alright, here's my revised-revised-revised application XD
Name: Will
IGN: (duh!) Willie900
Time in SMP: Since I joined SiegeCraft
RP experience: SiegeCraft, of course.
B-Day: 7/15/96
RP name: can it be Willie RedBeard? if not, Cagnus RedBeard.
Race: Dwarf
Description:his is short, has a red beard, and wears a big diamond sword on his back. he also wears stone armor studded with chunks of diamond on his legs and head, a testament to his mining ability.
Bio: Willie is an easygoing dwarf. however, he is fierce when defending his heritage as a dwarf, and dislikes all who scorn the ways of mining, and of dwarves. he has ambitions to build a Dwarf City underground, as the Dwarves do not have a city of their own
History: Willie was born in Cratisha, and was tought the ways of mining by his father. his father died at the destruction of the city, and Willie hid in the mountains, mining minerals. he tought himself the art of light magic, as it helped with mining. during his time in the mountains, an earthquake occurred as he mined, collaping his mine. only his powers of levitation allowed him to escape unharmed. his fortune destoyed, he decided to join with other pioneers to search for the Fountain of Youth, hoping that it could not only make one immortal, but also reverse the death of his father...
Place of Birth: Cratisha
Class: Light Mage
what? no paragraph? I'll write one anyway XD
I am a mature player of SMP. I have a no-griefing record, and I have shown myself to be an able roleplayer in SiegeCraft. I communicate well, and don't rage at people who make small mistakes *coughkevincough*. I have a sense of humor, but can be serious when I need to be. I look forward to playing on this server
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Never recreate real-world places in the Minecaft World. you will forget what is real and what is Minecraft.
How long have you been playing SMP?: A heck while!
Do you have RP Experience?: I've been roleplaying on forums, games, and on paper with friends since I was little.
What is your birthday?: M/D/Y 09/07/1987
Role Play
Character Name: Rhea Hekates
Character Race: Demon
Character Description: Unlike most demons, Rhea's skin is the color of ash and has no horns at all. Her long jet black hair ends in parts with the striking colors of the sky, a trait of lineage. Her right eye bears a scar that remained ever since she sojourned in the Nether. Her gaze is of fiendish nature, slithed eyes of an unnatural blue. Her also smile retained an unholy appearance, wide and sly, her grin is of pointy teeth sharper than the finest of blades.
Character Bio: Rhea's heritage as both of the holy and wretched brought her to a dismayed personality ; Kind and passionate, she desires to help those in need and shelter the hurt. Yet, her temperament is quick to spark the flames of vengeance and spite. She may seem windy and unpredictable, but to those she loves, she shares deep trust and kindness. Rhea is often struck by nightmares of her purgatory and has a deeply rooted fear of the Nether and its inhabitants. Because of the new hope she's been given, Rhea is obsessively concerned with her acts and fears constantly of giving ear to the darker thoughts in her mind. In following the biddings of the divine, her ultimate goal is to cleanse her soul and bring men to a new age of prosperity. Because of their link with the Nether, she feels immense resent towards demons.
Character History: Rhea was born an only child to a priestess in a land now forgotten. In those times, mistrust, disease and war wreaked havoc upon the men of the lands, leaving the worthy to the dogs of petty wars and violent risings. As sole successor to Asteria, priestess alone and only to prevent the madness from reaching their last bastion of peace, Rhea followed her mother on the path of the faithful. Yet, upon the fall of the sacred city and the trespass of her mother, the young priestess to-be sought revenge to both men and gods. The divine punished her for her insolence and cast the city into a blaze of flames, leaving Rhea to behold their wrath in horror before ending her own life in the dysphoria of the event.
Acursed to the underworld, Rhea submitted to the horrors of the Nether and in her sojourn to its hellish depts, became herself part of the wicked. Her tortured soul tainted by felons, she turned on them and on the condemned to avoid her own dismay ; the monstrosities and atrocities commited left her once kind heart to wither and her faith to turn into dementia.
But melancholy had filled one of they whom she served once, for the Divine bewatched her sorrow as each ounce of her humanity left her to be filled by the painful blaze of the infernal realm. Goddess amongst them, preserved be her name, for her hand reached amidst the depths of the Nether to offer absolution. Choosing to accept the divine's blessing, Rhea instilled the wrath of the demon lord who claimed himself as master of her soul and who marked her forever with a vicious scar to the left eye. Now back to the lands of men, still tainted by the blood of demons in her veins, Rhea was offered one last hope to return on the path of the faithful.
Character Class: Light Mage (would like the discuss the possibility of a more fitting new class)
I'd like to request changing my class to battlemonk. I hadn't noticed the new class before.
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Do you guys like mods? Do you like magic? Do you enjoy the idea of adding magic to minecraft? Check out my channel, and see just how awesome minecraft with magic can be! -->
Minecraft User Name:(This is what we add to the whitelist)platypus2468
How long have you been playing SMP?: 7 months
Do you have RP Experience?: yup, lots
What is your birthday?: (ex. M/D/Y 6/1/2011) 1/29/1995
Role Play
Character Name: (First and last) Thorvak Ragnar
Character Race: (See below) Dwarf
Character Description: A taller dwarf with white hair + beard
Character Bio: a humble old dwarf looking to help.
Character History: As a child, Thorvak was taken from his family by evil spirits. he spent five years being tormented by the spirits until one day a glowing figure came, this figure saved him. This figure later said he was called Notch. Thorvak studied under Notch until Notch descended into the heavens. Thorvak then learned of a magical place... Immortalus.
Character Class: (Described Below) Lighht mage
Place of Birth: (At this point you CANNOT be born in Immortalus, as only men have been there so far.) Cratisha
Do you guys like mods? Do you like magic? Do you enjoy the idea of adding magic to minecraft? Check out my channel, and see just how awesome minecraft with magic can be! -->
Willie900 (You need a last name)
allecwillis00 (SMP = Survival Multi-Player)
Angoron (Come up with a better last name please)
Makeyejr (Impressive application, for a person born in 1998. Keep in mind we don't censor the server in case your Parent/Guardian cares)
If you have been rejected, please review the following
1.) Your Bio/History/Description was flimsy, make a better effort.
2.) You had a good lengthy Character sheet, but you made constant spelling or grammar mistakes
3.) You are too young to be playing on the server
4.) You lied blatantly about a number of things (Hint to people who said they've been playing SMP for two years: It came out this summer! Minecraft was barely even thought of two years ago)
5.) Other, read the rules/application thoroughly!
Name: Will
IGN: (duh!) Willie900
Time in SMP: Since I joined SiegeCraft
RP experience: SiegeCraft, of course.
B-Day: 7/15/96
RP name: can it be Willie RedBeard? if not, Cagnus RedBeard.
Race: Dwarf
Description:his is short, has a red beard, and wears a big diamond sword on his back. he also wears stone armor studded with chunks of diamond on his legs and head, a testament to his mining ability.
Bio: Willie is an easygoing dwarf. however, he is fierce when defending his heritage as a dwarf, and dislikes all who scorn the ways of mining, and of dwarves. he has ambitions to build a Dwarf City underground, as the Dwarves do not have a city of their own
History: Willie was born in Cratisha, and was tought the ways of mining by his father. his father died at the destruction of the city, and Willie hid in the mountains, mining minerals. he tought himself the art of light magic, as it helped with mining. during his time in the mountains, an earthquake occurred as he mined, collaping his mine. only his powers of levitation allowed him to escape unharmed. his fortune destoyed, he decided to join with other pioneers to search for the Fountain of Youth, hoping that it could not only make one immortal, but also reverse the death of his father...
Place of Birth: Cratisha
Class: Light Mage
what? no paragraph? I'll write one anyway XD
I am a mature player of SMP. I have a no-griefing record, and I have shown myself to be an able roleplayer in SiegeCraft. I communicate well, and don't rage at people who make small mistakes *coughkevincough*. I have a sense of humor, but can be serious when I need to be. I look forward to playing on this server
so am i................... am i
Minecraft User Name: Sharkgrin
How long have you been playing SMP?: A heck while!
Do you have RP Experience?: I've been roleplaying on forums, games, and on paper with friends since I was little.
What is your birthday?: M/D/Y 09/07/1987
Role Play
Character Name: Rhea Hekates
Character Race: Demon
Character Description: Unlike most demons, Rhea's skin is the color of ash and has no horns at all. Her long jet black hair ends in parts with the striking colors of the sky, a trait of lineage. Her right eye bears a scar that remained ever since she sojourned in the Nether. Her gaze is of fiendish nature, slithed eyes of an unnatural blue. Her also smile retained an unholy appearance, wide and sly, her grin is of pointy teeth sharper than the finest of blades.
Character Bio: Rhea's heritage as both of the holy and wretched brought her to a dismayed personality ; Kind and passionate, she desires to help those in need and shelter the hurt. Yet, her temperament is quick to spark the flames of vengeance and spite. She may seem windy and unpredictable, but to those she loves, she shares deep trust and kindness. Rhea is often struck by nightmares of her purgatory and has a deeply rooted fear of the Nether and its inhabitants. Because of the new hope she's been given, Rhea is obsessively concerned with her acts and fears constantly of giving ear to the darker thoughts in her mind. In following the biddings of the divine, her ultimate goal is to cleanse her soul and bring men to a new age of prosperity. Because of their link with the Nether, she feels immense resent towards demons.
Character History: Rhea was born an only child to a priestess in a land now forgotten. In those times, mistrust, disease and war wreaked havoc upon the men of the lands, leaving the worthy to the dogs of petty wars and violent risings. As sole successor to Asteria, priestess alone and only to prevent the madness from reaching their last bastion of peace, Rhea followed her mother on the path of the faithful. Yet, upon the fall of the sacred city and the trespass of her mother, the young priestess to-be sought revenge to both men and gods. The divine punished her for her insolence and cast the city into a blaze of flames, leaving Rhea to behold their wrath in horror before ending her own life in the dysphoria of the event.
Acursed to the underworld, Rhea submitted to the horrors of the Nether and in her sojourn to its hellish depts, became herself part of the wicked. Her tortured soul tainted by felons, she turned on them and on the condemned to avoid her own dismay ; the monstrosities and atrocities commited left her once kind heart to wither and her faith to turn into dementia.
But melancholy had filled one of they whom she served once, for the Divine bewatched her sorrow as each ounce of her humanity left her to be filled by the painful blaze of the infernal realm. Goddess amongst them, preserved be her name, for her hand reached amidst the depths of the Nether to offer absolution. Choosing to accept the divine's blessing, Rhea instilled the wrath of the demon lord who claimed himself as master of her soul and who marked her forever with a vicious scar to the left eye. Now back to the lands of men, still tainted by the blood of demons in her veins, Rhea was offered one last hope to return on the path of the faithful.
Character Class: Light Mage (would like the discuss the possibility of a more fitting new class)
Place of Birth: Cratisha
I read rule 3 : Strawberry Cupcapkes. :wink.gif:
spell check what my bio?
just to make sure you don't forget about me
Well from what I read your app looks good so once the whitelist is up you will be added.
I'm excited! <- I say that a lot.
We talkin' mentally or physically?
Willie900 (You need a last name)
allecwillis00 (SMP = Survival Multi-Player)
Angoron (Come up with a better last name please)
Makeyejr (Impressive application, for a person born in 1998. Keep in mind we don't censor the server in case your Parent/Guardian cares)
If you have been rejected, please review the following
1.) Your Bio/History/Description was flimsy, make a better effort.
2.) You had a good lengthy Character sheet, but you made constant spelling or grammar mistakes
3.) You are too young to be playing on the server
4.) You lied blatantly about a number of things (Hint to people who said they've been playing SMP for two years: It came out this summer! Minecraft was barely even thought of two years ago)
5.) Other, read the rules/application thoroughly!
Immortalus Server Team