Fighters (Warrior, Archer)
Mages (The Mage Classes)
Adventurers (Thief, other misc.)
They will be lead temporarily by the admins until a proper leader is elected.
The leader thing seems right that the player's choose who lead them in a way, but in all what type of power will the leaders possess, and based on how there are 2 type's of Mage Classes Light and Dark Magi. Wouldn't it make more sense to have the mage Guild in a Co-Leadership type of style? 1 Leader incharge of the Dark 1 incharge of the Dark? Or maybe im not understanding the system yet.
The leader thing seems right that the player's choose who lead them in a way, but in all what type of power will the leaders possess, and based on how there are 2 type's of Mage Classes Light and Dark Magi. Wouldn't it make more sense to have the mage Guild in a Co-Leadership type of style? 1 Leader incharge of the Dark 1 incharge of the Dark? Or maybe im not understanding the system yet.
X3 Ill shut up now.
Dark/Light mages are both Mages. They are meant to work together since the Light is mostly support and the Dark is mostly offense. But They would have two leaders in the guild.
Minecraft User Name:piffboy6
How long have you been playing SMP?: about about half a year
Do you have RP Experience?:yes
What is your birthday?: 11/18/1993
Role Play
Character Name: Kog Quarrywarrior
Character Race:dwarven
Character Description:small dwarf with brown hair and beard and mighty strong.
Character Bio:a adult dwarf that has and still is adventureing the strange world of immortulas.he has became a master a theiven over all the years he has been put in jail he has also became a good lock pick but dispite his itch for gold he is searching the world of immortalus for the riches that are hidden below. atlast after 20 years he comes along a patch of unbelivable riches.he digs s up the treassure and he heads back to the town of which he was born to brag to his brothren of the umbleviable riches. but soon he has come apon some other extrodenary of which was a demon extrodenary creatures red skined people with horns they looked like some type of cow goat hybrid.but soon enough he finds his true fellow brothern, theives! so he stays apon the theives guild and trains so he can become the master of theives!!!
Character History:kog was born among a dwarven female and a elf dad. all the kids called him names so he had bad influence so one day he wanted revenge! so he went out to one of their house and snuck in. he stole all their diamonds and blocks and bars of gold,cause of his dwarven love for gold and treasures. so all the kids fond out it was him and tried to kill he joined the theives guild and was trying to become a master theif. one day he was in the desert and found a cave he walked into it and found a appeared to be made of obsidian and with glowing purple swirls.he waled through and thought that this must be were the demons come from! then he haered snorts and walked over a hill and found a pack or village of demons! so he retreaded back through the portal and traveled back to the theives guild.
Well the thing is one of the directions happens to be a bay. XD But we do plan on separating the guild halls. The Thieves Guild Hall will be hidden in Low Town(As always), while the Mages Guild Hall may be a tower on the city limits. Currently I'm working on the Warriors Guild Hall which is in High Town.
You know, when i read this i instantly thought the mage's guild could be floating above the bay, or have a tower sticking out of the water
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You know, when i read this i instantly thought the mage's guild could be floating above the bay, or have a tower sticking out of the water
Or.... What if it was below the bay?
Rather than a tower jutting out of the ground you have a cylindrical shaft at the bottom of the bay with glass keeping the above water out. Rooms/etc. are dug into the sides of the shaft, and perhaps a great hall all the way at the bottom? It'd certainly be interesting for the residents :tongue.gif:
Minecraft User Name: Makeyejr
How long have you been playing SMP?: I believe since somewhere in the middle of last november.
Do you have RP Experience?: I have some.
What is your birthday?:10-3-1998
Role Play
Character Name: Jack Yetz
Character Race: Human
Character Description: Jack Yetz has a short, black, messy beard, and messy hair, due to his father never teaching him how to keep his hair clean. He wears a black cotten shirt and brown leather pants. His eyes are a strange orange color, much like he heard his mother's were. He wears a gray eyepatch over his left eye, due to it being missing.
Character Bio: Jack Yetz has a bad fear of spiders, to the point of even seeing one is enough to scare him. He's picked up a slightly sarcastic way of talking. He has a love of reading, and seems to always believe in any myths he's heard, unless it's clearly false, or if it contradicts a myth he believes to be more likely. He has always wanted to meet a demon, due to him hearing rumors of them having excellent ability in all things magical. He also has a strange habit to speak in rhymes when ever he's feeling incredibly happy, possibly due to him reading a large amount of riddle books. His curiosity tends to lead him to try to do the things that were in the myths.
Character History: Jack was raised only by his father, due to his mother dying of illness only weeks after Jack's birth. His father, John, always tried to get Jack interested in fighting, ever since he 6, due to his father being a good fighter in the arena. But Jack was never interested in the art of fighting through blade, for some reason. Jack tried to learn it himself, and he did fine, but he just never enjoyed it. One day, John, wanting the best for Jack, gave him a book, and taught him to read, seeing if Jack would enjoy that more. Jack read the first one, and he instantly loved to read the books. His favorite types of books to read were books of riddles, books of fiction, and he always believed the myths in them. His father, knowing a fair amount of myths himself, tried to make Jack happier by telling Jack some of the myths John had heard over the years. These were such myths as the myth of a golden apple that could heal all wounds of those who ate it, stories of portals that could send you to the Nether itself, and a story of a town built upon the secret of eternal life itself, known as Immortaulus. He happily lived life, reading in a small room with a bed, a bookshelf, and a small glass window, eventually trying to test things, to see if he could discover a new secret of the world. On his 14th birthday, he asked his father for a book of dark magic, to which his father sighed, but decided to get him one, not really believing in it's effects. Jack studied hard, trying to learn how to use the magic, getting better and better through out the years. His father was shocked at how the book actually worked, but he decided Jack was wise enough to not do anything to dangerous with it. Then, a day that would change Jacks life forever came. His 21th birthday, where several things happened. He was reading in his room, trying to decide what he was going to do. He didn't realize he left the window open, and it was night outside. Somehow, a large spider came snuck through all defences of the town, and climbed up the wall of his house, and went through the open window. With a sudden hiss, Jack looked up, just in time to see the spider jump on him. Jack tried to recall spells, when suddenly, the spider used one of it's legs to stab Jack right in the eye. It exploded, and began to bleed. He screamed, and then called out a fire spell in panic. It hit the spider, killing it, and then his dad came in the room, hearing his yell. He saw Jacks bleeding eye, and then did what he could to stop it from bleeding. He managed to do it, but he had to find a way to keep Jacks eye safe. He took a gray string and a small gray piece of cloth, and made his son an eyepatch. Jack looked traumatized, John hugged him trying to calm him down, and Jack asked his dad if he could stay another night, because he was still terrified. The following night, he decided that the world was a dangerous place, and he decided something that would permanently keep him safe, as he believed. He would seek out the land of Immortalus. The next day, he said goodbye to his father, and left the house, where John was hoping Jack would have a safe journey to Immortalus.
Good news I'll be on the forums with my phone in the evenings. Bad new my phone doesn't have minecraft. So with Kevin programing and me away not much map wise will be done. :sad.gif:
Made some changes to the skill system, everyone starts with level 0 in every skill(Because you're all fresh off the boat so don't know how to survive in Immortalus). Only the skills in your class can be leveled up. This prevents people from just maxing their characters.
(However, only monks can use herbalisim, and some other things)
Made some changes to the skill system, everyone starts with level 0 in every skill(Because you're all fresh off the boat so don't know how to survive in Immortalus). Only the skills in your class can be leveled up. This prevents people from just maxing their characters.
Wait, since everyone starts with level 0 in every skill, and the humans basically got bonuses in the different fighting skills, does that mean humans get nothing?
Wait, since everyone starts with level 0 in every skill, and the humans basically got bonuses in the different fighting skills, does that mean humans get nothing?
No the humans will get the skill bonus.
But they will need to have logged in at least once before receiving the bonus.
The way the system works is you don't get a skill table until you log in, so we can't modify it until then.
The leader thing seems right that the player's choose who lead them in a way, but in all what type of power will the leaders possess, and based on how there are 2 type's of Mage Classes Light and Dark Magi. Wouldn't it make more sense to have the mage Guild in a Co-Leadership type of style? 1 Leader incharge of the Dark 1 incharge of the Dark? Or maybe im not understanding the system yet.
X3 Ill shut up now.
Dark/Light mages are both Mages. They are meant to work together since the Light is mostly support and the Dark is mostly offense. But They would have two leaders in the guild.
Minecraft User Name:piffboy6
How long have you been playing SMP?: about about half a year
Do you have RP Experience?:yes
What is your birthday?: 11/18/1993
Role Play
Character Name: Kog Quarrywarrior
Character Race:dwarven
Character Description:small dwarf with brown hair and beard and mighty strong.
Character Bio:a adult dwarf that has and still is adventureing the strange world of immortulas.he has became a master a theiven over all the years he has been put in jail he has also became a good lock pick but dispite his itch for gold he is searching the world of immortalus for the riches that are hidden below. atlast after 20 years he comes along a patch of unbelivable riches.he digs s up the treassure and he heads back to the town of which he was born to brag to his brothren of the umbleviable riches. but soon he has come apon some other extrodenary of which was a demon extrodenary creatures red skined people with horns they looked like some type of cow goat hybrid.but soon enough he finds his true fellow brothern, theives! so he stays apon the theives guild and trains so he can become the master of theives!!!
Character History:kog was born among a dwarven female and a elf dad. all the kids called him names so he had bad influence so one day he wanted revenge! so he went out to one of their house and snuck in. he stole all their diamonds and blocks and bars of gold,cause of his dwarven love for gold and treasures. so all the kids fond out it was him and tried to kill he joined the theives guild and was trying to become a master theif. one day he was in the desert and found a cave he walked into it and found a appeared to be made of obsidian and with glowing purple swirls.he waled through and thought that this must be were the demons come from! then he haered snorts and walked over a hill and found a pack or village of demons! so he retreaded back through the portal and traveled back to the theives guild.
Character Class: theif
Place of Birth: Cratisha
I read rule 3: Cupcakes
You know, when i read this i instantly thought the mage's guild could be floating above the bay, or have a tower sticking out of the water
Or.... What if it was below the bay?
Rather than a tower jutting out of the ground you have a cylindrical shaft at the bottom of the bay with glass keeping the above water out. Rooms/etc. are dug into the sides of the shaft, and perhaps a great hall all the way at the bottom? It'd certainly be interesting for the residents :tongue.gif:
ok well hope u get it done quick have fun codeing and scripting a class.
now im really sad because we have to wait longer :sad.gif:
Minecraft User Name: Makeyejr
How long have you been playing SMP?: I believe since somewhere in the middle of last november.
Do you have RP Experience?: I have some.
What is your birthday?:10-3-1998
Role Play
Character Name: Jack Yetz
Character Race: Human
Character Description: Jack Yetz has a short, black, messy beard, and messy hair, due to his father never teaching him how to keep his hair clean. He wears a black cotten shirt and brown leather pants. His eyes are a strange orange color, much like he heard his mother's were. He wears a gray eyepatch over his left eye, due to it being missing.
Character Bio: Jack Yetz has a bad fear of spiders, to the point of even seeing one is enough to scare him. He's picked up a slightly sarcastic way of talking. He has a love of reading, and seems to always believe in any myths he's heard, unless it's clearly false, or if it contradicts a myth he believes to be more likely. He has always wanted to meet a demon, due to him hearing rumors of them having excellent ability in all things magical. He also has a strange habit to speak in rhymes when ever he's feeling incredibly happy, possibly due to him reading a large amount of riddle books. His curiosity tends to lead him to try to do the things that were in the myths.
Character History: Jack was raised only by his father, due to his mother dying of illness only weeks after Jack's birth. His father, John, always tried to get Jack interested in fighting, ever since he 6, due to his father being a good fighter in the arena. But Jack was never interested in the art of fighting through blade, for some reason. Jack tried to learn it himself, and he did fine, but he just never enjoyed it. One day, John, wanting the best for Jack, gave him a book, and taught him to read, seeing if Jack would enjoy that more. Jack read the first one, and he instantly loved to read the books. His favorite types of books to read were books of riddles, books of fiction, and he always believed the myths in them. His father, knowing a fair amount of myths himself, tried to make Jack happier by telling Jack some of the myths John had heard over the years. These were such myths as the myth of a golden apple that could heal all wounds of those who ate it, stories of portals that could send you to the Nether itself, and a story of a town built upon the secret of eternal life itself, known as Immortaulus. He happily lived life, reading in a small room with a bed, a bookshelf, and a small glass window, eventually trying to test things, to see if he could discover a new secret of the world. On his 14th birthday, he asked his father for a book of dark magic, to which his father sighed, but decided to get him one, not really believing in it's effects. Jack studied hard, trying to learn how to use the magic, getting better and better through out the years. His father was shocked at how the book actually worked, but he decided Jack was wise enough to not do anything to dangerous with it. Then, a day that would change Jacks life forever came. His 21th birthday, where several things happened. He was reading in his room, trying to decide what he was going to do. He didn't realize he left the window open, and it was night outside. Somehow, a large spider came snuck through all defences of the town, and climbed up the wall of his house, and went through the open window. With a sudden hiss, Jack looked up, just in time to see the spider jump on him. Jack tried to recall spells, when suddenly, the spider used one of it's legs to stab Jack right in the eye. It exploded, and began to bleed. He screamed, and then called out a fire spell in panic. It hit the spider, killing it, and then his dad came in the room, hearing his yell. He saw Jacks bleeding eye, and then did what he could to stop it from bleeding. He managed to do it, but he had to find a way to keep Jacks eye safe. He took a gray string and a small gray piece of cloth, and made his son an eyepatch. Jack looked traumatized, John hugged him trying to calm him down, and Jack asked his dad if he could stay another night, because he was still terrified. The following night, he decided that the world was a dangerous place, and he decided something that would permanently keep him safe, as he believed. He would seek out the land of Immortalus. The next day, he said goodbye to his father, and left the house, where John was hoping Jack would have a safe journey to Immortalus.
Character Class: Dark Mage
Place of Birth: Imperilous
I have read rule 3, Cupcakes
Rather wait for something awesome than getting something half-done =)
(However, only monks can use herbalisim, and some other things)
Wait, since everyone starts with level 0 in every skill, and the humans basically got bonuses in the different fighting skills, does that mean humans get nothing?
nice texture pack you got there
and thankyou for sssssssssssssssending this post card
reason for that above is i just got blown up by a creeper
No the humans will get the skill bonus.
But they will need to have logged in at least once before receiving the bonus.
The way the system works is you don't get a skill table until you log in, so we can't modify it until then.
so I have to make a new one again? me very annoyed. annoying willie issssssssss a bad idea XD