IGN: ravensixs
Applying for match 14
Reason to choose you: I love the book series and this is the most epic idea for a server ever! :smile.gif:
#o matches you previously competed in: 0
IGN: rjreve
Applying for match 14
Reasons to choose you: Even though I've never heard of the the series before, it sounds like a great concept and I would love to try it.
# of matches previously competed in: 0
In-Game Username: Cookiescool2
Applying for Match #: 14
Reason to Choose You: These look cool and i've read the books
# of Matches Previously Participated In: first time :smile.gif:
In-Game Username: canadajebus
Applying for Match #: 14
Reason to Choose You: Interested to see what is to offer here!
# of Matches Previously Participated In: 0
IGN: Furgafunegun
Applyingfor match: 14
Reason to choose me: I died within the first 10 secs PvP got turned on in the last match. So I want to redeem myself :biggrin.gif:.
# of matches I previously competed in: 1 , match 13.
Can I also apply for my friend?
IGN: JeyumStelider
Applyingfor match: 14
Reason to choose him: Wants to get in on the fun :biggrin.gif:
# of matches previously competed in: 0
In-Game Username: Ryan_Waffles
Applying for Match #: 14
Reason to Choose You: I am experienced in PvP and am very stealthy. If i have the right friends in battle, I can win.
# of Matches Previously Participated In: 0, hopefully I will do lots!
thats odd. 1 sec im croutching in a hole so i wont be found and the next mdoss or however you spell it literly dug down right where i was and killed me. In my opinion he xrayed.
idk how u feel about this, but perhaps you should make a facebook group for this so people are informed more promptly. im on facebook 24/7 but i only check on this about twice a day.
Applying for match 14
Reasons to choose you: Even though I've never heard of the the series before, it sounds like a great concept and I would love to try it.
# of matches previously competed in: 0
Applying for match 14
Reason to choose you: We wanna play ;D!
#o matches you previously competed in: 5, 3
Applying for Match #:14
Reason to Choose You: These are fun, and I'm bored.
# of Matches Previously Participated In: 3
Applying for Match #: 14
Reason to Choose You: These look cool and i've read the books
# of Matches Previously Participated In: first time :smile.gif:
Applying for Match #: 14
Reason to Choose You: Interested to see what is to offer here!
# of Matches Previously Participated In: 0
Applyingfor match: 14
Reason to choose me: I died within the first 10 secs PvP got turned on in the last match. So I want to redeem myself :biggrin.gif:.
# of matches I previously competed in: 1 , match 13.
Can I also apply for my friend?
IGN: JeyumStelider
Applyingfor match: 14
Reason to choose him: Wants to get in on the fun :biggrin.gif:
# of matches previously competed in: 0
Applying for Match #: 14
Reason to Choose You: I am experienced in PvP and am very stealthy. If i have the right friends in battle, I can win.
# of Matches Previously Participated In: 0, hopefully I will do lots!
ok i still may make it since your clock is like 3min behind but if not then i will see you guys tommorow
It showed you attacking from 20 blocks away on my screen.
Gay ass lag.