If we see that you are "24" and have the grammar of a twelve year old you will be promptly rejected, and lose a serious chance at getting accepted in the future. We do background checks of your previous posts so we would pick up on lies etc.
However, someone (I forget who it's around 1AM) who is ~12-13 posted an AMAZING application and I didn't even look at their age until the end.
Nelluc20 Willie900 (You need a last name)
allecwillis00 (SMP = Survival Multi-Player)
Angoron (Come up with a better last name please)
Makeyejr (Impressive application, for a person born in 1998. Keep in mind we don't censor the server in case your Parent/Guardian cares)
If you have been rejected, please review the following
1.) Your Bio/History/Description was flimsy, make a better effort.
2.) You had a good lengthy Character sheet, but you made constant spelling or grammar mistakes
3.) You are too young to be playing on the server
4.) You lied blatantly about a number of things (Hint to people who said they've been playing SMP for two years: It came out this summer! Minecraft was barely even thought of two years ago)
5.) Other, read the rules/application thoroughly!
Immortalus Server Team
RP last name? my RP last name is RedBeard.
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Never recreate real-world places in the Minecaft World. you will forget what is real and what is Minecraft.
Minecraft User Name:Coolfish
How long have you been playing SMP?: A few months, starting from january. I've been in multiple servers, like Siegecraft.
Do you have RP Experience?: Yes, I've been in some RP servers, like Siegecraft, and Lord Aidans server
What is your birthday?:4/5/1996
Role Play
Character Name: Felix Marcus
Character Race: Human
Character Description: A medium sized man, brown hair, is relatively muscular, and has a family chain around his neck.
Character Bio: Felix is a naive young adult, who is rash and wants to feel the rush of war. He just graduated from some academy (war related or something educational)and wants to lead an army one day. He is not patient, and often acts without thinking.
Character History: Felix,has just graduated from the academy, and has grown up in the glorious town, listening to stories from traders. He was amazed by stories of war, and always wanted to become a hero. Perhaps, he wanted to be something he wasn't, he always got in trouble when ever he tried to save the day. Secretly, he just wants to prove himself to everyone, especially to his brother. When, he heard rumors of the Fountain of Youth, Felix decided that he was going to be the hero to discover it first. He wants, to show that he is different from his brother, who he grew up in the shadow before.
Character Class: Warrior
Place of Birth: Imperilus
Well, I hope you accept me to this server, becasue Siegecraft was an amazing server, with fun and mature players. I always loved to do RP, and now that it's summer, I have some more time.
I read rule 3: cupcakes.
Minecraft User Name:plasticman33
How long have you been playing SMP?:since about beta 1.3
Do you have RP Experience?:my only rp exp was from seigecraft which got me into it
What is your birthday?: 03/11/98
Role Play
Character Name: Samuel Brenen
Character Race: human
Character Description: A human of the age of twenty two, he wears deer skin clothing at all times. Nobody sees his hair because his clothing covers him from head to toe, but he keeps it neatly trimmed, along with any facial hsir that he grows.
Character Bio: A young man who loves to hunt in the woods with his friends, he usually wears deer skin clothing so that he is able to sneak up on wild animals easier.
Character History: Sam was born on his fathers cattle ranch in cratisha,his mother died of the flu when Sam was just four months old. He was taught by his father how to be a cattle farmer; how to milk the cows, give them food and water, and how to slaughter them from when he was seven years to thirteen years. Then, on his fourteenth birthday, he said to his father, "father, i don't want to be a cattle farmer. I don't want to milk the cows, feed the cows, and slaughter the cows. I want to be a hunter. I want to chase wild deer through the woods, and track rabbits through the bushes." then his father said to him "well, sam, my boy, i cant tell you what you want and don't want, but i can tell you that i know nothing of weilding a bow, or chasing deer, but i think i know some one who might." and so Sam's father took him to his good friend jeremy, who used to be a master of the bow, before he retired from a wound to his leg after falling off a small cliff. Sam's father said to Jeremy, "my friend, my son wants to be a hunter, but I know nothing of the bow. Will you teach him?" and Jeremy said, "of course! Have you forgotten after all these years that you saved me from that pack of wolves?" and so Samuel was apprenticed to Jeremy for many years, training with the bow untill he could hit the bullseye nine times out of ten at a hundred yards. His master then told him, "Sam, i think you have trained long enough, it is time for you to have your own bow." and so the now master bowman Samuel Brenen was given his very own yew longbow, which he used for many years hunting for the town before he heard of the city of immortalus, and vowed to find his way there however possible...
Character Class: archer
Place of Birth: Cratisha
I read rule 3: cupcakes. ">Better now?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
This signature is bear. I am bear. You are bear. All is bear.
How long have you been playing SMP?:
Some time before the Nether was implemented.
Do you have RP Experience?:Name a game one can rp in, and i've dabbled in it. Anything from WoW to gmod.
What is your birthday?:
Role Play
Character Name:Airia
Character Race: Human
Character Description: Always covers every part of her body in a long hooded cloak and/or armor beneath it. She always carries a very strange looking blade in a sheathe that has a magical lock upon it. Her face is never seen, if she can help it.
Character Bio: At one time, Airia was a wandering swordswoman, not too different from any other like herself. However, as the race of man is infamous for their greed, she too allowed herself to succumb to the temptation of lust when she was presented with the opportunity of wealth. Upon her discovery of an ancient, buried ruin, she traveled through a maze of cold stone until she reached a lone blade, sitting upon a pedestal in a grand room, filled with what seemed to be moonlight. Unable to resist, she took hold of the beautiful, hallowed blade. Yet her heart was tainted by her greed, and a curse within the pale steel took hold of her, twisting her in the image of the guardian spirit of the blade. Now, no longer able to show her face without fear from her fellow man, she hides far from the edges of towns and cities of men, hoping to free herself from her own common darkness, and one day lift the curse of the Blanc Lapin.
Character Class:Warrior
Place of Birth: Imperilus
I read rule 3: Cupcakes
(P.S. I look forward to seeing what your server is like. Hopefully my backstory isnt over the top, or unacceptable in any way. )
Do you guys like mods? Do you like magic? Do you enjoy the idea of adding magic to minecraft? Check out my channel, and see just how awesome minecraft with magic can be! --> http://www.youtube.c.../darkpheonix005
I'm just wondering how long it'll be until we get a rainbow beard.
probably after bluebeard and blackbeard
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Do you guys like mods? Do you like magic? Do you enjoy the idea of adding magic to minecraft? Check out my channel, and see just how awesome minecraft with magic can be! --> http://www.youtube.c.../darkpheonix005
Do you guys like mods? Do you like magic? Do you enjoy the idea of adding magic to minecraft? Check out my channel, and see just how awesome minecraft with magic can be! --> http://www.youtube.c.../darkpheonix005
Minecraft User Name:piffboy6
How long have you been playing SMP?: around since christmas of 2010
Do you have RP Experience?:yes
What is your birthday?: 11/18/1993
Role Play
Character Name: Kog Quarrywarrior
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Description: a small scruffy dwarf that has brown hair and a long beared and has a taste for gold.
Character Bio: kog is a simple dwarf that does not really trust anyone exept for his friends.
he hates demons because of there long horns. so dont mess with kog because he will find were you live!
Character History:kog was born among a dwarven king and queen. growing up in his birth town of cratisha all of the peasents didnt pay attention to him. but he came apon a theif a tall scruffy looking elf. so he talked to him and hr was part of a guild called the theives guild.
so he traveled with the elf back to the theives guild and quickly learned the ways of the theives. but atlast his parrents sent someone to recover him but he was no where to be found!
But he was still alive! he was just in this strange world that people called it immortalus.
wierdly he started noticeing all kinds of strange things. then he thought it looked like home.
he thought to him self,"this must be the future." "when i walked through the portal i found in the cave it must have transported me here." so he setled out and became one of the best known theives alive in immortalus!
by the way is my application good or not?
plz tell me anybody
The server is not open yet, they will post/send notifications when it is, check previous posts to see if you're on the accepted list.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Do you guys like mods? Do you like magic? Do you enjoy the idea of adding magic to minecraft? Check out my channel, and see just how awesome minecraft with magic can be! --> http://www.youtube.c.../darkpheonix005
If we see that you are "24" and have the grammar of a twelve year old you will be promptly rejected, and lose a serious chance at getting accepted in the future. We do background checks of your previous posts so we would pick up on lies etc.
However, someone (I forget who it's around 1AM) who is ~12-13 posted an AMAZING application and I didn't even look at their age until the end.
So quality first!
RP last name? my RP last name is RedBeard.
He added the last name when he reposted the app on the previous page or two.
Minecraft User Name:Coolfish
How long have you been playing SMP?: A few months, starting from january. I've been in multiple servers, like Siegecraft.
Do you have RP Experience?: Yes, I've been in some RP servers, like Siegecraft, and Lord Aidans server
What is your birthday?:4/5/1996
Role Play
Character Name: Felix Marcus
Character Race: Human
Character Description: A medium sized man, brown hair, is relatively muscular, and has a family chain around his neck.
Character Bio: Felix is a naive young adult, who is rash and wants to feel the rush of war. He just graduated from some academy (war related or something educational)and wants to lead an army one day. He is not patient, and often acts without thinking.
Character History: Felix,has just graduated from the academy, and has grown up in the glorious town, listening to stories from traders. He was amazed by stories of war, and always wanted to become a hero. Perhaps, he wanted to be something he wasn't, he always got in trouble when ever he tried to save the day. Secretly, he just wants to prove himself to everyone, especially to his brother. When, he heard rumors of the Fountain of Youth, Felix decided that he was going to be the hero to discover it first. He wants, to show that he is different from his brother, who he grew up in the shadow before.
Character Class: Warrior
Place of Birth: Imperilus
Well, I hope you accept me to this server, becasue Siegecraft was an amazing server, with fun and mature players. I always loved to do RP, and now that it's summer, I have some more time.
I read rule 3: cupcakes.
Minecraft User Name:plasticman33
How long have you been playing SMP?:since about beta 1.3
Do you have RP Experience?:my only rp exp was from seigecraft which got me into it
What is your birthday?: 03/11/98
Role Play
Character Name: Samuel Brenen
Character Race: human
Character Description: A human of the age of twenty two, he wears deer skin clothing at all times. Nobody sees his hair because his clothing covers him from head to toe, but he keeps it neatly trimmed, along with any facial hsir that he grows.
Character Bio: A young man who loves to hunt in the woods with his friends, he usually wears deer skin clothing so that he is able to sneak up on wild animals easier.
Character History: Sam was born on his fathers cattle ranch in cratisha,his mother died of the flu when Sam was just four months old. He was taught by his father how to be a cattle farmer; how to milk the cows, give them food and water, and how to slaughter them from when he was seven years to thirteen years. Then, on his fourteenth birthday, he said to his father, "father, i don't want to be a cattle farmer. I don't want to milk the cows, feed the cows, and slaughter the cows. I want to be a hunter. I want to chase wild deer through the woods, and track rabbits through the bushes." then his father said to him "well, sam, my boy, i cant tell you what you want and don't want, but i can tell you that i know nothing of weilding a bow, or chasing deer, but i think i know some one who might." and so Sam's father took him to his good friend jeremy, who used to be a master of the bow, before he retired from a wound to his leg after falling off a small cliff. Sam's father said to Jeremy, "my friend, my son wants to be a hunter, but I know nothing of the bow. Will you teach him?" and Jeremy said, "of course! Have you forgotten after all these years that you saved me from that pack of wolves?" and so Samuel was apprenticed to Jeremy for many years, training with the bow untill he could hit the bullseye nine times out of ten at a hundred yards. His master then told him, "Sam, i think you have trained long enough, it is time for you to have your own bow." and so the now master bowman Samuel Brenen was given his very own yew longbow, which he used for many years hunting for the town before he heard of the city of immortalus, and vowed to find his way there however possible...
Character Class: archer
Place of Birth: Cratisha
I read rule 3: cupcakes.
">Better now?
Minecraft User Name:Goldseer
How long have you been playing SMP?:
Some time before the Nether was implemented.
Do you have RP Experience?:Name a game one can rp in, and i've dabbled in it. Anything from WoW to gmod.
What is your birthday?:
Role Play
Character Name:Airia
Character Race: Human
Character Description: Always covers every part of her body in a long hooded cloak and/or armor beneath it. She always carries a very strange looking blade in a sheathe that has a magical lock upon it. Her face is never seen, if she can help it.
Character Bio: At one time, Airia was a wandering swordswoman, not too different from any other like herself. However, as the race of man is infamous for their greed, she too allowed herself to succumb to the temptation of lust when she was presented with the opportunity of wealth. Upon her discovery of an ancient, buried ruin, she traveled through a maze of cold stone until she reached a lone blade, sitting upon a pedestal in a grand room, filled with what seemed to be moonlight. Unable to resist, she took hold of the beautiful, hallowed blade. Yet her heart was tainted by her greed, and a curse within the pale steel took hold of her, twisting her in the image of the guardian spirit of the blade. Now, no longer able to show her face without fear from her fellow man, she hides far from the edges of towns and cities of men, hoping to free herself from her own common darkness, and one day lift the curse of the Blanc Lapin.
Character Class:Warrior
Place of Birth: Imperilus
I read rule 3: Cupcakes
(P.S. I look forward to seeing what your server is like. Hopefully my backstory isnt over the top, or unacceptable in any way.
Hi there RedBeard, I'm Ironbeard, lol.
I'm just wondering how long it'll be until we get a rainbow beard.
probably after bluebeard and blackbeard
Comic No.1
I am thoroughly enjoying it
Minecraft User Name:piffboy6
How long have you been playing SMP?: around since christmas of 2010
Do you have RP Experience?:yes
What is your birthday?: 11/18/1993
Role Play
Character Name: Kog Quarrywarrior
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Description: a small scruffy dwarf that has brown hair and a long beared and has a taste for gold.
Character Bio: kog is a simple dwarf that does not really trust anyone exept for his friends.
he hates demons because of there long horns. so dont mess with kog because he will find were you live!
Character History:kog was born among a dwarven king and queen. growing up in his birth town of cratisha all of the peasents didnt pay attention to him. but he came apon a theif a tall scruffy looking elf. so he talked to him and hr was part of a guild called the theives guild.
so he traveled with the elf back to the theives guild and quickly learned the ways of the theives. but atlast his parrents sent someone to recover him but he was no where to be found!
But he was still alive! he was just in this strange world that people called it immortalus.
wierdly he started noticeing all kinds of strange things. then he thought it looked like home.
he thought to him self,"this must be the future." "when i walked through the portal i found in the cave it must have transported me here." so he setled out and became one of the best known theives alive in immortalus!
Character Class: thief
Place of Birth: Cratisha
I read rule 3: Cupcakes
revised and edited all of my application
I am too!! I made it to the end of volume one and decided thats enough for one night lol
plz tell me anybody
The server is not open yet, they will post/send notifications when it is, check previous posts to see if you're on the accepted list.