A simple server running with no mods from my computer.
Post to be added to whitelist.
1. Respect the work of others. (no griefing, stealing, or modifying)
2. Don't build things that have no artistic or useful purpose/point. (such as 1x1 towers or holes, random blocks)
3. Be kind to the other players.
That's about it. Join and help to populate this new map with structures. :biggrin.gif:
Hey, my boyfriend and I would like to be whitelisted. We have been looking for a vanilla server to play in and this looks exactly like what we were looking for :].
Post to be added to whitelist.
1. Respect the work of others. (no griefing, stealing, or modifying)
2. Don't build things that have no artistic or useful purpose/point. (such as 1x1 towers or holes, random blocks)
3. Be kind to the other players.
That's about it. Join and help to populate this new map with structures. :biggrin.gif:
Theso ftw! I give this 4.75 s out of 5.
I added a whitelist. Kelsor was op'd because he is a friend in real life. Post if you want to be whitelisted.
Also, I make a good OP ^^
Sorry. Didn't realize the server wasn't running anymore. >.< Added.
whitelist please :biggrin.gif:
IGN: novolos
**** got real.
(Epic battle, screaming, I cried, people suffocated in gravel and people fell into lava. And a creeper fell from the sky.)
My IGN: Marlett
His IGN: Aprahamian
IGN: Aprahamian
vanilla is what im looking for