Experience in Minecraft: alot of multiplayer pvp servers, and have had minecraft for 2-3 months
Experience in TF2(If so, include your Steam ID): i have tf2 on xbox 360 (the orange box)
Why you think you should be a beta tester: because i can help the "fort wars community" and help find things that could improve.
What is the FIRST letter in this post?:f for the banner, w for the image thing
What is the last alphanumerical character in this post?: t in whitelisT (im not including names of people because it will change)
What is the minimum size for a submitted FortWars Map?: 100x301
Why are Obsidian and Adminium not allowed for Fort building?:because its indestructible for explosions? (it didn't really clarify)
Comments: thanks and i hope i can help out
Eh, I'm not much of a map genius, but I' so excited to be participating in this game! Don't worry, I'll give reviews. By the way, what server version is this? 1.5? 1.4? (Sorry if someone already answered this, wasn't looking at other posts like that )
Name: Ioase_Lord
Experience in Minecraft: About 6 months worth. I know a lot about different Minecraft aspects.
Experience in TF2(If so, include your Steam ID): None.
Why you think you should be a beta tester: I think I should be a beta tester because I can offer various suggestions/comments on the server. Personally, this seems really interesting and unique idea and I would love to play.
What is the FIRST letter in this post?: If you count the pictures, the F in the banner. If not, the S in Support Us!
What is the last alphanumerical character in this post?: Including what I write? . If not? :
What is the minimum size for a submitted FortWars Map?: 100 by 301.
Why are Obsidian and Adminium not allowed for Fort building?: Because they are either resistant to TNT and hard to break or impossible to break AND resistant to TNT.
Comments: Seems like a good server.
Name: Sparkcat2
Experience in Minecraft: Lots. :tongue.gif:. Been playing since Alpha.
Experience in TF2(Not Important): A few hours played.
Why you think you should be a beta tester: Seems pretty fun, and I'm looking for a good PvP server.
What is the FIRST letter in this post?: In the banner, an F. In the text, a W.
What is the last alphanumerical character in this post?: g
What is the minimum size for a submitted FortWars Map?: 100x301
Why are Obsidian and Adminium not allowed for Fort building?: Hard to destroy/can't be destroyed.
Name: Reilock
Experience in Minecraft: since alpha
Experience in TF2(If so, include your Steam ID): uh... i don't have steam ID but i played TF2 in internet cafes
Why you think you should be a beta tester: because i love testing out new stuff... and with all the experience i have in minecraft i can give my honest opinion
What is the FIRST letter in this post?: w
What is the last alphanumerical character in this post?: s
What is the minimum size for a submitted FortWars Map?: 100x 301
Why are Obsidian and Adminium not allowed for Fort building?: because it is hard to destroy and bedrock is impossible to destroy
Name: Pieperson2222
Experience in Minecraft: Several months, on different servers
Experience in TF2(If so, include your Steam ID): None
Why you think you should be a beta tester: This seems fun, and it would be interesting to see how an awful swordfighter but brilliant redstone engineer would do in this
What is the FIRST letter in this post?: W
What is the last alphanumerical character in this post?: S
What is the minimum size for a submitted FortWars Map?: 100x301
Why are Obsidian and Adminium not allowed for Fort building?: So the forts aren't indestrucable.
Comments: This looks like an amazing game. :smile.gif:
i might make a map hmmmm just need some inspiration and maybe a partner when i find out how to fix my server. also if anyone is creating a map could i help? i could be quite useful and im looking for something to do in my spare time.
OK guys, we have to sleep you know. We are back up and at it, crymtastic had a major headache and I'm at a place with a non-hosting computer, so the servers down and ryan couldn't add you yesterday.
If you become a map maker, and your map gets accepted, you get the following bonuses in-game:
- Supporter rank
- 1k 4tress Cash
- Name color of your choice
- A custom Supporter skin
If you become a map maker, and you create 3 maps that get accepted, you get the following bonuses in-game:
-VIP rank
-10k 4tress Cash
- Name color of your choice
- A custom VIP skin
- Voting powers (to kick, ban, or mute someone annoying you and others in-game)
If that doesn't appetize you enough, let me go more in-detail of the supporter and VIP ranks. They are also subject to change at any time.
Supporter rank
If you become a supporter, you get the following commands in-game: (slaying costs 200 4tress cash)
list, buy, playerlist, slay
That might seem little, but it will change after ryan and I go shopping for mods :tongue.gif:
VIP rank
This is the greater powered rank. You get the following commands in-game:
list, buy, playerlist, slay, votekick, votemute, voteban, color, warp,
That is also going to become greater when we go find some mods.
Now, with that out of the way, we are looking for SMP bukkit modders to help with this. If you are a good modder, or can at least mod somewhat for bukkit, WE NEED YOU. All of the mods to make this possible are probably not already made, and you MUST have skype so we can talk in it to work everything out. If you have skype and are a modder, PM me your skype-name so we can talk. There will be A LOT of bonuses if you become a modder. Lets suffice to say it'll be 2x more beneficial than if you were a VIP map maker.
Anyway, I was wondering if it would be fine to be used ingame.
And here's the download.
Experience in Minecraft: alot of multiplayer pvp servers, and have had minecraft for 2-3 months
Experience in TF2(If so, include your Steam ID): i have tf2 on xbox 360 (the orange box)
Why you think you should be a beta tester: because i can help the "fort wars community" and help find things that could improve.
What is the FIRST letter in this post?:f for the banner, w for the image thing
What is the last alphanumerical character in this post?: t in whitelisT (im not including names of people because it will change)
What is the minimum size for a submitted FortWars Map?: 100x301
Why are Obsidian and Adminium not allowed for Fort building?:because its indestructible for explosions? (it didn't really clarify)
Comments: thanks and i hope i can help out
Whats ur skype name? i have skype
I have used up up down down left right left right A B start select on life, i win.
Fail i kno
Experience in Minecraft: About 6 months worth. I know a lot about different Minecraft aspects.
Experience in TF2(If so, include your Steam ID): None.
Why you think you should be a beta tester: I think I should be a beta tester because I can offer various suggestions/comments on the server. Personally, this seems really interesting and unique idea and I would love to play.
What is the FIRST letter in this post?: If you count the pictures, the F in the banner. If not, the S in Support Us!
What is the last alphanumerical character in this post?: Including what I write? . If not? :
What is the minimum size for a submitted FortWars Map?: 100 by 301.
Why are Obsidian and Adminium not allowed for Fort building?: Because they are either resistant to TNT and hard to break or impossible to break AND resistant to TNT.
Comments: Seems like a good server.
Experience in Minecraft: Lots. :tongue.gif:. Been playing since Alpha.
Experience in TF2(Not Important): A few hours played.
Why you think you should be a beta tester: Seems pretty fun, and I'm looking for a good PvP server.
What is the FIRST letter in this post?: In the banner, an F. In the text, a W.
What is the last alphanumerical character in this post?: g
What is the minimum size for a submitted FortWars Map?: 100x301
Why are Obsidian and Adminium not allowed for Fort building?: Hard to destroy/can't be destroyed.
Experience in Minecraft: since alpha
Experience in TF2(If so, include your Steam ID): uh... i don't have steam ID but i played TF2 in internet cafes
Why you think you should be a beta tester: because i love testing out new stuff... and with all the experience i have in minecraft i can give my honest opinion
What is the FIRST letter in this post?: w
What is the last alphanumerical character in this post?: s
What is the minimum size for a submitted FortWars Map?: 100x 301
Why are Obsidian and Adminium not allowed for Fort building?: because it is hard to destroy and bedrock is impossible to destroy
Experience in Minecraft: Several months, on different servers
Experience in TF2(If so, include your Steam ID): None
Why you think you should be a beta tester: This seems fun, and it would be interesting to see how an awful swordfighter but brilliant redstone engineer would do in this
What is the FIRST letter in this post?: W
What is the last alphanumerical character in this post?: S
What is the minimum size for a submitted FortWars Map?: 100x301
Why are Obsidian and Adminium not allowed for Fort building?: So the forts aren't indestrucable.
Comments: This looks like an amazing game. :smile.gif:
Do I just make it in Alpha and give you the level.dat?
For example, blue would be:
red would be:
EDIT: You never responded to my post. Was I accepted/declined?
If you become a map maker, and your map gets accepted, you get the following bonuses in-game:
- Supporter rank
- 1k 4tress Cash
- Name color of your choice
- A custom Supporter skin
If you become a map maker, and you create 3 maps that get accepted, you get the following bonuses in-game:
-VIP rank
-10k 4tress Cash
- Name color of your choice
- A custom VIP skin
- Voting powers (to kick, ban, or mute someone annoying you and others in-game)
If that doesn't appetize you enough, let me go more in-detail of the supporter and VIP ranks. They are also subject to change at any time.
Supporter rank
If you become a supporter, you get the following commands in-game: (slaying costs 200 4tress cash)
list, buy, playerlist, slay
That might seem little, but it will change after ryan and I go shopping for mods :tongue.gif:
VIP rank
This is the greater powered rank. You get the following commands in-game:
list, buy, playerlist, slay, votekick, votemute, voteban, color, warp,
That is also going to become greater when we go find some mods.
Now, with that out of the way, we are looking for SMP bukkit modders to help with this. If you are a good modder, or can at least mod somewhat for bukkit, WE NEED YOU. All of the mods to make this possible are probably not already made, and you MUST have skype so we can talk in it to work everything out. If you have skype and are a modder, PM me your skype-name so we can talk. There will be A LOT of bonuses if you become a modder. Lets suffice to say it'll be 2x more beneficial than if you were a VIP map maker.
Awesome bro. Keep it up.