Age: 14
Time zone: Pacific standard
How often can you log in? Often
Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners? Yes
Do you have a microphone? Yes, but i don't like using it a lot, just cuz' I feel awkward
If not, are you able to get one? --
The server is 100% free and always will be. You only pay if you want to help out with funding, which you do not have to do. Although we will need some donations in order to keep going, because the server is quite pricey and we cannot keep it up ourselves for a long period of time.
Changed up the application form. Recoil1 and xlPickleBottlelx, are those both of your in-game names? And which faction do you intend to join? You can make up your mind later, no worries. I actually suggest that you do, first get a feel of what the server is like.
Ok, picklebottle I will add you as soon as you confirm your in-game name. Also recoil1 you are added to the list as well. Check this post on sunday to receive the IP and teh documentation will probably be up by then as well.
Thank you LouisCalvert. You do not need to donate, we are not asking you for money. Though guys please try to answer all of the questions in the application form, we never know if someone's forum name is their In-game name (IGN).
On sunday the 24th check this thread for the IP address, you will all be able to connect then. Also, the documentation is coming along pretty well =D
-Age:I wont say but if i have to i'll pm it
-Time zone:Central Time
-How often can you log in?Everyday
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners?Yep
-Do you have a microphone?Yes
-If not, are you able to get one?
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? (More on this in the documentation)Order of the blue moon
-What is your in-game name?Spike8241
-Time zone:Pacific
-How often can you log in?4 hours or more
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners?yes
-Do you have a microphone?yes
-If not, are you able to get one?have one
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? Rogue
-What is your in-game name?R3PAWN
-Age: 14
-Time zone: EST
-How often can you log in? 2-3 hours a day usualy
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners? Yes.
-Do you have a microphone? Yes, but can't actually use it (Parents are usualy 10 feet away....)
-If not, are you able to get one?
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? (More on this in the documentation) Stay a rouge at first, then perhaps join one later.
-What is your in-game name? kallious
-Age: 11 (mature though.)
-Time zone: US Central
-How often can you log in? After 4:00 PM on weekdays and anytime on weekends.
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners? Yeah.
-Do you have a microphone? yes, but I'm not gonna use it because of my age.
-If not, are you able to get one?
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). I'll go rogue for now
-What is your in-game name? karacus.
Alright, so far it seems that many of you guys think classes are a good idea, but some people do not like it, and many think changes need to be done to the system.
This server is for the players, please, if you have any concern about the classes system, post a reply to this thread depicting what changes you think should be made, and your thoughts will be taken into consideration.
Everyone is added by the way, make sure to check back on this very thread (I will also PM you) for the IP address. The gates open on sunday, April the 24th. Everyone who applied will be able to go on the server and start playing!
-Age: 22
-Time zone: EST
-How often can you log in? Several times a day
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners? Yes
-Do you have a microphone? Yes
-If not, are you able to get one?
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? If my friends and I join this server we will create our own faction.
-What is your in-game name? mattschol
I voted against the class system but an economic class system might be cool, have things like woodcutter, miner, cook. Everyone would still be able to do everything but it just would be faster for people of that class.
Thank you for your input mattschol. You are added to the list, make sure to check back on Sunday for the IP.
An economic system would be very nice, however it is impossible, or just very hard to do that. We can easily make it so that only one class can let's say, place cakes, or make bread, that we can do. However we cannot, at least not to my knowledge, make certain people be able to mine faster, without giving everyone that same ability. I hope you understand.
Other than that, thanks for applying and we will see you on Sunday =D
Alright! Spawn is nearly finished, Koorodoo is also getting ready, the World Storage is finished, and so are the plots of land, and each faction's capitals are also growing!
Everyone that applied make sure to check both the thread and your message box's on Sunday the 24th for the IP address. You will all be whitelisted, and you will be able to play!
Also, can anyone else give some input on the classes idea? We need more community input about that one.
-Time zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
-How often can you log in?: Everyday Bro.
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners?: Yes And i thank you for this :smile.gif:
-Do you have a microphone?: Yes.
-If not, are you able to get one?: Yes.
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? (More on this in the documentation):The Abyssal Lords but i wont make a final decision until the other one is named :smile.gif:
-What is your in-game name?: FattyMatty77
id also be happy to help come up with some class ideas.
-Age: 17
-Time zone: Est
-How often can you log in? 2-4 Hours a day
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners? Yes
-Do you have a microphone? Yes
-If not, are you able to get one? Yes
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? (More on this in the documentation) I wish to join a Faction and participate in a community environment.
-What is your in-game name? DalaxVanstone
However can forum moderators please let this thread remain? I want to have access to the application forms.
Time zone: Pacific standard
How often can you log in? Often
Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners? Yes
Do you have a microphone? Yes, but i don't like using it a lot, just cuz' I feel awkward
If not, are you able to get one? --
I guess I should add that to the post.
On sunday the 24th check this thread for the IP address, you will all be able to connect then. Also, the documentation is coming along pretty well =D
-Time zone:Central Time
-How often can you log in?Everyday
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners?Yep
-Do you have a microphone?Yes
-If not, are you able to get one?
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? (More on this in the documentation)Order of the blue moon
-What is your in-game name?Spike8241
-Time zone:Pacific
-How often can you log in?4 hours or more
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners?yes
-Do you have a microphone?yes
-If not, are you able to get one?have one
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? Rogue
-What is your in-game name?R3PAWN
<!-- m -->
Yay for people joining factions!
-Time zone: EST
-How often can you log in? 2-3 hours a day usualy
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners? Yes.
-Do you have a microphone? Yes, but can't actually use it (Parents are usualy 10 feet away....)
-If not, are you able to get one?
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? (More on this in the documentation) Stay a rouge at first, then perhaps join one later.
-What is your in-game name? kallious
-Time zone: US Central
-How often can you log in? After 4:00 PM on weekdays and anytime on weekends.
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners? Yeah.
-Do you have a microphone? yes, but I'm not gonna use it because of my age.
-If not, are you able to get one?
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). I'll go rogue for now
-What is your in-game name? karacus.
This server is for the players, please, if you have any concern about the classes system, post a reply to this thread depicting what changes you think should be made, and your thoughts will be taken into consideration.
Everyone is added by the way, make sure to check back on this very thread (I will also PM you) for the IP address. The gates open on sunday, April the 24th. Everyone who applied will be able to go on the server and start playing!
Happy Mining!
-Time zone: EST
-How often can you log in? Several times a day
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners? Yes
-Do you have a microphone? Yes
-If not, are you able to get one?
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? If my friends and I join this server we will create our own faction.
-What is your in-game name? mattschol
I voted against the class system but an economic class system might be cool, have things like woodcutter, miner, cook. Everyone would still be able to do everything but it just would be faster for people of that class.
An economic system would be very nice, however it is impossible, or just very hard to do that. We can easily make it so that only one class can let's say, place cakes, or make bread, that we can do. However we cannot, at least not to my knowledge, make certain people be able to mine faster, without giving everyone that same ability. I hope you understand.
Other than that, thanks for applying and we will see you on Sunday =D
Everyone that applied make sure to check both the thread and your message box's on Sunday the 24th for the IP address. You will all be whitelisted, and you will be able to play!
Also, can anyone else give some input on the classes idea? We need more community input about that one.
-Time zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
-How often can you log in?: Everyday Bro.
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners?: Yes And i thank you for this :smile.gif:
-Do you have a microphone?: Yes.
-If not, are you able to get one?: Yes.
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? (More on this in the documentation):The Abyssal Lords but i wont make a final decision until the other one is named :smile.gif:
-What is your in-game name?: FattyMatty77
id also be happy to help come up with some class ideas.
-Time zone: Est
-How often can you log in? 2-4 Hours a day
-Do you understand that this server is funded by the community as well as the owners? Yes
-Do you have a microphone? Yes
-If not, are you able to get one? Yes
-There are 3 factions currently (Order of the Blue Moon, The Abyssal Lords, and one that is nameless). Do you wish to join one of them, or stay a rogue (No faction)? (More on this in the documentation) I wish to join a Faction and participate in a community environment.
-What is your in-game name? DalaxVanstone