Minecraft Name: sykku
Reason you want to join: I haven't seen a leveling system in minecraft and think it will make the experience much more fun! I feel like it will be a server that is easier to stay on because of the leveling system. In other servers, if i lose everything there is little reason to continue on it unless I really have some good friends. However, on this server i'll never really lose "everything"
When you first started playing Minecraft: I started minecraft just a couple months back.
Why you would be a benefit to our community: I would benefit to the community like any good player would. I would be friendly and work together, hopefully encouraging strong friendships and making the server populated.
Minecraft Name: Multimarcus111
Reason you want to join: Cause i would like to rape austen
When you first started playing Minecraft: Austen demanded me to buy it
Why you would be a benefit to our community: Because i made austen my *****
Minecraft Name:Drewque
Reason you want to join:My friends showed me this server.Its awesome.
When you first started playing Minecraft:August 13th,2010.
Why you would be a benefit to our community:I would like to build a house,hangout with friends,kill monsters.
Sound's like a fun place.
Minecraft Name: Jakerszzzz
Reason you want to join: I played as a guest for a bit, Everyone was nice, and for once, i have No chat lag! :biggrin.gif:
When you first started playing Minecraft: about a month ago, but im not THAT much of a noob :smile.gif:
Why you would be a benefit to our community: I can build stuff if you want, and i can maybe help/welcome people
Minecraft Name: MegaBunnySuicide
Reason you want to join: RP and leveling sounds epic
When you first started playing Minecraft: Jan 2011
Why you would be a benefit to our community: I'm always building things that make the game more enjoyable and interesting
Minecraft Name: blackeye0912
Reason you want to join: Because I want to try out a MMO-craft, sounds kinda... new and fun?
When you first started playing Minecraft: Some time during alpha.
Why you would be a benefit to our community: I want a server which has a great community and is fun to play at, and in return I can give the server another player who follows the rules and makes the server generally better.
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Quote from Jimmybobjr »
Theres a Difference between "Unrealistic" and "Completely Retarded"
Minecraft Name: Drepic26
Reason you want to join: i like leveling :smile.gif:
When you first started playing Minecraft:a while ago... i cant rembember
Why you would be a benefit to our community: awesome redstone SKILLZ
I think i heard that there will be some updates / other things being done to the server today. I don't know when it will be back up, but that's what i heard!
Minecraft Name: Nimbo566
Reason you want to join: Seems like a great server and leveling system gives reason to play alot
When you first started playing Minecraft: About 3 months ago
Why you would be a benefit to our community:: I would benefit because i always follow rules and im willing to have fun or be serious when needed :biggrin.gif:
You would think he would tell us why the downtime instead of leave us in the dark.
Sorry, I posted on the main thread a while ago. Our server provider is having issues and we're trying to get it up ASAP. Hopefully we can get enough money somehow for a better server.
Reason you want to join: I haven't seen a leveling system in minecraft and think it will make the experience much more fun! I feel like it will be a server that is easier to stay on because of the leveling system. In other servers, if i lose everything there is little reason to continue on it unless I really have some good friends. However, on this server i'll never really lose "everything"
When you first started playing Minecraft: I started minecraft just a couple months back.
Why you would be a benefit to our community: I would benefit to the community like any good player would. I would be friendly and work together, hopefully encouraging strong friendships and making the server populated.
Reason you want to join: Cause i would like to rape austen
When you first started playing Minecraft: Austen demanded me to buy it
Why you would be a benefit to our community: Because i made austen my *****
Reason you want to join:My friends showed me this server.Its awesome.
When you first started playing Minecraft:August 13th,2010.
Why you would be a benefit to our community:I would like to build a house,hangout with friends,kill monsters.
Sound's like a fun place.
Reason you want to join: I played as a guest for a bit, Everyone was nice, and for once, i have No chat lag! :biggrin.gif:
When you first started playing Minecraft: about a month ago, but im not THAT much of a noob :smile.gif:
Why you would be a benefit to our community: I can build stuff if you want, and i can maybe help/welcome people
Reason you want to join: RP and leveling sounds epic
When you first started playing Minecraft: Jan 2011
Why you would be a benefit to our community: I'm always building things that make the game more enjoyable and interesting
Reason you want to join: Because I want to try out a MMO-craft, sounds kinda... new and fun?
When you first started playing Minecraft: Some time during alpha.
Why you would be a benefit to our community: I want a server which has a great community and is fun to play at, and in return I can give the server another player who follows the rules and makes the server generally better.
Reason you want to join: i like leveling :smile.gif:
When you first started playing Minecraft:a while ago... i cant rembember
Why you would be a benefit to our community: awesome redstone SKILLZ
Reason you want to join: Seems like a great server and leveling system gives reason to play alot
When you first started playing Minecraft: About 3 months ago
Why you would be a benefit to our community:: I would benefit because i always follow rules and im willing to have fun or be serious when needed :biggrin.gif:
Sorry, I posted on the main thread a while ago. Our server provider is having issues and we're trying to get it up ASAP. Hopefully we can get enough money somehow for a better server.