IGN: jonyeung Age: 17 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I may not have done anything on a grand scale but I have been thinking/ planning on doing something large and detailed. I have helped on my friend's server build a subway track as well as an underwater incinerator. I hope to help build something big on this server. What would you bring to the server?: I will bring a good attitude. I am willing to help in the projects and can follow directions when given. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Youtube Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2312 What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
IGN: jonyeung Age: 17 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I may not have done anything on a grand scale but I have been thinking/ planning on doing something large and detailed. I have helped on my friend's server build a subway track as well as an underwater incinerator. I hope to help build something big on this server. What would you bring to the server?: I will bring a good attitude. I am willing to help in the projects and can follow directions when given. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Youtube Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2312 What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
IGN: ShadowGunX Age: 17 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Built a 1:1 scale model of the Biltmore estate What would you bring to the server?: I think I would bring a lot to the server I am very good at roleplaying How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Found while searching on the forum. What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
IGN:eggmoe Age:17 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Run my own server with a few friends, we like to pvp and build castles. What would you bring to the server?: I love Middle-Earth dwarves, and would make some kickass mines and fortresses. How did you find MCME?: Saw the trailer. Love at first sight. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2221 What is the secret message?: funyons
IGN: GimpyCats Age: 19 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:well, not really, but I built a 1 to 1 scale of the coliseum (the map was reset about a week after i finished :sad.gif: ) What would you bring to the server?: im a pretty good builder and everything i build needs to be perfect. I guess i would bring determination and precise building. i will completely rebuild if something isnt symmetrical How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Dr4gun0v99 Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Awaiting Approval What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): Funyons
IGN: koaster Age: 16 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Proud member of icannt server, and a few large building projects. What would you bring to the server?: I will be happy to help out around the server with any tasks that people may have, If their are any questions that need answering i will try my hardest to find the correct answer. I'm a bright and positive person who is just looking to help. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Through the videos page on minecraftforums. the new trailer. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2310 What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): The secret message is: funyons.
IGN: coreywaslegend Age: 23 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Currently working on an SMP/PVP/RP server recreation of Westeros from Game of Thrones. What would you bring to the server?: I've been following MCME for quite some time and I feel that I am ready (time/commitment-wise) to help bring this recreation to life. I am a strong leader when asked to take on responsibilities but also am content to follow a set plan and see it to 100% completion. I play minecraft for the immersion in the worlds and I will do whatever I can to help make MCME as immersible as possible. After a dedicated amount of time helping out on the server I will *hopefully* be applying to one of the higher up member positions. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Minecraft Forums Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Middle-Earth Forum Account - coreywaslegend What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons!
IGN: MrCanK Age: 16 (At the limit) Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Not much... I helped building a city. What would you bring to the server?: I'll have lots of free time, I'll obey whatever you say and I'll work hard to help. How did you find MCME? : I saw a video of it and loved it. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: MrCanK What is the secret message? : funyons
IGN: Templarnm
Age: 16
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Made a server for me and a few buddies from school, made a decent sized castle,
What would you bring to the server?: I think I could bring some humour, some more manual labour and anything else you'd need.
How did you find MCME?: I found out about MCME through The Dead Workers Party, thanks a lot!
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: I think it's still waiting to be approved by the admins, I only registered the other day.
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
PS Yea, like I said, my Middle-Earth forum account still needs to be activated by the admins, however, I'm looking forward to you responding. Thanks for your time.
IGN:magmabolt Age: 21 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: admin to a small private server What would you bring to the server?: Work well with others and listen to orders well. I also have an associates degree in digital media, so I have a very good eye for visual aesthetics How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): youtube Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
IGN: Monkip
Age: 19
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I love building
What would you bring to the server?: Anything you want I am here to do your bidding my master. I am very eager to help on this project it looks like a lot of fun and work
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): My friend told me about it Eggmoe
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: It's still being processed I just signed up today
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
IGN: joshmahurin Age: 20 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I was a member of an anarcho-communist server and messed around with some projects on there but none that I kept pictures of or that turned out all that great. What would you bring to the server?: Attention to detail, activity, fun attitude, desire to do my part, lots of good stuff I promise :smile.gif: How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): I saw a video on these forums and nearly fainted. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2289 What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): "The secret message is: funyons."
IGN: Voxy Age: 21 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: User since pre-Alpha. Once I got really lost really far away from my spawn point and survived long enough to bring all of my precious nether materials back home. Navigated by gut instinct without a compass. :tongue.gif: What would you bring to the server?: Love and knowledge of Lord of the Rings, creativity, backbreaking labor. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): r/minecraft on Reddit. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Voxy (awaiting approval). What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons.
IGN: Skarrow Age: 18 Why you want to be whitelisted: I have always loved the Lord of the Rings books and lore, and feel like I can be a great help if you let me recreate middle earth with you guys! I am also friendly and artisticly inclined. Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I have built large towers and towns, I also know all sorts of good tricks with castles and I know how to mix and match blocks well. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): r/minecraft on Reddit. What is the secret message? ...funyons??
pic of one of my towns
can't wait to start working on this with you guys! Thanks a lot.
Added magmabolt, Monkip, and Josh Mahurin. Welcome!
Still waiting on you two (Skarrow & Voxy)
Please Note that on ever Minecraft update we wait several days until Notch fnishes releasing bug fixes for his latest update and bukkit finishes updating (along with all plugins). Right now we're still running 1.5
Sorry I messed up my in game name is joshmahurin. I forgot that my name on these forums is different so I just put it down without thinking. I registered on your forums with the correct name though.
Age: 17
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I may not have done anything on a grand scale but I have been thinking/ planning on doing something large and detailed. I have helped on my friend's server build a subway track as well as an underwater incinerator. I hope to help build something big on this server.
What would you bring to the server?: I will bring a good attitude. I am willing to help in the projects and can follow directions when given.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Youtube
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2312
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
Added. See you on the server.
Age: 17
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Built a 1:1 scale model of the Biltmore estate
What would you bring to the server?: I think I would bring a lot to the server I am very good at roleplaying
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Found while searching on the forum.
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Run my own server with a few friends, we like to pvp and build castles.
What would you bring to the server?: I love Middle-Earth dwarves, and would make some kickass mines and fortresses.
How did you find MCME?: Saw the trailer. Love at first sight.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2221
What is the secret message?: funyons
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I have made two underground biomes:
1.Underwater Biome 2.Tree Biome H*W*T 27*22*22
What would you bring to the server?: Alot of good tunnels.
How did you find MCME?(if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): The Middle Earth video on the forums.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2300
What is the secret message?(You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
Age: 19
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:well, not really, but I built a 1 to 1 scale of the coliseum (the map was reset about a week after i finished :sad.gif: )
What would you bring to the server?: im a pretty good builder and everything i build needs to be perfect. I guess i would bring determination and precise building. i will completely rebuild if something isnt symmetrical
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Dr4gun0v99
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Awaiting Approval
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): Funyons
Age: 16
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Proud member of icannt server, and a few large building projects.
What would you bring to the server?: I will be happy to help out around the server with any tasks that people may have, If their are any questions that need answering i will try my hardest to find the correct answer. I'm a bright and positive person who is just looking to help.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Through the videos page on minecraftforums. the new trailer.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2310
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): The secret message is: funyons.
Age: 23
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Currently working on an SMP/PVP/RP server recreation of Westeros from Game of Thrones.
What would you bring to the server?: I've been following MCME for quite some time and I feel that I am ready (time/commitment-wise) to help bring this recreation to life. I am a strong leader when asked to take on responsibilities but also am content to follow a set plan and see it to 100% completion. I play minecraft for the immersion in the worlds and I will do whatever I can to help make MCME as immersible as possible. After a dedicated amount of time helping out on the server I will *hopefully* be applying to one of the higher up member positions.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Minecraft Forums
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Middle-Earth Forum Account - coreywaslegend
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons!
Age: 16 (At the limit)
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Not much... I helped building a city.
What would you bring to the server?: I'll have lots of free time, I'll obey whatever you say and I'll work hard to help.
How did you find MCME? : I saw a video of it and loved it.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: MrCanK
What is the secret message? : funyons
Age: 16
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Made a server for me and a few buddies from school, made a decent sized castle,
What would you bring to the server?: I think I could bring some humour, some more manual labour and anything else you'd need.
How did you find MCME?: I found out about MCME through The Dead Workers Party, thanks a lot!
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: I think it's still waiting to be approved by the admins, I only registered the other day.
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
PS Yea, like I said, my Middle-Earth forum account still needs to be activated by the admins, however, I'm looking forward to you responding. Thanks for your time.
EDIT*** It says its an outdated server? what version do you guys play in?
Age: 21
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: admin to a small private server
What would you bring to the server?: Work well with others and listen to orders well. I also have an associates degree in digital media, so I have a very good eye for visual aesthetics
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): youtube
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
Age: 19
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I love building
What would you bring to the server?: Anything you want I am here to do your bidding my master. I am very eager to help on this project it looks like a lot of fun and work
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): My friend told me about it Eggmoe
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: It's still being processed I just signed up today
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
Age: 20
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I was a member of an anarcho-communist server and messed around with some projects on there but none that I kept pictures of or that turned out all that great.
What would you bring to the server?: Attention to detail, activity, fun attitude, desire to do my part, lots of good stuff I promise :smile.gif:
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): I saw a video on these forums and nearly fainted.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2289
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): "The secret message is: funyons."
Age: 21
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: User since pre-Alpha. Once I got really lost really far away from my spawn point and survived long enough to bring all of my precious nether materials back home. Navigated by gut instinct without a compass. :tongue.gif:
What would you bring to the server?: Love and knowledge of Lord of the Rings, creativity, backbreaking labor.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): r/minecraft on Reddit.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Voxy (awaiting approval).
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons.
Age: 18
Why you want to be whitelisted: I have always loved the Lord of the Rings books and lore, and feel like I can be a great help if you let me recreate middle earth with you guys! I am also friendly and artisticly inclined.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I have built large towers and towns, I also know all sorts of good tricks with castles and I know how to mix and match blocks well.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): r/minecraft on Reddit.
What is the secret message? ...funyons??
pic of one of my towns
can't wait to start working on this with you guys! Thanks a lot.
Still waiting on you two (Skarrow & Voxy)
Please Note that on ever Minecraft update we wait several days until Notch fnishes releasing bug fixes for his latest update and bukkit finishes updating (along with all plugins). Right now we're still running 1.5