I don't recommend this server for Casual players...
here are my reasons why.
- The Rules are way too restrictive, yo have to have permissions for this, for that.
- Administration find it difficult to hand problems, they often resort to the easiest, not the best option.
- Also i found that one of the Admins on the server told be i couldn't build a flat town, i.e on a flat area.
- The Team who run the server often get really Giddy, this sometimes leads to them acting VERY inappropriate when they need not do. E.G deleting towns for other players to build on ETC.
- Don't by any circumstances accept this as in any way an RP server, although the factions have back-stories behind them, the administration team had to keep checking the forum post because they forgot their own Lore for the server.
Despite some gaping flaws in the server, it does have some good points. such as...
- Nice architecture at the spawn, it looks like a lot of effort when into making spawn
- Some of the other players, despite server staff, are very nice and approachable, they often build in teams and make quick work of towns.
The downside of this however is that once again, the admin team let the server down, for some reason (which i can only assume is lack of knowledge on how to use them) they don't like to utilise plug-ins to their full potential, towny plots for one example, they really don't like, another plugin i think they aren't to familiar with is Iconomy because they don't implement any feesable way of making money on the server, yet charge a fortune for things.
One last groan is that immaturity runs deep on this server, DO NOT join this server if your looking for a responsible place to play.
I hope you take word from my Informed Opinion Mincrafters... I give this server a 4/10
I can address all your points, about iConomy try setting up a real shop or selling gold to a bank to gain 300 per gold bar. Immaturity, you say we are immature? In what way is the team immature, if you want to say this elaborate. We never have to reference the forum post. Towny plots are for people who want to use them. I personally do not like this as people aren't the best at making beautiful buildings. Yes we are "giddy" as we are trying to make people that are popular on the server owners of towns and such. How are we difficult to handle problems, we have not and an actual problem since you came online beside the server going unresponsive, and as I said I am addressing this. The rules are not restrictive, if you don't like the rules you don't have to come on the server or you can always say out loud your thoughts. I am always looking for ways to improve the server. Also, why would you build a 40 by 40 area next to a large hill a completely flat hill, this is not a way to get a great looking area where the city blends in. Might I also remind you this server was released 2 days ago it will take alot of work to get it perfect for what we want. Now, if you want to troll go else where. I have run a server for 9 months I am not stupid or unknowledgeable about plugins.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hi, I haven't been very active because my brother broke Minecraft... anyway I fixed it, but now every time I log on, no-one is online, and the server doesn't seem to have changed. How active is it now a days? Am I just not on at the right time?
Yes, sorry this is 1.7 and bukkit has updated to 1.8. Narwhal, alot of people are online right now. Make sure your typing in the new IP. About the whitelist everyone above this post is accepted. Please allow me to restart the server before you (10 mins after I post this try).
Added to whitelist, sorry it took so long.
No problem, just glad to join. =)
I can address all your points, about iConomy try setting up a real shop or selling gold to a bank to gain 300 per gold bar. Immaturity, you say we are immature? In what way is the team immature, if you want to say this elaborate. We never have to reference the forum post. Towny plots are for people who want to use them. I personally do not like this as people aren't the best at making beautiful buildings. Yes we are "giddy" as we are trying to make people that are popular on the server owners of towns and such. How are we difficult to handle problems, we have not and an actual problem since you came online beside the server going unresponsive, and as I said I am addressing this. The rules are not restrictive, if you don't like the rules you don't have to come on the server or you can always say out loud your thoughts. I am always looking for ways to improve the server. Also, why would you build a 40 by 40 area next to a large hill a completely flat hill, this is not a way to get a great looking area where the city blends in. Might I also remind you this server was released 2 days ago it will take alot of work to get it perfect for what we want. Now, if you want to troll go else where. I have run a server for 9 months I am not stupid or unknowledgeable about plugins.
Age: 18
Country: usa
Reason why you wish to join: i need a server to play on
Faction you want to join: Altrixia
Bans: 0
Country: Usa
Reason why you wish to join: Sounds fun
Reason why you wish to join:I really like pvp factions games, and medival settings! also liked your storyline.
Accepted, come on whenever you like.
Country: US
Reason why you wish to join:need new server, wanted a PvP
Faction you want to join: Luredonia
Bans: None
samething with me
Age: 14
Country: Canada
Reason why you wish to join: Need new server, want to get better at PvP
Faction you want to join: Luredonia
Bans: None
Age: 14
Country: America
Reason why you wish to join: Because it looks like a very well made server
Bans: none....