Minecraft Username: Electrickuro
Age: 14
Location/time zone: EST
Tell us something about yourself: I am a dedicated player, and stick with the community.
Minecraft Username: Smartstone
Age: 14
Location/time zone: Australia , Adealide
Tell us something about yourself: I am a great miner, love to escape and be free. Dedicated and will hopefully spend a lot of time on this server.. Trying to escape =P
Minecraft Username:NormenJaydenFBI
Location/time zone: NY
Tell us something about yourself: Love roleplaying servers and fair admins. Will play about every day if i'm accepted.
I guess I could. But, I think I should wait until after 1.8
It would only be up for about 2 days otherwise :tongue.gif:
I'd rather avoid the confusion.
Here are my personal approximations, not that they're nesecarily accurate or right or anything.
2 days for 1.8 to come out
1 day for Bukkit to update
3 days for plugins to update
2 days for us to update
1 day to release
2 days to regroup all the guards who forgot about this server
1 day to fix all the glitches and exploits
1 day to whitelist everyone
3 days to get new guards because of the new members and because some old guards have forgotten about this
No, it's not. I suck at administrating jail servers. I think I should just go to a simple one. Although, I could get one of you to take it over? (Administration wise) The plugins are pretty much done. :biggrin.gif:
You might want to wait for 1.8 to come out because it would be a long wait to update.
Here are my personal approximations, not that they're nesecarily accurate or right or anything.
2 days for 1.8 to come out
1 day for Bukkit to update
3 days for plugins to update
2 days for us to update
1 day to release
2 days to regroup all the guards who forgot about this server
1 day to fix all the glitches and exploits
1 day to whitelist everyone
3 days to get new guards because of the new members and because some old guards have forgotten about this
So pretty much kyle and maybe noob idk cause he posted a while back, then you have not forgotten and im pretty sure bep got fired. Brigade and mek are guards and im willing to be a guard. btw quick idea like if there is only 1 guard online and he has to go have a lever somwhere that makes the escape route unreachable so there will be some challenge.
Minecraft Username:silverdogface
Location/time zone:U.S.A
Tell us something about yourself:i love minecraft fav. sport soccer and i play miunecraft every day sometimes do i ever do i not play minecraft on a day like prison servers alot.
We should have a separate thread for discussion. Btw, how come we have so many whitelist applications and we've only actually been on for several days before...stuff?
Minecraft Username: ActOfGod
Age: 13 (I am quite mature, don't you worry :smile.gif: )
Location/time zone: America, East Coast. EST.
Tell us something about yourself: I thoroughly enjoy PvP, and slightly pride myself in the skill I have. I can become very committed to servers, especially when there's a task like being an escape-e..-e....Yeah. Anyway. Hope to be accepted :smile.gif:
Minecraft Username: Coreracer15 Age: 15 Location/time zone: Eastern Tell us something about yourself: I enjoy architecture, jail servers, and keeping authority and order in things.
Minecraft Username:isakr
Location/time zone:gmt
Tell us something about yourself:well i dont have much experience of these servers so ill need some help but if the staff is helpful ill stay cause in the other prisons ive tried noone was helping!
Age: 14
Location/time zone: EST
Tell us something about yourself: I am a dedicated player, and stick with the community.
Age: 14
Location/time zone: Australia , Adealide
Tell us something about yourself: I am a great miner, love to escape and be free. Dedicated and will hopefully spend a lot of time on this server.. Trying to escape =P
Location/time zone:USA Eastern
Tell us something about yourself:i like sports and mc.
location/timezone:eastern central time
something about myself: ilove playing craft and running track
Location/time zone: NY
Tell us something about yourself: Love roleplaying servers and fair admins. Will play about every day if i'm accepted.
Age: 15
Location/time zone: USA
Tell us something about yourself: I love to play on prison/ jail servers.
Here are my personal approximations, not that they're nesecarily accurate or right or anything.
2 days for 1.8 to come out
1 day for Bukkit to update
3 days for plugins to update
2 days for us to update
1 day to release
2 days to regroup all the guards who forgot about this server
1 day to fix all the glitches and exploits
1 day to whitelist everyone
3 days to get new guards because of the new members and because some old guards have forgotten about this
i can ask mek and see what he thinks
lol ohai there mek, we need to bug bat to load up his server so we can do more undercity work :biggrin.gif:
So pretty much kyle and maybe noob idk cause he posted a while back, then you have not forgotten and im pretty sure bep got fired. Brigade and mek are guards and im willing to be a guard. btw quick idea like if there is only 1 guard online and he has to go have a lever somwhere that makes the escape route unreachable so there will be some challenge.
Location/time zone:U.S.A
Tell us something about yourself:i love minecraft fav. sport soccer and i play miunecraft every day sometimes do i ever do i not play minecraft on a day like prison servers alot.
Location/time zone: Canada
Tell us something about yourself: Like RPG's
http://mag.racked.eu/cimage/i41/Achievement get!/Get rich./mca.png
Age: 13 (I am quite mature, don't you worry :smile.gif: )
Location/time zone: America, East Coast. EST.
Tell us something about yourself: I thoroughly enjoy PvP, and slightly pride myself in the skill I have. I can become very committed to servers, especially when there's a task like being an escape-e..-e....Yeah. Anyway. Hope to be accepted :smile.gif:
Location/time zone:eastern
Tell us something about yourself:i love minecraft
Age: 14
Location/time zone: Maine, USA EST
Tell us something about yourself: Im 14 and I live in Maine.
Age: 15
Location/time zone: Eastern
Tell us something about yourself: I enjoy architecture, jail servers, and keeping authority and order in things.
Location/time zone:gmt
Tell us something about yourself:well i dont have much experience of these servers so ill need some help but if the staff is helpful ill stay cause in the other prisons ive tried noone was helping!