Please read all of this!
This is a SMP server looking for more people to join up and build awesome things. `Summer has started and we're looking for dedicated players who are willing to put a lot of work into making this server awesome. We usually have pretty big projects, such as 100x100 pyramids, castles, etc. Below is some server info.
]Monsters & animals are off.
]PvP is off
]There are only three OPs, as of now but more may be added depending on how much we trust you. ^-^
]The server will be running Bukkit to lock chests, doors, and reserve plots of land once Bukkit releases the version of the plugin which is compatible w/ MC 1.6_5
The server is whitelisted, only to insure that people we aren't acquainted with don't jump on and wreck things.
We are looking for about 5 or 6 people, so if you don't have luck with highly populated servers with complicated ranking systems and other things like that, this is the server for you. We are pretty laid back as to what you build as long as it looks cool and adds structural integrity to the world.
It really isn't hard to be whitelisted, please just post in your comments --
1) What your favorite thing in a server is
2) Why do you think you should be part of this server
3) What are you good at building
4) How much experience do you have with Minecraft
If you have read this far, please post a in your comments!
Favorite thing to do: To build and help other players
Why would I be a part: I believe that people really gravitate to me. And as a good builder and a mature person people will call me for help.
What am I good at building: Many things. I am mainly a house designer and builder, but if you want anything, I can build it. From a replica of your face, to a giant chicken statue.
How much experience: Lots. I have played it almost every-day for 3 Months. And now that I am out of school for the summer, I believe I will play more and more.
Byyy theee waaayyyyyy...
I'm a girl. I use my brother's account. :biggrin.gif:
1. Look for resources to help me and others I.E. Diamond and cobble and things of that nature.
2.I really love to build and help others in times of need.
3. I like building wood houses and use lots of fencing, and good at 8-bit art.
4. I've been playing since the beginning of Beta.
1) What your favorite thing in a server is: Helping out other people, doing activites with them.
2) Why do you think you should be part of this server So I could help out people.
3) What are you good at building: Houses, mostly.
4) How much experience do you have with Minecraft: I am new, but I have a pretty good building experience.
This is a SMP server looking for more people to join up and build awesome things. `Summer has started and we're looking for dedicated players who are willing to put a lot of work into making this server awesome. We usually have pretty big projects, such as 100x100 pyramids, castles, etc. Below is some server info.
]Monsters & animals are off.
]PvP is off
]There are only three OPs, as of now but more may be added depending on how much we trust you. ^-^
]The server will be running Bukkit to lock chests, doors, and reserve plots of land once Bukkit releases the version of the plugin which is compatible w/ MC 1.6_5
The server is whitelisted, only to insure that people we aren't acquainted with don't jump on and wreck things.
We are looking for about 5 or 6 people, so if you don't have luck with highly populated servers with complicated ranking systems and other things like that, this is the server for you. We are pretty laid back as to what you build as long as it looks cool and adds structural integrity to the world.
It really isn't hard to be whitelisted, please just post in your comments --
1) What your favorite thing in a server is
2) Why do you think you should be part of this server
3) What are you good at building
4) How much experience do you have with Minecraft
If you have read this far, please post a in your comments!
Well... I'll try to survive....
Favorite thing to do: To build and help other players
Why would I be a part: I believe that people really gravitate to me. And as a good builder and a mature person people will call me for help.
What am I good at building: Many things. I am mainly a house designer and builder, but if you want anything, I can build it. From a replica of your face, to a giant chicken statue.
How much experience: Lots. I have played it almost every-day for 3 Months. And now that I am out of school for the summer, I believe I will play more and more.
Byyy theee waaayyyyyy...
I'm a girl. I use my brother's account. :biggrin.gif:
2.I really love to build and help others in times of need.
3. I like building wood houses and use lots of fencing, and good at 8-bit art.
4. I've been playing since the beginning of Beta.
2) Why do you think you should be part of this server So I could help out people.
3) What are you good at building: Houses, mostly.
4) How much experience do you have with Minecraft: I am new, but I have a pretty good building experience.
IGN: PandaNinja223