players to talk to one another. But I do see the chat becoming organized, bigger and better and no just multicolored, but multi interface. What do I mean? Well, simply put, not just text but images and popups (not he annoying ones) when, say, you get Private Massaged. (See what I did there)
I don't want to just host a server on an open world. As a matter of fact, there will be no building necessary for the general player. The mission is to build a dystopian city that resembles the cyber punk city of Los Angeles in the film. Bladecraft is going to be centered on the cult film classic Blade Runner (1982). The film is considered by many to depict the dystopian future of today's world. Have you ever seen that kind of theme in a server? No, probably not. So from now on, I copyright this idea for the time being, unofficially. The city is going to be locked down, so that the player can not leave the premises into the off world (if you get the reference, I salute you). Don't be alarmed, the city is going to be fairly large (If you ever played on the Project Zombie Server, think about three times the size of that city and its surroundings.) and there will be no reference of a general minecraft world anywhere, due to a custom texture pack. New sounds, a most importantly, a custom client required to play that changes everything about Minecraft, WITHOUT modifying necessary of your vanilla client. (Yes it's Spout, no need to ask that question).
What needs to done.
Well, we are at a blank. You like the ideas? Well all of this is going to take time and work. What, you thought I already have this on a silver platter hot a steamy? No, I am the organizer and I am overseeing this project. So far, I am working with two people. MrShortee, who is kindly using his artistic skills to create the texture pack, and Specops343 who will be helping with creating a custom PvP system (A very complicated, over-our-head system)
Well I'll tell you what, you can help me. Get involved @ bladecraftmc.webs.com and contact me @ [email protected]
I am looking for experienced builders, web designers, Java and C# Programmers, Graphic Designer and Illustrators and sound FX and Video FX editors/designers.
Hit me up @ @Hacker_Notch
white list please...
Its the 1.8 update. Apply for a builder rank @ bladecraftmc.webs.com. This is a WIP
105 Views? That can't be all me. Please reply to this thread with ideas, questions and else. If you would like to at least help with the building, ask below! Love you long time :smile.gif:
Here's a slime and a
or else i will send chuck norris at you
Sure, whats your IG Handle?
Sorry. So busy with college that I almost have no time to work on this lol.
Shortee is also busy with his job, so this might take a while. Hopefully by Minecon we'll be up and running. :smile.gif:
For now just play with the pack. maybe build something and show me so that i can get some ideas or maybe even include your work (With all credit due where it's supposed to of course)
Cherio mate!