IGN Name: KingDynopop
Do you have any experiance in RPing, if so name it: Quite a bit. Like other minecraft servers
Do you agree to the rules:yes
How do you define RP?: Doing what youre supposed to in order to enhance others gameplay
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom): no griefing
Do you have a mic?: yes
Do you have skype?: no
IC Info
Character Name: Chase
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 33
Character Appearance: tanned, muscle, black hair and goatee
Character Personality: Noble and always trying to do good
Character Fears: creepers
Character Occupation: Hero
Character Backstory: Vowed not to get married. Trying to be a great Hero like his father.
Character Family: Forever Alone
Character Skills: Killing and helping
Character Other Info: nothing else
Nickname on the server?:(This will be your name appeared on the server when you speak) Chase
IGN Name: KingDynopop
Do you have any experiance in RPing, if so name it: Quite a bit. Like other minecraft servers
Do you agree to the rules:yes
How do you define RP?: Doing what youre supposed to in order to enhance others gameplay
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom): no griefing
Do you have a mic?: yes
Do you have skype?: no
IC Info
Character Name: Chase
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 33
Character Appearance: tanned, muscle, black hair and goatee
Character Personality: Noble and always trying to do good
Character Fears: creepers
Character Occupation: Hero
Character Backstory: Vowed not to get married. Trying to be a great Hero like his father.
Character Family: Forever Alone
Character Skills: Killing and helping
Character Other Info: nothing else
Nickname on the server?:(This will be your name appeared on the server when you speak) Chase
If I may be so bold as to ask, what video editting software did you use for the trailer? I've been searching for one with good title-transitions, but to no avail.
If I may be so bold as to ask, what video editting software did you use for the trailer? I've been searching for one with good title-transitions, but to no avail.
Man I'm so bored on the server right now. Tell me something I should build on the server to help the story or something in anyway possible! Or just for display anyways.
Man I'm so bored on the server right now. Tell me something I should build on the server to help the story or something in anyway possible! Or just for display anyways.
OOC Information
IGN Name:DarkTyranitar
Do you have any experiance in RPing, if so name it:Yes,But not in minecraft:(
Do you agree to the rules:Yes
How do you define RP?:A game you play roleplay as someone or something.
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom):No Greifing
Do you have a mic?:i dont really know...
Do you have skype?:Nope.
IC Info
Character Name: Hitsugaia
Character Race:Human/Dragon
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:21
Character Appearance: White hair,with a black shirt thats covered by a robe.
Character Personality: Calm
Character Fears: Anything Hot(fire,lava,etc.)
Character Occupation: Adventureing
Character Backstory:(when he was about 5) He was looking at the sky,His mother rushed out of his house and was sceaming his name,she ran up and lunged at him.He started to run alway because she looked green-ish,and she had blood in her teeth,with meat.She was frighting to even look at!Her voice change to calm,and peaceful,to bloodlust and hunger.He ran and ran but his mother was not tired, but he was. She chased him and chased him,into suddenly, The sun appeared from the sky and his mother(or zombie) started to burn.He was half grateful, and half crying.Then he remebered he was starveing.He was about to die,then suddenly a Ice Dragon appeared, and made him a deal.The Dragon would give him Dragon BLood,and Hitsugaia will be her son.He Grown into a half Dragon,and Half Human.
Character Family: A ice Dragon
Character Skills:Swordfighting
Character Other Info:Loves Winter
Nickname on the server?:(This will be your name appeared on the server when you speak)Hitsugaia
OOC Information
IGN Name:Cavaliers65
Do you have any experiance in RPing, if so name it:No but i hope to be a natural >.<
Do you agree to the rules:Yes
How do you define RP?: A role playing game
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom): Any client mods to give you an advantage. (Flying, seeing ores, etc.) Permanent Ban.
Do you have a mic?:Yes but it fails XD
Do you have skype?: No
IC Info
Character Name: Mike
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 16
Character Appearance: Tan and muscula
Character Personality: Tends to beat stuff
Character Fears: Creepers... things give me the creeps
Character Occupation: Pheasnt
Character Backstory: Was attacked by creepers when he was 12 and now has the vengance to stick 200 arrows in one today. He was the only survivor of this attack though his family died...
Character Family: None was all killed by creepers >.< dang buggers
Character Skills: Mining and woodcutting
Character Other Info:
Nickname on the server?:(This will be your name appeared on the server when you speak)Mike
Alright I am gonna give it a shot here, I was worried when I didn't see any pictures but you people seem to be serious about this so I am willing to make an app.
OOC Information
IGN Name: MorlyDrac
Do you have any experiance in RPing, if so name it: I have been role-playing for around five years now, and I prefer to do it on yahoo with one other person. I am not usually used to role-playing on games like this, but I am willing to give it a go.
Do you agree to the rules: Yes, they seem to be very reasonable and fair.
How do you define RP?: I define rp as an interactive story of sorts where you get to play the role of one character in that story and attempt to forge a great tale with people with different ideas.
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom): I agree with the begging rule the most, it really irritates me when people can not do things for themselves and instead try to rely on the mods to get whatever it is they want.
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Do you have skype?: Yes, Cortair.
IC Info
Character Name:Tyro Morlay
Character Race:Human
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:29
Character Appearance:Around 5"6 tall, broad shouldered, tan-skinned, brown-eyed, and slender. His scalp is naked except for a thin fuzz, with some slightly thicker patches here and there making it a bit obvious that he had shaved it himself. The only features of his face which can be clearly seen are his eyes, on account of the poorly sewn brown leather cowl which covers up the bottom-half of his face and what appears to be a crooked nose which may have been broken once or twice. Another thing that makes his eyes rather hard to ignore is the fact that there is a faint darkness about them that suggests that he doesn't get very much sleep. As for his wardrobe, besides the cowl he would be wearing a pair of leather gloves (with the same shoddy craftsmanship), and a one-piece grey suit made out of wool and showing signs of wear and tear. The only thing not covered, strangely enough, are his feet which are all gnarled and calloused from years of exposure to the elements.
Character Personality: Tyro is a bit odd when it comes to interacting with other people, loathe to touch anyone with his bare hands or to speak without his cowl. This latter preference causes occasional problems when it comes to eating meals with others around, as he will refuse to remove the blasted thing. However, despite these quirks he tries his best to get along with others (when he happens to be around people at all) and can become comfortable speaking with strangers after having been around them for a moment or two. He has a rather tough case of insomnia due to a fear of the dark (A rather solid fear to have considering the setting.) In summary, he is a coward, but a coward that means well.
Character Fears: People, the dark, monsters, and being exposed.
Character Occupation: Traveling Hermit
Character Backstory: Tyro was born in a rural village and for the most part had a rather normal childhood. However, as he grew older he began to develop some mild personality quirks (perhaps having something to do with a father who was a rowdy drunk and drunk often). It started first as a mere aversion to conflicts, and somehow evolved into an outright fear of contact with others all together, prompting him to leave society at the age of 16 and use what skills he learned in his short life to survive. Sadly, experience as a shepherd's son did not really help him when it came to surviving the nights and yet another fear was added to the list.
Character Family: His mother Adele, father Morgan, grandparents from both sides, and a little brother named Percy.
Character Skills: Mountain climbing (heights being the one thing he is not afraid of), shearing sheep, basic survival skills, and sewing (not that he is very good at it as evidenced by his cowl and gloves.)
Character Other Info: (Will add later as he develops.)
Nickname on the server?:TyroMorlay
OOC Information
IGN Name: Shadotopaz
Do you have any experience in RPing, if so name it: Various roleplaying servers. Also a vast knowledge of larping and dungeon and dragons.
Do you agree to the rules: Well of course I do!
How do you define RP?: The act of playing in character. living on the depends of a new character ceated to fit a fantasy universe.
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom): Demanding mods and admins for privileges. I like playing it fair. No bonuses, no maluses.
Do you have a mic?: Yes, But No (WIll explain situation to admin)
Do you have skype?: Dito
IC Info
Character Name: Seshira
Character Race: Drow (Dark Elf)
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 71 years old. (Quite young for a drow...)
Character Appearance:
Scars run trough her small and fragile body, Exactly te opposite of what you would be expecting from the naturaly stronger and taller drows. her white hairs, natural to her race, flow down her back and over her shoulders. Her eyes glimmer a pale purple. a purple dress recovers the most intimate parts of her body, held togheter with a Black leather belt ornated with a perfectly round ruby, assorted to her earrings. her skin is much more pale than the one of her race, due to the excessive amount of time spent under the sun and her most probably mixed blood.
Character Personality:
Her will has been broken many times. even tough reinforced with religion and her undeniable faith, she is an extremely shy being as well as one who disdains violence. She tend to be mefiant around arrogant person and never frequents anyone violent. Never would she ever raise a weapon in a war.
She is a generous woman, feeding travelers and sharing her faith with whoever is interessed in visiting her church.
Character Fears:
Authority and violence
Character Occupation:
Character Backstory:
Evil comes under many form. Some roam the nether, seeking for an entrance into the world. some other have integrated society, corrupting it from the inside. Some, more cleaver, band up togheter, waiting for an opportunity to strike civilisation and finaly, some are so evil they simply exiled themselves to their beloved depths and never rise again. Those are called the Drow elves. They are dark skinned elves, able to see perfectly trough darkness with their cat-like eyes. Their hairs have turned silver or white from the lack of sun. Masters in the art of dark magic, they are formidable opponents as they are naturaly taller and stronger than any human.
The society runs mostly on mushrooms harvesting and slavery. Most often dwarves who found themselves getting past the bedrock or some land dwelling creatures found during curiosity expeditions. However, at some rare occasions, nobles manage to buy some of their own race. This is the case of Seshira. her parents were not much in society and had debts over their head. and their only solution had been to sell their daughter, which was far from being called their beloved. She turned out to be of a ravishing beauty, more then the owner herself. jealousy came into play as she was forced in many task. maid was her profession and slave her title.
A miraculous escape of a dwarf from the great city of Verestrya led his people in war against the drow. It was a suprise attack, in which the drows quickly overrunned the small and bulky men. Seshira, took the occasion to run across the lines of dwarves, unarmored and almost naked. The dwarven saw into her a threat, but as soon as theyd see how bad she was treated, allowed her to leave to go on the land.
Poor and an outcast of every towns she visited. it was religion who saved her. a kind human priest took the demonic girl into his arms and brought her to the sanctuary feeding her and teaching the woman about the pantheon. Seshira did not enjoy much of the teachings even tough she owned the man alot. One day, the man was to speak about the Seamstress. Weaver of faith, Goddess of the shadows and watcher of love. it was a god she immediatly assumed as hers. then began her woshiping of the goddess.
She now lives into an undeground temple, in effigy to the goddess where she teaches others about it, greet travelers, offer food and lives a now peaceful life
Character Family: Two mushroom farmers. nothing much in society. has lost contact with them
Character Skills: Healing others. Acrobatics, Herbalism. Self defence (Unarmed).
Nickname on the server?: Faithweaver_Seshira
Exclude: micy435 reasone: your a freak... Alien cow
Youtube, linked to the facebook page! - The Crest of Absolution
Youtube, linked to the facebook page! - The Crest of Absolution
Youtube, linked to the facebook page! - The Crest of Absolution
Youtube, linked to the facebook page! - The Crest of Absolution
Do you have any experiance in RPing, if so name it: Quite a bit. Like other minecraft servers
Do you agree to the rules:yes
How do you define RP?: Doing what youre supposed to in order to enhance others gameplay
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom): no griefing
Do you have a mic?: yes
Do you have skype?: no
IC Info
Character Name: Chase
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 33
Character Appearance: tanned, muscle, black hair and goatee
Character Personality: Noble and always trying to do good
Character Fears: creepers
Character Occupation: Hero
Character Backstory: Vowed not to get married. Trying to be a great Hero like his father.
Character Family: Forever Alone
Character Skills: Killing and helping
Character Other Info: nothing else
Nickname on the server?:(This will be your name appeared on the server when you speak) Chase
>.< prejudice i see
Work on your IC application a little bit.
Thanks in advance :smile.gif:
Sony Vegas I got it for around $70.
Youtube, linked to the facebook page! - The Crest of Absolution
Something that would help the server in RP.
IGN Name:DarkTyranitar
Do you have any experiance in RPing, if so name it:Yes,But not in minecraft:(
Do you agree to the rules:Yes
How do you define RP?:A game you play roleplay as someone or something.
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom):No Greifing
Do you have a mic?:i dont really know...
Do you have skype?:Nope.
IC Info
Character Name: Hitsugaia
Character Race:Human/Dragon
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:21
Character Appearance: White hair,with a black shirt thats covered by a robe.
Character Personality: Calm
Character Fears: Anything Hot(fire,lava,etc.)
Character Occupation: Adventureing
Character Backstory:(when he was about 5) He was looking at the sky,His mother rushed out of his house and was sceaming his name,she ran up and lunged at him.He started to run alway because she looked green-ish,and she had blood in her teeth,with meat.She was frighting to even look at!Her voice change to calm,and peaceful,to bloodlust and hunger.He ran and ran but his mother was not tired, but he was. She chased him and chased him,into suddenly, The sun appeared from the sky and his mother(or zombie) started to burn.He was half grateful, and half crying.Then he remebered he was starveing.He was about to die,then suddenly a Ice Dragon appeared, and made him a deal.The Dragon would give him Dragon BLood,and Hitsugaia will be her son.He Grown into a half Dragon,and Half Human.
Character Family: A ice Dragon
Character Skills:Swordfighting
Character Other Info:Loves Winter
Nickname on the server?:(This will be your name appeared on the server when you speak)Hitsugaia
IGN Name:Cavaliers65
Do you have any experiance in RPing, if so name it:No but i hope to be a natural >.<
Do you agree to the rules:Yes
How do you define RP?: A role playing game
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom): Any client mods to give you an advantage. (Flying, seeing ores, etc.) Permanent Ban.
Do you have a mic?:Yes but it fails XD
Do you have skype?: No
IC Info
Character Name: Mike
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 16
Character Appearance: Tan and muscula
Character Personality: Tends to beat stuff
Character Fears: Creepers... things give me the creeps
Character Occupation: Pheasnt
Character Backstory: Was attacked by creepers when he was 12 and now has the vengance to stick 200 arrows in one today. He was the only survivor of this attack though his family died...
Character Family: None was all killed by creepers >.< dang buggers
Character Skills: Mining and woodcutting
Character Other Info:
Nickname on the server?:(This will be your name appeared on the server when you speak)Mike
OOC Information
IGN Name: MorlyDrac
Do you have any experiance in RPing, if so name it: I have been role-playing for around five years now, and I prefer to do it on yahoo with one other person. I am not usually used to role-playing on games like this, but I am willing to give it a go.
Do you agree to the rules: Yes, they seem to be very reasonable and fair.
How do you define RP?: I define rp as an interactive story of sorts where you get to play the role of one character in that story and attempt to forge a great tale with people with different ideas.
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom): I agree with the begging rule the most, it really irritates me when people can not do things for themselves and instead try to rely on the mods to get whatever it is they want.
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Do you have skype?: Yes, Cortair.
IC Info
Character Name:Tyro Morlay
Character Race:Human
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:29
Character Appearance:Around 5"6 tall, broad shouldered, tan-skinned, brown-eyed, and slender. His scalp is naked except for a thin fuzz, with some slightly thicker patches here and there making it a bit obvious that he had shaved it himself. The only features of his face which can be clearly seen are his eyes, on account of the poorly sewn brown leather cowl which covers up the bottom-half of his face and what appears to be a crooked nose which may have been broken once or twice. Another thing that makes his eyes rather hard to ignore is the fact that there is a faint darkness about them that suggests that he doesn't get very much sleep. As for his wardrobe, besides the cowl he would be wearing a pair of leather gloves (with the same shoddy craftsmanship), and a one-piece grey suit made out of wool and showing signs of wear and tear. The only thing not covered, strangely enough, are his feet which are all gnarled and calloused from years of exposure to the elements.
Character Personality: Tyro is a bit odd when it comes to interacting with other people, loathe to touch anyone with his bare hands or to speak without his cowl. This latter preference causes occasional problems when it comes to eating meals with others around, as he will refuse to remove the blasted thing. However, despite these quirks he tries his best to get along with others (when he happens to be around people at all) and can become comfortable speaking with strangers after having been around them for a moment or two. He has a rather tough case of insomnia due to a fear of the dark (A rather solid fear to have considering the setting.) In summary, he is a coward, but a coward that means well.
Character Fears: People, the dark, monsters, and being exposed.
Character Occupation: Traveling Hermit
Character Backstory: Tyro was born in a rural village and for the most part had a rather normal childhood. However, as he grew older he began to develop some mild personality quirks (perhaps having something to do with a father who was a rowdy drunk and drunk often). It started first as a mere aversion to conflicts, and somehow evolved into an outright fear of contact with others all together, prompting him to leave society at the age of 16 and use what skills he learned in his short life to survive. Sadly, experience as a shepherd's son did not really help him when it came to surviving the nights and yet another fear was added to the list.
Character Family: His mother Adele, father Morgan, grandparents from both sides, and a little brother named Percy.
Character Skills: Mountain climbing (heights being the one thing he is not afraid of), shearing sheep, basic survival skills, and sewing (not that he is very good at it as evidenced by his cowl and gloves.)
Character Other Info: (Will add later as he develops.)
Nickname on the server?:TyroMorlay
Youtube, linked to the facebook page! - The Crest of Absolution
Youtube, linked to the facebook page! - The Crest of Absolution
IGN Name: Shadotopaz
Do you have any experience in RPing, if so name it: Various roleplaying servers. Also a vast knowledge of larping and dungeon and dragons.
Do you agree to the rules: Well of course I do!
How do you define RP?: The act of playing in character. living on the depends of a new character ceated to fit a fantasy universe.
Please state 1 rule that you agree the most with (Rules are at the bottom): Demanding mods and admins for privileges. I like playing it fair. No bonuses, no maluses.
Do you have a mic?: Yes, But No (WIll explain situation to admin)
Do you have skype?: Dito
IC Info
Character Name: Seshira
Character Race: Drow (Dark Elf)
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 71 years old. (Quite young for a drow...)
Character Appearance:
Scars run trough her small and fragile body, Exactly te opposite of what you would be expecting from the naturaly stronger and taller drows. her white hairs, natural to her race, flow down her back and over her shoulders. Her eyes glimmer a pale purple. a purple dress recovers the most intimate parts of her body, held togheter with a Black leather belt ornated with a perfectly round ruby, assorted to her earrings. her skin is much more pale than the one of her race, due to the excessive amount of time spent under the sun and her most probably mixed blood.
Character Personality:
Her will has been broken many times. even tough reinforced with religion and her undeniable faith, she is an extremely shy being as well as one who disdains violence. She tend to be mefiant around arrogant person and never frequents anyone violent. Never would she ever raise a weapon in a war.
She is a generous woman, feeding travelers and sharing her faith with whoever is interessed in visiting her church.
Character Fears:
Authority and violence
Character Occupation:
Character Backstory:
Evil comes under many form. Some roam the nether, seeking for an entrance into the world. some other have integrated society, corrupting it from the inside. Some, more cleaver, band up togheter, waiting for an opportunity to strike civilisation and finaly, some are so evil they simply exiled themselves to their beloved depths and never rise again. Those are called the Drow elves. They are dark skinned elves, able to see perfectly trough darkness with their cat-like eyes. Their hairs have turned silver or white from the lack of sun. Masters in the art of dark magic, they are formidable opponents as they are naturaly taller and stronger than any human.
The society runs mostly on mushrooms harvesting and slavery. Most often dwarves who found themselves getting past the bedrock or some land dwelling creatures found during curiosity expeditions. However, at some rare occasions, nobles manage to buy some of their own race. This is the case of Seshira. her parents were not much in society and had debts over their head. and their only solution had been to sell their daughter, which was far from being called their beloved. She turned out to be of a ravishing beauty, more then the owner herself. jealousy came into play as she was forced in many task. maid was her profession and slave her title.
A miraculous escape of a dwarf from the great city of Verestrya led his people in war against the drow. It was a suprise attack, in which the drows quickly overrunned the small and bulky men. Seshira, took the occasion to run across the lines of dwarves, unarmored and almost naked. The dwarven saw into her a threat, but as soon as theyd see how bad she was treated, allowed her to leave to go on the land.
Poor and an outcast of every towns she visited. it was religion who saved her. a kind human priest took the demonic girl into his arms and brought her to the sanctuary feeding her and teaching the woman about the pantheon. Seshira did not enjoy much of the teachings even tough she owned the man alot. One day, the man was to speak about the Seamstress. Weaver of faith, Goddess of the shadows and watcher of love. it was a god she immediatly assumed as hers. then began her woshiping of the goddess.
She now lives into an undeground temple, in effigy to the goddess where she teaches others about it, greet travelers, offer food and lives a now peaceful life
Character Family: Two mushroom farmers. nothing much in society. has lost contact with them
Character Skills: Healing others. Acrobatics, Herbalism. Self defence (Unarmed).
Nickname on the server?: Faithweaver_Seshira