I would love to be on the white list.If your looking for a guy that brings in a sugar cane haul of over200 a night, that's me. I'm somewhat a good builder with a pretty creative mind. I'm logical and smart. Hope I'll be buildin' with ya soon. Username=Thombomb64:iapprove:
Hello , i would like to be whitelisted if it's possible :smile.gif:
Added now go build our server some awesome **** lol
Thank You !
I could build like a church and such ( a really big one , but i need /give it will take forever to build it by normal gathering ) , anyway i started making miself a home , that's what i need first:P :smile.gif:
P.s. I live in Gmt +2 , nobody online and why is the shop closed ?:tongue.gif:
(Started on my mansion , it's a lil big but im sure after i finish it will look good , hope you will let me keep it :tongue.gif: )
Sorry took so long to reply PC's hard drive went out was brand new too lol got me a new 2tb one :tongue.gif: but i had no clue shop was closed ill check it out and i am going to move your mansion closer to the road its to far out there i kinda want everything to be together no huge seperating yards and such
Well the room from the mansion to the road will include a swimming pool ,a little garden and a little wooden cottage :tongue.gif: but if you don't want yard i have no choice then to comply :biggrin.gif:
i was looking its actually good ill leave it its fine keep up the good work. we need a hotel on my old server i had a 36 room one 6 on each floor and 6 floors high
Well the room from the mansion to the road will include a swimming pool ,a little garden and a little wooden cottage :tongue.gif: but if you don't want yard i have no choice then to comply :biggrin.gif:
i was looking its actually good ill leave it its fine keep up the good work. we need a hotel on my old server i had a 36 room one 6 on each floor and 6 floors high
it's not a hotel , it's my house :smile.gif:) if want me to build stuff like hotel, chatedrall i need access to item spawn
I know yours isn't a hotel lol but ill give you the money to buy materials with to build the hotel if you want to build me one ill do a cathedral later
I really want to join this server because im looking for a more modern economy wise server, with no pvp. I like being rich and just surviving TOGETHER. Not battling.
EDIT: I can build a hotel. Just a basic one though.
I really want to join this server because im looking for a more modern economy wise server, with no pvp. I like being rich and just surviving TOGETHER. Not battling.
EDIT: I can build a hotel. Just a basic one though.
sucess icoland now works for everyone use iconomy money to buy and protect your land here is the commands
/icl - shows /icl help
/icl help - help screen
/icl list - lists all properties
/icl select [cancel|fullheight] - land selection tool ( right click 2 corners ), or with optional parameters, cancel - cancels current selection, fullheight - modifies selection to be full height
/icl info [here|LANDID] - shows more specific info on a single land, with just /icl info it shows you info on the selected land ( or the land you are currently in if nothing selected ), /icl info here shows you info of the area you are standing in, /icl info <LANDID> will show you info on a specific land ID#
/icl buy land - this command buys the land currently selected for the price listed under /icl info
/icl buy addon <ADDON> <LANDID> - buys the specified <ADDON> for the specified <LANDID> - addon prices are listed under /icl info
/icl sell land <LANDID> - sells the land specified by <LANDID> ( price has a "salestax" % it will buyback the land at
/icl sell addon <ADDON> <LANDID> - sells the specified <ADDON> at the specified <LANDID>
/icl edit <LANDID> name <LOCATION NAME>
/icl edit <LANDID> perms <PERMTAGS>
IGN: OliTheG
Why?: Ive spent ages looking for a good iconomy server with "jobs" as such, and since prisoncraft went down i've been all alone:(
well your welcome to stay on our server lol with elevators and bridges and gates and music and shops and and and lol so much just enjoy donate if you like if your a good builder i can give you builders class but you have to show you can build good looking stuff EVERYONE IM CHANGING THE MONEY START RATE TO 200 and adding iNterEsT
I guess i am going to sell the server to someone who wants it i dont have time for it anymore i will sell setup craftbukkit buld 733 server with all plugins, map , and the setup vps 2gb ram 4gb burstable and 1tb of bandwidth. cost 20 dollars a month server payment is due on the 22nd of may to 123systems.net can use paypal with donation liks to get donators and pay for server. selling it for 25 dollars want it PM me hosting is just to much for me as i got a job
All admins are trusted on the server they paid for server to be up and everything
you can only have one account which one?
Added now go build our server some awesome **** lol
Sorry took so long to reply PC's hard drive went out was brand new too lol got me a new 2tb one :tongue.gif: but i had no clue shop was closed ill check it out and i am going to move your mansion closer to the road its to far out there i kinda want everything to be together no huge seperating yards and such
i was looking its actually good ill leave it its fine keep up the good work. we need a hotel on my old server i had a 36 room one 6 on each floor and 6 floors high
I know yours isn't a hotel lol but ill give you the money to buy materials with to build the hotel if you want to build me one ill do a cathedral later
Age: 14
I really want to join this server because im looking for a more modern economy wise server, with no pvp. I like being rich and just surviving TOGETHER. Not battling.
EDIT: I can build a hotel. Just a basic one though.
added and i got someone on the hotel already
Alias: Elvish_Song
well your welcome to stay on our server lol with elevators and bridges and gates and music and shops and and and lol so much just enjoy donate if you like if your a good builder i can give you builders class but you have to show you can build good looking stuff EVERYONE IM CHANGING THE MONEY START RATE TO 200 and adding iNterEsT
All admins are trusted on the server they paid for server to be up and everything