IGN: xXDarkheatXx
Age: 14
Country: USA, CT
Reason why you wish to join: Looking for a nice fractions rp server. This one looks good.
Faction you want to join: The Unseen mostly or maybe the syndicate.
IGN: xXDarkheatXx
Age: 14
Country: USA, CT
Reason why you wish to join: Looking for a nice fractions rp server. This one looks good.
Faction you want to join: The Unseen mostly or maybe the syndicate.
Reason why you wish to join:i have no server to recorde to put on youtube and it would get the word out about the sever
Faction you want to join:The Unseen
Reason why you wish to join: I've played Minecraft since Alpha 1.2.6 and I tryed servers but didn't like any. I'm trying again to find a good one and this seems like the one for me!
Reason why you wish to join: I've played Minecraft since Alpha 1.2.6 and I tryed servers but didn't like any. I'm trying again to find a good one and this seems like the one for me!
Reason why you wish to join: I've played Minecraft since Alpha 1.2.6 and I tryed servers but didn't like any. I'm trying again to find a good one and this seems like the one for me!
Reason why you wish to join: This looks like a real good server to RP on and have some fun PVPing too! I'm also just looking for a new RP server :biggrin.gif:
Reason why you wish to join: This looks like a real good server to RP on and have some fun PVPing too! I'm also just looking for a new RP server :biggrin.gif:
added, come in
Age: 14
Country: USA, CT
Reason why you wish to join: Looking for a nice fractions rp server. This one looks good.
Faction you want to join: The Unseen mostly or maybe the syndicate.
Added, come on and play!
done, come in
Age: 13
Country: U.S
Reason why you wish to join: Looks like an interesting rp and faction server.
Faction you want to join: Syndicate.- or Swadia
thats you not us im afraid :/
Reason why you wish to join:i want a good fun server with good nations and pluggins
Faction you want to join:The Unseen
added, come on in
thanks for applying! your white listed come in
reason you would like to join:sounds like an awsome server
faciton you want to join:the unseen
added come on down
done, welcome to the server
Country:United States of America
Reason why you wish to join: I've played Minecraft since Alpha 1.2.6 and I tryed servers but didn't like any. I'm trying again to find a good one and this seems like the one for me!
Faction you want to join: The Unseen :3
welcome to the server
Added, come on!
Age: 16
Country: United States
Reason why you wish to join: This looks like a real good server to RP on and have some fun PVPing too! I'm also just looking for a new RP server :biggrin.gif:
Faction you want to join: The Unseen
whorehey (hurray :wink.gif:)
whitelisted ! come on and join us