I am too!! I made it to the end of volume one and decided thats enough for one night lol
Have you found the creepy alternate story? When you hover over the picture with your mouse? Seriously creepy, and makes it hard to process two stories at once. Still, I hope it ties in with the main story!
Edit: Finished volume one. Plot-twist-no-jitsu!
( s to anyone who gets that reference).
Minecraft User Name: kevin4460
How long have you been playing SMP?: I discovered SMP right before the Halloween update.
Do you have RP Experience?: Yes, I do.
What is your birthday?: (6/13/1990
Role Play
Character Name: Justis Brutius
Character Race: Human
Character Description: Justis is a rugged young man. He has scars on his body from his battles with monsters and creatures in the homeland, and scars on his mind from the horrors he experienced there. (Your appearance)
Character Bio: Justis is a withdrawn person, and slow to take to new people. Don't expect him to like you though, he doesn't trust anyone but himself. (This is where you describe your personality)
Character History: Justis was born the son a merchant and a local *****. Growing up in Imperilus, Justis learned quickly that he distrusted the Government of the city. Deciding to leave the comforts of the city, Justis ventured out into the wilderness. Justis came upon an old man one day who taught him the secrets of combative magics. Justis grew addicted to his own abilities. Soon Justis went insane, and slaughtered a flock of sheep in a blind rage. The Sheppard who owned these sheep was not very happy! The sheep herder took Justis to court, and Justis was sentenced to ten years in prison. During the seventh year of his stay, Barbarians ransacked Imperilus and he managed to escape. Running from the burning city, Justis made it to a local port village and boarded the nearest boat. He has just arrived in Immortalus and is ready to turn his life around, or so he thinks! (Your Story, should explain where you learned your trade from)
Character Class: Dark Mage
Place of Birth: Imperilus
(This is my actual application :tongue.gif:)
Bad Application
First Name: Kevin
Minecraft User Name: kevin4460
How long have you been playing SMP?: I discovered SMP right before the Halloween update.
Do you have RP Experience?: Yes, I do.
What is your birthday?: (6/13/1985) (Note me clearly lying about my age thanks to my poor grammar!)
Role Play
Character Name: Justis Brutius
Character Race: Human
Character Description: Justis is a dirty guy, he dosent shaev adn has scars all ovar his boty. He also dose nt yous soap when he showers.
Character Bio: Justis is a loner. He has no friends cauyse they all btrayed him in batle.
Character History: Justis was the son of a trader and a slutbag(HAHAHAHA) he grew up in imperilius but did nt like the fgovenment because hes a hippy! LOL! So he lefte the city because he's dumb! xD!1! So out in teh wildy (RUNESCAPE RUNESCAPE RUNESCAPE, I CAN"T BELIVE THAT J@G3X BROUGHT PVP BACK LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL) he was taught to be mage of EVILL! He was very EVILL! Omg lol!!1 So one day he was feeling EVILL1!! and decided to kill some sheeps (LUL P.E.T.A. = People easting tastee animal) The farmedr was prety pissed off. So the darmer took him to court and he was put in jail for 10 years, but 7 years laters he escaped and got on a boat to this place.
Whoa! Thereis like pretty red lines under my epic word s!
So I go to bed, get up to work and come back to something like 25 EMAILS!?
God, you guys have been busy =D
Think I'm gonna begin fleshing out my character's backstory today, just 'cause I feel like it! =D
Oh and: The bad application example above made me smile, lol!
Minecraft User Name:piffboy6
How long have you been playing SMP?: around since christmas of 2010
Do you have RP Experience?:yes
What is your birthday?: 11/18/1993
Role Play
Character Name: Kog Quarrywarrior
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Description: a small scruffy dwarf that has brown hair and a long beared and has a taste for gold.
Character Bio: kog is a simple dwarf that does not really trust anyone exept for his friends.
he hates demons because of there long horns. so dont mess with kog because he will find were you live!
Character History:kog was born among a dwarven king and queen. growing up in his birth town of cratisha all of the peasents didnt pay attention to him. but he came apon a theif a tall scruffy looking elf. so he talked to him and he was part of a guild called the theives guild.
so he traveled with the elf back to the theives guild and quickly learned the ways of the theives. but atlast his parrents sent someone to recover him but he was no where to be found!
But he was still alive! he was just in this strange world that people called it immortalus.
wierdly he started noticeing all kinds of strange things. then he thought it looked like home.
he thought to him self,"this must be the future." "when i walked through the portal i found in the cave it must have transported me here." so he setled out and became one of the best known theives alive in immortalus!
Minecraft User Name: kevin4460
How long have you been playing SMP?: I discovered SMP right before the Halloween update.
Do you have RP Experience?: Yes, I do.
What is your birthday?: (6/13/1985) (Note me clearly lying about my age thanks to my poor grammar!)
Role Play
Character Name: Justis Brutius
Character Race: Human
Character Description: Justis is a dirty guy, he dosent shaev adn has scars all ovar his boty. He also dose nt yous soap when he showers.
Character Bio: Justis is a loner. He has no friends cauyse they all btrayed him in batle.
Character History: Justis was the son of a trader and a slutbag(HAHAHAHA) he grew up in imperilius but did nt like the fgovenment because hes a hippy! LOL! So he lefte the city because he's dumb! xD!1! So out in teh wildy (RUNESCAPE RUNESCAPE RUNESCAPE, I CAN"T BELIVE THAT J@G3X BROUGHT PVP BACK LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL) he was taught to be mage of EVILL! He was very EVILL! Omg lol!!1 So one day he was feeling EVILL1!! and decided to kill some sheeps (LUL P.E.T.A. = People easting tastee animal) The farmedr was prety pissed off. So the darmer took him to court and he was put in jail for 10 years, but 7 years laters he escaped and got on a boat to this place.
Whoa! Thereis like pretty red lines under my epic word s!
yes there is pretty red lines under them arnt there.
Ign Jayjay80
How long have you been playing Smp? A month or so.
Do you have Rp experience? Does 5 years of Wow Count?
What is your birthday? 11/12/1988
Role Play
Character Name Rysie Bear
Character Race Human
Character description Well Rysie is a Bear And i look like a bear.
Character Bio Rysie is Social enough to make friends and allies to assist him in battle he can be nice unless angered by the enemy.
Character History Rysie was just an oridnary human who studied magic until a spell gone wrong turned him into a bear he is still human but has grown fur angry with himself for his foolish mistake he set off to find a new land with new adventures waiting for him He is Rysie Bear...
Basics Minecraft User Name:(This is what we add to the whitelist)piffboy6 How long have you been playing SMP?: around december 25 2010 Do you have RP Experience?:yes, What is your birthday?: (ex. M/D/Y 6/1/2011) 11/18/1993
Role Play Character Name: Kog Quarrywarrior
Character Race: (See below) dwarf
Character Description:a small scruffy dwarf that has brown hair and a long bearded and has a taste for gold.
Character Bio:kog is a simple dwarf that does not really trust anyone except for his friends.
He hates demons because of their long horns. So don’t mess with kog because he will find were you living!
Character History:kog was born among a dwarven king and queen. Growing up in his birth town of crathisa all of the peasants didn’t pay attention to him. But he came upon a thief a tall scruffy looking elf. So he talked to him and he was part of a guild called the thieves guild.
So he traveled with the elf back to the thieves’ guild and quickly learned the ways of the thieves. But at last his parents sent someone to recover him but he was nowhere to be found!
But he was still alive! He was just in this strange world that people called it immortalus.
Weirdly he started noticing all kinds of strange things. Then he thought it looked like home.
He thought to himself, “this must be the future." "When i walked through the portal i found in the cave it must have transported me here." so he settled out and became one of the best known thieves alive in immortalus!
Character Class: (Described Below) theif
Place of Birth: (At this point you CANNOT be born in Immortalus, as only men have been there so far.) Crathisa
Minecraft User Name:platypus2468
How long have you been playing SMP?: 7 months
Do you have RP Experience?: yup, lots
What is your birthday?: 1/29/1995
Role Play
Character Name: Thorvak Ragnar
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Description: A taller dwarf with white hair + beard. Large bags under his eyes due to lack of sleep because of his ALMOST non-stop training until Notch (see below) descended into the heavens. Golden clothes clothes made by Notch himself to cover up one large scar he has on his back, although it doesn't completely cover it up.
Character Bio: is an outgoing dwarf. The only exception Thorvak makes is when he sees evil in that specific character (demons and possibly dark mages (not all dark mages are evil... I think ( you didn't specify)))
Character History: As a child, Thorvak was taken from his family by evil spirits. he spent five years being tormented by the spirits until one day a glowing figure came, this figure saved him. This figure later said he was called Notch (if I'm allowed to. If not then, this is some random magical man). Thorvak studied under Notch until Notch descended into the heavens. Thorvak then learned of a magical place... Immortalus.
Character Class: Light mage
Place of Birth: Cratisha
Turquoise Beard.
Have you found the creepy alternate story? When you hover over the picture with your mouse? Seriously creepy, and makes it hard to process two stories at once. Still, I hope it ties in with the main story!
Edit: Finished volume one. Plot-twist-no-jitsu!
First Name: Kevin
Minecraft User Name: kevin4460
How long have you been playing SMP?: I discovered SMP right before the Halloween update.
Do you have RP Experience?: Yes, I do.
What is your birthday?: (6/13/1990
Role Play
Character Name: Justis Brutius
Character Race: Human
Character Description: Justis is a rugged young man. He has scars on his body from his battles with monsters and creatures in the homeland, and scars on his mind from the horrors he experienced there. (Your appearance)
Character Bio: Justis is a withdrawn person, and slow to take to new people. Don't expect him to like you though, he doesn't trust anyone but himself. (This is where you describe your personality)
Character History: Justis was born the son a merchant and a local *****. Growing up in Imperilus, Justis learned quickly that he distrusted the Government of the city. Deciding to leave the comforts of the city, Justis ventured out into the wilderness. Justis came upon an old man one day who taught him the secrets of combative magics. Justis grew addicted to his own abilities. Soon Justis went insane, and slaughtered a flock of sheep in a blind rage. The Sheppard who owned these sheep was not very happy! The sheep herder took Justis to court, and Justis was sentenced to ten years in prison. During the seventh year of his stay, Barbarians ransacked Imperilus and he managed to escape. Running from the burning city, Justis made it to a local port village and boarded the nearest boat. He has just arrived in Immortalus and is ready to turn his life around, or so he thinks! (Your Story, should explain where you learned your trade from)
Character Class: Dark Mage
Place of Birth: Imperilus
(This is my actual application :tongue.gif:)
Bad Application
First Name: Kevin
Minecraft User Name: kevin4460
How long have you been playing SMP?: I discovered SMP right before the Halloween update.
Do you have RP Experience?: Yes, I do.
What is your birthday?: (6/13/1985) (Note me clearly lying about my age thanks to my poor grammar!)
Role Play
Character Name: Justis Brutius
Character Race: Human
Character Description: Justis is a dirty guy, he dosent shaev adn has scars all ovar his boty. He also dose nt yous soap when he showers.
Character Bio: Justis is a loner. He has no friends cauyse they all btrayed him in batle.
Character History: Justis was the son of a trader and a slutbag(HAHAHAHA) he grew up in imperilius but did nt like the fgovenment because hes a hippy! LOL! So he lefte the city because he's dumb! xD!1! So out in teh wildy (RUNESCAPE RUNESCAPE RUNESCAPE, I CAN"T BELIVE THAT J@G3X BROUGHT PVP BACK LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL) he was taught to be mage of EVILL! He was very EVILL! Omg lol!!1 So one day he was feeling EVILL1!! and decided to kill some sheeps (LUL P.E.T.A. = People easting tastee animal) The farmedr was prety pissed off. So the darmer took him to court and he was put in jail for 10 years, but 7 years laters he escaped and got on a boat to this place.
Whoa! Thereis like pretty red lines under my epic word s!
A.) Make a plugin for it,
B.) Give Demons a ridiculous Fire Spell.
Working on A.)
Or allow them to phase through blocks for a short amount of time. Creepy.
or give them a rainbow beard XD
That's so much harder xD
Yeah, it was only if the nether thing didn't work.
And please don't tell me the nature's fury ability summons a wolf.
it does, it's the only combat spell L.M. have + you need to tame it.
And I weep.
So we have flocks of suicide bombers. Horay!
If you added a shapeshifter class I would be insanely grateful. Seriously though, that would have to have some serious downsides to it.
God, you guys have been busy =D
Think I'm gonna begin fleshing out my character's backstory today, just 'cause I feel like it! =D
Oh and: The bad application example above made me smile, lol!
my new improved version of my application
yes there is pretty red lines under them arnt there.
Ign Jayjay80
How long have you been playing Smp? A month or so.
Do you have Rp experience? Does 5 years of Wow Count?
What is your birthday? 11/12/1988
Role Play
Character Name Rysie Bear
Character Race Human
Character description Well Rysie is a Bear And i look like a bear.
Character Bio Rysie is Social enough to make friends and allies to assist him in battle he can be nice unless angered by the enemy.
Character History Rysie was just an oridnary human who studied magic until a spell gone wrong turned him into a bear he is still human but has grown fur angry with himself for his foolish mistake he set off to find a new land with new adventures waiting for him He is Rysie Bear...
Character Class Light Mage
Birth Place Cratisha
I read rule 3 Cupcakes.
ya im i kinda want to change some thingss for my app so will i haveto resend it?
Minecraft User Name:(This is what we add to the whitelist)piffboy6
How long have you been playing SMP?: around december 25 2010
Do you have RP Experience?:yes,
What is your birthday?: (ex. M/D/Y 6/1/2011) 11/18/1993
Role Play
Character Name: Kog Quarrywarrior
Character Race: (See below) dwarf
Character Description:a small scruffy dwarf that has brown hair and a long bearded and has a taste for gold.
Character Bio:kog is a simple dwarf that does not really trust anyone except for his friends.
He hates demons because of their long horns. So don’t mess with kog because he will find were you living!
Character History:kog was born among a dwarven king and queen. Growing up in his birth town of crathisa all of the peasants didn’t pay attention to him. But he came upon a thief a tall scruffy looking elf. So he talked to him and he was part of a guild called the thieves guild.
So he traveled with the elf back to the thieves’ guild and quickly learned the ways of the thieves. But at last his parents sent someone to recover him but he was nowhere to be found!
But he was still alive! He was just in this strange world that people called it immortalus.
Weirdly he started noticing all kinds of strange things. Then he thought it looked like home.
He thought to himself, “this must be the future." "When i walked through the portal i found in the cave it must have transported me here." so he settled out and became one of the best known thieves alive in immortalus!
Character Class: (Described Below) theif
Place of Birth: (At this point you CANNOT be born in Immortalus, as only men have been there so far.) Crathisa
"I read rule 3: Cupcakes"
Don't change races, the Demons will get promised powers soon.
Minecraft User Name:platypus2468
How long have you been playing SMP?: 7 months
Do you have RP Experience?: yup, lots
What is your birthday?: 1/29/1995
Role Play
Character Name: Thorvak Ragnar
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Description: A taller dwarf with white hair + beard. Large bags under his eyes due to lack of sleep because of his ALMOST non-stop training until Notch (see below) descended into the heavens. Golden clothes clothes made by Notch himself to cover up one large scar he has on his back, although it doesn't completely cover it up.
Character Bio: is an outgoing dwarf. The only exception Thorvak makes is when he sees evil in that specific character (demons and possibly dark mages (not all dark mages are evil... I think ( you didn't specify)))
Character History: As a child, Thorvak was taken from his family by evil spirits. he spent five years being tormented by the spirits until one day a glowing figure came, this figure saved him. This figure later said he was called Notch (if I'm allowed to. If not then, this is some random magical man). Thorvak studied under Notch until Notch descended into the heavens. Thorvak then learned of a magical place... Immortalus.
Character Class: Light mage
Place of Birth: Cratisha
I read rule 3: Cupcakes