IP: play.FactionAction.net:25589
Dedicated server in France.
Get a cool title when using spoutcraft.jar For a better experince on our server we highly recommend downloading Bukkit/SpoutCraft Launcher:Spoutcraft LauncherMake sure its spoutcraft.jar not spoutcraft.zip and double click it to run with java not winrar.
FactionAction Trailer made by Erik5755 & TeamRax!
FactionAction review made by Seeker!
Our server has one of the most epic seeds, you will love it. I promise you!
Vote and bump for the server and get 10 free TNT for each day you vote.
When we hit max players we upgrade the server.
Visit our website/forums at, http://factionaction.net/ !
FactionAction is a fun PvP focused server that encourages all aspects of PvP such as raiding and killing for loot, our server has everything needed to ensure a great time for all players. The admins and moderators are always present to help and answer all of your questions. On your way to become the strongest, our only job is to make sure the PvP is going as fairly and smoothly as possible. We monitor the server to make sure all the players out there enjoy it.
So whether or not you want to be a blood thirsty killer of the rich, an honored defender of the weak, or just a smart merchant you can join our server.
Come join our server and become the strongest faction out there!
• 24/7 Dedicated Server.
• No Whitelist
• 100-Slot
• Arena fights and tournaments!
• Powerful anti-xray!
• Destroyable obsidian with a secret tactic, for better raiding!
• /f home command for everyone!
• Grand Shop
• Player owned shops (For donators).
• TNT Cannons are allowed to destroy protected areas or using creepers!
• Make your own powerful faction and have whoever you like join you.
• Train your combat skills (McMMO)
• We Encourage stealing and killing for loot.
• Dungeon map added!
• Become a gladiator in MobArena (Fight though waves of endless mobs and get rewards!)
• Hunt monsters at night and get first place for a slime ball!
• Mini-games and lots of events!
• Get money for pvp and killing your foes!
• Creative map for free building! ( you can use blink compass!)
• And a lot more!
-No vile language or spamming in chat.
-No crying and raging about abuse all the time after getting stolen or raided or even if Minecraft/plugin bugged.
-Respect Admins and Moderators (There are two admins only: Embty and Hellish)
-No teleports during combat.
-Any kind of teleportation glitching is bannable and no talking about hacks.
-Every base must be accessable. (You have to go in/out walking not using tps)
-No logging off during combat.
-No Hacking (Flying, Xray, ..etc)
-Our mods only help with answering and helping new players, and monitor the server. They have no powers at all.
-Message an admin in-case you witness someone hacking or if you have a complain, if you have screenshots save them so you can post them on the our forum in the right section. (/modreq)
•Somebody killed me and stole all my stuff, how do I get it back?
-You have you get it back, that is actually something we encourage so be careful, train, and defend your self.
•Is griefing allowed?
-Yes griefing is allowed since you can protect your land with claiming them using factions, the only thing that could destroy your objects on your claimed land is explosions. (TNT Shot with a cannon, creepers)
•An admin just teleported to me, is he going to attack me?
-No, the admins are there to monitor and work on the server to ensure you have the best time, ignore him being there.
•Admin, can I get get a tp to spawn? Can you spawn me this item?
-No, admins are there to make sure server is going well not to serve your whims!
•I saw someone hacking on the server, what should I do?
-Message an admin, also try to screenshoot or record the violation. We may ask that you post it later on our forums.
•I got banned unfairly and I want to object!
-There is a section in our forums for objections to bans and be sure if you were innocent your ban will be undone.
Ban System:
Your banned once you hack. even if you try to hack you will get banned.
Your feedback is important:
Do you have any suggestions? Something you want to change about the server? Anything that you didnt like? Have ideas for us to improve the server?
Well you are more than welcome to post a comment and write whatever you have in mind.
See you online! ign xxzzyy i voted diamonds please
FactionAction is back!!!!!!!!!!!! play.factionaction.net:25589
The epic pvp/faction server is back!
We had a lot downtime and a lot restarts and errors. :sad.gif:
They are all fixed and there is no longer need to reset again.
Everything is working how it should be!
We have a new minestatus where u can vote for us!
After u voted post something on this page.
Mobarena is working to get big rewards!!!
do /ma j to join the mobarena u pick a class and
when everyone clicked iron block the game start!
u get tped in a epic arena and u fight bosses swarms and any kind of mobs!
A lot of fun and u get rewards for it!
Warp pvp is back!!!!
Warp pvp is a feature that only factionaction have!
Try it out now!
clear your inventory and do /warp pvp
Do /kit knight to get armor and weapons choose a arena and fight!!!!
We have loosed a lot players after all errors we switched host to reduce the problems.
We have a great hos now 4gb dedicated sever in france.
Give the new factionaction a chance we sure u will like it.
And soon we have the 100 players back!!!!
i play wenever i can
Please support me I am new-ish to youtube and i am trying to get some publicity for me and my team TeamHectic
I chose :Diamond:diamonds:Diamond:
Minestatus Link
I voted! diamonds plz!
and I voted :smile.gif:
ign: that_person12345
i would like diamonds please :smile.gif:
I voted! diamonds plz
I love this server! BUMP
i commented more diamonds plz :smile.gif:
I voted!
I commented! Diamonds plz!
Man i love this server!