Tournament! Sign up for tournament
6 hours to go till it begins!
When u dont sign up u dont play!
When u sign up u must be online!
Dont sign up alts.(second accounts)
back to my app, I am 10art1, but the only person who I know 100% will be on is actcel, so if mods are allowed pair us up with 1 person but if not (or if he chooses not to) pair me up with 2 other people
Dude I come back from Quebec today and I was banned from the server. I was in Quebec on skype and was talking to worst and apparently glitched out of jail. I don't know what happened because I am at my cousin's house for the next couple of days and not allowed to download skype. But please explain and hopefully this will all be resolved.
Minestatus Link
Thanks! Gave your
-With Regards!
Minecraft Name: JCBiden
I'm in love with this server!
It's very different from every other basic survival server. The PVP/Faction part of it is just amazing.
Minestatus Link
my IGN is 10art1
sign me up faisalbu5 and fuadbo5 and omar121
in teams of me Darklordant and mtbstuffman
and other team goldevapour and silvervapour
thanks :biggrin.gif: